Business Feasibility Workshop

Posted March 8, 2017 at 5:42 am by

EDC offers free workshop on business feasibility for entrepreneurs

All entrepreneurs wonder if there is a market for their business ideas, or if they will make money from them.  Join the San Juan County Economic Development Council for a FREE workshop to learn more about Business Feasibility.

One of the most important steps for entrepreneurs in starting their new businesses is to assess their ideas’ feasibility, to minimize risks and to increase their businesses’ potential for success.  This workshop will be led by Tony Salas of the SBDC, and a management consultant for over a decade.  The course will cover the steps necessary to assess the market, manage risk, determine economic and technological feasibility, and to ensure greater success for a startup or business expansion.

Details:  San Juan Island, March 20th from 12:30-2 p.m. at the San Juan Island Library (NB, this workshop is not sponsored by the library).   Free workshop; advance registration is required:  Questions:  360-378-2906 or [email protected].

The EDC thanks the SBDC, Island Market, San Juan County government, our ports, the Town of Friday Harbor, Heritage Bank, Islanders Bank, Island Market, and the Department of Commerce for their support of this workshop. 

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County.  We believe a strong economy builds a strong community.   The EDC works to build an environment that helps business owners create jobs.  We serve business:  linking organizations and resources, providing valuable information, rendering assistance and advocating for an improved island business environment.   

Help Wanted

Posted March 8, 2017 at 5:36 am by

Community Treasures is looking for year round help.  Need help with labor for pickups, cleaning, and organizing.  6 hours a day. 

Apply at 6739 Roche Harbor Road between 10:00am and 5:00pm, Wednesday – Sunday.  Contact Copper at 370-5562.

Grad Night Fundraisers

Posted March 7, 2017 at 5:57 am by

Click to enlarge

Are you ready for some GOOD NEWS?

Approximately 65 students will graduate Friday Harbor High School on June 10th, 2017. It has become a tradition on San Juan Island to honor the graduates with a safe, sane, and sober all-night celebration. It is a final gathering of the senior class to enjoy one another with an evening full of unique exciting activities planned, in secret, by their parents in cooperation with the Prevention Coalition.  

It takes almost a full year of planning and fundraising to create this memorable event and could not be done without the help and generosity of our terrific community.

Would you like to help? You can do so by attending the Senior/Staff basketball game on March 10th. Admission is by donation. Dinner starts at 5:30pm, and features Bakery San Juan pizza, salad, a drink, and dessert all for only $10. A dessert and gift basket silent auction will be held, along with many entertaining activities through the night. The game begins at 6:30pm.

Next comes the Rummage sale in the FHHS Commons on Saturday March 18th from 9:00am – 2:00pm. Donations can be dropped off at FHHS on Friday March 17th from 12:00pm to 6:00pm.

You could also consider a tax-deductible donation. Checks can be made out to FHHS PTSA with “Grad Night 2017” in the memo line. They can be mailed to Grad Night c/o Travis Ayers PO Box 2165, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. Every little bit helps, and will be used to ensure our kids have the night of their lives as they embark on the next chapter of their journey.


Travis Ayers
Chair, Grad Night Committee ‘17

Bird Watching Project

Posted March 7, 2017 at 5:56 am by

False Bay Creek Preserve – Click to enlarge

False Bay Creek Preserve Seasonal Bird Watching Project

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, San Juan County Land Bank, and San Juan Islands Audubon invite you to a “design charrette” for the development of seasonal bird watching at the Land Bank’s False Bay Creek Preserve at Heritage Bank’s community meeting room on Monday, March 13 at 5:00pm.

The goal of the meeting will be to get input on the design and format of a seasonal bird watching facility at False Bay Creek preserve, located on the north side of Bailer Hill Road just west of False Bay Road. The Land Bank has had a goal of establishing public access at this site that would be compatible with agricultural activities and ecological resources, resulting in a recent partnership with WDFW. We would like to work with the end users to develop ideas about the site’s design, aesthetics, and function that meet expectations and reduce impacts to the site and winter waterfowl.

Participants are encouraged to drive by the site in advance of the meeting, but please do not enter the fields at this time. Please do take a look at “A Guide To Wildlife Viewing and Photography Blinds” to generate some ideas as well.

For more information, contact Tanja Williamson at 360-378-4402 or email tanjaw [@]

Full Day Kindergarten at Paideia

Posted March 7, 2017 at 5:42 am by

Paideia Classical School’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce full day kindergarten starting with the 2017/2018 school year. Open enrollment began on March 1, 2017. Families are encouraged to sign up early as space is limited.

We also have space available in our 1st – 8th grade classes. Please contact our school Administrator, Jodi VanderYacht at paideiaschool [@] or 378-8322 for an enrollment packet or to schedule a visit to our classrooms.

