About the Author
Tim Dustrude

Just another part-timer - Part time photographer at ThisIsOurTown.com and Dustrude.com, part time graphic artist, part time blogger at Occasionally a New Photo . And now... full time editor at The San Juan Update.

Recent Posts by Tim

San Juan Island Fiber Optic Cable Cut

November 5, 2013 at 10:38 pm

This note came in from CenturyLink’s public relations manager: A fiber optic cable has been cut underwater between Lopez and San Juan Islands impacting CenturyLink services, including 911 services, throughout the islands. 911 services on San Juan Island have been rerouted to the local 911 center. In case of an emergency, residents on Lopez Island  Continue Reading

Guest Column – Internet & Phone Services Down

November 5, 2013 at 12:23 pm

San Juan Update guest columnist Mike Martin checks in with this report about today’s phone and internet outage: San Juan Island’s internet and telephone service was interrupted for approximately 4 hours today, [Ed. note: Mike wrote this before we all knew the extent of the outage] forcing many islanders to work an entire morning and  Continue Reading

CANCELLED – Matt Gano “Do It, Imagine” at Brickworks

November 5, 2013 at 11:09 am

Editor’s note – Just got news that the Wednesday Nov. 6 event at Brickworks has been cancelled due to illness. The tentative reschedule date is Thurs., December 5th. Come to Brickworks for free poetry by Matt Gano and music by local musicians Nickie Davis and Forrest Marowitz! Light food will be on sale to help  Continue Reading

Phone/Internet Outage

November 5, 2013 at 11:01 am

Here’s the latest from SJ DEM (Posting this at 5:05 pm, Tuesday): Updated info from CenturyLink is that outage is due to problem with the underwater cable between Lopez and San Juan Islands. No ETA for return of service, but this is a significant repair that will require specialized equipment and personnel to fix. Islanders  Continue Reading

Singer/Guitarist Concocts Own Brand of Blues

November 5, 2013 at 5:55 am

He’s toured, recorded and performed with some of the top names in music, including BB King, Taj Mahal and the Dave Matthews Band. At the same time, he’s managed to carve out his own niche in blues. Guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter Corey Harris shares his unique musicianship during a concert at San Juan Community Theatre  Continue Reading

A Letter from Howard and Rebecca

November 5, 2013 at 5:45 am

Howard and Rebecca have sent this letter to share with you: We, the owners of “Howard’s Sell It Again” Howard Crowell and Rebecca Hughes are sad and sorry to announce that we will be closing the store at the end of December at our current location of First & Spring Streets. Our consignment boutique sub-let  Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

November 5, 2013 at 5:30 am

Meet this beautiful girl Missy! She is a 10 year old tabby patch with the most mesmerizing green eyes. She gets along well with the other cats but mostly just stays to herself. She loves when our volunteer s come in to visit her and will never turn down a chance to be loved on.  Continue Reading

Yesterday and Tomorrow

November 4, 2013 at 5:50 am

I was invited along with some other members of our local media to a preview presentation at the San Juan Historical Society last week. There, we got to meet with Kevin Loftus, Don Nixon, Fred Yockers, Mary Jean Cahail and Romona Jones. They are in the process of putting together a Museum of History and  Continue Reading

Salmon Pot Pie

November 4, 2013 at 5:40 am

Chef Hobbes offers up this great sounding salmon pie recipe for you to try out… This is an awesome fish pie. Not really a pot pie because it only has a top crust, but you can make it with a bottom if you like. The crust is puff pastry which you can make or use  Continue Reading

Open House & Annual Sale at Griffin Bay Books

November 4, 2013 at 5:22 am

Anniversary Open House on Saturday, November 9, 10:00 am—6:00 pm 20% off on all books in the store It’s November and time for Griffin Bay Bookstore’s annual Open House and Sale. Bookstore owner Laura Norris and her team are celebrating 34 years of bookselling on Saturday, November 9, 10:00 am—6:00 pm with a storewide sale  Continue Reading

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