It’s History Lives Here Month

Posted May 2, 2018 at 5:49 am by

Edward Scribner built this log cabin c.1891 on Mitchell Bay. In 1988 it was donated to the Historical Society, moved to the Museum grounds and restored to near original condition.

For their monthly column, the San Juan Historical Society asks, “Who tells your story?”

These closing four words sung in the Broadway musical “Hamilton” are powerfully simple. They refer not only to Alexander Hamilton, but to every one of us. Just as the stories of our country’s founding patriots are important, so are millions of local history stories of all eras, lived and told by those who were there. Unique or common, they all make up the American experience. It’s why we like to say “This place matters.”

May is the month when island organizations, in observance of History Lives Here Month, pack the calendar with free events like these (just a sampling): Continue Reading

SJIMA sponsors Art Classes for Vets

Posted May 2, 2018 at 5:47 am by

Artist and instructor, Steven Hill is teaching an Introduction to the Pastel Medium for Veterans on May 19 and 20 at the San Juan Islands Museum of Art (SJIMA) in Friday Harbor.

This workshop will focus on all the basics that Hill teaches in his regular pastel workshops. Of his teaching, one former students says, “Steven had an amazing knowledge of art history as well as being a master of pastel techniques… Our summer Paint-Out group was especially delighted to have such an award winning Plein air artist to observe in action.”

Steven is volunteering his time to teach the workshop after Eric Rhoads, publisher of Plein Aire Magazine challenged the 1100 artists at their worldwide convention to teach a veteran to paint. Approximately 200 artists signed up to spread the joy and healing power of art. Hill, a Viet Nam veteran himself, said, “Well, why not just do a workshop for many veterans?” Then he called SJIMA on San Juan Island. Continue Reading

Children’s Festival – Starry Starry Night this Saturday

Posted May 2, 2018 at 5:45 am by

Island Rec is pleased to announce that the 28th Annual Children’s Festival is this Saturday May 5, 2018.

Dozens of community organizations will be providing all kinds of hands-on activities. This year we will be joined by the Flight Museum with their traveling planetarium. The Argyle Street Jazz band is coming to perform, Island Rec is providing inflatable fun including a bungee run, Island Bicycles has donated some kids’ bikes to be raffled off to some lucky kiddos, and FANS has been diligently practicing their balloon animal technique.

Come join us for some free family fun at the Fair Building – Starry Starry Night! Saturday, May 5th from 10:00 am til 2:00 pm.

For more information, please call 378-4953 or visit

Tour de Family – Friday Harbor

Posted May 2, 2018 at 5:44 am by

Riding the Adventure Route on Roche Harbor Road – Contributed photo

Island Rec and San Juan County Health and Community Services Department are pleased to present the second running of the Tour de Family – Friday Harbor.

This FREE family event has three rides:

  1. a Trike/Stroller route,
  2. a safe First-Biker route;
  3. and a 3-5 mile Adventure route out onto Roche Harbor Road.

There will be free raffles and gear handouts. There will be plenty of volunteers to help guide the routes as well as a road safety clinic before heading out.

Friday, May 11, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at John O. Linde Community Park

SJISD Communique

Posted May 2, 2018 at 5:43 am by

San Juan Island School District Superintendent and Board of Directors Communique

News from the April 25, 2018 Board of Directors meeting

May 7 – 11 is Professional Educators Appreciation Week. The San Juan Island School District is honored to work with all of our staff every week. This would be a good week to personally recognize someone you know in the District whose hard work every day is the foundation of our success. We are justifiably proud of our educators and the jobs that they do so well.

Did you know that the Educational Programs and Operations Levy was renewed with a 71% vote? This is HUGE community support as this levy represents 17% of our budget. When we consider the state still has not funded basic essential programs like special education we know that without our local levy, our students would not receive the education they deserve and are constitutionally guaranteed. So again, to all our citizens, thank you so much for your continued rock-solid support. Continue Reading

May Pole Dance at Stillpoint

Posted May 2, 2018 at 5:39 am by

Stillpoint School shares this photo from yesterday’s May Day dance around the May Pole. Great weather for such an event. Thanks for sharing your photo!

