Starboard Reach

Posted June 1, 2018 at 5:52 am by

Starboard Reach – John Miller photo

Local photographer John Miller shares his photo of the Schooner Martha on Starboard Reach.
Nikon Df, ISO 100, f7.1 @ 1/320 sec.

Nick Power Announces Candidacy

Posted June 1, 2018 at 5:47 am by

Nicholas Power – Contributed photo

Nicholas (Nick) Power is pleased to announce his candidacy for the position of San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney. Nick hopes to provide voters with an opportunity to elect someone who is committed to honesty, transparency and accountability. Nick sees the position of Prosecuting Attorney as ultimately the citizens’ attorney – not simply the attorney for the County.

Originally licensed to practice law in Illinois in 1997, Nick has worked on a broad variety of legal matters both in the civil and criminal arenas both in state and federal court. Currently Nick has a solo-practice in Friday Harbor. He represents and advises clients in a wide-variety of civil matters including civil rights, employment, property, land-use, whistle blower and election litigation. He has also served as counsel and advised on a broad variety of criminal matters – again, both in state and federal courts.

As a father to a teenager (and an about-to-be-teenager) Nick is very concerned about the epidemic of hard drugs available on the islands but is particularly concerned about those that are being dealt and consumed in our schools. That needs to change. To achieve that end, Nick supports the use of therapeutic court in appropriate circumstances – especially for juvenile offenders — and hopes to greatly increase access to mental health and addiction professionals to those who could benefit from those services.

Since moving to Friday Harbor in 2008 with his wife Penelope Haskew and two daughters, Nick has been troubled by what he has observed in our local law enforcement and justice system. He wants to make San Juan County a safer, fairer and better place to live, work and be.

Because…. Honestly, we can do better.

Ron Krebs Runs for Re-Election

Posted May 31, 2018 at 5:48 am by

Sheriff Ron Krebs – Contributed photo

Dear Fellow Islanders,

I was elected Sheriff of San Juan County three years ago and I am excited to announce that I’ll be running for re-election this November.

As Sheriff, I’ve worked hard to promote and encourage a safer community. I’ve implemented the core beliefs of protect and serve, set higher standards of achievement throughout the department and I am proud of the way my staff embraces these beliefs and the impact they are having throughout the county. This new culture has greatly improved employee satisfaction and morale.

During the short time I’ve been in office, so many things have been accomplished including:

  • The implementation of a Community Policing Program aimed at educating the public and promoting a safe community.
  • A training and inter-agency use program for the state-of-the-art Sheriff’s boats Guardian and Sentinel, allowing them to be fully utilized throughout the county.
  • Strengthened ties with local, state and government agencies allowing greater access to their services and assistance.
  • Negotiated a new jail contract that not only saves the county money but also offers greater access to medical and mental health treatment and support for inmates.

Continue Reading

Got Something to Share with WSF?

Posted May 31, 2018 at 5:44 am by

Dear San Juan Update,

In a three days, the Washington State Transportation Commission (WSTC) will be sending you and 30,000 other members of the Voice of Washington State (VOWS) a link to a short survey on your use and views of the Washington State Ferry System (WSF).

We welcome your help in getting people involved. Please pass this notice along to friends and family and encourage them to join VOWS so they too can help shape the future of Washington’s statewide transportation system.

All they need to do to sign up and receive the VOWS survey is click on the link below:

Voice of Washington State

We appreciate you sharing your views via the VOWS surveys and thank you for your continued participation.

Jerry Litt, Chairman
Washington State Transportation Commission

Letter from Auditor

Posted May 31, 2018 at 5:43 am by

San Juan County Auditor F. Milene Henley shares these thoughts with you as election time nears…

It’s election time, and with that comes the annual crop of political signs, popping up like pesky dandelions across the countryside. We’ve been fortunate in San Juan County. A well-meaning ordinance – now de-toothed by a recent court action – combined with strong local sentiment has kept our sign infection at a minimum.

Political signs, according to San Juan County land use code, are permitted, so long as they are put up not more than forty-five days before an election and taken down within three days after. It seemed like a good idea back in 1998, when the ordinance was adopted. Nobody wanted to see the landscape permanently blighted with signs, especially in a community such as ours, a place people come for the natural environment and rural appearance. Constraining signs to a well-defined time period seemed like a reasonable compromise.

Political signs do serve a purpose. In a rural area, where radio or TV spots aren’t practical, yard signs may be the only way for a candidate to get his or her name out there. Anecdotal stories about the unexpected election of candidates with no qualifications but familiar-sounding names suggest that people are, indeed, more likely to vote for a name they’ve seen often than for one they’ve never seen. Continue Reading

Residential Burning Extended to June 15th

Posted May 31, 2018 at 5:41 am by

From the San Juan County Fire Marshal’s Office:

All residential burn permits will expire at noon on June 15th. Residential burning will be closing two weeks later than the scheduled date of May 31st. Residential burn permits are issued for the burning of brush and limbs in areas of the islands that are not within Urban Growth Areas (UGA.) Campfires will continue to be allowed in contained fire pits that are no larger than 2’ by 2’ in size, burning fire wood only, not yard waste.

