Reminder from Sammantha

Posted March 27, 2014 at 12:44 pm by

Just got this last minute reminder for you to leave your thoughts with NOAA about getting Lolita freed… 


Hi Tim,
Thank you so much for posting the article about freeing Lolita and my junior year community project.

The last day of the comment period is tomorrow, March 28, so I’m wondering if you can post something again asap to remind people to make their comments to NOAA by tomorrow?!

Thank you for your consideration!

Sammantha Hopkins

Click on the link at to leave your comment.

New Game in Town

Posted March 27, 2014 at 12:16 pm by

…or rather – “New Gaming in Town”… 4th generation islander and 2006 FHHS grad Sierra Stratton is making his dream a reality. He and business partner Joshua Reedy are remodeling a space over on Tucker to create Green Owl Gaming. But why not let him tell you all about it…

The Warhammer Room - one of three gaming rooms soon to be available - The Board Game Room and the Xbox Room will follow - Green Owl Gaming photo

The Warhammer Room – one of three gaming rooms soon to be available – The Board Game Room and the Xbox Room will follow – Green Owl Gaming photo

A few years back I started dreaming about opening a club of sorts for the few gamers I knew around the island. A place we could use whenever we wanted. This dream never really went anywhere till i pitched the idea to my friend Joshua Reedy last November. We started to brainstorm ideas and my little dream started to grow.

Ideas of Xbox gaming, tabletop gaming and card games – but the push to follow through never came until late December when I was told the Kids Club didn’t exist anymore. This both saddened and motivated me – and I now had a stronger reason for my dream.

I’m a forth generation local who grew up at the kids club as well as the other gaming centers that used to be around (Offbeat Entertainment and Gray Matter.) At that moment in time the dream changed into a goal.

Josh and I went into partnership and we are now opening Non Profit, Green Owl Gaming. I acquired a location and have been remodeling and setting up for the gaming center. We are close to being ready for our soft opening which will consist of the Table-top gaming, card gaming and board games.

The Xbox part will be opening with our full opening once we get more funding. So far it has solely been paid out of pocket but when you believe in something you will find a way.

~Sierra Cain Stratton~

When finished, the place will consist of 3 main rooms – The Warhammer Room (in the photo above), The Board Game room (Magic, D&D, Monopoly, etc…) and the Video Gaming room (Xbox, Playstation, etc…). Also, this 3rd room will include a HD projector for movie nights for fundraising or just for fun. They will have a small snack bar and some retail items available. For now, to help get things off the ground, they are looking at signing people up for monthly memberships (first 10 to sign up get a free T-shirt), and after things get going, they will lower the monthly rate, or go without it entirely. They plan to have their “Soft Opening” in early April with a “Grand Opening” to follow once the other rooms are completed.

For more info, check out their website or Facebook Page.

Sierra Stratton (L) and Joshua Reedy of Green Owl Gaming - Update Staff photo

Sierra Stratton (L) and Joshua Reedy of Green Owl Gaming – Update Staff photo

Salish Sea Early Music Festival – An Evening with Louis XIV

Posted March 27, 2014 at 11:38 am by

louis-xivVisit the court of Louis XIV in 1713 on March 30 – A world of tender and brilliant magic.

Review Excerpts from last month’s Salish Sea Early Music Festival program in Friday Harbor, repeated for the Music Society of the Islands in Victoria:

” …the reward was as dreamily exquisite as an invitation from Oberon, delivered by Puck himself to enter a world of tender and brilliant magic… A music so refined, it draws and draws, yet never swamps the senses… Such was the virtuosity and technical brilliance of Hans Jürgen Schnoor and Jeffrey Cohan, combined with a spell-binding understatement, I couldn’t be quite sure I hadn’t dreamed it all.” (Elizabeth Courtney, “Music in Victoria”, February 22, 2014 –  full review)

  • Jeffrey Cohan, baroque flute
  • Anna Marsh, baroque bassoon
  • Christine Wilkinson Beckman, baroque violin
  • Steve Creswell, baroque viola

Sunday evening, March 30, 2014 at 7:00 PM
San Juan Island Grange
152 First Street in Friday Harbor (360) 378-6632
The suggested donation (a free will offering) is $15 or $20, and youth 18 and under are free.

Contemporary Dance Master Class

Posted March 27, 2014 at 5:58 am by

FHHS Alum Michelle Mazzerella teaches Contemporary Dance here this Saturday

FHHS Alum Michelle Mazzerella teaches Contemporary Dance here this Saturday

Cynthia Burke and XYZ movement arts is excited to bring a young, local talent back to the island. Welcoming Michelle Mazzarella and her Contemporary Dance Master Class on Saturday, March 29th.

