Topic: Education

Seniors Holiday Wreath Sale
Written on October 13, 2016 at 5:47 am, by Tim Dustrude
The Friday Harbor High School Senior Class of 2017/PTSA is now taking orders for their annual Holiday Wreath sale. Get your beautiful, aromatic, long-lasting, 24” Northwest Noble Fir wreath with pinecones, berries, and a handmade bow in the color of your choice for only $25.00! These wreaths make great gifts for friends, family, neighbors and Continue Reading

Phone-a-Thon Next Week
Written on October 13, 2016 at 5:45 am, by Tim Dustrude
Just a reminder – this is coming up next week… The San Juan Public Schools Foundation is holding its annual Phone-A-Thon to raise money for our local public schools, on Monday and Tuesday, October 17th and 18th, from 4-8pm. “Our children deserve better than what the state offers in school funding,” says Rich Meenan, President Continue Reading

Volunteers Needed!
Written on October 12, 2016 at 5:47 am, by Tim Dustrude
Friday Harbor Film Festival is looking for volunteers. Preparations for this year’s Friday Harbor Film Festival, to be held on November 4-5-6, are well underway. The Festival will feature a very exciting line-up of documentary films, as well as many special events that celebrate the art of filmmaking. There are numerous opportunities for volunteers to Continue Reading

Business Planning & Financing Workshop
Written on October 12, 2016 at 5:40 am, by Tim Dustrude
EDC offers FREE workshop on business planning and financing The San Juan County Economic Development Council will present a FREE workshop for small businesses and entrepreneurs on Orcas Island, on Monday, October 17th from 12:30-4:00 p.m. Advance registration is required. The business and financing workshop course material will be presented by Tony Salas of the Continue Reading

First European Green Crab in Washington’s Salish Sea
Written on October 11, 2016 at 5:45 am, by Tim Dustrude
by Sylvia Yamada and Craig Staude “Sylvia, I think we caught one!” Craig Staude shouted excitedly as he and his team of volunteers opened a baited trap in a tidal channel near the sculpture park at Roche Harbor on August 30th. Sure enough, the 74-millimeter-wide male was the first live European green crab ever caught Continue Reading

Mindfulness for Business
Written on October 11, 2016 at 5:43 am, by Tim Dustrude
EDC offers workshop on mindfulness for business The San Juan County Economic Development Council will present a FREE workshop on the topic of mindfulness in business, on Monday, October 17th from 1-2:00 p.m. on San Juan Island. Advance registration is required. Mindfulness was once considered a fringe movement in the Western world, but is now being Continue Reading

Cyber Security Seminar
Written on October 10, 2016 at 5:48 am, by Tim Dustrude
Islanders Bank is pleased to offer a FREE Community Seminar on Cyber Security. Date & Time: October 28th, 2016 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm. Location: Gubelman Room, SJI Community Theatre Topics covered will include: Cyber Threats Cyber Security Computer & Mobile Device security Safe internet browsing and social media use Tips for parents & kids This Continue Reading

Autumnal Animal Adventure
Written on October 6, 2016 at 5:55 am, by Tim Dustrude
Bring your family out to relish autumn with naturalist Shona Aitken. Shona will lead an exploration into the woods in search of wild creatures. Your child will use their senses to find clues about which animals live there and where they would go to stay dry and warm when the weather becomes cold and wet. Continue Reading

Beachwatchers and Birders Wanted for COASST
Written on October 6, 2016 at 5:51 am, by Tim Dustrude
Beachwatchers and Birders Wanted For Coastal Observation And Seabird Survey Team The Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST) will deliver two free trainings, one in Friday Harbor on Saturday, October 15 and one on Lopez Island on Sunday, October 16. Additionally, Julia Parrish, Executive Director of COASST, will give a presentation entitled Seabirds, Citizen Science Continue Reading

1st Community Dinner of the School Year
Written on October 6, 2016 at 5:45 am, by Tim Dustrude
Liz Varvaro shares this announcment… I am happy to announce our first Community Dinner of the 2016-17 School Year will be October 12th from 5:30 to 7:30 in the High School Commons! We will be presenting a Fall Harvest Menu featuring local produce. We have increased the Suggested Donations to $15 for Adults and $7 for Children under 12 years old to offset rising Continue Reading

Written on October 6, 2016 at 5:40 am, by Tim Dustrude
The San Juan Public Schools Foundation is holding its annual Phone-A-Thon to raise money for our local public schools, on Monday and Tuesday, October 17th and 18th, from 4-8pm. “Our children deserve better than what the state offers in school funding,” says Rich Meenan, President of the San Juan Public Schools Foundation. The annual Phone-A-Thon, Continue Reading

Leadership San Juan Islands Seeks Cohort XIII
Written on October 5, 2016 at 5:55 am, by Tim Dustrude
2017 marks the 13th year of the Leadership San Juan Islands (LSJI) program, a local leadership training course that helps introduce islanders to the interconnecting “systems” that make up daily life throughout the county. During the sessions, participants meet with current leaders and professionals, discuss and interact over local issues, visit key locations throughout the Continue Reading

Business for Sale
Written on October 5, 2016 at 5:40 am, by Tim Dustrude
Right of Way Driving School is for sale. Owner Sam Leigh says it’s time for the school to “take it to the next level”, and that’s not something she is able to do. Sam opened the business in 2011 and has been training young San Juan Island drivers ever since, and has even spent a Continue Reading

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Written on October 4, 2016 at 5:52 am, by Tim Dustrude
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and SAFE San Juans (formerly DVSAS) has created several great opportunities to come together as a community, actively create conversation, honor those who have suffered from such violence, and become empowered to take action in fostering an island environment characterized by respect for others, equal access to resources, and Continue Reading

Letter from School Superintendent
Written on October 2, 2016 at 5:40 am, by Tim Dustrude
Greetings Teachers, Staff, Parents, Students and Community Members The fall season is here. School has been in session for a month and we are realizing the district’s new mission: To promote excellence, engaging every student, every day, through superior instruction, high expectations and academic content that is both challenging and individually relevant. I would like Continue Reading

Clay Therapy
Written on October 1, 2016 at 5:45 am, by Tim Dustrude
by Shannon Dean I signed up for a Clay Therapy session with local artist Lauren Jawer at her Belle Terre Ceramics Studio, and before it started I met with her to ask more about it so I could share it with you. I had seen her flyer in town and it seemed like a good Continue Reading