Road Construction Updates

Posted June 25, 2016 at 9:25 am by


It’s summer time and that means road construction. Here are updates from the Town of Friday Harbor on a couple of projects. First, Tucker Avenue, and then the water main replacement out on San Juan Valley and Wold Roads…

Tucker Avenue Reconstruction Project – Phase 1
What to expect for the week of June 27th through July 1st

The Town of Friday Harbor appreciates everyone’s patience while we work through this project. A project manager is on-site at all times to address concerns. Do not hesitate to contact Town Hall at (360) 378-2810 with questions or comments.

Project task(s):
The Contractor finished constructing the water main alignment up to the Guard Street intersection.

One crew will begin construction of fire hydrant and water service connection lines. Lots currently connected to the water system will be switched over to new lines once they are tested, flushed, sanitized and inspected. (Water users will be notified in advance of service interruptions.)

The Contractor will be transitioning into the phase of the project for installation of power and telephone infrastructure. A second crew will begin pouring concrete bases for new street lighting, followed by trenching for electrical, fiber optics and cable TV.

Project areas will cleaned and patched prior to the holiday weekend.

Street Closure:
Construction of water service lines and trenching both require multiple road crossings. This will cause delays for local access and southbound traffic. Continue Reading

Position Available

Posted June 25, 2016 at 9:24 am by


Executive Director, United Way of San Juan County

Salaried, part-time, at–will position (a maximum of 15 hours per week with a starting salary of $1000 per month) with responsibility for building relationships with community members, business leaders and donors; fundraising; grant-writing; website and social media management; office administration and maintaining communications with board members and supported programs. Expertise with office software (e.g., QuickBooks, MS Word and Publisher) necessary. Experience with non-profit management a plus.

For further information and a detailed job description, contact Martha Huleatte at unitedwaysjc [@] Deadline for cover letter and resume submission is July 8th.

Parade Seating

Posted June 25, 2016 at 9:23 am by


Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church will have seating available for folks who need it and their companions to watch the 4th of July parade. To reserve your seat please call the Church at 378-4544 or email us at fhpresbyterian [@]

Laura Concord
Office Coordinator
FH Presbyterian Church

Community Foundation Awards Scholarships

Posted June 24, 2016 at 5:53 am by

Inskeep Legacy Scholarship Recipients - Contributed photo

Inskeep Legacy Scholarship Recipients and Janelle Wood, SJICF Scholarship Recipient – Front row L to R: Jesse Kolowitz, Janelle Wood (SJICF scholarship), Echo Wood, Uma Hu, Luke Stromberg. Back Row L to R: Mary McPadden, Thomas Synoground, Madeline Schroeder and Taylor Turnbull – Contributed photo

San Juan Island Community Foundation Awards $187,500 in College Scholarships for 2016/2017

Friday Harbor: June 22, 2016

Twelve graduating seniors from Friday Harbor High School’s Class of 2016 were awarded scholarships for the 2015/2016 academic year from three different funds held at the San Juan Island Community Foundation:

Inskeep Legacy Scholarship Fund

Uma Hu – Univ. of Victoria – $2,000
Jesse Kolowitz – Pacific Lutheran University – $7,000
Mary McPadden – Univ. of Colorado – $5,000
Madeline Schroeder – Seattle University – $5,000
Luke Stromberg – Univ. of Dayton – $5,000
Thomas Synoground – Washington State University – $8,000
Taylor Turnbull – San Diego State – $5,000
Echo Wood  – Univ. of Washington – $4,000
Total New Applicants: $41,000

The Inskeep Legacy Scholarship Fund was established by a generous donation made by the late Jerry Inskeep, who deeply appreciated the helping hand that he received enabling him to attend college. He left a legacy through the San Juan Island Community Foundation that will provide a permanent source of funds for the education of our island’s students.

SJICF Scholarship Fund

Janelle Wood – Edmonds Community College – $2,500
Rainah Sandstrom – American College Dublin – $10,000

The SJICF Scholarship Fund was established through generous donations to the San Juan Island Community Foundation to provide San Juan Island residents scholarships for community college, two-year college, four-year college or university, graduate school programs, or vocational/career programs.

