Two New Board Members for CSA

Posted June 17, 2014 at 5:43 am by

Rich Peterson - Contributed photo

Rich Peterson – Contributed photo

Rich Peterson and Dave Hyde have been unanimously appointed to the Board of Directors of the Common Sense Alliance (CSA).

Rich had a career as a Fire Chief with 29 years of service in Santa Barbara, California. Upon retirement his family moved to San Juan Island where he began to serve the community in many ways. He was elected to the County Council in 2006 and served 6 years. He was elected Commodore of the San Juan Island Yacht Club in 2008. Rich studied industrial arts and is an accomplished professional metal sculptor with two major public art displays. His work is also represented in many private collections. Rich brings a wealth of experience to the Board of CSA.

Rich will join CSA with another former 3-term Commissioner, John Evans, who commented, “Rich has experience as an elected SJC Councilman and has a strong interest in assessing how local government can protect the quality of life for all our citizens. His views will serve to further strengthen CSA.”

Dave Hyde, Ph.D. - Contributed photo

Dave Hyde, Ph.D. – Contributed photo

The board also appointed Dave Hyde, PhD. His career has spanned 40 years of government service and defense industry contributions in undersea research and technology. He received his degrees from the University of Iowa in the 1960s and worked for the Navy and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) until 1980. There his work focused on undersea sensor sciences. He has received numerous awards for his technical contributions during his active career, including the Navy Distinguished Civilian Service medal. Dave has been an avid yachtsman all his life and a San Juan Island homeowner since 2009. He is currently compiling a summary of published ocean circulation studies that relate to shoreline policy development for the San Juan Islands. Continue Reading

Thrift House Parking

Posted June 17, 2014 at 5:42 am by

The new parking lot and utility building at the Thrift Store - Click to enlarge - SJ Update photo

The new parking lot and utility building at the Thrift Store –  SJ Update photo

Have you seen the new building and parking over at the Thrift Store? They’re having a grand opening for the parking lot this week. It’s Thursday, June 19 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

They say there will be food and drink. 667 Mullis St.

Third Saturday Gallery Walks

Posted June 17, 2014 at 5:41 am by

The Friday Harbor Gallery Association is pleased to announce a new event for your calendars, Gallery Walks Friday Harbor on the Third Saturday of each month beginning in June and ending in September. The dates are June 21, July 19, August 16 and September 20. Time TBA.

The participating Friday Harbor​ ​galleries are:

Arctic Raven, 130 First Street

Gallery 9, 60 First Street

Island Studios 270 Spring Street

WaterWorks Gallery, 315 Argyle Ave​

And the newest member,
Ogle Fine Art Studio​, ​180 First Street.

Third Saturday Art Walks will encourage both visitors and island residents to venture downtown for an evening of festivities in Friday Harbor. Art, food and fun in Friday Harbor on the ​third​ Saturday​s in the​ Summer.

For further information:

Ruth Offen
WaterWorks Gallery (360) 378-3060 or
ruth [@] waterworksgallery [.] com​

Pets of the Week

Posted June 17, 2014 at 5:40 am by

Zander is one of this week's Pets of the Week - Contributed photo

Zander is one of this week’s Pets of the Week – Contributed photo

This gorgeous boy is “Zander” and he recently arrived here at our shelter with his sister, “Zena”.  Sadly, they were abandoned by their previous owner – left behind in crates where they spent several days before being rescued.  They are about 3 years old and very friendly.

Apparently they are Labrador/Doberman/Collie mix – but many people who have met them see some Boxer in them as well. They have lived with other dogs and cats and seem to like everyone they meet.  Neither of them has had any leash training, but they do know some basic commands, like “sit” and “stay”.

Zena is the other one

Zena is the other one

They do not need to be adopted together – they just need to be adopted!  If you have the time and energy to give either of these sweet dogs second chance, please stop by the shelter to meet them.


Posted June 17, 2014 at 4:58 am by

Click for larger poster

Click for larger poster

3rd Saturday Grange Dance: SJI Grange Hall – Saturday, June 21, 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

From Seattle: Laura Mè Smith calling with The Spuds – Val White, fiddle; Malcolm Suttles, guitar; Jim Nollman, mandolin & Katy Nollman, piano.

All dances taught. No partners or experience needed. Donation $10, students half price. For more information please call 378-3836

Blessing the Hands that Feed Us

Posted June 16, 2014 at 9:43 am by

blessing-the-handThrive San Juan Islands welcomes best-selling South Whidbey author, Vicki Robin to San Juan, Lopez and Orcas Islands in mid-June. Vicki will speak about her new book, Blessing the Hands that Feed Us; what eating closer to home can teach us about food, community and our place on earth. She will share how her experiment in 10-mile eating not only changed how she ate, but also renewed her hope and rooted her in her community. She calls this “relational eating.” Vicki went on to investigate how we might restore the vitality of our regional food systems so everyone could have the benefit of relational eating – healthy food, healthy communities.

vicki-robinVicki is being hosted by the San Juan Islands Ag Guild and Griffin Bay Books at The Brickworks in Friday Harbor on Tuesday, June 17th from 5:00 – 7:00 PM.

