A Note from Friday Harbor Drug

Posted April 7, 2020 at 2:21 pm by

Friends and neighbors, the hours here at the pharmacy will be changing effective Wednesday, April 8th. The pharmacy hours will be:

  • Monday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Tuesday- 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Wednesday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Thursday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Friday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Saturday – 10:00am to 5:00pm
  • Sunday- CLOSED

This is in order to keep a more staggered staffing schedule to hopefully ensure that if one of the staff becomes ill we can still operate. I know that this will be an inconvenience to some but our goal is to remain operational throughout this and we can’t guarantee that without reducing hours.

At this point we are moving towards full curbside pickup for everyone, including everyday items. If you only need over the counter items, please utilize option 4 on the automated phone system. We ask that you place your order at least 1 hour prior to pickup. This helps keep the spaces open for those that need them. The idea is to make the pharmacy entirely closed-door and curbside pickup by the end of the week. Many people are still entering the store to do non-essential things and that puts everyone at risk, including our staff.

You may be asking: Continue Reading

Island Rec Programs Cancelled

Posted April 7, 2020 at 2:21 pm by

An update from the San Juan Island Park and Recreation District board of commissioners: All Island Rec in-person programs for April and May remain cancelled in order to prevent community spread of COVID-19.

Have you tried one of our adult fitness LIVE Zoom classes with Jacquelyn Reiff or Katerina Wen? It is a great way to stay moving while staying at home. The following special events are also cancelled for May:

  • May 2—Children’s Festival
  • May 9—Pickleball Tournament
  • May 9—Mother’s Day Yellow Island Kayak Trip
  • May 10—3v3 Soccer Tournament
  • May 17—Hill of Thrills Soap Box Race
  • May 31- Tour de Family

Summer Programs: Island Rec’s recreation and administrative staff continue to work remotely on an optimistic plan for summer programs, with the knowledge that we may have to push some programs to a later date, or adapt to a different type of summer this year. Continue Reading

Merri Ann’s Real Estate News

Posted April 7, 2020 at 2:14 pm by

Merri Ann Simonson – Contributed photo

San Juan County Real Estate Market Summary

The first quarter results for San Juan County maintained the momentum that was present during the last quarter of 2019. As compared to the first quarter in 2019; the data for San Juan Island, Orcas and Lopez all reflected an increase in volume and transaction numbers for the period ending March 31, 2020. San Juan Island had the largest increases with a 48% increase in transaction volume and a 56% increase in number of transactions. Orcas and Lopez had 11% and 16.5% increases in volume and 32% and 0% increases in number of transactions, respectively. Shaw and the other island activity levels are included in the County totals in the chart below.

Continue reading (PDF)

Great Islands Clean Up becomes Month-long Individual Effort

Posted April 7, 2020 at 9:34 am by

In honor of Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary this April, Islanders are encouraged to use the whole month to help tidy our roads and beaches during wellness walks. Due to health concerns, the Spring Great Islands Clean-Up has been cancelled as a group activity, and has pivoted to be an individual or household month-long event. 

Islanders are encouraged to go out individually or as households and pick up litter from their nearby neighborhood roads and beaches during walks. To reduce trips taken outside of the home, please use one bag for either road or beach litter and fill it fully. Road and beach litter can be disposed of free of charge at the Lopez, Orcas, and San Juan transfer stations.

Here are a few more considerations: Continue Reading

New Middle School/High School Principal

Posted April 6, 2020 at 3:13 pm by

San Juan Island School District is pleased to announce the selection of the new middle school/high school principal to begin in July in time for next school year.

Principal Martin Yablonovsky and his family will be moving to the island from Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Yablonovsky has served for the past fourteen years as an administrator in Salt Lake City School District. Of his nine years teaching, his favorite years were teaching in rural Alaska.

Mr. Yablonovsky is known to be a dynamic and dedicated leader. According to Mr. Yablonovsky, “My professional goal is to serve as principal in a rural school, and I would enjoy putting my twenty-two years of experience in rural and urban public schools to work serving the San Juan Island community. A variety of experiences has built in me a strong educational vision that can be summarized in a few core beliefs; I believe in being part of the community, I believe in building teams to serve individuals, and I believe every student can learn.” Continue Reading

Loan Program Information Session

Posted April 6, 2020 at 3:06 pm by

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) invites business owners to an information session to learn more about the various loan programs available to businesses during the current economic downturn, including the Paycheck Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loans, standard SBA loans and more, on Tuesday, April 7th from 2-2:45pm, via Zoom meeting.

Featured speakers will be Brad Williamson, President and CEO of Islanders Bank and Laura Sandstrom, VP/Branch Relationship Manager of Heritage Bank, who will bring decades of banking experience and knowledge to the discussion.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, April 7th from 2-2:45 p.m., by Zoom meeting.

