“Lost BPA Films” Found

Posted June 9, 2014 at 5:50 am by

Ever wonder where all that electricity comes from and how it got there in the first place? This press release about vintage BPA films might interest you. And note – they can be viewed online (see link at the end of this article)…
The Bonneville Power Administration Library has released a new collection of six BPA-produced films from the 1930s, ’40s and ’50s that takes viewers on a cinematic journey into the early years of the Northwest hydroelectric power and transmission systems. The DVD set, titled “BPA Film Collection Volume 1, 1939-1954,” is the first compilation of films from the agency’s archives ever made available. And it has received a warm reception.

“The series forms a composite portrait of the river -a forceful, magnetic, photogenic presence – and of the people who spent their lives attempting to tame it,” says Anne Richardson, host of the Oregon Movies, A to Z website.

For regional historian and filmmaker Ellie Belew, they are a captivating introduction for those who want to begin to understand the management of the Columbia River Basin. “These DVDs bring to life not only the actual build-out of regional infrastructure, but also the attitudes and assumptions that supported development of publicly owned power utilities in the Pacific Northwest,” Belew observes.

Since the DVD’s release in January, the BPA Library has been flooded with requests.

“We handed out 500 copies in the first five days,” says librarian Libby Burke, a film archivist with a degree in cinema studies who curated the DVD collection.

So far, the BPA Library has mailed more than 1,800 copies to people all over the region.

“We’ve received requests from as far away as Alna, Maine; Amherst, Massachusetts; and Tempe, Arizona,” Burke says. “And we even mailed a copy to the “Big Quonset Hut” at Grand Coulee Dam.”

While the films chronicle the origins of electric power in the region, it turns out the story behind the collection is also one of discovery. Continue Reading

Climate Change and Forests

Posted June 9, 2014 at 5:40 am by

Richard Hebda - Contributed photo

Richard Hebda – Contributed photo

Practicing good stewardship in forests and even our own gardens may be as critical to adapting and mitigating climate change as reducing greenhouse gases, according to Dr. Richard Hebda, curator of Botany and Earth History at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria.

Hebda will discuss these concepts and more in his illustrated talk, “At the Tipping Point: A Neighbor’s Perspective on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation,” scheduled at 7 p.m., Wednesday June 18 at the Friday Harbor Brickworks. The program is free.

“At the Tipping Point” is the first program in The Climate Action Imperative: Understanding Impacts & Making Choices, a summer/fall speakers’ series featuring eight experts on Climate Change—from oceanographers to botanists, biologists to meteorologists. The series will provide a current look at climate change and what actions are warranted by individuals as well as by our state and nation. For information about the series call 360-378-2240, ext. 2227 or 360-378-6690 or visit our web sites at www.nps.gov/sajh or www.madrona.org.

In a 2008 report, Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Through Conservation of Nature (co-written with Sara J. Wilson), Hebda wrote that conserving land with healthy natural ecosystems “is a cost-effective and important strategy to both mitigate and adapt to climate change.” Continue Reading

Bill & Rita Ament’s Dance Happy Show 2014

Posted June 9, 2014 at 5:40 am by

The Dance Happy crew - Click to enlarge - Tim Dustrude photo

The Dance Happy crew – Click to enlarge – Tim Dustrude photo

Join Bill & Rita Ament and more than 50 local island performers, children through adults (ages 2 on up) for their 30th annual Dance Happy extravaganza.

Be totally touched by the magic and color of the cutest Little Ones on stage for the very first time. Be charmed by the L’il Starz dancers as they Steal The Show. Go wild with the Big Starz as they tap to the Muppets and shake it up with Mr. Downtown. Boogie woogie in your seat to Hound Dog and get down with Celebration from the Super Starz. Go gaga over the colorful costumes and quick steps of Monarca. Wow yourself with the exotic Belly Dancer and feel the heat from our Zumba dancers. Get up and clap for Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Plus, special guest stars: Annie & The Orphans. Lots of tapping, jazzing, hip hopping, ballet dancing, singing and entertaining. Featuring surprise special guest artists and more as you enjoy this outrageous family dance and song revue.