Michelle has been dancing for over sixteen years. She is currently a first-year student at UCLA, majoring in Psychology and Dance. In addition to her Major work, Michelle choreographs and performs with a student-run dance company. She specializes in Contemporary dance, and also trains seriously in Ballet, Jazz, Tap, and Hip Hop.

Michelle is excited to teach at XYZ, and is looking to start classes this summer. Come give it a try, and look for her schedule in June! For Registration or More Information, check out this PDF, contact Michelle at (360) 298-0531 or
dancewithmazz [@] gmail [.] com

Local Author Wins 2nd Award

Posted March 27, 2014 at 5:40 am by

Corrin_Cover_2013Nicholas Corrin has won another award for his recently published book, The Power of Letting Go: transforming fear into love. This time it’s second place in the 2013 Reader Views Reviewers Choice Awards in the Spirituality/Inspiration category. A complete list of all winners is available here.

A Readers Views reviewer said “I found ‘The Power of Letting Go’ by Nicholas Corrin enlightening and empowering. This is not your regular self-help book – it is a book that will shake the reader’s core as the dots come together. In my opinion it is a five stars book that should be read by people of all backgrounds and beliefs so that we call can start connecting all the dots again.”

You may already know that Nicholas brings his formal training in Oriental and Ayurvedic Medicine to the islands with his Friday Harbor Holistic Health practice. He also has decades-long training in Taoist Qi-Gong as well as Vedic mediation, which he shares with students in his Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and yoga classes and workshops. These inner practices led to his patented technique, Vibropuncture.™

Corrin’s writings span diverse areas including the dynamics of energy, self-mastery, the science of movement, immunological issues, imaginative writings, and the poetic contemplation of nature.

The book is available locally at the

  • San Juan Island Food Co-op
  • Office Center Northwest
  • Island Studios
  • Griffin Bay Books

or directly from It is also available on in both print and e-book versions.

Island Stage Left presents: RED

Posted March 27, 2014 at 5:40 am by

RED starts on April 3rd - Click for larger poster

RED starts on April 3rd – Click for larger poster

This dynamic and passionate play by John Logan focuses on the period in the painter, Mark Rothko’s life — the late 1950s — when he was working on a number of large murals which were to be hung in The Four Seasons, a luxury restaurant in the Seagram Building, at that time one of the most admired new office buildings in New York.

A Tony Award-winning script and two dynamite actors – comprised of visual art, music and theatre, it is an experience of total immersion into the world of the arts. Described as “thrilling”, “powerful” “intense” and “exciting”, this is an event you don’t want to miss!

RED opens next Thursday, 3rd April. We so look forward to seeing you there!

Dana Lyons’ “The Great Salish Sea” CD Release Tour

Posted March 27, 2014 at 5:29 am by

Dana-LyonsDana Lyons will be touring the islands with FRIENDS of the San Juans this coming week. Dana is best known for his hit comedy song “Cows With Guns”. He will be traveling throughout Washington and British Columbia with his new album “The Great Salish Sea”, singing, telling stories, and raising awareness about the proposed coal, oil, and natural gas exports that are threatening our water, the salmon and the orca.

Learn more about Dana and his music here: Local tour dates include:

  • Waldron Island, Thursday, March 27, 2014. 7:00 p.m., Waldron Island School
  • Orcas Island, Saturday, March 29, 2014. 7:00 pm., West Sound Community Hall
  • Lopez Island, Tuesday, April 1, 2014. 7:00 p.m., Woodmen Hall
  • San Juan Island, Wednesday, April 2, 2014. 7:00 p.m., Brickworks

$10 suggested donation at the door.

Call 360-378-2319 for more information.

Artisans on the Plaza

Posted March 27, 2014 at 4:38 am by

The Art Market will run on Fridays from June 20 through

The Art Market will run on Fridays from June 20 through August 29 – Update file photo

Reminder! All vendors – artists and food, interested in participating in the 2014 season of the Friday Harbor Art market…“Artisans on the Plaza” need to contact Debbie Pigman at
pigmansartworks [@] rock island [.] com or (360) 472-0216.

The 2014 artisans market, a collection of art, crafts, music and food, will run on Fridays, 3:00-7:00pm, from June 20-August 29 on the Brickworks Plaza.

