Artists Workshop with John Miller

Posted February 5, 2015 at 5:45 am by

"Fox" - a photo by John Miller

“Fox” – a photo by John Miller

IMA kicks off new Artists Workshop Program with photographer John Miller

San Juan Islands Museum of Art (IMA) opens its 2015 Artists Workshop Program with “Managing Your Digital Camera – How to Consistently Produce Print-worthy Photos” by local professional photographer John Miller.
The workshop, which runs Saturdays February 21 through March 14 from 3 to 5 p.m., is offered at a special “kick-off” rate of only $260 for the four weeks.

The course outline includes:

  • Enhancing familiarity of the camera and settings
  • Optimizing settings
  • Adjusting depth of field
  • The basics of perspective and composure

Students will also have the opportunity to suggest additional topics. Continue Reading

Free Weekend at The Whale Museum

Posted February 5, 2015 at 5:41 am by

Here’s a note from The Whale Museum…

“We love our Community! We love our Museum!” We are inviting everyone to a “Free Weekend” at The Whale Museum. All admission fees will be waived during the weekend which will run from February 13 through February 16, daily hours 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. We encourage you to bring your family and friends to enjoy a tour of the updated Exhibit Hall. Self-Guided Tour Maps will be available to help you navigate through areas of interest. We want to get our community and our Museum together! We hope you will join us during the “Free Weekend.”

The Whale Museum is located in Friday Harbor at 62 First St. N. Founded in 1976, The Whale Museum’s mission is to promote stewardship of whales and the Salish Sea ecosystem through education and research. In addition to providing exhibits, the Museum also provides programs including the Marine Naturalist Training, Orca Adoption Program, SeaSound Acoustics Program, Soundwatch, San Juan County Marine Mammal Stranding Network, and the Whale Hotline.
The Whale Museum can be found online at

Structure Fire on Mt. Dallas Monday Night

Posted February 5, 2015 at 5:35 am by

Steve Marler photo

Steve Marler photo

Sheila Harley of San Juan Fire Rescue shares this report of a fire Monday evening…

At 11:45 Monday night a structure fire was called in to 9-1-1 by the owners who live on Mt. Dallas. San Juan Fire Rescue personnel and engines were dispatched to the scene and arrived within 15 minutes finding smoke coming from an attached garage of a large residence.

The fire was extinguished within thirty minutes of it’s being reported. Firefighters spent the next hour assuring that there were no hidden “hot spots” extending into the wall or ceiling of the garage.

County code requires automatic fire sprinklers in larger structures. However, the National standard does not require them in garages. The fire was controlled by firefighters before it could grow to the point that a fire sprinkler would have been activated. Damage was limited to the interior of the garage and to a car parked near the point of origin.

The homeowners did a great job of limiting damage by dialing 9-1-1 promptly and by using their home fire extinguisher to slow down the progress of the fire.

San Juan Island fire and rescue sent three engines, two water tenders, a rescue squad, and several smaller vehicles. In all 18 firefighters responded to the scene.

Island Writers Wanted!

Posted February 5, 2015 at 5:29 am by


Submissions are being sought for San Juan Community Theatre’s 2015 Playwrights “On the Fringe.”

San Juan County residents are invited to submit their works (5-minute monologues, 10-20 minute short plays or 30 minute one-acts) by May 1. One submission per category per playwright is allowed (original unproduced material only).

“On the Fringe” will be presented in SJCT’s Whittier Theatre September 15-20.

A complete set of instructions for the submission process is available at the SJCT box office or online at Box office hours are Tuesdays through Fridays, from 11 a.m to 4 p.m and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

MV Kalakala, what a life you had

Posted February 4, 2015 at 5:49 am by

The San Juan Historical Museum shares this history column with you…

With news of the historic ferry Kalakala’s final journey to a scrap yard last month, we bring you a scene from its glory days as it arrived at Roche Harbor in 1935 or 1936.

In this image we see a group from a Masonic lodge conference in Seattle, here to attend a salmon bake. At the time, the Kalakala was the largest and fastest ferry (not to mention noisiest) in the Black Ball Line fleet. A futuristic, art deco design made the ship the state’s most photographed object. It completed its service as a Washington State Ferry in 1967, then served in Alaska for many years as a floating fish processor and finally a cannery.

To see a YouTube video of the Kalakala’s inaugural voyage in 1935, click here. The photograph taken at Roche Harbor is found in Richard Walker’s Roche Harbor book from the “Images of America” series, for sale at the San Juan Historical Museum.