Learn more about Paideia at

Garden Planning Party

Posted March 7, 2017 at 5:40 am by

A reminder to the community about the San Juan Island Garden Club Garden Planning Party/Meeting Tuesday at the Mullis Center beginning at 10:00 a.m. There will be plantings of kale, sweet peas, flowers, etc., catalogs, magazines, containers, books, picture frames, photos, etc., and advisers for planning your garden and advice for some garden problems all in the garden theme.

Come join us for three kinds of soup, bread and warm drinks. We will be there from 10 a.m. – 1:00 pm, when our regular monthly meeting convenes. We welcome everyone.

Land Bank’s Lopez Tombolo Preserve Extended

Posted March 6, 2017 at 5:55 am by


The Land Bank is excited to announce an additional 800 feet of public access to beach and tidelands located west of Bayshore Road on the San Juan Channel side of Fisherman Bay on Lopez Island. This acquisition would not have been possible without the support of the Sunset Acres Owners Association, a residential community on the west side of Lopez.

This beautiful piece of shoreline property is immediately south of the Land Bank’s Tombolo Preserve and north of the County’s Otis Perkins Day Park. Views extend across the channel to San Juan and Turn Islands, over to Shaw and up to Turtleback Mountain. This beach will be managed to provide habitat for its marine birds and mammals, and also to provide low impact recreation for everyone on Lopez.

Joanna Richey, president of the Association, said, “When we looked at this piece of shoreline, located north of our community and adjacent to other public lands, it made sense for it to be sold to the Land Bank as an addition to their Tombolo Preserve. We felt that Otis and Eleanor Perkins, who originally owned the property, would have wanted its beauty to be shared. We are happy that this sale will give people on Lopez a long, continuous stretch of accessible public beach to enjoy forever and that the Land Bank’s management will protect its ecological and public benefits.”

F.R.O.G. Survey Results

Posted March 6, 2017 at 5:51 am by

The Washington State Transportation Commission (WSTC) has released the results of several completed 2016 Ferry Riders Opinion Group (FROG) surveys. We would like to share the results of these surveys with you so you can see how riders like you view key ferry issues as well as how Washington State Ferries (WSF) 2016 winter performance was rated. Click on any of the links below to see the summary of results for each survey. 

Cumulative Summary of All Studies:
2016 WSF Cumulative Summary Report – Summary of key results of the individual surveys listed below 

Individual 2016 WSF Studies:
Summer Ferry Performance Survey – WSF summer performance results by occasional/recreational riders and FROG members 
Summer Reservation Survey – FROG member’s opinions on WSF reservation system 
Winter Ferry Performance Survey – FROG member’s appraisal of WSF winter period performance 
Freight Customer Survey – Freight scheduler’s appraisal of WSF service/performance 
General Market Assessment – Results of statewide Washington citizen’s usage and views of WSF 
Ferry Naming Quick Poll – Results of a short survey regarding naming the newest Washington state ferry 

All of the full reports are available on the Transportation Commission’s website as well: 2016 Ferry Riders Opinion Group (FROG) Full Survey Reports

Thank you for your continued participation in our FROG panel, and for making your voice heard.

Jerry Litt, Chairman
Washington State Transportation Commission

Free Windshield Chip Repair

Posted March 6, 2017 at 5:50 am by

Back by popular demand, Safe Harbor Insurance is teaming up with their friends at On Site Glass Solutions to repair your chipped windshield for free.

Saturday, March 25th from 9:00 to 5:00 at Safe Harbor Insurance, 772 Mullis Street.

Anyone and everyone is invited. You do not have to be a client with Safe Harbor Insurance to participate. Repairs are 100% free, regardless of your insurance coverage. If you’re not sure whether your chip is repairable, or want more information, contact Safe Harbor at (360) 378-2949 or customerservice [@]

Letter From Dr. Diaz

Posted March 6, 2017 at 5:46 am by

School District Superintendent Dr. Danna Diaz shares this letter to the community…

Dr. Danna Diaz – Contributed photo

Greetings Teachers, Staff, Parents, Students and Community Members:

When I was searching for a way to begin writing this letter, I was wondering why is it still cold today. I wore my hat, gloves and used my space heater at work. I was pondering with the thought thinking that the beginning of spring occurs on the first day of March. I even bought spring candy! However, the ground hog did predict that we will have six more weeks of winter. I am looking forward to the spring season! Are you?

The good news is that there are many reasons to celebrate and recognize individuals and/or groups of people: March is Women’s History Month and National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. In our state and our district, we will be celebrating the classified employees for all of their contributions in our educational system. Thank you for all that you do for our teachers, students and families!

During March 6 -10, we will be implementing the Center for Educational Effectiveness Survey. The survey will be taken by the entire certificated and classified staff and additionally, students and parents. The data will help us understand building needs and understand readiness in the Characteristics of High Performing Schools. A link will be provided via email and through our website.