To join the Zoom session, go to :  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/340839019?pwd=N094c0l3QXhaL2o4T1d1SnhjOUJwQT09

  • Meeting ID: 340 839 019
  • Password: 333323

Or join by phone:  (301) 715-8592,  or (253) 215-8782

The EDC thanks San Juan County, the Raynier Foundation, the Town of Friday Harbor, the Port of Friday Harbor, the San Juan Island Community Foundation, Valmark, Walt Corbin, the Orcas Island Community Foundation, Islanders Bank, Heritage Bank, and the Washington State Department of Commerce for their support of EDC initiatives.

Hospital District Meeting

Posted April 6, 2020 at 3:04 pm by

San Juan County Public Hospital District No. 1 will be having a Special Board Meeting on April 8, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.

This meeting will be entirely remote, in accordance with the governor’s emergency proclamation and revised Open Public Meetings Act guidelines (explanation by MRSC here). This meeting is intended to fill in for our canceled March Regular Board meeting.

Members of the public may call 509-824-1884 and enter Conference ID: 643 377 807#  

Audience participation will only be taken by prior arrangement or in writing via email. In either case please email [email protected].

Agenda may be changed up to 24 hours in advance. The most recent version will be posted here: https://sjcphd.org/meeting/2020mtgs

BLM Spokane District temporarily closes additional recreation sites

Posted April 6, 2020 at 3:01 pm by

Spokane, Wash. – The health and safety of our visitors and staff remains the first priority of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, our local partners and the state of Washington, the BLM is temporarily closing the following recreation sites, effective today, to help limit the spread of COVID-19:

  • Yakima River Canyon (Umtanum, Big Pines, Lmuma, and Roza)
  • Liberty
  • Chopaka Lake
  • Palmer Mountain/Washburn Lake
  • Rock Creek
  • Twin Lakes
  • Coffeepot Lake
  • Lakeview Ranch
  • Pacific Lake
  • Patos Island
  • Blind Island
  • Posey Island

Many BLM-managed trails and open spaces not listed can be visited by those who live close enough that a trip does not involve non-essential travel. All restrooms are locked and services are temporarily suspended. If you have questions regarding a BLM location, please call (509)-536-1200.

The BLM encourages responsible, local recreation to avoid putting strain on other communities. Visitors are encouraged to practice Leave No Trace principles. Please bring your own sanitary products, including toilet paper and hand sanitizer, and pack out all trash.

These closures are pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): 43 CFR § 8364.1, 43 CFR § 9268.3(d)(1), and 43 CFR § 8365.1-4.

Delivering soon?  PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center and Island Hospital Childbirth Centers offer assurance  

Posted April 6, 2020 at 2:58 pm by

FRIDAY HARBOR, Wash., April 6, 2020–To ensure a safe delivery and provide mothers and their families with the best birth experience possible, PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center Childbirth Center in Bellingham and the Birth Center at Island Hospital in Anacortes are balancing new visitor restrictions and social distancing in the wake of COVID-19.

Both childbirth centers made the difficult decision to minimize visitors and limit primary support persons in the delivery room to one. This practice reduces the opportunity of exposure to COVID-19 for both mom and baby as well as the clinicians providing care.   

“Working purposefully to promote patient health and safety while preserving elements that support patient experience have been difficult,” said Gallit Eni, nurse manager, PeaceHealth St. Joseph Childbirth Center. “We are closely following the guidance of the CDC, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Washington State Department of Health and our own organization’s practices for safety precautions. These recommendations have changed our processes, but we remain focused on supporting mom, baby and family to create the safest environment for everyone.”

These are some of the precautions adopted by PeaceHealth and Island Hospital’s childbirth centers and other centers nationwide: Continue Reading

New Public Health Recommendation to Cover the Face

Posted April 6, 2020 at 5:48 am by

Following a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revision to public health guidelines, San Juan County health officials recommend islanders cover their nose and mouth when leaving home for essential travel allowed under the Governor’s extended order.

The face coverings do not have to be hospital grade but need to cover the nose and mouth. For example, bandanas, fabric masks and neck gaiters are acceptable. Fabric covers and bandanas can be washed and used again.

A good summary of the new guidance is available from the WA Department of Health HERE.

Previously, public health experts had  not recommended the large-scale use of face coverings. “When the situation changes, the rulebook changes,” said Dr. Frank James, San Juan County Public Health Officer. “We’re seeing large numbers of transmission from infected persons without symptoms and that means our strategy must change too. Covering your face doesn’t change the orders everyone must abide by to stay home as much as possible and maintain social distancing. It’s an extra layer of protection that we need to add.” Continue Reading

Friday Harbor Labs April 2020 Tide Bite

Posted April 6, 2020 at 5:48 am by


Beth Brainerd – Photo credit: Kathy Ballard

This month’s Tide Bite chronicles a not-that-unusual career progression for Friday Harbor Labs’ scientists: going from a student in a course, to a student doing their own research, to teaching here themselves, to having their own graduate students come to learn the trade! 

We love these multi-“generational” ties.  Beth Brainerd is one we are particularly proud of, since just this winter she was appointed to the prestigious Robert P. Brown Professorship of Biology at Brown University.  She has been pivotal in the formation of the Imaging Facility she describes below, which is now a key focal point for FHL-based research; an amazing way to give back!