FHHS Island Orbital Technologies Wins Design Competition

Posted May 1, 2018 at 5:52 am by

Friday Harbor High School’s Island Orbital Technologies Wins Northwest Semi-Finals of the International Space Settlement Design Competition (ISSDC)

Over the weekend of April 28-29, the Friday Harbor Aerospace Design Team, known as Island Orbital Technologies, competed in and won the first ever Northwest Semi-Finals of the International Space Settlement Design Competition (ISSDC). This event, held at the Museum of Flight at Boeing Field, included students from six regional high schools and is part of a worldwide competition which uses aerospace industry simulated scenarios to engage high school students in engineering design and management.

At the competition, the FHHS team joined forces with students from Raisbeck Aviation High School, received a Request for Proposal at noon Saturday, and had until 8am Sunday to produce a 50-page proposal and create a design brief for judges.

(see more photos below) Continue Reading

Island Senior: Mullis Center Honors Volunteers

Posted May 1, 2018 at 5:50 am by

Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae…

Whether they are serving up a hot lunch, delivering meals on wheels, or setting up for a pancake breakfast, volunteers are the life’s blood of our senior center.  This April in appreciation for all of those who volunteer, the Mullis Center co-hosted with Senior Services an annual Volunteer Appreciation Lunch. “Thank you to ALL the volunteers who help make the Mullis Center such a special place for local seniors to have lunch and socialize” said Senior Services Specialist Debbie Haagensen.

Volunteers enjoy lunch and gift bags – Peggy Sue McRae photo

We were treated to a tasty lunch contributed by Charles Thomas, owner of the China Pearl restaurant. All volunteers were given gift bags filled with treats including a free movie pass for the Palace Theatre.

The following three volunteers were especially honored: Continue Reading

John Geyman Receives Book Award

Posted May 1, 2018 at 5:48 am by

John Geyman, M.D. of Friday Harbor received a silver medal in the national Benjamin Franklin Award competition for his book, Crisis in U.S. Health Care: Corporate Power vs. The Common Good.

The competition is sponsored by the Independent Book Publishers Association, and Geyman was honored at the national conference in Austin, Texas, early in April.

Congratulations John!


Fish for Teeth

Posted May 1, 2018 at 5:47 am by

Fish for Teeth brings free mobile dental clinic to Friday Harbor

Fish for Teeth sponsors a mobile dental van for dental clinics on San Juan Island, three times a year – Contributed photo

Islanders unable to afford dental care can receive it for free thanks to the local nonprofit Fish for Teeth on Thursday, May 10; Friday, May 11; and Saturday, May 12 at a mobile dental van parked outside the San Juan Island Family Resource Center.

“Many volunteers and local businesses work as a team to bring this service to those who cannot otherwise afford dental care,” said Fish for Teeth Founder Matt Marinkovich, a San Juan Island commercial fisherman.

Fish for Teeth sponsors a mobile dental van for dental clinics on San Juan Island, three times a year. The Medical Teams International’s van can handle dental hygiene appointments to root canals. Continue Reading

Carolyn Jewett announces Candidacy for District Court Judge

Posted April 30, 2018 at 5:58 am by

Carolyn Jewett = Contributed photo

Carolyn Jewett has announced that she will run for election to be the next District Court Judge. The incumbent judge, Judge Stewart Andrew, is not running for re-election.

Since 2015, Carolyn has handled District Court cases as a deputy prosecutor for San Juan County. She prosecutes all criminal cases and contested infractions in District Court; additionally, she handles some felony cases in Superior Court and represents the State in other hearings as needed. Working in District Court, she has significant experience in handling all the types of misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor cases that make up District Court criminal filings.