Burning during June will be limited to the hours of sunrise until noon daily and the current fire risk level for the county is Moderate.

The Fire Marshal’s Office would like to remind residents of San Juan County that residential burn piles are no larger than 10’ in diameter and need to be monitored at all times they are burning. A charged hose should be present if available as well as a shovel.
Residential permits are not appropriate for land clearing operations, land clearing operations require a commercial permit and may also require permits from the Department of Natural Resources.

The Fire Marshal’s Office also encourages residents to evaluate whether or not burning during June is necessary and explore the options of chipping yard waste or abstaining from burning until Fall when Residential burning re-opens.

Road Construction Ahead

Posted May 30, 2018 at 5:48 am by

Here’s the latest update from WSDOT about the roundabout construction just east of Anacortes…

Sharpes Corner roundabout construction starts Wednesday, May 30
Changes for travelers driving or on bikes during final stages of SR 20 and SR 20 Spur intersection improvements

ANACORTES – Another roundabout is set to take shape on State Route 20 as the Fourth of July approaches.

The next stage of construction

Washington State Department of Transportation contractor crews from Tapani, Inc. will start the largest stage of this project, building the double lane roundabout at the intersection of SR 20 and SR 20 Spur in Anacortes, on Wednesday, May 30.

During this stage, crews will remove the stoplight and reduce traffic to and from Anacortes and Whidbey Island to a single free-flowing lane in all directions around the center work zone.

Click to enlarge

People driving to: Continue Reading

Art for Fun

Posted May 29, 2018 at 5:50 am by

Art for Fun is an art experience for everyone from the novice to the professional. Follow step-by-step instruction in a two hour session and go home with your own 16″ x 20″ painting.

This time the painting is “Butterfly in Vogue”

  • What: Art for Fun, paint pARTy
  • When: June 15
  • Where: San Juan Islands Museum of Art
  • Time: 5:45 pm – 8:00 pm
  • Cost: $35

To register, visit or call Debbie Pigman  at (360) 472-0216 with any questions.

Defending Our Democracy

Posted May 29, 2018 at 5:45 am by

The San Juan County Democrats are pleased to host a conversation about defending our democracy from racism and the radical right with Friday Harbor author David Neiwert and Senator Kevin Ranker. The event will be at 5-7 pm on Thursday, May 31, 2018 at Brickworks in Friday Harbor. Q&A will follow.

David is the author of several books on racism and radical right groups in the USA, including the recently released “Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump”. In 2015, he also published “Of Orcas and Men: What Whales Can Teach Us” focused on the plight of the orcas of the Salish Sea. David, who has appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show, is also the Northwest correspondent for the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Kevin Ranker, our Senator for the state’s 40th legislative district including San Juan County, has a long history of strong support for the protection of civil rights and the environment, etc.

Cookies, water, coffee, and tea will be served.

Tickets for $20 sold at door. The event is a benefit for the San Juan County Democrats.

Know Your Islanders Talks – Brandon Cadwell

Posted May 29, 2018 at 5:42 am by

Brandon Cadwell was a ranger for the National Park Service in southeast Arizona. Come hear about three small, but mighty treasures of our national heritage and his experience living on the southern border.

These wild tales range from volcanic eruptions to Chiricahua Apache Wars to Spanish explorers.

Refreshments are courtesy of the Friends of the Library and the San Juan Island Trails Committee.

Monday, June 4th at 7:00 pm at the San Juan Island Library, free.

What About Gaza?

Posted May 29, 2018 at 5:37 am by

During May 2018, also known as The Great March of Return, over 10,000 Palestinians of all ages sustained injury along the border fence between Israel and Gaza.  This is the most serious event in Palestine/Israel since 2014. At the same time, the United States moved its embassy  from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, an unprecedented action in the 70 years since the UN Partition of Palestine which created the state of Israel.

Gaza, a tiny swath of land measuring only 25 miles long by six miles wide, is home to  almost 2 million people, may refuges from areas now occupied by Israel, is at the center of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Beyond Gaza, Palestinians are the largest population of refugees in the world. Most Americans know very little about the situation, and those who do wonder what can possibly be done to bring peace and justice to Palestine/Israel.

If you would like to know more about the current situation in Gaza, come to a community meeting Tuesday, May 29th, 2018, 5pm at the San Juan Island Library. We are meeting in the community meeting room. For more information call (360) 298-8008.