Meet your Volunteer Firefighter

Posted March 26, 2014 at 8:12 pm by

Here is our next entry in Sheila Harley’s firefighter introduction series…

Brandon Baney pictured here in front of his favorite fire truck, Ladder 317 - Sheila Harley photo

Brandon Baney pictured here in front of his favorite fire truck, Ladder 317 – Sheila Harley photo

Brandon Baney has been on San Juan Island for 20 years, coming from Santa Rosa, California with his grandmother when he was five years old. He attended our school system all his life. Computer science was his favorite subject. He enjoyed the challenge.

Brandon has a wife, Heather, and two children, a boy and a girl. He works in construction with Carlson Enterprises, both here and around the region based on where the job sites are. If all the above isn’t challenging enough for a young man, Brandon is presently taking Emergency Medical Technician training here on San Juan Island. He has energy to burn!

What brought Brandon to join the San Juan Island Fire and Rescue? He felt he needed something positive in his life – something to keep his blood pumping! First he took the Wildlands Fire Fighting class which is held every June. It consists of two weekends of learning how to deal with environmental fires. This he highly recommends. Then he went on to take the Firefighter 1 class this past year and was named 2013 “Rookie of the Year”.

He says he had no idea what the firefighters really did before he went through the training. “It was awesome!”, Brandon says. He had to overcome some fears, but overcome them he did with no regrets.

Now he considers his firefighting duties some of the most satisfying and fulfilling he has ever had the privilege to be involved in. “If someone’s worst day is having a fire to deal with and the firefighter can make it better, that is what is all about. Here you are, going into the situation when every body else is coming out! Helping my community. How satisfying and electrifying is that!?”

Brandon had a few friends at Station 31 before he joined the Department and hopes a few more of his friends will take up the challenge. If you would like to learn what it is all about, come to the fire station on Mullis Street to visit or call the station at 378-5334 for more information. San Juan Island Fire Rescue is always looking for volunteers to join them in protecting life and property.

DSHS Mobile CSO Coming to Town

Posted March 26, 2014 at 1:53 pm by

Here’s a press release from DSHS…

Click for larger poster

Click for larger poster

The WA State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Mobile Community Service Office is coming to Friday Harbor on April 14th and 15th. We will be there to do application interviews for Food and Cash as well as yearly reviews, and to answer any questions on active cases or about any of our services.

We will be at the Friday Harbor Family Resource Center from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on April 14 & 15, 2014.

We appreciate your help in getting the word out so together we can help as many members of the community as possible.

FHHS Art Students Win Again! On to State…

Posted March 26, 2014 at 6:07 am by

Lizzy (color pencil), by Alaina Scheffer - Click for larger image

Lizzy (colored pencil), by Alaina Scheffer – Click for larger image

FHHS again impresses judges at the 41st Annual OSPI High School Art Competition. Seniors Alaina Scheffer, and Ellery Von Dassow submitted three of the seven art pieces selected to represent Northwest ESD 189.

NWESD serves 35 school districts in five different counties, serving approximately 16 percent of the states K-12 public school students. These regional winners moved forward to compete against the State’s other eight districts regional winners.

The artworks submitted were Alaina’s Kerr(i) Economy (colored pencil), and Lizzy (color pencil) and Ellery’s Arrested (charcoal). Ellery’s digital photography piece Machine Behind the Light, was also selected for a showing in Skagit Valley.

Arrested (Charcoal) by Ellery Von Dassow

Arrested (Charcoal) by Ellery Von Dassow

Friday Harbor High School Art Instructor Andy Anderson said “I was so pleased to have another dominate performance by our students. I am optimistic about our student’s chances at the state competition in Olympia.”

Kerr(i) Economy (Colored pencil) by Alaina Scheffer

Kerr(i) Economy (Colored pencil) by Alaina Scheffer

Egg(s) May Be in Eagles’ Nest

Posted March 26, 2014 at 5:47 am by

American Camp Eagle - Contributed photo

American Camp Eagle – Contributed photo

American Camp’s eagles are apparently tending an egg(s), according to visitor center staff. The nest, located above the employee parking area, is never without one of the nesting pair aboard, and they have been observed alternating duties, staff reports.

Eagles usually lay one to three eggs, usually one day apart. As they are normally laid in late February and early March, the American Camp pair are on schedule.

The eggs are usually speckled off-white or buff colored and about the size of a goose egg. Gestation is about 35 days. When the chicks are still in the nest the parents will ball up their talons into fists to prevent hurting the chicks.

We’ll keep you posted here on progress. If you wish to see the nest up close and personal come to the American Camp visitor center Wednesday-Sunday. A bird scope is set up just below the porch. Ask a staff member for assistance.

The park has temporarily closed the employee parking center. We also ask that visitors not enter the parking area on foot. Many thanks!

