Litter-Free by the Sea
Hey, everyone! It’s time for the 2014 Great Island Clean-Up… San Juan Island’s annual spring-cleaning!
When: Saturday, April 5th. 9:00 am – noon
Where: All island roadsides and beaches
Rain or shine!
Stillpoint School team of 2013 – Contributed photo
Last year, 200 islanders collected over 3600 pound of litter from approximately 45 miles of roads and several beach areas. And, our island really did look GREAT!
But sadly, our refuse continues to end up as litter. Thoughtless tossing of bottles, cans, food wrappers, or cigarette butts; accidental “blowing away” of debris from unsecured loads on boats and trucks; or deliberate dumping of tires, etc., all contribute to the need to make litter pick-up an ongoing effort.
Ravenhill Construction team
Multiple organizations – including San Juan County, the Town of Friday Harbor, San Juan Sanitation, island service clubs, the Chamber of Commerce and Friends of the San Juans – are collaborating to sponsor this year’s Great Island Clean-Up, a day when all able-bodied islanders are encouraged to help pick up the accumulated trash so that residents and visitors alike are treated to a litter-free island when warmer and sunnier weather beckons us all outdoors.
Please connect with your school, non-profit, service or neighborhood groups, family and friends and volunteer to help. To clean a road, contact David Dehlendorf at 378-1082 or email at :
dauffa [@] gmail [.] com; to clean a beach, contact Jana Marks at 378-2319 or:
jana [@] sanjuans [.] org. Orcas Island is getting their own Great Island Clean-Up going this year; their contact is Kira Bradshaw at 318-6041.
To help this effort: FREE pick-up bags will be available at the Chamber of Commerce office on Spring Street the week prior to the event. In addition, their office also has some grabbers and safety vests that participants are welcome to borrow.
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