Lopez Locavores, Transition Lopez and the Lopez Bookstore will co-host Vicki for a tour of Lopez farms, followed by a presentation at the Lopez Library on Wednesday, June 18th at 7:00 PM.

Check out Vicki’s Tedx Seattle Talk on “Relational Eating”.

For more information, contact Gretchen Krampf at 360-317-8220 or
gretchen [.] krampf [@] newstories [.] org

Tuesday, June 17th
Friday Harbor – The Brickworks in Friday Harbor
5:00-7:00 PM – Presentation and Book Signing
Co-hosts: – Griffin Bay Books and SJI Ag Guild’s ‘Live Life Well Education Series’

Wednesday, June 18th
Lopez Island – Lopez Library
7:00 PM – Presentation and Book Signing
Co-hosts: – Lopez Bookstore, Lopez Locavores and Transition Lopez

Thursday, June 19th
Orcas Island – Orcas Food Coop, Emmanuel Church and Darvill’s
12:30 PM “Meet Vicki” at the Orcas Food Coop – Grab something to eat and join us upstairs.
7:00 PM Presentation at Emmanuel Episcopal Hall followed by Reception at Darvill’s Bookstore
Co-hosts: Darvill’s, Orcas Food Coop and Orcas Farm to Cafeteria

Friday Art Market Opens Friday

Posted June 16, 2014 at 5:50 am by

Friday Art Market 2014 Season Opens June 20 - Tim Dustrude photo

Friday Art Market 2014 Season Opens June 20 – Tim Dustrude photo

Artist Pamela Hoke - Tim Dustrude photo

Artist Pamela Hoke – Tim Dustrude photo

The Friday Art Market’s Artisans on the Plaza opens its 2014 season this Friday, June 20, 3:00-7:00 pm, at Brickworks Plaza. The artisan line-up includes a variety of arts and crafts created by a talented group of artists, many new to the market this year.

Music for the opening is provided by the amazing classical guitarist, Oliver Strasser from 3:00-5:00 pm, and the always entertaining songs and sounds of the Rocky Bay Boys, from 5:00-7:00 pm.

The new “Creation Station”, is a hands-on art station for everyone from kids to adults. Artist Pamela Hoke, owner of The Nature Connection Gallery, is organizing this creative experience and has several projects already on the calendar that are sure to be fun for all skill levels. Upcoming art stations include:

  • June 20, “The Wonders of Watercolor”
  • June 27, “Painting on Island Driftwood”
  • July 11, “Leaf Rubbing and Rock Art”.

Unleash your inner artist and walk away with your very own creation. Participation is free; donations accepted. The Creation Station is sponsored, in part, by Earth Box Inn & Spa.

For more information, contact Debbie Pigman,
pigmansartworks [@] rockisland [.] com

7 to be Honored for Environmental Stewardship

Posted June 16, 2014 at 5:41 am by

Seven to be honored for environmental stewardship

Christine Langley of Lopez Island; winner of the Farmland Stewardship award - Contributed photo

Christine Langley of Lopez Island; winner of the Farmland Stewardship award – Contributed photo

Seven Good Steward awards will be presented to islanders and local organizations in recognition of exceptional environmental stewardship on Saturday, June 21 at the Orcas Island Solstice Celebration.

At 11 a.m., winners will be presented with a “Finee” award—a glazed ceramic salmon made by Crow Valley Pottery—at the cluster of booths hosted by Stewardship Network members. Come enjoy the award ceremony in support of your fellow islanders, and enjoy the parade, which follows at noon, activities, food, music and dance performances.

The awards are sponsored by the Stewardship Network of the San Juans, a coalition of private and public organizations that support a healthy, thriving ecosystem in the San Juan Archipelago. Since 2008 the Stewardship Network has honored individuals, families, teachers, students and businesses that have demonstrated conservation ethics benefiting our entire island community.

Many nominations for the Good Stewards award program were received from members of the community. This years’ award winners are: Continue Reading

Park Historian to Give Talk on 100th Anniversary of World War One

Posted June 16, 2014 at 5:32 am by

The Archduke's assassin, Gavrilo Princip, is apprehended - Click to enlarge - Contributed photo

The Archduke’s assassin, Gavrilo Princip, is apprehended – Click to enlarge – Contributed photo

On the morning of June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary was assassinated along with his wife in Sarajevo, Bosnia, triggering World War I, a catastrophe that killed 15 million people and destroyed three empires.

