I’ve heard parents tell me this class makes all the difference with their kids, and Nan Simpson (who was one of my favorite teachers when she was working at Friday Harbor Elementary School) does a super job in presenting it. Here’s more from Nan:
I’m working on getting the word out about my two Love and Logic Classes coming up! It’s been a year since my last classes and several folks kept asking when the next one will be, so….here it is:
Love and Logic Parenting for Early Childhood Made Fun
(for ages birth to 6 years)
When: Sept. 21 – Oct. 26th (Mondays) 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (no class Oct. 12)
Where: Saint David’s Church
Cost: $50 for five classes per family and $10 for a workbook
Becoming a Love and Logic Parent
(for ages 6 – teen)
When: Sept. 22nd – Oct. 27 Tuesdays (no class Oct. 13th) 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Where: Saint David’s Church
Cost: $50 and $10 for a workbook
Love and Logic consists of strategies that increase the odds for raising responsible, respectful children who are fun to be around! This is a five session video class with presentations by Jim and Charles Fay of the Love and Logic Institute, Golden, Colorado. (Here’s more: http://www.loveandlogic.com/)
I’ve been facilitating Love and Logic classes on San Juan Island since 2000 and more than 350 families have attended over the years.
(By the way, proceeds from the classes go to the Saint David’s building fund and the FHES PTA. At Saint David’s that helps with renovation costs for the new space available for community use.)
Nan Simpson
[email protected]