Get out your dancing shoes…

Posted February 15, 2013 at 5:49 am by

Get ready to bust some moves

and get ready to bust some moves

The 3rd Saturday Contra Dance is this Saturday at the Grange Hall from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Betsey Mullen from Everett will be calling with Organic ContraBand (our own locals). All are welcome – No partners or experience needed. All dances will be taught. $10/person donation. Students 1/2 price. For more info, call 378-3836.

Feral cats TNR program coming to American Camp

Posted February 15, 2013 at 5:30 am by

Mike Vouri of National Park Service has this notice to share:

Park and Partners To Trap, Neuter/Spay and Release Feral Cats at American Camp

San Juan Island National Historical Park and two partner organizations will soon move to reduce the feral cat population at American Camp through a trap-neuter/spay-release program scheduled to begin in March, announced park Superintendent Lee Taylor.

The Trap Neuter and Return (TNR) program, operated in concert with the Animal Protection Society of San Juan Island and the Ray of Hope Animal Sanctuary, will begin February 19 at American Camp, Taylor said. The traps will be set at dusk at feeding points established by the park over a 10-day period in areas known to be frequented by the feral cats. They will be checked each dawn. Continue Reading

Volunteers Needed for TNR Program

Posted February 15, 2013 at 5:29 am by

Here’s Jan Murphy with more on that story above:

Volunteers needed to help with TNR program

Volunteers needed for TNR program

Later this month the Animal Shelter will join forces with Ray Of Hope Sanctuary to implement a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program at American Camp in an effort to help reduce the numbers of feral cats living there. The cats have lived in and around the park for years, largely due to abandonment. As one would expect, their numbers have multiplied and reached a point where hundreds of kittens are born there every year. The process will involve setting humane traps in the evening and checking them early the following morning. Volunteers are needed for both.

If you can help out, please call Jan Murphy at 298-2195.

IMA Presents…

Posted February 15, 2013 at 5:05 am by

Have you ever wondered how a Nuclear Reactor works? What really went on at Three Mile Island? How and why did Chernobyl blow up? Was Fukushima preventable? And how detrimental is radiation to humans anyway?

Don Jarrell, a retired nuclear engineer who lives on San Juan Island will explain these and other questions that may come to mind from the nuclear realm, tonight at 7:00 pm at The Grange.

Lecture on Nuclear Power, tonight at 7:00 at the Grange

Lecture on Nuclear Power, tonight at 7:00 at the Grange

Love is in the Airwaves at SJCT

Posted February 14, 2013 at 2:26 pm by

This just in from Jan at the Theater. KWIT Radio Hour opens tonight! Here’s more from Jan:

KWIT Radio Hour opens tonight at San Juan Community Theater

KWIT Radio Hour opens tonight at San Juan Community Theater

That modern and island twist on old-fashioned radio shows returns to brighten up winter and your valentine at San Juan Community Theatre February 14-17 and 21-24.

KWIT Radio Hour, which premiered to sell-out audiences in the Gubelman in 2011, is back with a “Love is in the Airwaves” session, bringing along big microphones, special sound effects, live music and silly comedy.

The Witsend Productions’ group of island actors and comedians brings more exciting installments of “As the Harbor Churns,” “The Stoned Stranger,” and “Sam Chowder, Private Eye!” (and don’t forget their sponsor, Dissolve it All) as they act, sing and provide short and funny commercial breaks—all before their studio audience!*

Rehearsal on Wednesday night - Bo Turnage (L) and Daniel Finn (R) - Jan Bollwinkel-Smith photo

This is the rehearsal on Wednesday night – Bo Turnage (L) and Daniel Finn (R) – Jan Bollwinkel-Smith photo

Writer Therese Finn says she grew up listening to a lot of radio and as an adult rediscovered old-time radio and the intriguing action that happens behind the scenes and the microphone. She has created more than 56 characters for the 12 island actors and musicians (including herself) in this amorous version. “I really love working with this great KWIT crew,” said Finn. “They love my wacky vision and then they put their tremendous talent behind it—there has been lots of laughter and collaboration going on.”

The Witsend Players feature Patti Bair, Beau Borrero, Keith Busha, John E. Davis Daniel Finn, Therese Finn, Julie Greene, Gretchen Gubelman, Shannon Kelly, Julie Laidlaw, Bo Turnage and Susan Williams.

*Note: KWIT does contain some adult content.