Hands for Peacemaking

Posted May 28, 2018 at 5:49 am by

In the SJ Update mailbag we find this letter from Dawn Alger requesting your support for her upcoming mission to Guatemala…

Dear Friends and Family,

Some of you may know that last August, Mark and I , along with a 6 person (small but mighty) team of family members and friends, went on a trip to Guatemala to install small wood burning cooking stoves in two villages. It was a trip that we will never forget and made such an impact on us that I have decided to do it again this July. I will also be joined by Sean and Libby Scott, and Anne-Marie Ryan, from Friday Harbor.

This year’s team will have 13 people going to install 115 stoves as part of a humanitarian/mission team under the auspices of the Hands for Peacemaking Foundation. Hands for Peacemaking is a non-profit Christian relief and development organization, established in 1991 to provide aid to Guatemalan villages. I am writing to let you know in the hope that you might help to support our effort.

Our team will be installing simple and efficient plancha type wood burning stoves in the family homes of Centinela Chiquito, and San Pedro Centinela – two remote villages near the town of Barillas in the northwestern highlands of Guatemala. These stoves change – and save lives by improving the quality of air inside the homes and by reducing the risk for respiratory illnesses due to smoke inhalation, as well as burn injuries to little ones. Not to mention it is a huge quality of life improvement for the women of the village. Continue Reading

Gerry Lawlor to Leave Rock Island in Good Hands

Posted May 28, 2018 at 5:47 am by

Rock Island to benefit from another strong ally within T-Mobile

Eastsound, WA – May 25, 2018: Three years ago, Rock Island Communications entered into an important partnership with T-Mobile US to deploy LTE Fixed Wireless to the home. Since then, Rock Island, the wholly-owned subsidiary of OPALCO, has experienced a tremendous period of growth. Rock Island has since signed up over 3,500 Internet subscribers under the direction of Rock Island’s General Manager, Foster Hildreth and Executive Vice President, Gerry Lawlor.

The success of our effort has prompted T-Mobile to replicate a similar nation-wide deployment. As a result, Gerry will be going to work for T-Mobile to help communities like ours who face similar challenges around the country. Lawlor will make the move to T-Mobile on June 1, 2018. While we conduct a search to find Gerry’s replacement, Alan Smith will act as interim Executive Vice President.

“Gerry has played an instrumental role in making our fiber and LTE deployments in San Juan County a reality,” said Foster Hildreth. “I am grateful to Gerry for his dedicated service and look forward to working with him in his new role with T-Mobile where he will continue to deliver and grow our partnership. We wish him all the best.” Continue Reading

Produce Safety Rule

Posted May 28, 2018 at 5:46 am by

What is the Produce Safety Rule and what does it mean for my farm? Join WSU Produce Safety Extension Specialist Faith Critzer to find out!

You may have heard about a new federal regulation impacting produce farms that is focusing on food safety.  If you have questions, you’re not alone.  Come learn about the new produce safety rule, criteria for farms to be exempt from compliance with the rule and modified requirements for farms selling primarily direct to consumers, restaurants, and retailers.

Faith Critzer WSU Associate Professor & Produce Safety Extension Specialist will describe the regulation and answer your specific questions about your operation.

Two workshops will be held:

  • The first is on San Juan Island, May 30th from 9:00 to 11:00 am at the WSU San Juan County Extension office at 221 Weber Way, Friday Harbor.
  • The second is on Lopez Island, May 31st  from 8:30-10:30  at the Lopez Island Library.

or contact Angie Freeman Shephard at [email protected] , 360-370-7664 for call in details.

Pet of the Week

Posted May 28, 2018 at 5:45 am by

Helen is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Darlings, I am of the opinion that people who do not like cats will come back in their next life as mice.

If you concur, please get in touch.

My name is Helen and I am currently waiting to meet my new admirers at the animal shelter.

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Goldenback Trail

Posted May 27, 2018 at 5:44 am by

National Trails Day Hike: Goldenback Trail Opens Saturday, June 2 at Westside Scenic Preserve, San Juan Island

Thanks to the efforts of San Juan County Land Bank volunteers and staff, there is a new hiking trail at the Westside Scenic Preserve on San Juan Island. Join San Juan Island Preserve Steward, Doug McCutchen, and Field Assistant, Charlie Behnke, as they head up the trail at 10am for a toast at the top.

The newly forged Goldenback Trail is a 0.5 mile switchback trail that ascends the part of the Land Bank’s preserve that was generously donated by the Reiss family in 2016. The trail was named for the uncommon native plant found along the preserve’s hillside and is associated with the coastal prairies of the Salish Sea. Multiple expansive viewpoints can be enjoyed along the short hike, and thanks to the Reiss family, the public will enjoy those views forever.

The trailhead is directly across from the Westside Scenic Preserve’s northern most parking area. Parking is limited so we are offering two free shuttles from town leaving the San Juan Island Grange (152 N First St.) at 9:30am and 11:30am.

Please call Tanja Williamson at 360-378-4402 or visit for more information.