Learn how diplomacy failed that summer and the result in “August 1914: The Year Diplomacy Failed,” an illustrated talk by historian Mike Vouri scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Saturday, June 21 at the San Juan Island Library. The program is free. Call the library at (360) 378-2798 for info.

Western Europe had enjoyed a universal peace – with the exception of a few limited conflicts involving Prussia, France, Russia and Great Britain – since the defeat of Napoleonic France and the resulting Concert of Europe in 1815, a forum for resolving conflict. That all came to an end with a war that involved 32 nations from Europe to Africa, to Arabia and the east and west coasts of South America. It was a war that could have been avoided but for empty chairs (diplomats on summer vacation), vacillating and empty-headed monarchs and railroad timetables.

“We’re a park that celebrates peaceful resolution of conflict so we thought it would be interesting to explore just why everything went so badly in 1914,” said Mike Vouri, park historian. “Of course, the San Juan conflict was on a minuscule scale compared to what happened 55 years later. But Britain’s decisions regarding the San Juans were, in part, based upon events transpiring in Europe where a new empire was on the rise.” Continue Reading

Lopez Hazardous Waste Round-Up June 21

Posted June 16, 2014 at 5:27 am by

Lopez Household Hazardous Waste Round-up -  Contributed photo

Lopez Household Hazardous Waste Round-up – Contributed photo

San Juan County’s final Household Hazardous Waste Round-Up of 2014 will be held on Lopez on June 21 from 11:  am to 2:00 pm at the County shop lot next to the Lopez Island Dump. Signs will be posted by the entrance off Fisherman Bay Road.

Household and business hazardous (or moderate risk) waste will be accepted. There is no charge for households disposing of up to 25 gallons of household hazardous waste. Businesses pay a per-gallon fee.

This is the time to dispose of that half-empty can of wood preservative or oil-based paint, pesticides, weed killers, or other potentially harmful substances. A team of specialists will accept and package them. You may also drop off fluorescent light tubes, CFL’s, and batteries. Please do not bring latex paints (which can be dried and disposed of in regular trash). Explosives, ammunition, and medicines or medical waste will not be accepted.

For a list of materials, see the guidelines posted on the County hazardous waste web page or on the official Lopez Dump website,

The San Juan County and the Washington Department of Ecology sponsor and fund these annual household hazardous waste collection events to remove toxic materials from our islands and maintain a healthy environment. The Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District will be providing on-site support.

Call the County Solid Waste office at 370-0534 if you have questions.

Current Use Farm and Agriculture Taxation Program

Posted June 16, 2014 at 5:22 am by

SJ Islands Farm - Click to enlarge - Contributed photo

SJ Islands Farm – Click to enlarge – Contributed photo

San Juan Island Grange #966 concludes its 2014 Spring Lecture Series with a program on the Current Use Farm and Agriculture Taxation Program on Wednesday June 18, 2014 at the Grange Hall. The program begins at 7:00 pm, preceded by a potluck at 6:00 pm. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Everything you wanted to know (but maybe were afraid to ask) about San Juan County’s Current Use Farm and Agriculture Taxation Program. Attorney Carla Higginson will explain the constitutional underpinnings of the program and the legislative intent behind the statutes. Attorney Jamie Grifo will then address the statutes and regulations currently in force, the current Assessor’s Office’s interpretation, and what that means for landowners enrolled in the program as well as prospective applicants.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014
San Juan Island Grange Hall
Program begins at 7:00 pm, preceded by a 6:00 pm potluck!

County Parks Celebrates Odlin Park Project Completion

Posted June 15, 2014 at 11:11 am by

Dignitaries and current and past County officials join Council Member Jamie Stephens and Parks Director Dona Wuthnow in cutting the ceremonial ribbon at the "Rediscover Odlin" Celebration - Click to enlarge - SJCounty Staff photo

Dignitaries and current and past County officials join Council Member Jamie Stephens and Parks Director Dona Wuthnow in cutting the ceremonial ribbon at the “Rediscover Odlin” Celebration – Click to enlarge – SJ County Staff photo

County Parks celebrated the completion of Odlin Park renovation projects that spanned more than a decade with an event titled “Rediscover Odlin” last Wednesday at the park on Lopez Island. The weather cooperated, providing a perfect sunny afternoon for the more than sixty park supporters and officials who attended and enjoyed music by Kate Czaja and appetizers prepared by The Galley and South End restaurants.

Consulting wetland scientist Diane Brewster, principal of Touchstone EcoServices, told the group about one major portion of the renovations, monitored wetland mitigation areas that are expected to benefit water quality, wildlife and native plants over the coming years. Kids’ joined in the celebration in a nature scavenger hunt and a treasure hunt organized by the Lopez Family Resource Center’s Heather Gladstone.