The Business Partner for KWIT Radio Hour is Roche Harbor Resort. Tickets are $17 for adults, $9 for student reserved and $5 student RUSH at the door. The SJCT box office is open Tuesdays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A Valentine Video

Posted February 14, 2013 at 5:45 am by

Here’s a fun video to start off your Valentine’s Day…

A nice video to start your Valentine's Day - Click on the Image

Click on the image to go to video – it’s about 6-1/2 minutes long

Winter Birds of the San Juan Valley

Posted February 14, 2013 at 5:18 am by

Wren photo by John Dustrude

Wren photo by John Dustrude

Join San Juan Islands Audubon and the San Juan County Land Bank on Saturday, February 16th, for a birding trip to the wetlands, fields, and woodlands of the San Juan Valley. The trip features a trail walk of a couple miles at the Land Bank’s King Sisters Preserve, as well as stops at other good birding spots in the valley. The ponds and wet areas are filled with wintering geese, swans and ducks and nearby trees host eagles and falcons hunting these areas. Surrounding woodlands hold small songbirds like chickadees and wrens and maybe the first Rufous Hummingbird of spring.

Conditions are wet so waterproof footgear is a must. Be prepared for wind and rain but it can also be nice. Bring a bag lunch, water, binoculars, hat, gloves and warm clothes. Meet at County Courthouse parking lot for carpooling as on-site parking is limited, at 8am. Trip ends early afternoon for ferry connections.

Call Barb Jensen for more information: 378-3068.

And while we’re on the the subject, they could use your help for events like this in the future. Here’s more from San Juan Islands Audubon:

Trumpeter Swans - photo by Diana Mancel

Trumpeter Swans – photo by Diana Mancel

We will be doing a series of field trips highlighting the public lands within our county. Have a special place you want to go? We need folks to help us with this. Most trips are about 3-4 hours long and really easy to do. Mostly what we need is someone to set out the places to go and help coordinate carpooling and answer questions (that is the contact person in the public announcement). There are always lots of birders along so you don’t need to know all the birds just be the logistics person or persons.  We are looking at a bird trip to Orcas in March (maybe a Land Bank trip in May), a Lopez trip in April and possibly a trip to American Camp on SJ on May 11 for Bloom Week and International Migratory Bird Day.

A Grand Re-Opening

Posted February 13, 2013 at 5:36 am by

Did you notice that Cotton Cotton Cotton has been closed for a while?  Gail and Randy have transformed the inside of their store and it looks fantastic.

Gail and Randy Schnee show off the newly transformed Cotton Cotton Cotton - SJ Update staff photo

Gail and Randy Schnee show off the newly transformed Cotton Cotton Cotton – SJ Update staff photo

They actually didn’t do a whole lot really – just tore out the old carpet, put in a new laminate floor, sanded and refinished the beams across the ceiling, cleaned and re-painted the walls, put in new display fixtures, moved the check-out counter across to the other side, installed a new computer system, closed out some old product lines and brought in new ones… Just simple stuff like that.

But I should let them tell you about their Re-Opening Friday – Here’s Gail with more:

We will be open February 15th at 10:00am.  We will have a “Re-Opening Sale” starting Friday the 15th through Sunday the 17th.  We will raffle off a pair of the new color of Solmate Socks as well as some other fun items!  20% off every item in the store except jewelry and consignment items.  We look forward to being open again!

Here’s a “before” photo showing renovation work in progress:

Randy the Renovator

Randy the Renovator

Books for Kids

Posted February 13, 2013 at 5:35 am by

This is pretty cool. Lori Stokes just sent this notice over to share with you:

High school juniors Nelson Wynn and Otis Cooper-West with some of the children's books they collected as their fall community service project

High school juniors Nelson Wynn and Otis Cooper-West with some of the children’s books they collected as their fall community service project

Peace Island Medical Center (PIMC) and the San Juan Island Library are pleased to announce Books for Kids, a program that gives every child who comes to the new medical clinic, hospital or emergency room, the opportunity to go home with a book that they have selected to keep.

Coordinators Lori Stokes and Pamela Gross modeled the program on the national literacy program, “Reach Out and Read,” whose mission is to prepare children to succeed in school by partnering with doctors to prescribe books and encourage families to read together.

Otis Cooper-West and Nelson Wynn, juniors at Friday Harbor High School, spearheaded the book collection component as their fall high school community service project. Their initial goal was to collect 250 books; and to their great surprise and delight, these heroes of book collection ended up with over 2000 gently used donated books! Their success was assured when they offered an ice cream party prize to the elementary or middle school class bringing in the most books.

