One New COVID Case on San Juan Island This Week

Posted June 19, 2021 at 8:06 am by

From San Juan County

Contributed Image/CDC

Since the last update on Friday, June 11, total cases in San Juan County have increased from 191 to 192.

There is one new case on San Juan Island since the last update. The exposure is unknown.

The best remaining opportunities for COVID vaccination will be next week. The final clinics will be on San Juan Island and Lopez. There are no further vaccination clinics scheduled after Wednesday, June 23.

Visit for more information.

There’s Still Time to Run for San Juan Fire District, Shaw School District and More

Posted June 19, 2021 at 5:00 am by

From San Juan County

You almost missed your chance to run for office.

Fortunately, you’ll get a second chance. During the candidate filing period in May, several of the offices open for filing had no candidates file. When no one files for an open office, it’s called a “void in candidacy.” When a void in candidacy occurs after a regular filing period, a special three-day filing period is opened for only those offices for whom no candidates filed.

The local races that will be open for filing are all local special purpose districts: school, fire, cemetery, and water districts.

San Juan County Elections Office will hold a special three-day filing period starting next Wednesday, June 23, and ending on Friday, June 25.

Persons interested in filing as a candidate for one of the offices below can do so online, by mail, by email, or in person. The Online Candidate Filing Wizard will be opened from 9 a.m. Wednesday through 4 p.m. Friday.

Paper Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted from 8 a.m. Wednesday through 4:30 p.m. Friday. The online Candidate Filing Wizard and paper Declaration of Candidacy can both be found at

The following offices will be open during the three-day filing period:

Land Bank Update on Leasing Coffelt Farm Preserve on Orcas Island

Posted June 19, 2021 at 4:30 am by

Coffelt Farm Preserve – Contributed photo

From San Juan County Land Bank

The San Juan County Land Bank is entering into another phase in planning the future of Coffelt Farm Preserve’s agricultural use.

According to the San Juan Island Preservation Trust, the Preservation Trust and San Juan County Land Bank  acquired a 189-acre conservation easement on this historic working farm in Orcas Island’s Crow Valley in 2012. The Preservation Trust’s conservation easement on the property ensures that Coffelt Farm will be conserved and protected as farmland in perpetuity.


The Conservation Agricultural Resource Team submitted its final Coffelt Farm report in April to the Land Bank Commission. This was followed by discussions and Q&A sessions at the April and May land bank meetings with the team and commission. 

Among the team’s recommendations is an assessment of existing infrastructure improvement and repair needs and costs by way of a reserve study.

This information will be crucial in developing a long-term financial plan for determining how these costs might factor into a long-term farm lease rate. The Land Bank is preparing to work with an agricultural lands appraisal consultant with the goal of having a reserve study and farm lease rate report in hand by September 2021.

Based on the report and other findings the commissioners will determine how to proceed with a long-term farm lease or leases. As currently envisioned, this will include the formation of a lease committee and the development of a two-phase request for proposals.

We expect to release the initial request for letters of interest in late Fall 2021 and to follow with invitations for full proposals in early Spring 2022. If an applicant is selected, we will develop and negotiate a lease or leases beginning in January 2023.

Current Lessee

Based on this timeline, the Land Bank has offered the interim farm lessee, Lum Farm LLC, a lease extension to the end of 2022. This will allow time for the proposal process and any necessary farm operation transitions. Lum Farm LLC has accepted the lease extension and will continue with current production through 2022.

Land Bank staff and commissioners are grateful to the team members for their valuable service throughout this process and to the island community for the thoughtful feedback provided to date.

Although lengthy, the ongoing process will help support informed budget planning, ensuring the Land Bank has the information necessary for informed planning and the preserve continues to provide broad community benefits for years to come. In the meantime, farm operations at the preserve are continuing smoothly under the interim lease.

San Juan County Mask Requirement Ends June 27

Posted June 18, 2021 at 7:09 am by

Contributed Photo/Vera Davidova on Unsplash.