Councilman Jamie Stephens, flanked by Council members Bob Jarman and Rick Hughes, thanked the many partners, volunteers, staff, past Commissioners and Park Board members for their work on the numerous projects included in the renovation. “A county park project of this scale only occurs once every 75 years, and it takes the work and support of many to see it through”, said Stephens. Continue Reading

OPALCO Improves Grid Control Network

Posted June 15, 2014 at 11:03 am by

OPALCO Adds 700 Mhz Licensed Frequency to Grid Control Network


On Friday, OPALCO announced the purchase of a partitioned portion of the Vulcan Wireless LLC 700 MHz FCC license to add to the OPALCO grid control network, as well as a collaboration agreement with Vulcan Wireless to learn from the Co-op’s deployment for the benefit of other rural communities.

The 700 MHz license, the same that has been used for decades to deliver television programming, will increase OPALCO’s ability to keep in communication with crew members in the field, connect and monitor remote equipment and improve emergency communication for public safety first responders. In addition, OPALCO can use this tool to help improve telecommunications capability for the whole County, allowing homes and business to access OPALCO’s broadband network through high-speed wireless connections.

“This collaboration agreement was facilitated by the FCC with their adoption of the 700 MHz interoperability order, finalized earlier this year. We are looking forward to learning from this effort and finding new and innovation ways to bring high-speed wireless services to rural areas,” said Steve Hall, Managing Director of Vulcan Capital, the owner of Vulcan Wireless.

OPALCO is designing the expansion of its grid control network (also called the backbone or middle mile) to satisfy its automated electrical distribution system needs. With the acquisition of the frequency, the plan will include 17 pole locations county-wide for crew communication and emergency public safety communication. Continue Reading

Stillpoint Grads

Posted June 14, 2014 at 1:54 am by

Stillpoint Elementary School graduates Danica, Jersie, and Caeden - Click to enlarge - Contributed photo

Stillpoint Elementary School graduates Danica, Jersie, and Caeden – Click to enlarge – Contributed photo

Congratulations to Stillpoint School’s Class of 2014! On June 10, 2014, 6th graders Danica Islam, Jersie Angel, and Caeden O’Prussack earned their diplomas and graduated from Stillpoint School. The Graduation and Promotion Ceremony was followed by an outdoor reception. Stillpoint’s 2014 Graduates have left a lasting legacy with many wonderful memories, and will be missed by everyone in our school community. Congratulations and very best wishes, Danica, Jersie, and Caeden!

Stillpoint School
“San Juan Island’s private Elementary school”

Everyday Hero Award for Conni

Posted June 13, 2014 at 5:50 am by

Nancy Fusare, Kiwanis Secretary, hands Connie her award along with Kiwanis President, Stephanie Johnson-O'day and memberLisa Anderson - Contributed photo

Nancy Fusare, Kiwanis Secretary, (Front left) hands Conni Goff her Everyday Hero Award along with Kiwanis President, Stephanie Johnson-O’Day (back row, left) and Kiwanis member Lisa Anderson (back row right) – Contributed photo

Here’s a good news announcement from the Kiwanis Club…

The Kiwanis Club is happy to announce that their annual Everyday Hero Award has been awarded to Ms. Conni Goff who volunteers tirelessly at Friday Harbor Elementary School for 40 hours per week.

This is her 51st year of teaching and volunteering in the classroom and we were very proud to award her this recognition.

Ms. Goff has helped make our community and schools a better place by donating her time and talent.

Thank you Conni!

Story Poles

Posted June 13, 2014 at 5:45 am by

Story Poles simulate the new proposed buildings at Spring Street Landing - Click to enlarge - Tim Dustrude photo

Story Poles simulate the new proposed buildings at Spring Street Landing – Click to enlarge – Tim Dustrude photo

This story has been updated since it was first published: (see below)
Have you seen those new structures the Port put up down at Spring Street Landing where Downriggers was? They’re called Story Poles, and they simulate the size and shape of the new building which is proposed to be built in Downriggers’ place. They will be up for about 2 weeks.

Also at the site, hanging on the fence is a photograph of the harbor with a detailed artist’s rendering of what the finished building will look like. (See below.) Many people spoke out against the first design with the wide, flat roof, and space-age looks. “This is Friday Harbor, not Bellevue” was a common gripe about it. The new design here is more in keeping with the historical look of buildings from the town’s past.

Update: The Town Council will hold a Public Hearing to review the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit application which was submitted by the Port of Friday Harbor in order to proceed with construction of a building to replace the one that burned last August. This public hearing will take place on Thursday, June 26th at 5:30 pm at Brickworks, 150 Nichols Street. Additional information about the proposal is available for public review online at, or by request by contacting Mike Bertrand at the Town’s Community Development Department.

Artist's rendering of the currently proposed building - Click to enlarge

Artist’s rendering of the currently proposed building – Click to enlarge