Much has been done in the very short time that our school district first learned about the coronavirus pandemic. The Superintendent and staff have been working tirelessly to develop a plan to serve our students in a tele-schooling model for at least the next six weeks. Most districts are expecting an extended loss of learning Continue Reading
Recent Posts by Peggy Sue

San Juan Island Fire & Rescue Stations Temporarily Close To Public
March 14, 2020 at 5:30 am
FRIDAY HARBOR, WA – As a precaution during the COVID-19 outbreak, all San Juan Island Fire and Rescue Stations, including the main fire station at 1011 Mullis Street in Friday Harbor are temporarily closed to the public. All public meetings in our facilities, including use of the main station by the Department of Licensing, are Continue Reading
Auditor Seeks “Con” Committee Members for Voters’ Guide Statement
March 14, 2020 at 5:15 am
The San Juan County Auditor is seeking volunteers to write an argument against the annexation of the Town of Friday Harbor into San Juan Island Fire & Rescue. The argument will appear in the Online Voters’ Guide for the upcoming April 2020 Special Election. Both the Town and SJI Fire & Rescue approved resolutions to Continue Reading
San Juan Island School District To Close
March 13, 2020 at 4:45 pm
Dear Parents, Families and staff, Though there are no cases of coronavirus on San Juan Island, as the Superintendent of San Juan Island School District, I will be closing schools effective Tuesday, March 17 – Thurs, March 19. Remote tele-schooling will begin on Friday, March 20 through April 24. All parent conferences next week are Continue Reading

San Juan Island Library To Close
March 13, 2020 at 4:06 pm
Dear Patrons, We want to express our gratitude for your support and patience during the COVID-19 outbreak. In response to Governor Inslee’s announcement today that all Washington State schools were to close, the San Juan Island Library has made the difficult decision to also close the Library, effective Sunday, March 15th. This closure is in accordance with our Epidemic and Pandemic Response policy and will Continue Reading

Farmer’s Market Stays Open, Takes Measures For Public Health
March 13, 2020 at 3:40 pm
Dear San Juan Island Market Shoppers, As a small island community, there is a growing concern here in San Juan County regarding the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which has all of us thinking about the precautions we need to take to stay healthy. As an organization rooted in community connections and health, we Continue Reading

San Juan Community Theatre Updates Cancellations
March 13, 2020 at 3:37 pm
Dear SJCT Community, As of Governor Inslee’s announcement this afternoon, Washington State schools will be closed March 17-April 24. All performances and events at SJCT will also be cancelled during this time as we do our part to help contain the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the performances already cancelled on our website, the following Continue Reading

San Juan County To Declare an Emergency Responding to COVID-19
March 13, 2020 at 1:50 pm
The San Juan County Council will be meting Friday, March 13 to declare an emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. By declaring an emergency, San Juan County can fully employ all emergency response plans, utilize county resources and authorize emergency expenditures for the response throughout San Juan County. There will be no restrictions or Continue Reading
Novel Coronavirus, Covid-19: Information and Cancellations
March 13, 2020 at 1:30 pm
Basic precautions encouraged at this time include; wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and if you are sick stay home. Our county health officials have put together some good information. See the links below. If you are cancelling or postponing an event let us know and we will post it here. Stay safe. Be Continue Reading

Friday Harbor Elementary School STEM Teams win Competitive Science Awards
March 13, 2020 at 5:45 am
Congratulations to Friday Harbor students! Fostering a scientific competitive spirit is well underway at Friday Harbor Elementary School! Three elementary school STEM Teams have received recognition for their work at the national level through Exploravision, sponsored by the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) and the Toshiba Company. These three elementary school teams started projects in Continue Reading
Recent Comments by Peggy Sue
- February 8, 2022 on Clouds across the Strait
- September 5, 2020 on Granny’s Cove, Grandma’s Cove, or the Sandy Beach?
- September 2, 2020 on A Salute to Teachers and the Last Cow in Friday Harbor
- March 28, 2020 on EDC Launches Islands Strong Gift Card Website Initiative
- March 26, 2020 on San Juan Islands and Washington State Stay at Home Orders: Frequently Asked Questions