(Re)Connecting with Nature: An Evening with Mike Cohen
How can we cultivate connection with nature in a time when we’ve never been so separated? How can we work to re-unify humanity with the life of the Earth?
Mike Cohen- scientist, counselor, applied ecopsychologist, traditional musician, and naturalist- believes it can be done through the conscientious and scientific exploration of our own senses.
For over 50 years, Mike has worked to develop techniques of reconnection that use not only 5 but 54 senses to connect to nature and natural areas, and to ourselves within each present moment.
At the core of Mike’s practice is the concept of the Earth as a living organism, with each of us inseparable from it. By using our senses to locate ourselves within the greater organism of Earth, we can learn to align ourselves and our lives with the needs of a healthy planet.
Please join us at the San Juan Island Grange, 152 1st St, Friday Harbor, Thursday, August 31st, as Mike discusses his work in depth and teaches techniques to “create mutually beneficial relationships with Earth’s self-correcting ways, and help others do the same.”
The program will begin at 7pm and, in typical Grange fashion, will be preceded by an optional potluck and meet ‘n’ greet at 6!
Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D., Ed.D., is Director of Project NatureConnect, Institute of Applied Ecopsychology, Organic Psychology, Educating, Counseling, and Healing with Nature (ECHN).
(Re)Connecting with Nature: An Evening with Mike Cohen is part of the Grange Lecture Series, which strives to foster social and political engagement, discussion, and to maintain our historical Hall as a home for celebrations and programs.
The San Juan Island Grange has been a community of growers, makers, and keepers since 1931.
The Grange is non-partisan, and so is this event. All are welcome, including kids!