“I know the smallest case can have a huge impact on the person involved,” said Ms. Jewett. “That’s why we need to get it right. I would be honored to serve as District Court judge and ensure that every case, big or small, is handled respectfully and fairly.” Continue Reading

VR Boat Simulator

Posted April 30, 2018 at 5:47 am by

The Friday Harbor Power Squadron will offer free instruction on boat handling on May 4th and 5th from 10am to 4 pm. Practice boat handling in Virtual Reality using the Boat Simulator Virtual Trainer – (no danger of getting wet or hitting anything!)

The training simulator will be located at the Port office in the Yacht Club building downstairs.

But What about the Pig

Posted April 30, 2018 at 5:45 am by

The next Know Your Islanders Talks event will feature Boyd C. Pratt examining that signal event of the Pig War from a porcine point of view…

What breed was the boar and what was he doing running loose? Why did Lyman Cutlar have a potato patch, there in a Hudson’s Bay Company “prime sheep run”? 

Boyd roots around for answers and spreads the dirt on the Pig War.

Refreshments are courtesy of the Friends of the Library and the San Juan Island Trails Committee.

Monday, May 7th at 7:00 pm at the San Juan Island Library, free.

Pet of the Week

Posted April 30, 2018 at 5:44 am by

Jem is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Hi. It’s me, Jem. Can you please tell me my favorite story again? You know, the one about the dog who goes for a ride in the car and ends up at the vet? That one really tickles my funny bone. Geez, dogs are dumb. I’ve met lots of them here at the animal shelter. Not impressed.

If you must know, I’m kind of a big deal here because I’ve been here longer than any other cat. Over five years! I’m a little bit shy, but once I get to know someone I’m a friend for life!   I sure would like to find a home of my own where I can feel special again. I’ll even consider living with a dumb ol’ dog. Get in touch!

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Legal Rights for the Salish Sea?

Posted April 29, 2018 at 5:53 am by

Legal Rights for the Salish Sea? Expanding our Circle of Citizenship

Join Community Rights San Juan Islands at San Juan Island Grange 966, 152 1st St, Friday Harbor, Thursday, May 10th, for a screening of Robin Wall Kimmerer’s  presentation “We the People: Expanding Our Circle of Citizenship”. The screening will be followed by a lively roundtable discussion with Jessica Simone of Community Rights San Juan Islands on the topics of Community Rights and the Rights of Nature for the Salish Sea.

The program will begin at 6:30 pm and, in typical Grange fashion, will be preceded by an optional potluck and meet ‘n’ greet at 5:30!

Community Rights San Juan Islands has come together to develop a community bill of rights for San Juan County. We aim to create legal tools to prevent corporate and government entities from causing harm to our natural and human communities. Continue Reading

2018 Leadership San Juan Graduates

Posted April 28, 2018 at 5:58 am by

LSJ Grads: Front: Hannah Lawson (SJI), Poke Haffner (O), Erika Nelson (SJI), Abigale Anderson (SJI), Stephanie Coffey (SJI), Daniel Martz (O), Stacey Smith (SJI), Back: Brian Estey (L), Isaac Berg (L), Eric Blaser (L), Richard Meenan (SJI), Alison Boe (O), Jelte Harnmeijer (L)

Leadership San Juan Islands is proud to announce the graduation exercise for their 14th class. Graduation will be on Friday, May 4, 2018, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at The Grange, 152 1st St, Friday Harbor. Graduation speaker will be alum and San Juan County Superior Court Judge Katie Loring. The event is open to the public.

The thirteen graduates have completed a professional development program comprising 12 days across Orcas, Lopez, and San Juan Islands. Students have further developed their leadership skills and have delved into the issues and the culture of our island archipelago. Students have earned course credit with Skagit Valley College.

Leadership San Juan Islands was founded in 2004. For more information, visit or contact 2018 Program Director Vivette Bordas at (253) 653-5213.