Community Dinner, April 2nd

Posted March 26, 2014 at 5:45 am by

It’s just about that time again – Mark your calendars and get ready to enjoy some great food, good company, and support the School’s Food for Thought program while you’re at it. Check out this spread…

Click for larger poster

Click for larger poster

Join us from 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the High School Commons on Wednesday, April 2nd!

  • Thai Chicken Thigh grilled chili-lime marinated chicken
    (marinated tofu for vegetarian option)
  • Hoisin-Ginger Noodles with thin cut vegetables and sesame seeds
  • Rapini and Carrot Stir Fry a light, gingery sauté of broccoli raab, carrots and caramelized onion
  • Jasmine Rice a softly fragrant, Thai long-grain rice
  • Peanut Sauce a tangy, spicy peanut sauce *allergy alert!
  • Green Salad with Miso Dressing fresh greens with cucumber, shredded carrot and radish with homemade miso dressing
  • Almond Cookies a crisp & buttery dessert made by the Baking Class *allergy alert!

$12 suggested donation for adults and $6 for children under 12

Soroptimists Rock

Posted March 26, 2014 at 5:42 am by

Soroptimists Host Area Meeting


Over 130 Soroptimists brave the rain to meet at the Yacht Club – Contributed photo

On Saturday March 8, for the first time since its founding, Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor (SIFRI) hosted the Area Meeting for Soroptimist chapters in Skagit, Island and Snohomish Counties which fittingly was International Women’s Day.

Braving the rain and ferry schedules, over 130 Soroptimists from twelve clubs gathered at the Yacht Club to exchange news and ideas, and make plans for the coming year under the theme Inspiring Change.

Friday Harbor Town Administrator Duncan Wilson welcomed the visitors on behalf of Mayor Carrie Lacher. Each chapter president described their clubs achievements in the current year, with SIFRI President Katie Loring noting that our local chapter would give out more than $40,000 this year in scholarships, awards, and community programs, including the Cancer Transportation Fund and the Women’s Emergency Fund.

The Great Island Clean Up

Posted March 26, 2014 at 5:40 am by

Litter-Free by the Sea

Hey, everyone! It’s time for the 2014 Great Island Clean-Up… San Juan Island’s annual spring-cleaning!

When: Saturday, April 5th. 9:00 am – noon
Where: All island roadsides and beaches
Rain or shine!

Stillpoint School team of 2013 - Contributed photo

Stillpoint School team of 2013 – Contributed photo

Last year, 200 islanders collected over 3600 pound of litter from approximately 45 miles of roads and several beach areas. And, our island really did look GREAT!

But sadly, our refuse continues to end up as litter. Thoughtless tossing of bottles, cans, food wrappers, or cigarette butts; accidental “blowing away” of debris from unsecured loads on boats and trucks; or deliberate dumping of tires, etc., all contribute to the need to make litter pick-up an ongoing effort.

Ravenhill Construction team

Ravenhill Construction team

Multiple organizations – including San Juan County, the Town of Friday Harbor, San Juan Sanitation, island service clubs, the Chamber of Commerce and Friends of the San Juans – are collaborating to sponsor this year’s Great Island Clean-Up, a day when all able-bodied islanders are encouraged to help pick up the accumulated trash so that residents and visitors alike are treated to a litter-free island when warmer and sunnier weather beckons us all outdoors.

Please connect with your school, non-profit, service or neighborhood groups, family and friends and volunteer to help. To clean a road, contact David Dehlendorf at 378-1082 or email at :
dauffa [@] gmail [.] com; to clean a beach, contact Jana Marks at 378-2319 or:
jana [@] sanjuans [.] org. Orcas Island is getting their own Great Island Clean-Up going this year; their contact is Kira Bradshaw at 318-6041.

To help this effort: FREE pick-up bags will be available at the Chamber of Commerce office on Spring Street the week prior to the event. In addition, their office also has some grabbers and safety vests that participants are welcome to borrow.

Click here for more info and photos:  Continue Reading

Community Garden Meeting

Posted March 26, 2014 at 4:38 am by

Please join us for the next monthly meeting of the San Juan Island Garden Club, April 1st at 1:00 pm

Mullis Community Center, 589 Nash Street, Friday Harbor

The topic is:
The Community Garden – a garden community
How the Garden operates, why it exists and its continued success

Explore with us the new life of the relocated Greenhouse that will come with its new location
Marty Ahart, Speaker and Coordinator for the SJI Community Garden

Please join us for tea and coffee and a wonderful program and field trip to the Community Garden. Please RSVP to Marguerite Bennett at 378-8524 no later than March 30