In March, I plan to have Dialogue and Donuts with Danna, at the schools and at the district office. I invite you to please drop in for a conversation! Please see the following schedule:

  • Friday Harbor Middle School, Tuesday, March 21, 7:45 – 9:00 am
  • Griffin Bay School, Thursday March 23, 7:45 – 9:00 am.  
  • Friday Harbor Elementary School Monday, March 27, 7:45 – 9:00 am
  • SJISD School District Office, 285 Blair Ave, Tuesday, March 28, 7:45 am – 9:00 am
  • Friday Harbor High School Wednesday, March 29, 7:45 – 9:00 am

I would like learn how I may better serve you. In addition, I would like to consult with you on how we can work together to conscientiously achieve the district’s mission: To promote excellence, engaging every student, every day, through superior instruction, high expectations and academic content that is both challenging and individually relevant.

If you have any questions, you may contact me at (360) 370-7905 or email dannadiaz [@] Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Danna Diaz, PhD

Spring Talent Show

Posted March 6, 2017 at 5:44 am by

2015 winners who went on to Regional and State contests, Jim Moe, ElseDora Arendt and Chiara Power – Contributed photo

In the SJ Update mailbag this morning we have a letter from Frank Penwell about the upcoming Spring Talent Show…

Friday Harbor Grange and Community Treasures are planning and sponsoring an open local talent contest for April 6th, 2017.

We would like to ask for your help in promoting an opportunity and learning experience for local talent through this event, and in finding or recommending 4 or 5 volunteers to be the judges. The Judging scoring Criteria are listed at the bottom of this Entry Form Application. We would also like to encourage sponsorship of this as a yearly event.

Click to enlarge

The regional contest includes a wide range of talent. Throughout the State, the Grange holds regional contests with a wide variety of acts. We have had: an 80 year old who played the accordion, young groups of band players or singers, dancers, ballet acts, adults being Mimes, poetry recitals, acting, and other variety skits. Most participants are single musical or vocal acts, but the options are wide open and vary yearly. One does not have to be a Grange member to participate in the local or Regional Grange contests.

Please share this with local drama, instrument and choir teachers or interested local churches and organizations.

Thank you, and if you have any questions, please call me.

[email protected]

Pets of the Week

Posted March 6, 2017 at 5:43 am by

Davenport and Ottoman are this week’s Pets of the Week – Contributed photo

Greetings. We’re Davenport and Ottoman. Think of us as canine versions of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. We’ve been a comedy team our whole lives and can’t bear to be apart. It throws our timing off. Our hobbies include watching re-runs of The Jackie Gleason show, practicing our vaudeville act and listening to Frank Sinatra records. We’re pretty sure we can work you into our act. Call our agent at the animal shelter.

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Logic and Accuracy Test

Posted March 5, 2017 at 6:05 am by

Vote counting equipment testing on March 14th at 10:00 a.m.

The upcoming April 25th Special Election will have voters on Lopez Island deciding on a proposed hospital district, San Juan County Public Hospital District #2. Also on the ballot will be the election of five hospital commissioners, should the proposition pass.

A “Logic and Accuracy” test of ballot tabulating equipment used in San Juan County for the April Special Election is scheduled for March 14. The test works by tallying the results of a prepared set of ballots to see if the results match the votes cast. The test will take place at 10:00 a.m. in the Elections Office located at 55 Second Street, Suite A, in Friday Harbor.

The test is performed before every election to ensure that tabulation hardware and software equipment are compliant with Washington State rules and will accurately count the votes.

All interested members of the public are invited to observe.

Help Wanted

Posted March 5, 2017 at 6:02 am by

SJC Public Hospital District #1 has an immediate opening for an Administrative Assistant, 10 hours per week.

Public Records and Board Meeting duties, accounting work, filing, and general office duties. Knowledge of Excel, Word and QuickBooks preferred. Communication skills, confidentiality and attention to detail a must.

Submit your resume to hutchins [@] through March 15, 2017. Interviews will be conducted after March 15, 2017. If more information is needed, contact us at 378-2857.

County Positions Available

Posted March 5, 2017 at 5:46 am by

The County Council is searching for San Juan County citizens to fill current and upcoming vacancies on various boards and commissions.

Information about each committee is available on the County’s website at:

Persons interested in serving on a board or advisory committee should fill out an Advisory Committee Application or Contact the Council Office at: (360) 378-2898 sueko [@]

FHFF Winter Film Series

Posted March 4, 2017 at 11:42 am by

FHFF Winter Film Series presents the Audience Choice award winner from the 2016 Festival: 

Glen Campbell, I’ll Be Me is the heartrendingly honest story of how Glen Campbell and his family are dealing with his Alzheimer’s proves to be powerful viewing for Campbell fans and those with loved ones afflicted.

Special Guest speaker Janice Fisher, Executive Director of the Life Care Center, will give a short talk on what this film has meant to her. After working with Alzheimer’s patients at Life Care Center, Ms. Fisher asked Life Care to sponsor the screening of the film at the Friday Harbor Film Festival. After noting the importance of the film, they sponsored it for the 2016 Film Festival. Janice will be available for Q & A after the film.

Tuesday March 7th at the Grange, 7:00 pm