About the Author
Tim Dustrude

Just another part-timer - Part time photographer at ThisIsOurTown.com and Dustrude.com, part time graphic artist, part time blogger at Occasionally a New Photo . And now... full time editor at The San Juan Update.

Recent Posts by Tim

Conscientious Projector Series

February 22, 2013 at 5:02 am

Rob Simpson has another one lined up for next Monday night. Here’s Rob with more info: Next Monday is Conscientious Projector night again at our library. (February 25,  7:00 PM in the main room) So, what’s this month’s film about…? Some of the more daring wings of science have been looking into unexplainable things that traditional science chooses  Continue Reading

Swans in Flight

February 21, 2013 at 5:08 pm

Once again, John Miller supplies a beautiful nature photo – this time: Swans in Flight over on Fir Island.

Rick says “Thanks!”

February 21, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Congratulations to Lisa Byers, Lovell Pratt and Bob Jarman for their recent primary victories. I look forward to seeing each of you over the next few months on the campaign trail. I would like to thank supporters and friends who stepped up and voted for me in the primary. It is an honor to serve  Continue Reading

Wolf Hollow

February 21, 2013 at 5:30 am

Jan Murphy at Wolf Hollow sent an email with this heartwarming story. If you would like to receive email notifications like this, send her a note at SanJuanJan [@] gmail . com to let her know and she’ll get you fixed right up. Here’s her story: This cute little Saw Whet owl was found by island  Continue Reading

KWIT going again this week…

February 21, 2013 at 5:20 am

Jan Bollwinkel-Smith over at the community theater wants you to know that the hit show KWIT Radio Hour returns for four more shows tonight through Sunday. Friday and Saturday are filling up but there are more seats available for Thursday night and Sunday matinee. Tickets are available at 378-3210 or www.sjctheatre.org  

Epigenetics – Tonight

February 21, 2013 at 5:10 am

Epigenetics the subject of next Arthur Whiteley Lecture. On Thursday February 21, Charles Laird, Professor of Biology at the University of Washington, Associate Director for Fragile X Research in the University’s Center on Human Development and Disability, will present a lecture entitled Epigenetic information channels the genome: insights from human disease. Epigenetics is a rapidly  Continue Reading

Birth Announcement: Elsie Joyce Thomsen

February 20, 2013 at 5:20 am

Emily and Ian Thomsen happily announce the birth of their daughter Elsie Joyce Thomsen on January 24, 2013 in Missoula, Montana. Elsie weighed 8 lbs. and was 21 inches long. Elsie’s ecstatic uncle is Elliot Robinson Thomsen.  Marty Robinson of San Juan Island, Tim Thomsen of Friday Harbor and Dana and Greg Howell of Ketchum,  Continue Reading

Support your local park

February 20, 2013 at 5:06 am

San Juan Update investigative reporter Louise Dustrude checks in and files this report:  How do you maintain a world-class public park without any tax support? It’s not easy.   Lime Kiln Point State Park, also known as Whale Watch Park, is one of the few places in the world where you can watch whales up close  Continue Reading

Northern Harrier

February 19, 2013 at 5:54 am

Local photographer John Miller went on a photo safari last week and captured quite a few beautiful wildlife images that he’ll be sharing with us. Below is a female Northern Harrier hawk he saw on Fir Island, last Friday. Thanks John! And just in case you didn’t know – Fir Island is where you’re at when  Continue Reading

Tree planting event a success

February 19, 2013 at 5:25 am

It’s so cool when people come together and do stuff like this for the community. Minnie Knych was there and she has the story on the tree planting event at the ball fields last Sunday. Here’s her report: San Juan Island’s spirit of cooperation and support was on display once again at the Friday Harbor  Continue Reading

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