Island Stage Left presents: Christmas Memories

Posted December 10, 2015 at 5:35 am by


Another warm and delightful version of your holiday tradition – island style – in front of a roaring fire.

A heart-warming and nostalgic look at Christmas, interwoven with music and based on the writings of Dylan Thomas.

At the Roche Harbor Pavilion.
December 20 – 23 at 7:00
December 24 at 3:00 and 6:30. Reservations for Christmas Eve only. We are filling up fast! (all other performances are on a first come basis).

Yappy Hour

Posted December 9, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Tis The Season To be Jolly

Join The Animal Protection Society for Yappy Hour at The Rumor Mill!

Wednesday, December 16, from 5:00-6:30 pm.

  • Enjoy delicious “Yappetizers” and Libations!
  • Win Raffle Prizes!
  • Support The Animal Shelter!
  • Wear your ugliest holiday sweater and win a prize!

Not So Happy Holidays…?

Posted December 9, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Deb Langhans - Contributed photo

Deb Langhans – Contributed photo

For some of us, this holiday season is synonymous with joyful anticipation, wonder and magic. For others, this time of year heralds a period of palpable depression, even dread. Why might this be? One possible explanation is unresolved grief.

Grief is the normal and natural reaction to significant loss of any kind. It represents the conflicting feelings caused by the end of, or change in, a familiar pattern of behavior… the feeling of reaching out for a loved one who’s no longer there.

Grief from loss by death–of people and pets–is only one kind of grief. Divorce, retirement, illness, change in financial status, moving, legal problems, “empty nest,” starting school, and ending addiction all represent other significant forms of loss; less tangible yet still notable is the loss of trust, safety, control, faith and fertility.

While grief through loss is part of our earthly experience, our society doesn’t typically provide helpful or healthy information, expectations or advice for successfully processing it. In fact, unresolved grief is everywhere; and it’s cumulative and cumulatively negative. Unresolved grief is the underlying problem for many who come to mental health counselors with other presenting issues. It can rob us of normal energy, concentration, sleep, eating habits, and life-enhancing emotions like joy and hope. Continue Reading

Block Print Christmas Cards with Alice Hibberd

Posted December 9, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Holiday menu

Make your own holiday cards using the simple linoleum relief print making method. Learn the step by step process of creating your own design, carving the soft block and transferring your design onto attractive card paper.

Share finished blocks with each other in the class to create a variety of cards. Take your cards home to send out to friends and family.

Wednesday December 9th at 7:00pm
San Juan Island Library meeting room, free.
Refreshments courtesy of the Friends of the Library.

Evaluators Needed for H.S. Community Projects

Posted December 9, 2015 at 5:35 am by


The semester is soon coming to an end and students have been working diligently all semester to complete their projects. On Wednesday January 13th, 2016 (5:30 – 7:00 P.M.), students will be giving presentations demonstrating all that they have accomplished and learned this term.

We need community members to come and give valuable feedback to our students about their projects.  It will truly be an exciting evening to learn about so many great projects such as:

  • acquiring new equipment for our local boxing gym
  • completing trail impact surveys on our island
  • raising awareness and providing supplies for children in Papua New Guinea and Romania
  • publishing a coloring book about orcas in captivity
  • painting our Turnbull Gym
  • encouraging recycling at school
  • teaching arts and crafts to students of all ages
  • building cat posts for our local animal shelter….

just to name a few! We had a total of twenty-seven different projects going this semester!”

Please respond by email at: jennywilson [@]  if you can evaluate.  Also, please contact friends that you think could help us in January.  We need quite few evaluators this time around!

Thank you so much for your ongoing support of our community’s public schools.

Jenny Wilson

Intra-Squad Swim Meet

Posted December 9, 2015 at 5:30 am by

San Juan Island Fitness is holding an intra-squad meet on Saturday, December 12 from Noon until 2pm. Come watch our swimmers, aged 7-18, race each other and compete for best times. For this meet we will have some relays to up the excitement so stop by and cheer on our local swimmers.

Due to the meet, Family Swim will be canceled and no lanes will be available for lap swimming during that time.

Hope to see you there!

Holiday Party at SJCT

Posted December 8, 2015 at 5:51 am by

2105 SJCT Holiday Fundraiser - Tamara Weaver photo

2105 SJCT Holiday Fundraiser – Tamara Weaver photo

One of the biggest holiday parties every year is the annual fundraiser at San Juan Community Theatre and this year was no exception.

Everyone came dressed their best and had a wonderful time. Click below to see all of the fun in an image gallery of 74 photos captured by Update photographer Tamara Weaver: Continue Reading

Featured Chamber Member of the Month

Posted December 8, 2015 at 5:49 am by

Laurie Paul and Tim Barrette of The Market Chef - Contributed photo

Laurie Paul and Tim Barrette of The Market Chef – Contributed photo

Laurie Paul discovered San Juan Island in 1990, spending a summer break from college working in island restaurants and falling in love with Pacific Northwest beauty and the small town community a world apart from her hometown of Miami.

