An Evening of Science Fiction

Posted April 14, 2017 at 5:48 am by

Bones Of Starlight Book 1: Fire On All Sides

Griffin Bay Bookstore & The San Juan Island Library Are Presenting An Evening of Science Fiction with Eva Elasigue

If you have a penchant for space travel or losing yourself in the mysteries of the galaxy with a good story, don’t miss Eva Elasigue reading from her first book in the Bones of Starlight series, Wednesday evening, April 26, 7:00 pm at the Library. She will also discuss hot topics in science fiction.

Meet a vivid cast of characters. Delve into an inter stellar mystery. Travel all over the galaxy. Explore different races and worlds and more in Fire On All Sides.

Eva Elasigue – Contributed photo

About the Author
Eva L. Elasigue, of Friday Harbor, is the author of Bones of Starlight, a science fiction fantasy epic. Book 1, Fire On All Sides was finished and released in late 2015/early 2016 after a year-long serialization online at She is now working on the second book in the series from her studio, Primal Spiral, also an independent imprint and events entity.

Earth Day Celebration at Brickworks

Posted April 13, 2017 at 10:07 am by

Mix & Mingle At Green Drinks Birthday Party And Earth Day Celebration

Passion for clean environment and local food? Join us at Brickworks on April 20th

Earth Day is Saturday, April 22nd, but let’s start celebrating early! If you have a passion for the environment, food, farming, and camaraderie, you are invited to join in April’s Green Drinks hosted by Island Grown in the San Juans at Brickworks (150 Nichols St., Friday Harbor) on Thursday April 20th from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. This is an informal gathering of environmentally like-minded people with the purpose of networking, connecting and having fun! This special Green Drinks event is also celebrating two years of Green Drinks gatherings in Friday Harbor. There will be Island Grown Food vendors present including Paella San Juan, Snowberry Farm Crepes, and Aurora Farms BBQ serving food from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Drinks from San Juan Vineyards and Island Hopping available; announcements at 7:00 p.m and a DANCE PARTY from 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Bring cash to purchase bites and drinks of choice!

Read more about Green Drinks and Island Grown below  Continue Reading

FHFF Winter Film Series

Posted April 13, 2017 at 10:06 am by

The Friday Harbor Film Festival Winter Series – Audience Favorites presents Seed: The Untold Story

Few things on Earth are as miraculous and vital as seeds — worshipped and treasured since the dawn of humankind.

This documentary follows passionate seed keepers who are protecting a 12,000 year-old food legacy. In the last century, 94 seed varieties have disappeared.

A cadre of 10 agrichemical companies, including Syngenta, Bayer, and Monsanto, controls over two-thirds of the global seed market, reaping unprecedented profits. Farmers and others battle to defend the future of our food.

Tuesday, April 18th at the Grange at 7:00 pm

Class of 2034 Photo Op

Posted April 13, 2017 at 10:05 am by

Future Class of 2027 – Contributed photo

Katie writes to invite your babies to this photo shoot…

Hello San Juan Update,
I came across this article you ran in 2013 announcing the class photo for the class of 2030, and I was wondering if you would be willing to do the same for our upcoming class of 2034 photo (children born between 8/31/15 and 8/30/16).

The photo will be taken on the Friday Harbor High School bleachers on Saturday, April 22nd at 10:30 am sharp. We’re asking everyone to show up 10-15 minutes early so we can take the photo on time. We’ve had a friend/photographer graciously offer to take the photo, which means there is no cost to anyone. We will do a digital photo and email it to all families so they can print as desired. Any questions about the photo can be directed to Kendra Martin at 605-431-9580.

Katie Stringer

Mall Sale

Posted April 13, 2017 at 5:20 am by

One Time Only – One Day Only

Cotton Cotton Cotton & Discovery Sea Kayaks are having a 1st time ever Mall Sale!

Saturday, April 15th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

We have done our Spring Cleaning and need to move last year’s inventory to make room for new.

Sale items will be deeply discounted – ALL SALES FINAL.

Come in and find some real bargains!

CATS Gourmet Bake Sale April 15

Posted April 12, 2017 at 5:22 am by

Susan Mazzarella and Sally Shannon from last year’s Elegant Edibles – Contributed photo

Homemade holiday treats, a Spring raffle basket and a chance to win a very special cake are part of the Community Arts Theatre Society’s (CATS) annual Elegant Edibles on Saturday, April 15.