The traditional Dance Happy show is guaranteed to make you laugh, cry, giggle, aah, ooh la la, smile, wiggle, wow, clap, cheer and be totally inspired!

  • San Juan Community Theatre
  • Saturday, June 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm
  • Adults $16
  • Students $8
  • Rush $5

Business Partners: Jensen Shipyard and VanderYacht Propane

Free Contra Dance Mondays

Posted June 9, 2014 at 5:35 am by

Mike Cohen sends over this announcement to share with you…

Mike Cohen entertains the lunch crowd on the deck - Louise Dustrude photo

Mike Cohen entertains the lunch crowd on the deck – Louise Dustrude photo

A free Contra Dance is held every Monday night at English Camp, part of the San Juan Island U.S. National Historical Park.

7:30 – 9:00 pm from June 9 to August 18 2014 and then continuing at the Friday Harbor Grange from August 18- June 10, 2015

Football and Cheerleading Sign-Ups

Posted June 9, 2014 at 5:31 am by


Do you love football or cheerleading? Do you want to have fun and learn the basics of this American fall sport? Come signup and join the Friday Harbor Tigers football team or cheer squad! Our programs will include Pee-Wee (Pads & Helmets) (6-8 y.o.), Freshman (9-10 y.o.), Junior (11-12 y.o.) and Senior (13-14 y.o.) football teams and a cheer squad.

  • When: Wed., Thurs. and Fri. June 11, 12 and 13 at 2:45-4:30 pm
  • Where: FHAA Clubhouse far end of the FHES fields

Coaches will be there to answer any questions. All coaches will be certified 1st Aid/CPR and USA Football safety. Visit http://usafootball.com/#education for more information about the certification and how you, as parents, can be certified.

Register by Tues., July 1, 2014 and receive $20 off registration fees AND participation in the Fourth of July float!!

Island Rec Commission Vacancy

Posted June 9, 2014 at 5:29 am by


San Juan Island Park & Recreation Commission Vacancy
San Juan Island Park and Recreation District, a junior taxing district on San Juan Island seeks to appoint a new person to its board to fill the position vacated by Commissioner Jeremy Talbott’s resignation. The appointment to the Board will run until the November 2015 election.

Persons interested in the field of parks and recreation who have the desire to serve the public are asked to submit a letter of interest to Island Rec’s Board of Commissioners at P.O. Box 1946 Friday Harbor. Applicants must be a San Juan Island resident and registered voter to qualify.

San Juan Island Park and Recreation District, known as Island Rec, operates the Family Park and Skatepark located at the SJC Fairgrounds, Eddie and Friends Dog Park, Lafarge Open Space and the San Juan Island Trails Committee. Island Rec is most recognized for its year-round comprehensive recreation program annually offering a over 2,700 hours of organized programming with nearly 14,000 participations. As authorized by voters at the 2009 general election, Island Rec is the main funding source for Friday Harbor High School’s Sports program.

The Commission meets on the first Thursday of every month at 5:00 pm. In addition to participation in Board meetings, Commissioners set the annual levy rate and budget, act as a liaison on projects and partnerships and actively volunteer for Island Rec special events.

To learn more about serving on the Commission, contact Director Sally Thomsen at 378-4953 or contact one of the current commissioners – Bill Cumming, Jacquelyn Reiff, Tracy Roberson and Scott Zehner. In 2014 Island Rec is celebrating its 30th Anniversary of People, Parks, Programs and Trails; a great time to be part of this dynamic agency!

County Vacancies

Posted June 9, 2014 at 5:15 am by

County-LogoThe County Council is searching for San Juan County citizens to fill current and upcoming vacancies on various boards and commissions. Additional information about each committee is available on the County’s website.

