Lots of folks have their own angle on the Fourth….Josie & I came over for the holiday (it’s a holiday week, with Canada Day last Monday for a long weekend, as folks say in Canada) & it was great to get out all over the island & see people, swapping stories & hugs & lots Continue Reading
Recent Posts by Ian
Vote early & often: Two islanders look for support for their art
June 26, 2013 at 11:50 pm
Well, it looks like two islanders – a writer & a cartoon artist – are moving ahead in their work, and the recognition that goes with it. Both are in contests now, and you can help them by voting for their work! Let me tell you about this, starting with Wendy Wiegert & continuing with Continue Reading

Dateline: Victoria – what’s going on across the water?
May 28, 2013 at 11:35 pm
It’s been a while since you & I checked in. I’m happy to report that Victoria remains THE tourist destination for you, this summer. Only $6.90 to walk on the WSF ferry, and $2.50 to ride the bus from Sidney to Victoria, which leaves plenty of money for ice cream. Tens of thousands turned out Continue Reading

Congratulations! Emily & John get married last weekend!
May 28, 2013 at 6:10 am
Great news! The sun came out & the sky cleared for the event: longtime islanders Emily Reed & John Geyman were married Saturday, and met up with a couple hundred well-wishers for a reception at Ernie’s, which ended with John flying Emily in his plane around the island, to the delight of the cheering crowd. Continue Reading

Dateline: Victoria – springtime notes, eh?
May 7, 2013 at 10:17 pm
I thought I would take a moment to report in from 7 miles away that Victoria had a sunny summer–like weekend just now, just like you. I see it is my purpose in life to report to you what I see in the streets, so here goes: • Hockey isn’t going very well. Our beloved Continue Reading

Don’t weight!
May 7, 2013 at 9:15 pm
It’s time: Don’t weight any more! Last year, I knew something had to give….I had gone over the 200 pound mark, and plain felt bad. I knew that Shelly VanSkyhawk was working with folks with weight issues, and I was hearing about good results. So I called Shelly, and in three months, had left 37 pounds Continue Reading

Review: Don’t miss Island Stage Left’s “A Number”!
April 5, 2013 at 2:28 am
Island Stage Left has another winner this spring with its production of “A Number” by Caryl Churchill. In this two-man production, director Helen Machin-Smith and her cast take on a number of challenges: the show is only 55 minutes long, but packed with enough going on that the audience last night, at the end of the Continue Reading

Around the island….
April 5, 2013 at 1:07 am
Hey, let’s see what see what’s new around the island: • You remember Friday Harbor High science teacher Marc Vermeire – he’s teaching in China these days, and also (no kidding) appears in this advertisement in China selling dried seafood – here’s the link (click here!) to a Chinese version of YouTube. ++++++++ • You Continue Reading

The ballots were sent out this week….how does all this work?
April 5, 2013 at 12:52 am
Here’s the word from Milene & the County Elections folks: San Juan County has not had an April election for at least 20 years (that’s how far back we looked). But this week, you will receive your ballot for our upcoming April election. Not surprisingly, there’s a lot of confusion about this election: Why are Continue Reading

Wahoo! The San Juan Islands are designated a National Monument!
March 25, 2013 at 6:08 pm
The president signed the act this morning…. And if you like, click here to view the Official Proclamation signed by the president.
Recent Comments by Ian
- February 22, 2015 on The Enchanted Forest
- October 1, 2014 on Eastside Stories from Vancouver