Drift Card Drop to Study Oil Spill Impacts

Posted August 30, 2014 at 5:30 am by

LUSH Seattle employees volunteer with FRIENDS of San Juans to do a drift card drop to track the effects of an oil spill in the Salish Sea. - Contributed Photo

LUSH Seattle employees volunteer with FRIENDS of San Juans to do a drift card drop to track the effects of an oil spill in the Salish Sea. – Contributed Photo

This summer’s drift card drop will study oil spill impacts in the Salish Sea. Plywood drift cards stamped with “this could be oil” were released this week in an experiment to simulate the dispersion of an oil spill from Kinder Morgan’s planned $5.4 billion pipeline expansion project that would increase tanker traffic from 5 ships a day to 35 ships per day through the San Juan Islands. These wooden cards were put into high current areas as part of a scientific study to effectively model the likely path of oil in the event of a major spill.

Stephanie Buffum, Executive Director of FRIENDS of the San Juan’s, dropped some of the pink cards on Wednesday, August 27 with Seattle area store managers from LUSH, a project sponsor, who relies on seaweed harvested in the Salish Sea for some of their skin care products. The location of this drop was just off Stuart Island close to where tankers would transit. Another 200 cards were released in Rosario Strait on Tuesday. Continue Reading

Notes from the SJEA

Posted August 29, 2014 at 9:24 pm by

Here is a statement from the San Juan Education Association…

Poster submitted by Amy Hull - Click to enlarge

Poster submitted by Amy Hull – Click to enlarge

San Juan Education Association members are hopeful they can come to a fair and reasonable contract settlement with San Juan Island School District Sunday at their next scheduled bargaining session.

The contract expires Aug. 31 and teachers and other school specialists voted last Monday to stop working if they do not have an agreement for their new contract.

“The last thing the members want to do is to stop working just as the school year begins, but they have been pushed to their limit,” San Juan EA President John McMain says.

Both the Association and District bargaining teams have been meeting for hours at a time to try to reach a settlement. The sticking point continues to be compensation, but members are hopeful that the teams will reach a sustainable and equitable solution before Tuesday.

Letter to the San Juan Island School District Community

Posted August 29, 2014 at 10:12 am by


This just in from Rick Thompson, SJI School District…

For the past several months, the San Juan Island School District and the San Juan Education Association, (the teacher’s union) have been meeting to collaboratively negotiate a new contract to replace the agreement that expires on August 31, 2014. As of the end of our last bargaining session on August 28th, the parties have not yet reached a new agreement. Additional bargaining has been scheduled to occur over the Labor Day Weekend.

SJEA representatives have informed the district of the possibility that SJEA members will engage in a work stoppage – or strike – on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 if the parties have not successfully concluded negotiations for a new agreement by or before that date. The District is committed to continued good faith bargaining within the constraints of budget realities.

The community needs to be informed of the possible disruption of having no school on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 while parties continue to work toward an agreement.

Please see our website at www.sjisd.wednet.edu for updated bargaining information.

Rick Thompson

A Batty Evening on the Westside

Posted August 29, 2014 at 5:55 am by

Bat Walk 2014 - Contributed photo

Bat Walk 2014 – Contributed photo

With the help of the San Juan County Land Bank, the San Juan Preservation Trust, State and National Parks, and local landowners, Rochelle Kelly of the UW has been able to study bats in the San Juan Islands this summer. In appreciation of all this support, she is sharing her experience with the public. Rochelle is excited to discuss her research, answer questions, and share her enthusiasm for these important mammals!

Several ultrasonic recorders, night vision goggles, and a thermal camera will be on hand so everyone can have the chance to observe bats in action.

  • Who: Rochelle Kelly, Ph.D. Student, Department of Biology, University of Washington.
  • What: Bat walk and discussion about Rochelle’s research in the islands this summer.
  • Where: Limekiln Preserve, SJI (Westside Lake parking lot) Parking is limited – please carpool.
  • When: September 8, 2014 8:00 – 9:30 pm

For more information contact Tanja Williamson at the Land Bank:
tanjaw [@] rockisland [.] com or (360) 378-4402

Public Hearing on Airport Master Plan

Posted August 29, 2014 at 5:50 am by

Friday Harbor Airport - Port of Friday Harbor photo

Friday Harbor Airport – Port of Friday Harbor photo

The Port of Friday Harbor will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 5pm at Ernie’s Cafe at 744 Airport Circle Drive, Friday Harbor, WA.