John Volk Memorial Scholarship Fund:

Nicholas Armstrong – $3,000
Grace Willows – $3,000

The John Volk Memorial Scholarship Fund was established and is administered by the San Juan Island Pilots Association. This year, two of our finest citizens, received awards for their scholastic achievement, service to others in the community, and desire to pursue a career in the aviation field. Continue Reading

Adventures in the Origins of Biodiversity

Posted June 24, 2016 at 5:48 am by

The Paul Illg Distinguished Lectureship Public Lecture – Monday, July 11

Dr. Todd Oakley - Contributed photo

Dr. Todd Oakley – Contributed photo

The Paul Illg Distinguished Lectureship will present another outstanding speaker in 2016. I am pleased to announce the 18th annual Illg Distinguished Lecturer will be Dr. Todd Oakley who is an evolutionary biologist and professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

He has a PhD from Duke University and a BS and MS from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He was an NIH-NRSA postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago, and was the recipient of an NSF-CAREER Award and the Ernst Mayr Award.

His research, funded mainly by the National Science Foundation, focuses on the evolutionary origins of complex features in animals, including eyes, bioluminescent displays, and nervous systems.

Public Lecture: On Monday, July 11 at 7:30 pm at the San Juan Community Theater, Dr. Todd Oakley will present a talk entitled, “Taking the fork in the road: Adventures in the origins of biodiversity.”

How can we make sense of the teeming, tangled, and relentless diversity of life? To understand where biodiversity comes from – how it originates – we must understand Darwin’s other grand idea; the tree of life. Biodiversity arises when evolution comes to a fork in the road—and takes it. Through a series of stories from my career as a biologist, I will explain how diversity and complexity arise in biology. The unlikely heroes of my story are invertebrate animals, a spineless circus of scientific muses. Continue Reading

Meet & Greet Author Event

Posted June 24, 2016 at 5:45 am by

kids-eat-free-book-coverIf you have children or family members with allergies and you’re finding it hard to keep meals interesting and tasty, then stop in Griffin Bay Bookstore on Monday, June 27, 2:00—4:00 pm and talk with Seattle author, Stepanie Policar, about her new cookbook: Kids Eat Free. You’ll find out how to manage dietary restrictions, yet keep meals nutritious and delicious.

Kids Eat Free is a colorful collection of recipes and meal ideas that kids don’t mind cooking and parents won’t mind eating. All recipes are free of dairy, gluten, and many other sensitive allergens. Families are walked step-by-step through preparing delicious dishes aimed at putting the excitement into kids’ hands while developing a lifelong passion for nutritious food. Super chocolate energy balls, Freestyle Mac N’ Cheese, and Coconut French Toast are just a few of the fun recipes readers will learn to put in action.

“Having experience with my family’s own food allergies as well as my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition allows me to teach busy families how to safely navigate everyday situations like school lunches, eating out, and birthday parties,” Policar says.

This passion for allergen-sensitive cooking originally came from the dietary restrictions of her two daughters, and the mantra has gone on to drive her career. Policar now works hands-on with adults and children to set their nutritional course, helping those dealing with gluten, dairy, nut, and other allergens to find the simple act of eating both easier and more delicious.

stephanie-policarAbout the author
Stephanie Policar is a Certified Health Coach who helps busy families figure out how to make great tasting, allergy-friendly food while having fun together in the kitchen. She knows firsthand how hard this can be, having two daughters with allergies to nuts, gluten, and dairy.

She received her certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and enjoys helping clients set specific goals, transition into healthy habits, and stay on track so they can feel their best.

PIMC Receives Nationwide Award

Posted June 24, 2016 at 5:43 am by


Here’s the latest press release from PeaceHealth…

PeaceHealth Peace Island Receives Nationwide Award for High-Value Health Care

FRIDAY HARBOR, WA., June 23, 2016 – PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center was recognized this week with the 2016 QUEST® Award for High-value Healthcare from Premier Inc., a leading nationwide health care improvement company, for providing outstanding patient care. The medical center was honored at Premier’s annual Breakthroughs Conference and Exhibition on June 21.