Persons interested in serving on a board or advisory committee should fill out an Advisory Committee Application or Contact the Council Office at: (360) 378-2898 Email: [email protected]

The following is a list of current and upcoming vacancies: Continue Reading

4th Graders go to Court

Posted June 8, 2014 at 11:38 am by

Here’s a note from Joan White about the goings on at the Courthouse last Thursday…

4th Graders in Court - Contributed photo

4th Graders in Court – Contributed photo

SJC Prosecutor Randy Gaylord’s wife, Marny is the 4th Grade Teacher on Orcas Island. She has come over with her students for several years now to tour the courthouse. It is always the week before Flag Day so I like to combine not only viewing the Superior Courtroom but also providing healthy treats, a Flag and a scroll for them to read and learn the history of our flag.

Last year Judge Eaton conducted a little trial which the children participated in.

Judge Eaton presides over the Orcas 4th Graders - Contributed photo

Judge Eaton presides over the Orcas 4th Graders – Contributed photo

This year it was a little different in that he gave them more of the history of what Superior Court/Juvenile Court does. Judge Eaton can relate to the children so well for them to understand – it’s truly wonderful and we are all so fortunate to have him as our Judge.

When the children departed from here with their goodies, Randy took them to the Sheriff’s Office where Sheriff Nou gave them a tour as well.

Here be Whales

Posted June 6, 2014 at 7:38 pm by

Humpback breach - Click to enlarge - Captain Jim Maya photo

Humpback breach – Click to enlarge – Captain Jim Maya photo

I heard there weren’t too many orcas out there today. Just a couple of Humpbacks… Thanks Jim Maya for the awesome photo! Maya’s Westside Whale Watch Charters. See more of his photos on his Facebook page.

Debbie Daniels at WaterWorks Gallery

Posted June 6, 2014 at 11:50 am by

Here’s a note from Ruth over at Waterworks Gallery…

Debbie Daniels - Spike Africa, oil on canvas 36 x 46

Debbie Daniels – Spike Africa, oil on canvas 36 x 46

WaterWorks Gallery announces the representation of Friday Harbor painter, Debbie Daniels. Painting since she was 9 years old, Debbie was awarded a scholarship to the Columbus College of Art and Design. She has painted pretty much her entire life, when not home-schooling her 4 children, running a Bed ‘n’ Breakfast, working in the garden or riding her horse… She paints.

There is not a challenge that Debbie is not able to meet. When we first discussed WaterWorks Gallery’s representation, I wanted a cohesive body of work. The resulting collection of maritime inspired works are the result. Pretty awesome work!

Today – June 6 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Stop by for a glass of Proseco and chat with Debbie Daniels about her work, and what inspires her.

The works will hang at the gallery’s main show space thru Sunday June 8.
Look forward to seeing you.

Dinosaur Day was a Hit!

Posted June 6, 2014 at 5:50 am by

That's a big femur - Click to enlarge - Contributed photo

That’s a big femur – Click to enlarge – Contributed photo

Just got this note from Stillpoint about what a wonderful day they had…

Stillpoint School’s Dinosaur Day was a tremendous success! Stillpoint School sends a Supersaurus-sized Thank You to Felicitations, the Burke Museum, and Scholastic for creating an amazing Dinosaur Day on May 21st!


Contributed photos

Felicity’s towering, beautifully-decorated Dinosaur cake was the hit of the party, and her dinosaur cookies were devoured by our dinosaur celebrants.


Dino fossil – Contributed photo

AnnaMaria and Dylan from the Burke Museum provided incredible hands-on learning opportunities and brought many fantastic artifacts in their BurkeMobile. With AnnaMaria and Dylan, we learned features and characteristics of dinosaurs, stood inside a T-Rex footprint, compared ourselves to a T-Rex’s femur, paced out dinosaur lengths, sorted fossils, and enjoyed very popular fossil dig pits.