Nutritional Intelligence

Posted February 4, 2015 at 5:44 am by

A Weekend Workshop : Nutritional Intelligence & The Power of 5

A Weekend Workshop : Nutritional Intelligence & The Power of 5

Friday Harbor Holistic Health will be putting on the following workshop this weekend…

Learn How to nourish not just your body but also your mind and soul. Participants will share the culinary delights of artfully prepared, healthy delicacies specially designed by our holistic chef, Debbie Lee, in a private, retreat-like setting.

February 7 & 8th 2014, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm both days.

Healthy nutrition requires knowing your metabolic profile, food allergies and any ongoing specific health condition. On a deeper level, how we feed our emotions, mind and spirit is no less important; we must tend most carefully to our individual essence.

Participants will learn flowing movements to enhance digestion not only of the food we eat, but of our thoughts and perceptions. This will awaken the mind and imagination. The Power of Five applies equally to our joints, our organs and our emotional body. Unlike conventional nutritional classes, this workshop includes an emphasis on the flow of our thoughts, feelings and vital energies.

Attendees will learn: Continue Reading

Business Planning and Financing Workshop

Posted February 4, 2015 at 5:36 am by

EDC-logoEDC offers FREE workshop on business planning and financing

The San Juan County Economic Development Council will present a FREE half-day workshop for small businesses and entrepreneurs on Orcas Island, on Tuesday, February 24th from 9 a.m. until noon. Advance registration is required.

The business and financing workshop course material will be presented by James McCafferty, of the Economic Development Association of Skagit County, a management consultant for over a decade.

As part of the workshop, McCafferty will cover business financing, discuss a variety of financing options and will provide a reality check for those considering a new or expanded business venture. He will be available for one-on-one consultation after the workshop. Continue Reading

Spring Break Out Potluck

Posted February 4, 2015 at 5:33 am by

trailsSJI Trails Committee presents their Spring Break Out Potluck for All Islanders and Friends.

The San Juan Island Trails Committee announces the date, March 19th, 6pm at the Grange Hall for the much anticipated Annual Trails Committee Potluck.

Meet old friends! Make new ones!

Bring a dish to share and your own beverages and table service.

Hear speaker Tim Seifert , excutive director of the San Juan Preservation Trust, who will introduce an exciting new land acquisition project taking shape on San Juan Island.

iPhone & iPad Classes with the Computer Teacher/Gadget Gal

Posted February 3, 2015 at 5:20 pm by

Molly O'Neil and Xena - Tim Dustrude photo

Molly O’Neil and Xena – Tim Dustrude photo

You know of Molly O’Neil, the Computer Teacher and Gadget Gal? She’s teaching some classes on how to get the most from your iPhone and/or iPad. Here’s the official word from Molly…

Molly O’Neil is a certified teacher with endorsements to teach: Special Education, German, History and Social Studies (K-12). In her working experiences, Molly also acquired skills teaching computers and gadgets. With in-depth knowledge and enthusiasm, the Computer Teacher/Gadget Gal will increase your knowledge and confidence with your iPad/iPhone.

A quote from Dr. Judy Willis, Neurologist/Teacher shines light on Molly’s teaching style: The Neuroscience of Joyful Education

“Brain research tells us that when the fun stops, learning often stops too.Continue Reading

Sixty Minutes of Love!

Posted February 3, 2015 at 4:52 pm by

Click to enlarge poster

Click to enlarge poster

Helen Machin-Smith of Island Stage Left has this invitation to share with you…

For you and and the people you love, whether they be children, parents, old friends, lovers or the world at large, Island Stage Left presents an hour of music and all sorts of Love Poetry that will make you smile, make you laugh and possibly even make you cry!

Click the poster to enlarge for more information.

The Voyage to Waldron

Posted February 3, 2015 at 5:55 am by

A Little Ship on a Big Sea - Shel Bedsole photo

A Little Ship on a Big Sea – Shel Bedsole photo

You know Shel Bedsole who used to work at the County Fair, right? He has this cool photo essay to share…

Hey Tim,

Ebony Pickard, who grew up on the Island (his mom is Manya Pickard), recently moved to his once-and-future-home, Waldron Island. After spending two years on Waldron a few years ago, he moved to Port Townsend to be with his son, Nathan. There he married Kirsten and they had their daughter, also named Manya.