Only 38 QUEST member hospitals received a Citation of Merit for achieving top performance in any four of the following six areas measured in Premier’s QUEST collaborative:

  • cost and efficiency
  • inpatient and outpatient evidence-based care
  • mortality
  • safety
  • patient experience
  • appropriate hospital use.

Of all health care organizations eligible for the Quest Award, Peace Island ranked No. 1 for lowest mortality rate. The medical center is in the 95th percentile for safety and in the 86th for readmissions or appropriate hospital use. Continue Reading

Firewise Communities Benefit From Grant

Posted June 23, 2016 at 5:47 am by


Sheila Harley, Public Information Officer for SJI Fire/Rescue sends this notice…

The Firewise Communities program sponsored by San Juan Island Fire & Rescue has been awarded a grant by the Washington Department of Natural Resources (WA DNR) to assist with fuel reduction in organized communities.

The new grant from WA DNR will pay the Firewise Community’s share of the chipper rental making it free to a Firewise Community between now, June 21, 2016, and the end of July.

In the past the San Juan Island Fire & Rescue and Firewise Communities have partnered to share the cost of making a chipper available, with the SJIF&R paying one half of the rental fee and the Firewise Community the other half. SJIF&R is committed to make this program available through the fall. The “no cost” opportunity will run through July.

The program is available to Firewise Communities as a whole and to individual property owners within a recognized community.

None of this would be possible without the support of the great crew at Harbor Rental. Just provide them with your address and the name of your Firewise Community when you make the reservation for the chipper and they will take it from there.

For further information on the chipper program or creating a Firewise Community contact San Juan Island Fire at 378-5334.

Come Play Summer Bingo with Soroptimists

Posted June 23, 2016 at 5:45 am by

soroptimist-logoBingo comes back to Friday Harbor!   On both Saturday, June 25 and July 2 Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor again will hold Bingo at the Mullis Center. Doors open at 1:30 PM and play will begin at 2 PM. The games will be sponsored by Friday Harbor Electric and by Vacation Doorways.

This is a fundraiser for: Soroptimist scholarships and awards, the Cancer Transportation Treatment Fund, Women’s Emergency Fund, and other projects.

Refreshments will be sold at the break. Bingo books for ten rounds with three cards per round will be sold at the door for $5 each. Players are welcome to purchase multiple books in order to play more cards. There will be modest cash prizes offered. Families are welcome!

Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor is a service club with the mission of improving the lives of women and girls here on the island. Visit the website, or see them on Facebook to learn more about this organization.

Attention Musicians!

Posted June 23, 2016 at 5:45 am by


Dust off your instrument and join the Community Marching Band in the Fourth of July Parade

Rehearsals are at 7pm, June 23rd, 27th, and 30th.

Friday Harbor High School Band Room

Any questions and to pick up music, call Cart Nelsen 370-7126   gocart61 [@]

Sponsored by King’s Market

Retro Rocket

Posted June 22, 2016 at 5:18 pm by


Retro Rocket returns to The Rumor Mill stage Wednesday, June 22 at 7:00 pm with their collection of R’n’B, Motown, and Rock hits to celebrate the release of Rob’s CD project titled “Return from Never Was”.

Retro Rocket will also be performing a few tunes from the new CD.

Wildfire at Shark Reef Sanctuary, Lopez Island

Posted June 22, 2016 at 4:54 pm by

Lopez County Parks Manager David St. George and Parks Commissioner Bill Scherer survey fire damage at Shark Reef - Contributed photo

Lopez County Parks Manager David St. George and Parks Commissioner Bill Scherer survey fire damage at Shark Reef – Contributed photo

SJ County Parks share this notice about the recent fire on Lopez…

Luck was on our side the morning of June 20th, the start of the Summer Solstice 2016, as an illegal campfire at Shark Reef Sanctuary spread beyond its loose rock ring. Luck in that a citizen across San Juan Channel spotted the smoke and called in the fire, and that the weather had been cool and moist in recent days reducing fire intensity.

Lopez Fire Department personnel carried the day for all who love this special place by responding rapidly to the call, carrying the water and equipment by hand out the park trail to the fire site, and quickly containing the fire.