The purpose of this meeting is for the Commission to conduct a Public Hearing on the proposed Airport Master Plan Update.

For questions please contact Deanna Eltinge at (360)378-2688.

Salmon Recovery Supporting Orca Recovery

Posted August 29, 2014 at 5:40 am by

whale-museum-logoThe Whale Museum is pleased to welcome Lynne Barre and Scott Rumsey as part of the 2014 Summer Lecture Series.  The talk entitled “Salmon Recovery Supporting Orca Recovery” will take place at The Whale Museum on Wednesday, September 3 at 6:30 p.m.

Lynne Barre and Scott Rumsey from NOAA Fisheries will give a presentation that highlights the connection between salmon recovery and orca recovery. Lynne will provide a brief introduction to the recovery program for endangered Southern Resident killer whales.

Since Southern Residents primarily eat Chinook salmon, addressing threats and recovering salmon populations are an essential part of restoring the ecosystem that supports recovery of the whales.

Scott will overview federal, state, and local efforts to recover threatened and endangered salmon, available funding and initiatives to advance salmon recovery, progress and challenges in implementing recovery, as well as opportunities for public engagement. Continue Reading

Totem Pole Journey at English Camp Tonight

Posted August 29, 2014 at 5:40 am by

The Totem Pole Journey visits the Yakama Nation on August 27 - Coal-Free Washington photo

The Totem Pole Journey visits the Yakama Nation on August 27 – Coal-Free Washington photo

FRIENDS of the San Juans is honored and excited to host a public introduction and benefit in support of “Our Shared Responsibility: A Totem Pole Journey” at English Camp this evening, August 29th at 7 p.m.

The totem pole will be shared with our island community at the ceremony. The House of Tears Carvers would appreciate your presence to hear the stories of the Lummi people and offer your blessing for the totem pole as well. In the testimony of Master Carver Jewell James, the totem itself is not sacred – it is only when it is touched and shared by many communities standing together that the totem becomes a lasting part of our memories and a symbol of our resistance.

This is a special opportunity for community leaders, people of faith, and local activists to learn more about this year’s journey and how they can stand with the Lummi community in support of their work to stop the Gateway Pacific coal terminal and fossil fuel exports that threaten sacred tribal sites. Continue Reading


Posted August 29, 2014 at 5:34 am by

thank-youBitumen Chip Brownies at the San Juan County Fair

San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping says thank you to all of you who stopped by to buy a brownie, spin the oil tanker Wheel of Fortune, and/or sign the petition at our booth at the County Fair. All of your signatures will be attached to the comment letter that we will send to Canada in March — saying “NO” to Kinder Morgan’s proposed pipeline expansion project and the additional 348 tankers a year exporting Canadian Tar Sands crude oil through our islands.

An extra big thank you to the brownie bakers, booth helpers and supporters. Together we can work to protect the Salish Sea.

Liza Michaelson, Lovel Pratt, Shaun Hubbard
San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping

Season finale of Friday Harbor Art Market

Posted August 28, 2014 at 6:28 pm by

The Friday Art Market winds up its 2014 season this Friday, 3:00-7:00pm, at Brickworks Plaza.

teddy-027There will be local artisans from San Juan, Orcas, Lopez and Waldron Islands, selling their hand-crafted works of art. Cynthia’s of Course will provide a variety of sweet and savory dishes and music will be provided by Teddy Deane from 3:00-5:00 and The Rocky Bay Boys from 5:00-7:00pm.

Tell your friends and come check it out!


Land Bank News

Posted August 28, 2014 at 5:52 am by

Tanja Williamson is working at the Land Bank now - Tim Dustrude photo

Tanja Williamson is working at the Land Bank now – Tim Dustrude photo

The SJC Land Bank has a new Volunteer/Outreach Coordinator and she sends over this letter of introduction…


Just a quick note to introduce myself, Tanja Williamson, the new Volunteer/Outreach Coordinator for San Juan County Land Bank.

