Parents: Love & Logic makes parenting more fun…

Posted September 13, 2009 at 12:11 am by

Nan & Steve Simpson, out on the docks....

Nan & Steve Simpson, out on the docks....

I’ve heard parents tell me this class makes all the difference with their kids, and Nan Simpson (who was one of my favorite teachers when she was working at Friday Harbor Elementary School) does a super job in presenting it. Here’s more from Nan:

I’m working on getting the word out about my two Love and Logic Classes coming up!  It’s been a year since my last classes and several folks kept asking when the next one will be, so….here it is:

Getting better at having your kid around...makes it fun!

Getting better at having your kid around...makes it fun!

Love and Logic Parenting for Early Childhood Made Fun
(for ages birth to 6 years)
When:  Sept. 21 – Oct. 26th (Mondays) 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (no class Oct. 12)
Where: Saint David’s Church
Cost:  $50 for five classes per family and $10 for a workbook

Becoming a Love and Logic Parent
(for ages 6 – teen)
When:  Sept. 22nd – Oct. 27  Tuesdays (no class Oct. 13th) 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Where: Saint David’s Church
Cost: $50 and $10 for a workbook

Love and Logic consists of strategies that increase the odds for raising responsible, respectful children who are fun to be around! This is a five session video class with presentations by Jim and Charles Fay of the Love and Logic Institute, Golden, Colorado. (Here’s more:

Raising kids in a nurturing, respectful atmosphere...better for them & you both...

Raising kids in a nurturing, respectful atmosphere...better for them & you both...

I’ve been facilitating Love and Logic classes on San Juan Island since 2000 and more than 350 families have attended over the years.

(By the way, proceeds from the classes go to the Saint David’s building fund and the FHES PTA. At Saint David’s that helps with renovation costs for the new space available for community use.)

Nan Simpson
[email protected]

Getting into the swim of things….

Posted September 11, 2009 at 5:31 pm by

Time to get into the water.....

Time to get into the water.....

When Amy Wynn sent me the note below about swimming lessons coming up this fall, it seems like a good idea to post it (so here it is) but also to ask you to pass it on to folks who maybe don’t have a computer, or who can’t read English, or who otherwise wouldn’t find out about it…so would you?

Here’s the scoop:

San Juan Island Fitness is happy to announce the beginning of Fun-day Mondays and their fall sessions of swim lessons for school age children.

Beginning September 14 and continuing each Fun-day Monday through the end of the year, any child under 15 may swim during the 3-4:30 lifeguarded swim time for just $5.  Be sure to sign in at the front desk.  Don’t worry, you do not need to be a member or a guest of a member for this special Funday Monday swim.  Just  don’t forget to bring your towel!

The first session of fall swim lessons–with a bonus hour of free swim time each class–will be held Continue Reading

A day for remembering, a day to move ahead…

Posted September 11, 2009 at 8:45 am by

It was eight years ago today...

It was eight years ago today...

The nature of a day like today, when folks recall the events of eight years ago, is to have occasion for reflection on how that comes to play in the moments we are given, this day. I reckon you’ll hear a lot from a lot of different folks today about what we should remember, what we should feel, what we should think. I offer this little bit from Ram Dass as a reminder of what we might do.

The pain of the world will sear and break our hearts because we can no longer keep them closed. We’ve seen too much now. To some degree or other, we have surrendered into service and are willing to pay the price of compassion.
But with it comes the joy of a single, caring act. With it comes the honor of participating in a generous process in which one rises each day and does what one can. With it comes the simple, singular grace of being an instrument of Love, in whatever form, to whatever end.
-Ram Dass

The pain of the world will sear and break our hearts because we can no longer keep them closed. We’ve seen too much now. To some degree or other, we have surrendered into service and are willing to pay the price of compassion.

But with it comes the joy of a single, caring act. With it comes the honor of participating in a generous process in which one rises each day and does what one can. With it comes the simple, singular grace of being an instrument of Love, in whatever form, to whatever end.

Ram Dass

League of Women Voters: Discussion & film about health care reform

Posted September 11, 2009 at 12:48 am by

Everyone’s talking about it, but do you have the facts? Here’s a chance to get informed, more – the League’s  Ann Jarrell has more:

The League of Women Voter’s San Juan fall kickoff meeting will be on September 14th at the library at noon.

This promises to be a very informative meeting on Health Care Reform.  We will be viewing a League DVD followed by a group discussion. There will be several invited guest experts in attendance to comment and field questions. The discussion wil be moderated by Liz Illg.  Save the date and plan on attending.

Come to view and discuss a provocative film Health, Money and Fear,
produced by an emergency room physician and distributed by the Washington
State League of Women Voters. The film presents the history of the U.S. health system, explains why health care costs so much in our country and discusses avenues to improvement.

The 45-minute video presentation will be followed by an open discussion.

Please come and bring at least one or more friends who have questions about Health Care Reform issues as well. We welcome all viewpoints. As always the public is welcome and encouraged to attend our general membership meetings.

Ann Jarrell

League of Women Voters: Discussion & film about health care reform

Posted September 11, 2009 at 12:48 am by

Everyone’s talking about it, but do you have the facts? Here’s a chance to get informed, more – the League’s  Ann Jarrell has more:

The League of Women Voter’s San Juan fall kickoff meeting will be on September 14th at the library at noon.

This promises to be a very informative meeting on Health Care Reform.  We will be viewing a League DVD followed by a group discussion. There will be several invited guest experts in attendance to comment and field questions. The discussion wil be moderated by Liz Illg.  Save the date and plan on attending.

Come to view and discuss a provocative film Health, Money and Fear,
produced by an emergency room physician and distributed by the Washington
State League of Women Voters. The film presents the history of the U.S. health system, explains why health care costs so much in our country and discusses avenues to improvement.