Meanwhile, Tim Barrette was finishing up his sociology degree at the University of New Hampshire, followed by some vagabonding around the country, cooking as he went, checking out the West Coast, on his way to Alaska for more adventure.

Their paths eventually crossed in Friday Harbor in 1994, while Laurie was working under Chef Greg Atkinson opening the Friday Harbor House restaurant, now known as ‘The Bluff”. Tim never did make it to Alaska, and instead a partnership in life, and work, was born.

They shared the Executive Chef role at FHH for over six years before moving on to their next adventure together. In 2002, Laurie and Tim moved on to open The Market Chef, a concept they developed at the Friday Harbor Farmer’s Market, running a small stand preparing seasonal specialties using locally produced ingredients, educating customers about the bounty of foods being grown right in their own backyard. Continue Reading

“Figure Drawing Studio” at IMA

Posted December 8, 2015 at 5:42 am by

IMA-logoSan Juan Islands Museum of Art (IMA) is pleased to present a “Figure Drawing Studio” on Monday evenings from 5:30pm – 8:30pm for eight weeks beginning January 4, 2016.

This unique workshop will be facilitated by instructor, Annie Howell-Adams. Annie is a member of Arts Student League of New York and is an artist and art instructor living on San Juan Island.

Drawing the human form is the cornerstone of art training. Improve your drawing ability and observation skills. In the class, you will look at many technical challenges such as form, design, line, and measuring with accurate observation.

Drawing concepts will include: blocking in the figure, contour and shadows, edge control, negative space, and specifics of the head and features.

Tuition for the eight weeks is $160 and includes the model fee. Students are to bring their own easel and preferred art supplies.

For more information and to register, call (360) 370-5050 or email d.pigman [@]

Council pulls Parks Trails and Natural Areas Plan Consultant Contract from Agenda

Posted December 8, 2015 at 5:37 am by

County-LogoSan Juan County Council did not take action on a proposed contract with Cascadia Consulting Group, Inc. in its regular session on Monday, Dec. 7th.

Cascadia Consulting was chosen through the County’s formal request for proposal (RFP) process as the most responsive consultant to update the County’s Parks Trails and Natural Areas Plan (Plan).

The 2015 County budget includes funds to hire a consultant to facilitate a large scale public involvement effort to solicit public comments on suggested changes to the existing Plan.

“Updating the Plan is important for the community and for ensuring we remain competitive for state grant funding for projects such as Odlin Park,” said Councilmember Jamie Stephens.

Although not part of the consultant selection process, the County Manager disclosed to the Council and Prosecuting Attorney’s Office as required by RCW 42.23.040 a remote interest (1% or $500) in the contract due to inclusion of a family member as a sub-consultant. The total contract amount is $43,000.

The Council will schedule additional time to review the proposed update to the Parks Trails and Natural Areas Plan and to consider whether it will enter into a contract with Cascadia Consulting.

New calf in L pod

Posted December 7, 2015 at 5:55 am by

L123 spyhops with L103-Photo by Mark Malleson - Click to enlarge

L123 spyhops with L103-Photo by Mark Malleson – Click to enlarge

Here’s the latest good news from the Center for Whale Research

New calf in L pod confirmed on Friday December 4th, 2015. Welcome L123 – Calf number 7 in the last 12 months!

The seventh calf born into the endangered Southern Resident killer whale population in the last 12 months was confirmed on Friday. Photographs taken by CWR associate Mark Malleson confirmed the existence of a new calf born to L pod.

The new calf will be designated L123. This is the first documented calf of 12-year old L103 of the L4 matriline. L123 was first photo documented on November 10th, 2015 by Alisa Lemire-Brooks and Sarah Hisong-Shimazu from Alki Point, West Seattle.

CWR research assistants, Melisa Pinnow and Jane Cogan, later captured some distant shots on November 22nd near the Jordan River in B.C. Due to poor visibility and unfavorable sea conditions, it took several weeks to confirm that there is indeed a new calf in L pod. We frequently use eye patches to positively identify new calves which can easily be obscured by poor conditions and surface waves.

While a new calf born to this struggling population is certainly cause to celebrate, it is important to remember that another SRKW also means another mouth to feed. With each new calf that is born, we continue to emphasize the need to focus on wild Chinook salmon restoration efforts. Especially the removal of obsolete dams that block wild salmon from their natal spawning habitat, such as those on the lower Snake River. We will continue to monitor the new calf in the next several weeks and provide updates whenever possible.

