San Juan County EDC Commends OPALCO for Progress on Broadband Initiative
The San Juan County Economic Development Council commends OPALCO for its rapid progress on the broadband initiative, particularly its work on the completed broadband plan and development of “Neighborhood Connections” for broadband deployment in the county.
The EDC has worked for many years on the broadband initiative – assisting in the facilitation of the deployment of high-speed broadband in San Juan County. The EDC Board and staff are pleased that OPALCO has worked to clarify their strategy going forward in the broadband field, and that OPALCO has developed a well-balanced strategy which preserves the integrity of OPALCO’s electric business while positioning them to leverage their infrastructure for the community’s betterment.
“Neighborhood Connections” are neighborhoods with enough pre-registrations for OPALCO’s ultra-fast fiber network to make it financially feasible to install. By working with residents and homeowner associations in higher-density neighborhoods to share the construction costs of extending the network, OPALCO can deploy fiber-optic-based broadband more quickly. Continue Reading