I live in Friday Harbor, along with my two sons (Miles, 13 and Jasper, 9), my husband (Steve), two dogs (Daisy and Buster), and cat (Tigger). I landed on San Juan Island in 2001, and haven’t looked back since! Before coming to the Land Bank, I worked for the San Juan Community Theatre as their Development Director, and I currently volunteer on the San Juan Soccer and FHMS PTA Boards.

land_bank_logoI love my island life – the people, the land, our feeling of community – and that’s what I believe the Land Bank and preservation, is all about: working together to preserve our community’s character. I’m excited to join the Land Bank and be involved in shaping its future. We live in an amazing place – I look forward to hearing your stories about preservation and your ideas on how to spread the love of the Land Bank!

Thanks for listening!


Early Learning Lab Coming Sept. 11

Posted August 28, 2014 at 5:45 am by

Early Learning Lab for Children Coming to San Juan Island on Thursday, September 11.

Thrive by Five Washington’s Early Learning Lab is coming to San Juan Island in partnership with the San Juan Island Library and the San Juan Island Family Resource Center.

The Lab will be available to explore Thursday, Sept. 11 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Family Resource Center, 476 Market Street, across from Marketplace and next to the Food Bank.

All activities in the Early Learning Lab will include literacy and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities, targeting young children age birth to five. Children and their caregivers, along with educators, are invited to this free, interactive event.

According to Thrive by Five Washington, the Early Learning Lab consists of cubes that create an attractive street-level public gathering space. Cubes provide access to high-quality books and hands-on early learning activities. The concept of the parent as their child’s first and most important teacher is illustrated and practiced. Continue Reading


Posted August 28, 2014 at 5:42 am by

Dragonfly on Louise's Hat - David Bentley photo

Dragonfly on Louise’s Hat – David Bentley photo

Here’s a fun email that came in the other day from David Bentley; Thanks David!


Your Ace Reporter/Photographer, Louise Dustrude, was taking photos at the Know Your Island walk on Saturday at the Peach Health Peace Island Medical Center “Peace Path”. This is a photo of what she couldn’t see on the top of her head.

David Bentley

FH Song Circle

Posted August 28, 2014 at 5:40 am by

Rise_Up_Singing_songbookGail wants you to know they’re meeting again to sing next week…

If you love to sing, join us – we are the Friday Harbor Song Circle.

We meet to sing together twice a month. You will need to have a copy of Rise Up Singing or 10 copies of your favorite song to share.

September 4th. For more information, send an email to:
gailrichard2 [@] gmail [.] com

Looking for Good Home(s)

Posted August 28, 2014 at 5:39 am by

A good home for a barn cat or two - John Dustrude photo

A good home for a barn cat or two – John Dustrude photo

The animal shelter is looking for a few good barns… or more specifically, people who have barns in need of a cat or two. If you are interested in acquiring semi-feral barn cats, please call the shelter at 378-2158.

Openings at St. David’s Day School

Posted August 28, 2014 at 5:28 am by

st-davids-day-schoolDo you have a Kindergartner? There are still a few spots open in St. David’s Day School Kindergarten Enrichment Program. This class is specially designed for kids enrolled in Kindergarten, and meets Monday-Thursday from 11:15 – 3:00. Tuition is $300 a month.

In addition to the outstanding academic curriculum (including Handwriting Without Tears) there are lots of fun activities like yoga, cooking, and Spanish classes each week! Call Head Teacher Margaret Barker at 298-4161 for more information, or to plan a visit to the school.

“Two of our children have attended St. David’s Day School Kindergarten Enrichment. We absolutely love it, as do the kids! St. David’s provides the perfect balance of letting kids make their own choices in the classroom, while at the same time having structured academic activities to choose from. My kids loved yoga on “twisty Tuesdays,” and getting their cooking time in each Thursday. Teachers Carmen and Margaret know each child so well, they are able to really nurture their strengths and challenges and help them feel confident at school. Your kids will love coming to school here each afternoon!”
Kristina & Tito Bayas

Island Rec Celebrates 30 Years

Posted August 27, 2014 at 9:27 pm by

Island Rec’s 30th Anniversary Party is coming up on Sept. 6th - Contributed photo

Island Rec’s 30th Anniversary Party is coming up on Sept. 6th – Contributed photo

Island Rec is celebrating its 30th Anniversary and its promotion of People, Parks, Programs, and Trails.

Come early to ‘Movies in the Park’ for free cake, chuckle at the photo display from 30 years worth of programming, and talk with friends, neighbors, volunteers, current and former staff/commissioners, and FANS. September 6, at 7:00 pm, in the Sunken Park.

Go to www.islandrec.org or call Island Rec at 378-4953 for more information.