Hello, I am Toda. My story is a sad one… When I was younger someone tied firecrackers to me and lit them. Since then I’ve been shy and a bit fearful of people. The good news is that plenty of nice people have come into my life since that horrible day, and I am learning Continue Reading
Recent Posts by Update

Tumbleweed People in No Man’s Land
June 5, 2016 at 10:14 am
Spring Street International School invites you to… Come enjoy a night of hip-hop, bluegrass tap dancin’ in the original play Tumbleweed People in No Man’s Land; premiering on June 6th at 6:00 pm in the Wittier Theatre at SJ Community Theatre. Admission is free and donations are gratefully accepted. This original play written by Spring Continue Reading

4-H Horse Show
June 5, 2016 at 10:12 am
The Orcas Trailblazers 4-H Horse Show is June 25 & 26 at the San Juan County Fairgrounds. Performance will be both days and gaming will happen Saturday night. The forms are on the SJC 4-H website at sanjuan.wsu.edu under leader & member resources or contact Lorena Stankevich at 376-7048 or lstankevich [@] yahoo.com. The summer Continue Reading

SVC’s 89th Commencement Ceremonies
June 3, 2016 at 5:48 am
Skagit Valley College will conduct the College’s 89th Annual Commencement Ceremonies in June. Family and friends are invited to attend; tickets are not required. The dates, times, and locations are as follows: The San Juan Center commencement ceremony will take place Wednesday, June 15 at 1:00 pm at The Brickworks in Friday Harbor. The Mount Vernon Campus Continue Reading

Garden Club Potluck
June 3, 2016 at 5:38 am
What fun! – The San Juan Island Garden Club is having a potluck on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at noon at the Mullis Community Center (589 Nash Street, Friday Harbor) Please join us for a wonderful lunch. Come enjoy a great potluck with fellow gardeners. We have a good time and share great gardening information and anecdotes. Bring a dish Continue Reading

The Power of Song
June 2, 2016 at 5:45 am
Spring Street International School shares a sneak peek to their play “Tumbleweed People in No Mans Land…” Come and hear us wish Woody Guthrie a happy 101 years Says Lucy Ramirez, played by Stormy Hildreth: “I was raised up by my grandpa and he knew how to laugh his way through anything at all. He Continue Reading

Dodie Gann Dog Walk Winners
May 31, 2016 at 5:48 am
While Saturday’s weather wasn’t ideal for walking dogs, several supporters of the animal shelter showed up to participate in the Third Annual Dodie Gann Dog Walk at the site of the future animal shelter on Cattle Point Road. Three grand prizes were awarded to those who raised the most money in sponsorships. Marilyn Corrie was Continue Reading

Getting Dusty and Talkin’ Back to The Man
May 30, 2016 at 9:55 am
Spring Street International School shares this story about their upcoming play Tumbleweed People in No Mans Land… Tom Edgar Hobbs: “My father sold bibles door to door. They were so beautiful, with their gold edges and whisper-thin paper like angel wings. But I could see poor folks buying them because they thought we must’ve done Continue Reading

SJCT Summer Film Series
May 30, 2016 at 9:54 am
Note: Start time has been corrected to 7:30 on this series – Larry Soll shares this with us… Well fellow islanders, The curtain is going up for the Tuesday Night Film Series at San Juan Community Theatre. Beginning June 21st and for ten Tuesdays, we will screen a special movie beginning at 7:30 pm in the Continue Reading

Pet of the Week
May 30, 2016 at 9:52 am
My name is Patches, and I’m here to speak on behalf of fluffy cats everywhere. There is a common misconception that fluffy cats, like myself, are fat. Or Tubby, obese, husky, rotund, beefy, stout, roly-poly, portly, plump, corpulent, yes – and even jelly-bellied. I’ve heard them all. What people fail to recognize is that fluffy Continue Reading
Recent Comments by Update
- June 1, 2010 on Beautiful photos from the weekend…
- September 4, 2009 on “Saving Luna” – the movie….
- September 4, 2009 on "Saving Luna" – the movie….
- September 2, 2009 on Did you go see the cars?
- July 8, 2009 on marina-sleep