This park is called a Sanctuary for good reason, with its many special and tranquil spots, views, and abundance of wildlife; so much could have been lost.   A disaster was avoided this time, but it’s an important reminder how easily fire can get out of control. Campfires in parks are only allowed and appropriate in park designated fire-rings. As we get into the busiest and driest part of the year, we all have a responsibility to be vigilant and report suspected illegal fire or activity on our public lands.

The SJC Parks Department staff and Parks Commissioners offer their heartiest “Thank You” to the dozen responders. Thanks to each of you for responding, hiking in with equipment and water to extinguish this unusual, remote, illegal, and potentially disastrous campfire.

Thanks & Gratitude to:

  • Brower, Tyler – FF/Rescue
  • Burt, Orrin – FF
  • Burtness, Ken – FF
  • Felber, Tom – FF
  • Ghigllione, Jim – Chief
  • Hobi, Thomas – SFF
  • Kramer, Vinny – SFF
  • Nou, Rob FF/EMS Sheriff
  • Pal, Caleb – FF/P
  • Post, Stuart – FF Lt./Rescue
  • Red Elk, Tracie – FF/P
  • Tetu, Richard – FF Lt.

San Juan County Parks and Fair Department encourages all residents and visitors to adopt Leave No Trace principles and stewardship ethic while enjoying the San Juan Islands. For more information go to our Leave No Trace web page:

Know Your Island Walk

Posted June 22, 2016 at 5:58 am by


Trails Committee member Bill Severson will take us on a search for the “Hidden world” quarry.

Meet at the Lime Kiln State Park parking lot, remember to bring your Discover Pass. This 3-mile walk has some significant ups and downs. Dogs on leashes okay.

Saturday June 25th from 1:00 to 4:00 pm

For more information, email: info [@]

EMS Levy Town Hall Meeting

Posted June 22, 2016 at 5:39 am by

SAVE_SJ_EMS_YardSign3A Town Hall meeting to talk and answer your questions about the EMS levy on the primary ballot will be held at the library on Wednesday, June 29, at 7 pm.

Speakers will be Bill Williams, Chair, and Michael Edwards, both Public Hospital District commissioners, EMS Chief Jerry Martin, and Dr. Loren Johnson and Rebecca K. Smith from the levy committee.

The current levy that funds EMS expires at the end of the year and a 60 percent Yes vote is required to pass the new levy and continue EMS operations.

(This event is sponsored by the Vote Yes for SJI EMS 2016 Levy Committee, not by the library.)

Ham Radio Operators Recognized By County Council

Posted June 21, 2016 at 5:52 am by

Blackhawk helicopter delivering emergency supplies in mock earthquake drill - Contributed photo

Blackhawk helicopter delivering emergency supplies in mock earthquake drill – Contributed photo

On Tuesday June 7th, the San Juan County Amateur Radio Society (SJCARS) was recognized by the County Council for their service to the island community. The recognition stated:

“From phone outages, to regular drills, to preparing for catastrophic events, the amateur radio community is a tremendous resource. We gratefully acknowledge the important contribution to our community that your expertise, time, energy and enthusiasm provide to help meet a vital public need”.

While SJCARS President Jim Hooper K9QJS was representing the group at the Council meeting, other members were busy with the exact activities which gained them the recognition. On Tuesday morning The Cascadia Rising statewide earthquake exercise kicked off at 9 AM and the Hams were soon in action.

The radio operators requested the delivery of emergency medical supplies to the islands through the Snohomish County Emergency Coordination Center. The Hams later tracked the progress of the National Guard helicopter making the deliveries to Eastsound and Friday Harbor. Continue Reading

Enter Your Homebrew or Wine in the Fair!

Posted June 21, 2016 at 5:45 am by


The San Juan County Fair is just around the corner and the organizers want to encourage Wine Makers and Home Brewers to get ready to enter their crafted wine and beer for judging and hopefully ribbons and prizes for the best wine and beer!

Entries will be received in the Main Exhibit Hall at the Fairgrounds from 9 am until 6 pm Tuesday, August 16. Judging will begin at 6 pm.

For more information see the SJC Fair “Premium Book/Exhibitor Guide” online at