The gourmet bake sale is from 10 a.m. to 12 noon in the San Juan Community Theatre’s lobby and features dozens of elegantly prepared goodies by CATS members, including signature dishes from the “Baker Boys.”   They’ll concoct a variety of delights, including coffee cakes, breads, pies, cakes and condiments (sauces, jams, jellies, etc.) — all just in time for those family holiday brunches on Sunday.

CATS members will be selling raffle tickets for the chance to win a basketful of décor and menu treats and a silent auction will be held for a Felicitations’ Easter basket cake.

All proceeds from Elegant Edibles help fund Theatre operations.

Flea Market April 29

Posted April 12, 2017 at 5:19 am by

The 2017 Spring Flea Market is Saturday, April 29th 9:00am until 2:00pm (yes, two extra hours longer than previous markets!) in the main building at the San Juan County Fairgrounds.

Spaces are already filling up—Are you interested in becoming a vendor? Visit the Fairgrounds website and get your registration form today!

Yappy Hour

Posted April 12, 2017 at 5:15 am by

You’re invited to join the Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor at the Rumor Mill next Wednesday, April 19 from 5:00 to 7:00 for another fun evening of delicious Yappetizers and luscious Libations guaranteed to make your tail wag!  

You’ll have a chance to win some terrific raffle prizes too! A generous portion of your tab will be donated to the animal shelter, so bring your friends and join in the fun! For more information call Jan at the animal shelter, 378-2158.

Kate on the Radio!

Posted April 11, 2017 at 9:08 am by

Kate Schuman invites you to tune-in to Ellensburg Radio tonight…

Kate Schuman – Contributed photo

Hi San Juan Island,

I just got a last-minute booking on Ellensburg Community Radio (ECR) for a show called Americana Live, streaming tonight (Tuesday) at 7:00.  I’ll be presenting original tunes and talking about my home town with host Don Shriner.  The program will be available as a Podcast later on.  

Listeners can Google “Ellensburg Community Radio” and click on the “Listen Now” button, then follow instructions.  


“Sensational” Auditions April 22

Posted April 11, 2017 at 9:07 am by

It’s no secret that the San Juan Islands are full of extremely talented folks—almost 30 years of a thriving community theater sure proves that! So why not celebrate that creativity with a high-spirited, cabaret-style variety show?

Auditions are scheduled for San Juan Community Theatre’s Sensational Summer Variety Show on Saturday, April 22 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the PARC Studio (70 Saltspring Drive).

“We’re looking for light, happy, bright acts … summer is about fun!” said SJCT Finance and Development Director Julie Hanks. All ages and types of talents are encouraged, from singing to dancing to reciting poems or monologues to juggling to that “wow, I wish I could do that.”

SJCT Executive Artistic Director Bobby Ryan stresses that for the auditions, the acts do not need to be perfected—there will be plenty of time to rehearse by show time. (The variety show is scheduled in the Whittier Theatre for four shows from July 13-16.) “It’s all about sharing those creative and artistic talents on a live stage with an enthusiastic community cheering you on,” said Ryan.

An audition-time sign up form is posted in the San Juan Community Theatre box office; sign up deadline is April 20. For more details, contact Julie Hanks at donors [@]

High School Art Competition

Posted April 11, 2017 at 9:06 am by

WA State Rep. Rick Larsen writes to share this contest information with you…

Dear Neighbor:

Last year’s winner, Ohnshim Kim from Mukilteo, won with her charcoal drawing entitled “A Walk.” – Contributed photo

Are you a creative high school student in Washington’s 2nd Congressional District? Do you know someone who is?

Showcase your artwork in this year’s Congressional Art Competition! The winning artist will have their piece displayed in the U.S. Capitol for one year and will receive two airline tickets to attend a reception in Washington, D.C.

The deadline to submit a piece of art to my office is April 28, 2017, at 4 p.m. For a full list of guidelines, please visit my website here.

They can be mailed or delivered to Larsen’s offices in Everett or Bellingham:

Rep. Rick Larsen
Re: Art Competition
Wall Street Building
2930 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 9F
Everett, WA 98201

Rep. Rick Larsen
Re: Art Competition
119 North Commercial Street, Suite 275
Bellingham, WA 98225

Participants will be honored and the winner will be announced at a reception on May 6, 2017. Continue Reading


Posted April 11, 2017 at 9:04 am by

Thursday, April 6, Todd Dixon and Stella Ng from the Washington Insurance Commissioner’s Office met with twelve volunteer insurance counselors from San Juan and Skagit counties to review SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors) program success and present service awards. Island Hospital, the area program contractor, hosted the breakfast meeting as part of the regular monthly update training session for volunteers.