The 45-minute video presentation will be followed by an open discussion.

Please come and bring at least one or more friends who have questions about Health Care Reform issues as well. We welcome all viewpoints. As always the public is welcome and encouraged to attend our general membership meetings.

Ann Jarrell

Open House at Dr. Horn's place….

Posted September 11, 2009 at 12:31 am by

Open House at the office on Spring Street, across from Spring Street International School

Open House at the office on Spring Street, across from Spring Street International School

Jen from Friday Harbor Dentistry says it’s Saturday:

Hey, Ian! Our 6th Annual Open House at Friday Harbor Dentistry is scheduled for this Saturday, September 12th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Again this year, lunch will be served and everyone who attends will be entered to win some great prizes.  I hope you will be able to attend!

Open House at Dr. Horn’s place….

Posted September 11, 2009 at 12:31 am by

Open House at the office on Spring Street, across from Spring Street International School

Open House at the office on Spring Street, across from Spring Street International School

Jen from Friday Harbor Dentistry says it’s Saturday:

Hey, Ian! Our 6th Annual Open House at Friday Harbor Dentistry is scheduled for this Saturday, September 12th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Again this year, lunch will be served and everyone who attends will be entered to win some great prizes.  I hope you will be able to attend!

Bikin' here…

Posted September 10, 2009 at 4:22 pm by

Here’s AP writer Carey Williams’ story about biking here (in the Salt Lake City paper, and all over the US) – see what you think:

Bikin’ here…

Posted September 10, 2009 at 4:22 pm by

Here’s AP writer Carey Williams’ story about biking here (in the Salt Lake City paper, and all over the US) – see what you think:

Amnesty International's Community Write-A-Thon is tonight…

Posted September 10, 2009 at 11:19 am by

Hey, I saw this little flyer that says AI is having a session to write letter tonight at the Bean – here’s the deal, from the flyer:

Amnesty International’s Community Write-A-Thon

Second Thursday of each month – 4:30 to 6:30pm

At the Naked Bean Cafe/150 First Street, across from Steps

Thursday,  Sept. 10: Stop Violence Against Women
Thursday,  Oct. 8: Restore The America We Believe In
Thursday,  Nov. 12: Protect th Rights of People Affected by Armed Conflict
Thursday,  Dec. 10: Human Rights Day – Freeing Prisoners of Conscience

Special guests & performers – for more info, please contact Steve Kirk 378-8567.

Amnesty International’s Community Write-A-Thon is tonight…

Posted September 10, 2009 at 11:19 am by

Hey, I saw this little flyer that says AI is having a session to write letter tonight at the Bean – here’s the deal, from the flyer:

Amnesty International’s Community Write-A-Thon

Second Thursday of each month – 4:30 to 6:30pm

At the Naked Bean Cafe/150 First Street, across from Steps

Thursday,  Sept. 10: Stop Violence Against Women
Thursday,  Oct. 8: Restore The America We Believe In
Thursday,  Nov. 12: Protect th Rights of People Affected by Armed Conflict
Thursday,  Dec. 10: Human Rights Day – Freeing Prisoners of Conscience

Special guests & performers – for more info, please contact Steve Kirk 378-8567.

Blues night… it's always good….

Posted September 10, 2009 at 1:00 am by

Tom Doenges (left) & James Barkshire keep the music going....

Tom Doenges (left) & James Barkshire keep the music going....

When was the last time you dropped by Blues Night at Pazzo Vivo? It’s about time…it’s every Wednesday night from 6-9pm, so make your plans now….

Blues night… it’s always good….

Posted September 10, 2009 at 1:00 am by

Tom Doenges (left) & James Barkshire keep the music going....

Tom Doenges (left) & James Barkshire keep the music going....

When was the last time you dropped by Blues Night at Pazzo Vivo? It’s about time…it’s every Wednesday night from 6-9pm, so make your plans now….

Drivin' around….

Posted September 10, 2009 at 12:54 am by

It's good to have a friend along....

It's good to have a friend along....

That’s Andrew Seltser for San Juan Taxi, with his friend Lupin yesterday, on the streets of Friday Harbor. -oo-

Drivin’ around….

Posted September 10, 2009 at 12:54 am by

It's good to have a friend along....

It's good to have a friend along....

That’s Andrew Seltser for San Juan Taxi, with his friend Lupin yesterday, on the streets of Friday Harbor. -oo-

Support the church with your coffee….

Posted September 10, 2009 at 12:29 am by

Coffee for you...

Coffee for you...

One of the fundraisers at Christ the King (who celebrate their fifth anniversary on the island this weekend) is that you can buy coffee from Camano Island Coffee Roasters & a chunk goes to CTK…here’s more from CTK’s Jim Cole:

Coffee With a Conscience

Finally… a coffee that helps you sleep at night.

Camano Island Coffee Roasters pays the growers, on average, around 75% more than the established market price for the coffee they purchase. This is important because many coffee farmers can’t afford to continue running their coffee farms due to pricing being driven down so much by large corporations that want nothing more than to make lots and lots of money.

Camano Island Coffee wants to work with our CTK churches and to give something back to the families who grow their coffee.

They offer flat rate or FREE SHIPPING and a range of coffee, tea and cocoa options including 5 pound bags, perfect for our worship centers or large group gatherings.

As a member of their coffee club, $1 of every package of coffee you order will be donated to Agros International which is an organization recognized for making a great difference in the lives of the people they serve.

CTK Earns 8% on Your Purchase: Through our relationship with Camano Island Coffee, all of your purchases through this link, will earn us a portion that we can use for our mission here at CTK.