In this time when connection takes on even greater importance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.  All of us at FHL wish you the very best and are grateful that you are part of our community!

Best of health to you,
Dr. Megan Dethier
FHL Interim Director
[email protected]

Read this month’s FHL Tide Bite »

Wolf Hollow Has a Financial Need

Posted April 6, 2020 at 5:47 am by

We are all experiencing the COVID-19 crisis. Doctors and nurses are working around the clock to save lives. Grocery store workers are on the front line keeping everyone fed. People are staying at home to help prevent the spread of the virus. At the same time many businesses are closed and over 6 million people have applied for unemployment in the last two weeks. Many Americans are suffering.

Throughout all this human hardship, people’s impacts on wildlife continue and injured and orphaned animals need care. Wildlife Rehab is considered an essential service due to its role in public health and safety and in humane animal care, so we continue to be hard at work at Wolf Hollow preparing for the busy summer season.

We have adjusted to having only one staff member at a time at the center, with others working remotely, but when more animals start to arrive, we will have to increase staffing and take additional precautions to protect our personnel. Continue Reading

Town will host Spring Cleanup April 27th through May 1st

Posted April 6, 2020 at 5:47 am by

The Town of Friday Harbor is pleased to offer its residential refuse customers a one-time-only curbside pickup of items that are too large or too heavy for their refuse cans the week of April 27 – May 1. Pickup will take place on their regular collection day.

“The Town saw an opportunity to encourage neighborhood cleanups and to assist our customers with their spring cleaning efforts,” said Town Administrator Duncan Wilson. This is the fourth year the Town has been able to offer this spring cleanup service free of charge to its non-commercial customers.

Specific rules apply regarding the volume and type of items that will be accepted, including that items must fit in a standard pickup truck bed and weigh no more than 60 pounds. This pickup is for non-hazardous, non-liquid items such as large toys and scrap metal, mattresses, carpet, and unusable furniture. Continue Reading

Several New Positive Test Results Reported in San Juan County

Posted April 5, 2020 at 9:06 am by

April 4, 2020: San Juan County Health and Community Services staff have been notified of four new positive COVID-19 test results in San Juan County, including one on San Juan Island and three on Orcas Island. This brings the total number of cases in San Juan County to ten. The County data reporting page will be updated at the end of the day on Monday, once all of the test results and numbers from all local healthcare providers are available and updated.

The new positive test result on San Juan Island was reported for a provider at San Juan Island EMS. However, after extensive public health investigation with the County surveillance team and San Juan Island EMS leadership, there appears to be very limited exposure risk to the public or other agency members.

According to San Juan Island EMS Interim Chief Karl Kuetzing, “We are working closely with San Juan County.  Both EMS and the County Health Department are confident that there has been little to no contact with the general public or members of the EMS team during the period of time when the patient may have been infectious. We will continue to monitor the situation and will provide clear information as needed to the community.” Continue Reading

Remote PHD Meeting

Posted April 5, 2020 at 5:45 am by

San Juan County Public Hospital District No. 1 will be having a Board meeting on April 8, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. through Microsoft Teams.

This meeting will be entirely remote, in accordance with the governor’s “stay home, stay healthy,” mandate and in keeping with emergency Open Public Meetings Act rules as issued in Proclamation 20-28 Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act (attached here).

Members of the public are invited to call in at 509-824-1884 and enter Conference ID: 643 377 807#

We will release an agenda on Monday and provide more details.

HOT TOPIC #12: April 3rd What If Empathy Went Viral

Posted April 4, 2020 at 5:50 am by

Photo by @gballgiggs

COVID-19 updates from San Juan County around subjects on the minds of islanders

Since the beginning of the pandemic, I’ve had friends sick. Some were able to get tested, others not so much. All of them felt the burden, like a weight on the chest, of having a potentially life-threatening illness, and the fear that they might pass it on. And as I mentioned in earlier columns, I have other friends dealing with serious health conditions who are fearful of acquiring the virus. And then there’s the noise. The noise of those ignoring the experts and not practicing social distancing. And the noise of those who are practicing social distancing, but are infuriated by the others, until the whole world–online and off–seems to resound with frustration and rage and fear.

During my undergraduate acting training, in one of our oft-quoted textbooks, I was introduced to the concept of “The Magic ‘If.'” The idea being that an actor must constantly ask themselves, ‘what if?’ ‘What if’ I had superpowers? ‘What if’ I was a lawyer, or a banker, or a farmer? ‘What if’ I were rich? Poor? Drunk? Single? Married? The list of potential ‘what ifs’ is never-ending.

So ‘what if’ empathy went viral? Hear me out–what if it were possible, during this time, for us to intentionally practice the discipline of trying to understand other people’s feelings? For some of us (not pointing any fingers, but he might be writing these words), empathy is a big challenge. If you ask anyone who knew me in high school, I’d probably register at the top of the list of people unable to empathize with anyone. About anything. My wife is constantly telling me that I only have one rule to follow: Don’t Be a Jerk. And I’m constantly breaking the one rule!

But let’s practice for a moment… Continue Reading