During their time in Port Townsend, they built a “tiny house” on wheels, as well as a sleep shack, and converted a job-site office trailer into a utility building; all with the plan of barging it back to Waldron at the appropriate time. That time came last Wednesday.

They hired Tim and Rick of the Pintail to do the hauling. Though they planned the date a month in advance, in the middle of winter, the weather and water conditions could not have been better, with calm seas and dramatic lighting last Wednesday, January 28th.

Here are some shots of the Little Family’s Voyage to Waldron. Continue Reading

SJC Fire/Rescue Awards

Posted February 3, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Front Row: Michael Hartzell, Brad Creesy; Back Row: Diane Ludeman, Mike MacLellan, John Miller, Harry See

Front Row: Michael Hartzell, Brad Creesy; Back Row: Diane Ludeman, Mike MacLellan, John Miller, Harry See – John Miller photo

Sheila Harley of San Juan County Fire & Rescue checks in with this story…

At its Annual Awards Dinner on Saturday, January 31, 2015, Chief Steve Marler recognized the following outstanding people with awards for the year 2014:

  • Station 31 – Mike MacLellan
  • Station 33 – Harry See
  • Support Volunteer of the Year – Diane Ludeman
  • Driver/Operator of the Year – Brent Johnson
  • Fire Boat Operator of the Year – Peter Goddu
  • Officer of the Year – Brad Creesy
  • Firefighter of the Year – Michael Hartzell

Those receiving pins for 1 year of service were: Heather Clark, Forrest Dick, Nathan Henderson, Michael Long,
Elizabeth MacLellan, Jeff McGriff, San McMahon, Emily Pruitt, Fernando Sierman, and Bonnie Stanger.

Those receiving service pins for 5 years were Jesse Kjolso and Diane Ludeman.

Those receiving their pins for ten years of service were Camolyn Armstrong, Michael Henderson, and Brien Sesby.

Jon Zerby received his pin for 15 years of service as did Carolyn Hudson.

The event was held at the Washington State University Labs.

Art with Laurie Orton

Posted February 3, 2015 at 5:29 am by

heart-bookTurn Discarded Books into Art. Join Library Director Laurie Orton to learn to fold discarded books into a variety of shapes.

San Juan Island Library meeting room, free. Saturday, February 7, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Light refreshments will be served.

Audubon Field Trip

Posted February 3, 2015 at 5:29 am by

Swans in Flight  - John Miller photo

Swans in Flight – John Miller photo

Mid-winter is a great time to learn about swans, ducks, raptors and shorebirds before they are on the move for spring migration.

When you join our local Audubon group on Saturday’s field trip on San Juan Island you will meet experienced birders who will show you the wonderful world of our wintering species and get you excited about what will be arriving in spring.

All levels of birding experience are welcome and new birders are especially welcome.

Meet at The Whale Museum at 8:00 am, Saturday, February 7th. Trip ends either late morning or early afternoon. Be prepared for weather, bring binoculars, and a lunch. Call Barbara Jensen for info and if you are coming from off island to arrange for carpooling: 378-3068.

Start Smart, Youth Sport Development

Posted February 2, 2015 at 5:43 am by

Start Fun, End Strong - Contributed photo

Start Fun, End Strong – Contributed photo

Start your 3-6 year old child’s organized sports experience on a positive note with the Start Smart self-esteem and motor-skill development course. This highly positive and success oriented program works progressively from very easy motor development skills down to the more challenging. Together you and your child will learn throwing, catching, batting and kicking in their most basic form. Early registration deadline is February 12, for $36. The classes will be on Saturdays from 10-11:00 am, beginning February 28 for 6 weeks.

To view a full schedule of our programs or to register online please visit our website at, call 360-378-4953, or visit our office at 580 Guard St. Monday – Friday 1-5pm; scholarships available.

Pet of the Week

Posted February 2, 2015 at 5:19 am by

Cosmo is this week's Pet of the Week - Contributed photo

Cosmo is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

My name is Cosmo, and I was just telling myself this morning, “Cosmo, you’re good enough, you’re smart enough and dog-gone-it, people like you!

It’s part of the daily affirmation process my therapist recommends to help with my low self-esteem.  It’s hard for me to understand why I’ve been here at the shelter for so long, watching other cats arrive and get adopted – and all the while nobody chooses ME!  And I’m such a great guy!  Handsome, well-mannered;  not to mention friendly and outgoing.

I’m a very young 14 years old and I have all but two of my original parts!  I’m up to date on vaccines and ready to blow this pop stand!  All I need now is someone to drive the get-away car!