The six San Juan County based volunteers had 350 personal counseling contacts during 2016, invested 602 volunteer hours and held 8 outreach classes. The program objectives here as throughout the state are:

  • Review individual Medicare Enrollment timing, and options
  • Contact those in rural locations and with limited English
  • Serve the 7% of our state population who are disabled and under 65
  • Serve those earning under 150% of the Federal Poverty Level
  • Provide local community outreach education opportunities
  • Detect and report cases of Medicare fraud or abuse

Washington was rated 13th last year of the 54 similar programs in every state last year. Washington counselors reported 88,000 contacts of the 3.3 million documented nationwide. Like the rest of America, Washington population is aging. Our county, with the oldest average age in Washington, now reports 29% over 65 versus 14% for the entire state. While SHIBA began near us in Skagit County about 30 years ago the concept has been adopted nationally as SHIP (Statewide Health Insurance Program.)

Free access to your own local, unbiased consultant is available by calling one number 800.562.6900.

For more details click on the following link: (PDF)

Story by Curt VanHyning

Spring Street Pocket Park Construction Update

Posted April 10, 2017 at 3:56 pm by

Spring Street Pocket Park

This is a construction update on what to expect today through the remainder of the week.

The pavers have been installed but the final concrete pour was cancelled last Friday due to bad weather. The Contractor is now scheduled to pour the balance of the concrete on Wednesday, April 12th. This portion of sidewalk will be closed to pedestrians during the pour and will reopen after the concrete has time to set.

After the concrete has been finished the crews will excavate the planting beds, install top soil, plants, irrigation, art elements, benches and pavement patching.

Appropriate signage will be placed during this phase of the project. Every effort will be made to limit interruption to businesses.

Questions regarding the project may be made to Town Hall at (360) 378-2810, or the on-site Project Manager. As always, the Town appreciates the continued patience of business owners, residents and visitors.

Pet of the Week

Posted April 10, 2017 at 5:31 am by

Dave is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Alright everyone, that’s enough of the paparazzi-thing for now.   I’ll sign autographs later, but no more photos for a while, o.k.? In case you don’t recognize me, I’m Dave. Yes, that’s right, “The Dave”. International celebrity, model and spokescat for “CQ Magazine”.

Trust me, it isn’t easy being this handsome and popular. Ask George Clooney. He understands. Some days I just want to curl up in a lap and watch re-runs of Matlock while I have my ears massaged.

I’m looking for a new agent, and I think you might be just the person for the job. Let’s do lunch and talk about your qualifications soon. You know where to find me – I’m here at the animal shelter in Friday Harbor.

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Zach and John

Posted April 10, 2017 at 5:25 am by

Jane Burton-Bell shares this story with you…

Zach Crichton and John Moalli – Contributed photo

Hello SJI,

I wanted to tell you a great story. Here on San Juan Island, a local man who volunteers in the STEM class at the local high school has created a fantastic opportunity for a local boy. Zach, who has cerebral palsy resulting in severe physical disabilities was working on a project in his STEM class.

John Moalli, the volunteer, was amazed to see how much Zach had going on in his mind, that he is unable to easily express. John and Zach have become great friends and so John, also a college lecturer, wanted Zach to have opportunities, and wanted his students at Stanford to think about others and their challenges, and how appropriate design could really impact lives.

So John began the unlikely mission of taking Zach, and his wheelchair, mother and para-educator to a Stanford class from Friday Harbor, and this spring break it’s going to happen. He has somehow got a private jet donated to transfer Zach to Palo Alto to attend his class ‘Dare to Care: Compassionate Design’, tour the Stanford campus and fly home the next day.

Double Mountain Brewery Dinner at Coho

Posted April 10, 2017 at 5:23 am by

Join Coho Restaurant on April 21st for their first ever dinner and beer tasting with Double Mountain Brewery.

These beers are one of a kind – featuring Belgian yeast and Northwest hop character. Chef Bill is devising an appetizing menu to pair with Double Mountain Brewery’s bold flavors. Seating is at 6:00 pm and space is limited. $55 per person for dinner with an optional $25 per person beer pairing.

Make a night of it? Stay at the Tucker House Inn for only $129 per night. Give us a call today to reserve your dinner and accommodation reservations!

Double Mountain Brewery Menu
Bill Messick, Executive Chef

  • 1st – HALIBUT PO BOY
    fried halibut, cole slaw, lemon & Dijon aioli
    radish & romaine salad, avocado, fried jalapeños, house made corn tortilla
    caramelized onions, wild mushrooms, tomato & roasted red pepper sauce
    herbed spaetzle, spring vegetables, veal demi-glace
    TAHOMA KRIEK – 2015