Ellen Roberts, Judy Lingerfelt, Diana Mancel, Rich Norris, and Gail Roger sorted and prepared the books for distribution with support from the San Juan Island Library and guidance from Melina Lagios, Children’s Librarian. In the spirit of community, Pali Gill at the liquor store supplied the hundred or so boxes that it took to hold the big pile of books.

There will be a generous selection of books at the PIMC Clinic and Emergency Department waiting areas from which children may select the book they want to take home after their doctor visit.

Melina said, “The library is pleased to participate and support Books for Kids.” She referenced a quote from Reach Out and Read, “Books are more than just the story inside. They are a key to unlocking the potential in every child.”

Peace Health is pleased to partner with the Library in bringing this wonderful program to island children and their families.

And the winners are…..

Posted February 12, 2013 at 6:18 am by

Today’s the end of the first lap of the County Council election – the returns will be posted some time after 8pm on the County Elections Website here.

This primary sets up the final election in April, with two candidates for each of the three spots – congrats to the winners, and to everyone who has run so they can serve…..thanks!

New at the Whale Museum

Posted February 12, 2013 at 5:24 am by

New things are happening at the Whale Museum and you’re invited to a sneak peek on Wednesday…

Suspending Sooke in the Case. L to R: Bill Pike steadies the wires as Albert Shepard and Matthew Gray Palmer install Sooke's skeleton. Jill Berger/Whale Museum photo

Suspending Sooke in the Case. L to R: Bill Pike steadies the wires as Albert Shepard and Matthew Gray Palmer install Sooke’s skeleton. Jill Berger/Whale Museum photo

Come see two new exhibits and the expanded exhibit hall.  After a six-week closure for renovation and exhibit installation, The Whale Museum will re-open on Thursday, February 14, with hours 10:00 am until 5:00 pm. We’d like to invite you to a Sneak Peek the afternoon prior (Feb. 13) from 4-6 p.m. Here’s some of “what’s new”:

  • The exhibit hall has been expanded to the 1st floor to increase exhibit space as well as accessibility.
  • The Gift Shop is being redesigned to include stewardship messaging.
  • Visitors will have two options when visiting the exhibit hall: turn left to see the new gallery on the ground floor or turn right to head up the stairs to the Gallery of Whales.
  • On the ground floor, visitors will have the opportunity to see the newly unveiled exhibit on Sooke (L-112).  Sooke is the 3-year old Southern Resident orca found washed ashore at Long Beach, Wash. in February 2012.  After The Museum learned of her death, we requested her body come “home” to San Juan Island.  We hope that by telling her story people will be motivated to become more active stewards, thereby helping Sooke’s family.  In this way, her death will not have been in vain.  We are working with a team of professionals including Albert Shepard, Matthew Gray Palmer and Peter & Zach Chan, on the exhibit. Danielle Dean Palmer is creating a time-lapse video of the process.
  • The new exhibit on the 2nd floor focuses on Gray Whales, telling their story from birthing to feeding grounds. The artistic talents of Eberhard Eichner of the ReStore in Bellingham were engaged to create the exhibit stand from re-purposed materials.

Many of you live far away and may not be able to make it to the Sneak Peek, but don’t worry — this is just the beginning! We are installing additional exhibits.  If you can’t come on Wednesday, just make plans to come sometime this year!

More information is available at

Park Plan to be Presented

Posted February 12, 2013 at 5:16 am by

Here’s a message from Mike Vouri, Chief of Interpretation & Historian at San Juan Island National Historical Park:

San Juan Islanders will have an opportunity learn about and comment on the park’s plan for expanded horseback riding in San Juan Island National Historical Park at public meeting scheduled at 7:15 p.m., Wednesday February 13 in the conference room of the San Juan Island Library.

Expanded equestrian use of trails a possibility

Expanded equestrian use of trails a possibility – NPS photo by Dave Harsh

In response to requests for increased access for horses, the park staff conducted a thorough analysis of park trail networks at English and American camps. The result was that some new areas will be added to those already viewed as considered appropriate for riding, according park Superintendent Lee Taylor.

Corridor clearance, maximum grade, switchback radius and drainage were key factors in the decision-making.  Impacts on areas with significant historic or cultural resources also weighed heavily in the process, Taylor said. The park’s 2008 General Management Plan classifies the park landscape into different zones, and indicates that equestrian uses are not appropriate in the cultural zone.

