Here’s a note from Shaun Hubbard and the San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping…
Hooray, Safe Shippers! We’ve been given a seat at the table! As it should be, we “get to” have a say in the fate of OUR waters!
Here’s the back story…
There is oil in the tar sands of Alberta, and Kinder Morgan wants to extract it and dilute it so they can pipe it. But first…they have plans to build a bigger pipeline (Trans Mountain) which will carry it to the west coast of British Columbia, where it will be put on ships for export to Asia and other parts of the world.
Those ships will pass right by us. There will be seven times more of them than there are now — up to 816 annual tanker transits through Haro Strait and Boundary Pass — increasing the risk of a major oil spill.
We need to tell Kinder Morgan and the Canadian government what we think about their plans — and now we can and we will!
Here’s the part about you…
Remember the letters you sent in February? They worked! You thanked the Washington Department of Ecology for applying for intervenor status and you asked our County Council members to apply to comment. The good news: Canada’s National Energy Board (NEB) has selected 1650 individuals and entities (including DoE and our Council) to be a part of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain project review process. The not-so good news: Out of 2118 applications received, they DENIED 468 concerned citizens a voice in the process!
Several other applicants from Washington State and San Juan County are being allowed to participate, including (drum roll, please)…
San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping! That’s us!
Our cohorts at Lopez NoCoalition, Orcas NoCoalition, and FRIENDS of the San Juans have been accepted to comment, too!
This is exactly what should happen — we use our voices to protect what belongs to all of us — safe and clean waters.
Let’s tell them what we think about their plans for all this shipping along our shores. And let’s do this for those 468 who were denied the opportunity, and the billions of wild creatures who aren’t able to participate either.
The deadline for SJIFSS to submit our comment letter is September 9, 2014, so in the next few months, we will be hosting a series of comment-drafting parties. Stay tuned – we will let you know when and where. In the meantime, we have included a list (see below) of links to websites, articles, videos and a list of local events that we hope you will find informative.
Way to go, Safe Shippers! Thank you!!!!
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