From San Juan County

The San Juan County Health Officer Order requiring the wearing of masks by customers indoors in businesses and other public spaces will end on June 27.

“Thanks to the high vaccination rates in the islands, including in island kids 12 and older, I feel comfortable with lifting the masking order on the 27,” Health Officer Dr. Frank James said. “That’s the date that the last of the 12-15 year-olds who took part in our recent vaccine clinics will be fully vaccinated. I’m extremely appreciative of the way islanders embraced the vaccine effort and have set our community up for a safe summer ahead.”

There may still be Washington state masking requirements for specific industries or workplace settings. Visit for more information.

There will still be cases too. The rise of the new Delta and Gamma COVID-19 variants, combined with low vaccination rates in some communities across Washington and beyond means that there will be an ongoing risk of infection.

Anyone caring for children 11 or under should be cautious about exposing them to high-risk situations.

Adults who choose to remain unvaccinated will be at the highest risk. The long-term impacts of COVID-19 can be debilitating, and anyone without the protection of a vaccine should be especially careful.

As variants continue to evolve, it is important to understand that COVID-19 might still have surprises for us. As always, rapid steps to minimize risk, patience and flexibility will be key.

San Juan County Health & Community Services Director Mark Tompkins highlights the work to get to this point.

“It has been an extremely long and bumpy road, but I couldn’t be more proud of the islands,” he said. “So many pitched in, and in so many ways. There’s more work to do, but this is a major milestone, and I’m grateful to the entire San Juan County community for helping San Juan County make it through.”

Desolation Sound Kicks Off Theater’s Outdoor Fairgrounds Concert Series June 25

Posted June 18, 2021 at 5:30 am by

Desolation Sound. Contributed Photo 

From San Juan Community Theatre

After a long year of digital programming, and canceled shows, San Juan Community Theatre is producing a live and in-person season at the San Juan County Fairgrounds featuring music and theater performances June 25 through Aug. 28.

The season will kick off with local alt-rock bank, Desolation Sound 7 p.m. Friday, June 25.

Bring your picnic blankets and lawn chairs to this opening performance of our pay-what-you-can, outdoor summer season. Beer and wine will be available for purchase, and folks are welcome to bring their own food. 

Desolation Sound

Darvis Taylor, Scott Sluis, Tom Henry, and Daniel Day are the Friday Harbor musicians behind alternative rock band Desolation Sound.

The band says that the island way of life manifests itself in the music.

“I’m fascinated with that beautiful place where the Salish Sea meets the shore of our island. It’s a mysterious, shifting boundary and I often draw deeper meanings from my experiences there” says Daniel, the band’s primary lyricist.

Other Performances

July 1-3 will continue with a Broadway Revue Concert featuring choreographed musical numbers from “GREASE,” “Guys and Dolls,” “Les Miserables” and “A Chorus Line.”

The rest of the summer lineup includes live music from local and traveling bands, kids theater camp performances, and the San Juan Community Theater’s Playwrights Festival.

For the full season line up, visit or call 360-378-3210.

Preservation Trust Counts up to 30 Western Bluebirds on San Juan Island

Posted June 18, 2021 at 5:00 am by

Contributed image/San Juan Island Preservation Trust. Volunteers band bluebirds.

From San Juan Island Preservation Trust

The weather has warmed up and bluebird season is upon us. 

To date, we estimate the adult Western bluebird population on the island between 26-30 birds.

Western Bluebird – Contributed photo

Some birds are still nest building, others are on eggs, and fives clutches have already been banded, with some fledged already. We have a few pairs that have built nests but then departed for other locations, as well as a roaming band of solo males hoping at a chance at one of the breeding females.

New offspring

We have at least three unbanded birds in our population this year. These could be offspring from last year that came from a nest we did not discover, or possibly recruits from outside our population. In either case, it’s a positive sign and shows that our adult breeding bird count is never an absolute, just an index.