Scholastic provided stunning decorations and special activities for Dinosaur Day, and did a wonderful job organizing this very special holiday at Stillpoint School.

Thank you so much to everyone who made Dinosaur Day an unforgettable, incredible experience for our students and our entire school community!

A Beloved Fisherwoman and a Loyal Fleet

Posted June 6, 2014 at 5:49 am by

It’s time again for the Historical Museum’s monthly history column…

Fishing boats in Friday Harbor - Click to enlarge - SJ Historical Museum photo

Fishing boats in Friday Harbor – Click to enlarge – SJ Historical Museum photo

As the San Juan Historical Society and Museum works on the fishing component of its new Museum of History and Industry, the story of Esther Nordland comes back around in this 100th anniversary of her early death at age 22. Esther and her husband Frank operated the tender/seiner Wamega for the Straits Fish Company, shown here with Esther at the bow deck wheel. In the summer of 1914 when Esther died from a sudden illness, 18 purse seiners (as pictured) bore witness in the harbor on the day of her funeral. A few months later, another beloved islander was born — Nourdine Jensen. His father had built the Wamega at the family’s Albert Jensen & Sons Shipyard. Read more about the new Museum of History and Industry at www.sjmuseum.org.

New SJC Fair Website

Posted June 6, 2014 at 5:46 am by

The San Juan County Fairgrounds is proud to launch its new website today! It’s been made-over top to bottom with more information, more color, and easier navigation. It’s still located at www.sjcfair.org! Check it out for news, premium book information, and up-to-date information about the Fair and other Fairgrounds Events!

Speaking of the Premium book, want to enter something in the 2014 San Juan County Fair? Not sure what the rules are? How Premium payments are made? Printed copies of the Premium Book will be distributed to all island libraries in late June. Check it out soon, so you can get your entries ready!

Of course the online Premium Book will be available on the new SJC Fair website when it premiere’s June 6!

The 2014 Fair runs August 13-16.

Long Live the Friday Harbor Fireworks!

Posted June 6, 2014 at 5:45 am by

Fireworks over Friday Harbor - Tim Dustrude photo

Fireworks over Friday Harbor – Tim Dustrude photo 

Here’s a note from the Chamber of Commerce…

Are you a family and/or business who enjoys the annual fireworks? The fireworks are in real danger of demise if we don’t raise enough money.

You might not know that your Chamber of Commerce is responsible for raising the money each year to pay for the Friday Harbor 4th of July Fireworks. As you can imagine, the chamber doesn’t have anywhere near the budget to cover the more than $15,000 needed. So each year, we rely on you, the island community.

Every dollar helps! Donate at Vic’s or any chamber member business.

You can also call 378 5240 with a credit card or visit the chamber office with check or cash. Our PayPal account is
chamber [@] sanjuanisland [.] org
Mailing address is P.O. Box 98.

(Note to Businesses: This year we are offering sponsorships, with all the wonderful island publicity that offers. Your contribution of $1,000 will show the island how much your business cares about this venerable island event. Please call the Chamber at 378 5240 with your ideas of how sponsoring the fireworks can boost your community-friendly business profile.)

Karate Kid Tonight at the Drive-In

Posted June 6, 2014 at 5:35 am by

Karate Kid tonight at the Drive-In - Click to enlarge

Karate Kid tonight at the Drive-In – Click to enlarge

The Karate Kid is this week’s feature at the Drive-In tonight at the Fairgrounds. Parking starts at 7:45 pm, movie runs at Dusk (around 9:00 pm).

Kayak at Sunset

Posted June 5, 2014 at 5:51 am by

Kayak Sunset - Click to enlarge - Kevin Holmes photo

Kayak Sunset – Click to enlarge – Kevin Holmes photo

Kevin Holmes was in the right place at the right time and captured this beautiful image the other night. Makes ya kinda answer that question in your head: “Yep, that’s why we live here…” Thanks for sharing Kevin!