SJISD School Buses are rated Safe and 100% efficient
San Juan Island school buses have been awarded a Certificate of Achievement from the Washington State Patrol for outstanding school bus safety inspections and have been rated 100% efficient by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for school year 2012-13,
OSPI’s “Efficiency Rating” is one component that the state uses to determine reimbursable funding for transporting students to and from school.
Data is gathered though a routine ridership survey that generates a student transportation allocation report, based on the number of school bus riders, the land area covered, road miles driven and the size of the buses that are used.
On San Juan Island, six school buses transport 490 “basic” student riders and 19 special needs student riders to and from school every day from all corners of San Juan Island.
“The Transportation crew is very proud of their record.” said District Transportation Supervisor Terresa Sundstrom, “And they should be. They are very professional and conscientious.”
The school district is very proud of this accomplishment.