Off-island migrants

We have a breeding female here from Vancouver Island. She was hatched out on the island in the Cowichan Valley in 2019. She did not return to Vancouver Island in 2020, and we did not record her here, but it’s possible she was here on San Juan Island and may have produced some of those unbanded birds. We are glad to know she paid attention to the travel restrictions to Canada and is adding to our population here.

In addition to the Cowichan female, we also have a female here from the Joint Base Lewis-McChord population in South Puget Sound. Likely lured northward by a charismatic male, she is currently sitting on eggs in San Juan Valley.

All this mixing and matching is great. The birds are recreating historical migration routes, keeping genetics strong, and demonstrating that these North Puget Sound and Salish Sea Western bluebirds function as one large population, even when separated by great distances.

Attend Free, Online Class on Construction Contracts

Posted June 18, 2021 at 4:30 am by

From San Juan County Economic Development Council

Islanders seeking to make their construction businesses thrive are invited to an online class on contracts for contractors.

The event is 3-4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 23 over Zoom, with Jim McAdam, EA at Island Tax Service Inc.

Builders will learn how to make sure everyone involved understands the contracted work in the same way so that they save time and money.

In Jim’s 20 years in accounting and tax services, as well as his work in the construction industry, he has worked with many contractors and seen how care with contracts can help them make a profit.

This class will not provide legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice, but is instead a course in customer relations and business management. Students are encouraged to consult with their own lawyer about all contracting matters.

This event is free, but registration is required. To learn more, contact the EDC at [email protected]. To register, visit

These events are made possible by the Washington State Dept. of Commerce, San Juan County, and other funders of the EDC’s programs, including the Port of Friday Harbor, the Town of Friday Harbor, and other donors. To support EDC programs, visit

Board Appoints New Friday Harbor Elementary School Principal

Posted June 17, 2021 at 7:34 am by

From San Juan Island School District

Contribute photo/San Juan Island School District. Holly Wehner

Wednesday the San Juan Island School District Board of Directors approved the hiring of Holly Wehner as the acting principal of Friday Harbor Elementary School for the 2021-22 school year.

After graduating from Washington State University in 2000, Holly worked as a teacher in Salt Lake City, Utah, Issaquah School District, the Lake Washington School District, and since 2014, here in Friday Harbor.

During her 20 years in education, she has been a teacher in several elementary grades, most recently in kindergarten, and has also been a K-6 special education teacher. 

She received her master’s degree in teaching from Grand Canyon University and will complete her Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Western Governors University this August.

Holly was born and raised on the island and graduated from Friday Harbor High School. She understands the community and takes great pride in our schools.

“We are extremely pleased that Holly accepted this position. She has a wealth of educational experience in addition to relationships she has built by being an active member of this community,” said Superintendent Fred Woods. “I truly believe she will do well in leading this school as we transition out of the difficulties, we faced this past year.”

San Juan County Fair Hosts In-person Concert Saturday Night

Posted June 17, 2021 at 5:30 am by

From the San Juan County Fair

The San Juan County Fair’s in-person Summer Music Series starts Saturday, June 19.

The fairgrounds will host Tommy Dale and the Dangerfields and The Chameleons for an evening of local entertainment and fundraising for “Free Wheelin Rides” from 6-9 p.m. 

The goal of “Free Wheelin Rides” is to purchase a safe mobility van for San Juan Island wheelchair users and others with specialized needs for rides.

Bring a picnic, grab a blanket or chair for seating, support a great cause and come enjoy this all-ages event (please no alcohol).

Recommended donations at the door are $15. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

The venue will be following current guidelines provided by the state and county regarding outdoor music venues on the state roadmap to recovery. For additional information and what else is happening at the fairgrounds this summer, visit

View Paintings of ‘Body Language’ at WaterWorks Gallery through July 3

Posted June 17, 2021 at 5:00 am by

Contributed image. “Familiar,” by Cloud Oakes.

