Topic: Around Here

San Juan Update undergoes major overhaul….what do you think?

Written on March 17, 2009 at 2:03 pm, by

Hey, my friends…. As you can see, the Update underwent surgery this past weekend, and got the equivalent of a journalistic nose job. It’s all really about the same, with a few additions: the Calendar is easier to find, the ads are now located on every page, and it’s possible for you to comment on  Continue Reading

The loss of a friend…..

Written on March 17, 2009 at 7:35 am, by

It was a drag to hear that the Seattle Post-Intelligencer printed its last issue today. For those of us that grew up with a Sunday paper with coffee on the weekend, or scrambling for the sports scores, or mumbling after reading editorials – and clipping the news to mail to mom…it feels like the end  Continue Reading

What Ryan’s cooking up these days….

Written on March 16, 2009 at 11:15 pm, by

When I ran into FHHS grad Ryan Browne over the holidays, he told me about his business, which included building cob ovens – straw, mud, sand, clay all put together for the most heat-efficient oven you’ve ever seen. I saw him last night (as you can see, about to fire up the oven)… I asked  Continue Reading

St. Paddy’s Dinner raises $14K for local women….

Written on March 16, 2009 at 11:10 pm, by

Marie Dicristina reports that last Saturday’s dinner & auction went great (that’s Carol Jackson at the right; here are a gallery of photos from the night): Soroptimists want to send out a big Irish thank you to all that attended last Saturday’s St. Patrick’s Extravaganza Dinner and Auction. There about 150 attendees who helped raised  Continue Reading

St. Paddy's Dinner raises $14K for local women….

Written on March 16, 2009 at 11:10 pm, by

Marie Dicristina reports that last Saturday’s dinner & auction went great (that’s Carol Jackson at the right; here are a gallery of photos from the night): Soroptimists want to send out a big Irish thank you to all that attended last Saturday’s St. Patrick’s Extravaganza Dinner and Auction. There about 150 attendees who helped raised  Continue Reading

The annexation hearing is Thursday….

Written on March 16, 2009 at 10:46 pm, by

If you see a mob at the Mullis Center at 5:30pm on Thursday, that’s because the Town Council has scheduled a public hearing to review the annexation of the Buck Property. I asked Roxanna from the Town to send me a writeup of the proposed annexation, zoning, and developer agreement – here it is…check it  Continue Reading

Pay it forward….on the island. An approach to barter here….

Written on March 16, 2009 at 11:10 am, by

Hi Ian, Love the new website! Great job. I recently saw a piece on Good Morning America on a “time bank” and thought it would be perfect for our small community. Please check out this page. It’s a way to pay it forward for services you can offer to someone in exchange for their services.  Continue Reading

Eatin’ doughnuts on a rainy day….

Written on March 16, 2009 at 9:18 am, by

That’s my pal Joanna at the Rocky Bay on Sunday morning…she and her mom Shannon Evans (who teaches at FHES) were checking things out after church.

What’s up for the kids, this summer?

Written on March 15, 2009 at 10:27 pm, by

Debbi wrote and says she’s looking to make a complete guide for kids about what they can do this summer – and she needs your help. Here’s more: Hey, Ian! I have a favor to ask. I’m working on the SJI Summer Activity Calendar for our Youth 2009. This will be our third year to  Continue Reading


Written on March 15, 2009 at 3:34 pm, by

Have you noticed that whatever sport you’re trying to learn, some earnest person is always telling you to keep your knees bent? Dave Barry

Tom rocks out, the country dances….

Written on March 15, 2009 at 2:30 pm, by

Last Friday, CNN aired a report on their iReports section about Tom Doenges’ song, “Looking for a Bailout”…. I got reports from all over the country (Christiane Biermann was the first, writing from Portland, and reminding me that Vikky Dauciunas did the really cool video work. Way to go, Tom!) You can see the CNN  Continue Reading

All about chocolate, from Ecuador….

Written on March 14, 2009 at 3:24 pm, by

Linda & Maureen have been helping the folks with the Slow Food Project & the cool direction that healthy eating is going on the island (I love it! Have you eaten at the high school lately? It rocks!) Here’s more from our friends: Please see our latest update: Enrique Cerda, the truffle maker from  Continue Reading

The book about Friday Harbor continues to sell well….

Written on March 14, 2009 at 2:59 pm, by

That book about Friday Harbor that Mike & Julia Vouri (right) wrote with the Historical Museum continues to sell well…Museum Director Kevin Loftus says you can still pick up your copy at the Museum, so drop by & get it. The book starts with a picture of Friday Harbor from the harbor in 1883, and  Continue Reading

Taking tourism on the road….

Written on March 14, 2009 at 2:13 pm, by

The Visitors’ Bureau here in the islands is pretty active when it comes to spreading the word….last week they were in Olympia visiting with our newly-minted state senator Kevin. Here’s more from Robin: On March 9, Deborah Hopkins and Robin Jacobson of the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau, as well as Carol and Bogdan Kulminski  Continue Reading

Islanders noted for helping with salmon recovery….

Written on March 14, 2009 at 1:53 pm, by

You know, one of the reasons the local killer whales are on the endangered species list is a shortage of their main dinner: salmon. Recovering the salmon’s previous numbers is a key to restoring a healthy ecosystem… and several islanders have been key to that recovery effort. Here’s more from Barbara Rosenkotter, who is the  Continue Reading

Fill out the survey….

Written on March 14, 2009 at 11:56 am, by

Tim & Shannon & the bike club want to hear from you – this is getting off to a great start (that’s Pamela Williams out biking with Ian last summer, right): The San Juan Island bike club is looking for input from local bicyclists and would love to have anyone who is interested go to  Continue Reading