Gaining control over finances is one of the most important skills to learn as a business owner or an individual. The San Juan County Economic Development Council will present a FREE two-hour workshop entitled “Finance 101” on San Juan Island, on Tuesday, March 4, from 9-11 a.m. Advance registration is required.
The workshop course material will be presented by Carrie Brooks, Assistant Vice-President and Loan Officer at Islanders Bank.
Ms. Brooks will cover the basics of financial literacy, covering a variety of topics including: setting priorities, understanding credit, budgeting, understanding personal investing, and the basics of banking.
Whether you’re starting from scratch, in debt, or just looking for a refresher on the basics, this course is a must-do. Participants in the workshop will leave with the knowledge they need to take control over their finances.
Details: Tuesday, March 4, from 9-11 a.m. at Islanders Bank’s community room (in the corporate offices of Islanders Bank). Advance registration is required; please call 360-378-2906 to reserve your space, or email:
info [@] sanjuansedc [.] org.
The EDC thanks Islanders Bank, San Juan County government, the Town of Friday Harbor, the Port of Friday Harbor and the Port of Lopez for supporting our Business Education Series.