From WaterWorks Gallery

WaterWorks Gallery presents the second “Art Aisle” for Cloud Oakes through July 3 at 315 Argyle Ave. in Friday Harbor.

As the artist continues to grow and change, Cloud Oakes’s works take on a new perspective.

Cloud in her current artist statement comments:

“The human form tells a story of more than what rests on the surface. There is a story waiting to be told in our mannerisms and interactions. I strive to witness my own internal story and that of others, and then to capture a snippet of that story on the panel. There is a pause, a moment when the viewer is invited into the story, and within that moment the personal pivots into the universal.

The body language, depicted in many of my works, creates a platform for observation into the intimate world of human emotion and interaction. The figures ask you to slip into their imperfect skin and find within the patterns of shape a color an emotive resonance. In this shared experience we can find an authentic human connection.”

The gallery is open 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Wednesday-Saturday, or by appointment. For more information, visit

University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs Tide Bites

Posted June 17, 2021 at 4:30 am by

Seeding the Salish Sea: First Steps of an Eelgrass Restoration Project

By Elizabeth Nilles, Michael Ramsey and Sandy Wyllie-Echeverria

The disappearance of eelgrass might seem like a trivial topic to some, but it is actually quite a concerning phenomenon.

Marine organisms and humans alike rely on the multitude of ecosystem services provided by eelgrass, such as water filtration, erosion control, carbon storage, and habitat for cultural and commercially important species.

Putting this in an economic context, it is estimated that one acre of eelgrass is worth $12,325. In other words, eelgrass decline is our canary in the coal mine; if not restored, further damage could lead to bigger issues.

In the San Juan Islands, eelgrass began to disappear at several sites in the early 2000s. Continue Reading

San Juan Island Fourth of July Fireworks, Small Parade Planned

Posted June 16, 2021 at 5:30 am by

Friday Harbor 4th of July Parade – Tamara Weaver photo

From the San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce

The San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce 4th of July parade and fireworks show will take place this year.

We are going along with Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee’s proclamation that the state will have a complete re-opening June 30 and we are working feverishly to hold a small parade.

With the improving COVID conditions, rising vaccination rates and easing of restrictions, we have left no stone unturned in our due diligence with our planning to ensure everyone’s health and safety to the fullest extent possible.

We are working with the town of Friday Harbor and our permit must still be reviewed and approved for safety and logistics.

We also need to secure enough volunteers, sponsors and people to participate in the parade.

The parade will be at a later time due to the area church schedules and we will announce the time and route Wednesday.

To participate, download the application at

If you have questions, call 360-378-5240.

Next Vacation Rental Forum Thursday on ‘Workable Solutions’

Posted June 16, 2021 at 5:00 am by

Contributed Photo/Alex Block on Unsplash.

From San Juan Islands Community Network

The first of three forums addressing vacation rentals in the San Juan Islands was held June 9 to a Zoom audience of about 150 interested persons.

Sponsored by the San Juan Islands Community Network, the forum “Discovery” was the first to address the much-discussed issue.

Register for the second forum that will be 7-9 a.m., Thursday, June 17 on workable solutions identified during the first forum.

June 9 Recap

Panelists for this first of three community conversations included Lopezian Jan Scilipoti of Hosting on the Rock, an advocacy group for owners of vacation rental property; Toby Cooper from the Vacation Rental Working Group a group concerned about the proliferation and impact of VRs on the islands; San Juan Council Chair Jaime Stevens; and Doug Whittaker of Confluence Research and Consulting that has conducted exhaustive research on tourism and the impact of vacation rentals on communities.

Jan Scilipoti, a 20-year Lopez resident, vacation rental owner, and member of Hosting on the Rock spoke to the desire that vacation rental owners want to be good neighbors, to manage their properties well and offered some solutions to resolving neighbors’ concerns.