Funding Excellence at FHES

Posted December 7, 2015 at 5:50 am by


It’s good to know we have such a supportive community for education here on the island. Debbi Fincher shares this good news…

We are thrilled with the outpouring of support for funding experiences and needs, not just having students out selling more stuff to help raise funds for our school community at FHES. #GivingTuesday was our way to really launch this social media fundraising campaign, but any day can be a giving day!

We will keep Funding Excellence at FHES online into early next year, our goals are within reach! We had 45 families and friends of FHES, thus far, give generously and we are currently at $8,645.00! We are grateful!

Our goals are $15,000 for non-tech needs and now only $10,000 for current tech needs at FHES. We are delighted to say, some of our tech needs were secured by our new Superintendent just this week!

The future is looking bright and we have some very curious learners eager to embrace all that we can offer them in their learning environment at FHES!

On behalf of the students and school community at FHES, we say Thank You for giving the gift of education!

$2664 in Food Bank Donations

Posted December 7, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Town and customers donate $2664 to local food bank

FridayHarborLogoTown residents demonstrated their generous spirit again this year by contributing $1664 to the Friday Harbor Food Bank through donations made on their utility bills. Town matching funds brought the total donation up to $2664. Each month Town utility customers are encouraged to donate what they can to the Harbor Life Ring–a program established in 2013 to aid residents in need of assistance with paying their utility bills. For the past two years, contributions made in November were matched by the Town up to a total of $1000 and donated to the local food bank to help with the increased need that comes with the holiday season.

“We are clearly a community that takes pride in helping our neighbors,” said Mayor Carrie Lacher. “The Town deeply appreciates the generosity of our residents and welcomes this opportunity to bring attention to the invaluable service our local food bank provides.”

According to the Friday Harbor Food Bank president and former County Sheriff Bill Cumming, the bank supports an average of 170 local families, spending $7000 per month, with all funding coming from donations. Find out how you can help by calling the FHFB at 378-4640.

Pet of the Week

Posted December 7, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Paul E. is this week's Pet of the Week - Contributed photo

Paul E. is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Hey, here’s a riddle: Who has six toes on each front paw and is dressed in his very best tuxedo? Me! Paul E. Dactil, that’s who!

I’m pretty much the George Clooney of cats… handsome, suave and a real hit with the ladies. I’d love to curl up in your lap in front of a nice fire… with a good book and a few tuna treats.

Maybe I can help you with that jigsaw puzzle you’ve been wanting to finish?

I’m here at the animal shelter waiting to meet you!

Animal Protection Society of Friday harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Tis the Season

Posted December 4, 2015 at 10:15 pm by

Lighting of the Tree Ceremony - Tim Dustrude photo - Click to enlarge

Lighting of the Tree Ceremony – Tim Dustrude photo – Click to enlarge

It was a beautiful night for the caroling and tree lighting ceremony. The stars were shining after a blustery, rainy start to the day earlier. And the trees at the bottom of Spring Street, all lit up for the holidays… What a beautiful sight.

Scratching Posts for Shelter

Posted December 4, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Jillian Urbach and Wilson Loucks Present Cat Posts to Animal Shelter - Contributed photo

Jillian Urbach and Wilson Loucks Present Cat Posts to Animal Shelter – Contributed photo

Friday Harbor High School Students, Jillian Urbach and Wilson Loucks chose The Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor as the recipient of their community project this year.

After a great deal of deliberation, they decided to make cat scratching posts; something the shelter was desperately in need of. To raise funds for the project Jillian and Wilson had a do-it-yourself dog wash at the animal shelter in early November.

With the funds raised they purchased the supplies needed to build the scratching posts and set about learning how to construct them. As you can see by the photo, they caught on quickly and presented the animal shelter with seven beautiful posts – destined to provide hours of claw-sharpening fun for shelter cats for a long time to come.

Not only that, but they share this note about how YOU can help the shelter as well. Check this out…

Your Daily Dog Walk Can Help Your Shelter

Want an easy way to raise money for your favorite animal shelter? There’s an app for that. Walk For A Dog is an app you can download to your phone that keeps track of how far you’ve walked and donates to any animal shelter based on that distance. Jillian Urbach and Wilson Loucks, juniors at Friday Harbor High School, have made it their mission to spread the word about the free app as part of their community project.

“It’s a great tool,” says Loucks. “You’re walking your dog anyway. If you can make money for a good cause at the same time, why not?”

The app, developed by WoofTrax, Inc., allows users to select any shelter or rescue organization as their beneficiary, but, of course, Loucks and Urbach hope locals will choose the Animal Protection Society – Friday Harbor.  “We’ve gotten all our pets from the animal shelter,” Urbach says. “I wanted to find a way to give back.”