Tony Cooper shared that the Vacation Rental Working Group on Orcas had identified three areas of concern with vacation rentals such as saturation, neighborliness and the perceived impact on the environment. Like Scilipoti, he offered potential solutions to alleviate those concerns.

Research shared by Doug Whittaker suggested attendees focus on the larger picture of the challenges presented by both tourism and the large number of homes serving as second homes to people not living in the islands. He suggested viewing vacation rentals from this perspective is critical to coming to the wisest decisions. Continue Reading

Bird Watch At The San Juan Island Sculpture Park

Posted June 16, 2021 at 4:30 am by

Contributed Photo/San Juan Island Sculpture Park. Bird watching at the San Juan Island Sculpture Park.

From the San Juan Island Sculpture Park

Join us from 8-10 a.m. every third Wednesday of the month through September to watch for our fine feathered friends at the San Juan Island Sculpture Park located next to Roche Harbor Resort.

The next event is Wednesday, June 16.

Phil Green, a local bird enthusiast and member of the nature conservancy, has identified over 40 bird species this winter at the sculpture park. He will lead us to several places around the sculpture park where we can look for and identify the various birds now visiting.

We also have a new trail along Westcot Bay to get us closer to sea birds! So bring your binoculars, cameras and curiosity for an adventure in bird watching.

Don’t forget your masks!

Online San Juan County Land Bank Meeting Friday

Posted June 16, 2021 at 4:00 am by

From San Juan County Land Bank

The San Juan County Land Bank Commission will hold its monthly meeting 8:30-11:15 a.m. June 18 via Zoom. The public is invited to attend. Click here to download the agenda, including the Zoom link, and meeting materials.

To learn more about your Conservation Land Bank, visit If you’re interested in volunteering and/or joining our mailing list, contact [email protected]. We look forward to engaging with you!

The San Juan County Land Bank is a local land conservation program, created by voters in 1990, and funded by a 1% real estate excise tax paid by purchasers of property in San Juan County. Through conservation easements or outright purchases, the Land Bank protects special places in the Islands including coastlines, farmland, forests and wetlands.

Island Stage Left presents ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ set after 1918 Pandemic

Posted June 15, 2021 at 5:30 am by

From Island Stage Left

Island Stage Left presents “Much Ado About Nothing” on San Juan Island 8 p.m. Thursdays-Sundays, July 8-Aug. 8.

This is the biggest gamble Island Stage Left has ever taken.

The cast and crew are about to be paid, costumes are being sewn, others have been bought, the set is nearly finished and now we just have to pray there is no Covid backsliding.

We are determined to give the islands a show that is worth the long, dark wait.

Sunshine, humor and love reign eternal in Shakespeare’s romantic comedy “Much Ado About Nothing.”

We are setting the story in the English countryside during the summer of 1919, as the world is emerging from war and, of course, a global pandemic. It is an era of suffragettes and whisky-drinking aristocrats, offset by the hilariously confused, yet accidentally effective, local constabulary.


All this comes at quite a cost, and we can’t pull it off without serious help. We have not felt right asking for funds during the pandemic, and our cupboards are a bit bare. So we are asking now.

Can you help? Might you sponsor an out-of-town actor? A crew member? A wedding dress worthy of “Downton Abbey”? A prop? We hope that you are able to be generous in your donations.

If indeed you are in a circumstance to sponsor a member of the team, costumes, props, please call 360-378-5649 or email [email protected]. Or donate online at or thorugh the mail to Island Stage Left, 1062 Wold Rd., Friday Harbor, WA 98250.


The health and safety of our audiences are of primary importance to us, and we do not underestimate the trauma of the last year and a half. We will be taking every necessary precaution to protect our workers and our audiences.

We are all fully vaccinated, and ready to lighten your load in a sunny explosion of love and laughter – craftily seasoned with a moment of mistaken grief, but ending in joy and dancing.