“I believe there are trails in the park that are well suited to horse use, and that we can allow horses on those trails without causing damage to park resources or degrading the park experience for other visitors,” Taylor said.

Taylor will present detailed information of the park’s analysis and findings on the following trails:

  • Back Side of Young Hill
  • English Camp Service Road
  • Sandwith Orchard to Mitchell Hill Connector Trail
  • Frazer Homestead Trail from American Camp to park boundary
  • Mount Finlayson Trail
  • Connector Trail from Mount Finlayson Trail to Jakles Lagoon Trail
  • Jakles Lagoon Trail

Existing horse use in the Mitchell Hill area of the park will continue.  Anyone riding a horse in the park, including Mitchell Hill, will be required to have a permit.  Horse use permits are free of charge, valid for one calendar year, and will be available at the meeting.

And this just in from the Trails Committee:

Park superintendent Lee Taylor discussed this possibility with the Trails Committee’s steering committee after being approached by committee member Theresa Simendinger. The steering committee discussed it at length and then voted to support this expanded use of park trails and to fund the building of 4 hitching posts for these trails, and then presented the information to the Island Rec board, which voted unanimously to support it and to fund the hitching posts. It is generally the Trails Committee’s policy to support non-motorized multi-use of trails wherever feasible.

Pet of the Week

Posted February 11, 2013 at 5:54 am by

Shy Ann - This week's Pet of the Week

Shy Ann – This week’s Pet of the Week

Shy-Ann is anything but “shy” now, but when she arrived at the shelter over a year ago she was quite timid, having gone from living in a home to being kept in a cold garage for over a year. She has become such a loving and friendly girl now and will make a wonderful companion for someone with a quiet lifestyle who won’t mind keeping her indoors, as she has been declawed on her front paws. Shy-Ann is about 11 years old, but still has so much to give – won’t you stop by the shelter to meet her?
This sweet girl deserves a second chance! 111 Shelter Road  378-2158.

Digital Projection Equipment

Posted February 11, 2013 at 5:10 am by

Have you noticed the sharper, brighter picture at the movies lately? I just talked with Palace Theater owner Aaron King and he tells me that in mid December he replaced the old 35mm film projectors with new digital ones.

Movies used to come to the theater on reels of film – now they arrive on Hard drives. They used to be illuminated by bulbs shining through that film – now they just project the image directly. Fewer moving parts means better dependability and the digital media means a higher quality image.

Aaron says several movie-goers have commented on the better quality to him and they didn’t even know about the upgrade. Kinda cool.

On The Fly, Friday

Posted February 10, 2013 at 5:27 am by

On the Fly plays the Rumor Mill - Friday at 8:00 pm

On the Fly plays the Rumor Mill – Friday at 8:00 pm

There’s a new band in town called On the Fly, and they will be entertaining at the Rumor Mill this coming Friday at 8:00 pm. They’re not really all that new exactly, but this will be one of their first public shows (You may have seen them at The Legion on Halloween or at Joe’s party last September). They’ve been working together since last Summer, putting together a good mix of Country, Classic Rock, Country Rock and Blues. Band members include:

  • Jake Beliveau – Bass and Vocals
  • Travis Berwald – Vocals & Country Twang
  • Laura Chorba – Lead Vocals & Guitar
  • Deborah Goelzer – Vocals & Back up Vocals
  • Joe Romano – Drums & Percussion
  • Dave Ryan – Lead Guitar
  • Corey Schaller – Vocals & Back up Vocals


Fishing Derby Results

Posted February 9, 2013 at 11:20 pm by

This just in from Debbie Sandwith at the 2013 Roche Harbor Salmon Classic:


Pete Nelson of Shaw Island wins First Place

It was a sold out Event this year ~ with a HOT season of fishing going on here in the San Juan Islands. We weighed in a RECORD amount of fish –196 in 2 days!!
The weather was in our favor with dry conditions and calm waters ~
The results from the derby are:

100 Derby Boats; total 339 Anglers, including 4 youths
104 fish weighed in on Friday February 8th, 2013
92 fish weighed in on Saturday February 9th, 2013

$25,000 cash prizes awarded:

  • $10,000  1st Place  Pete Nelsen Shaw Island, WA 16.7
  •   $5,000  2nd Place Carter Whalen Friday Harbor, WA 16.4
  •   $3,000  3rd Place Brock Warin Friday Harbor, WA 15.12
  •   $2,000  4th Place Sean Scott Friday Harbor, WA 15.6
  •   $1,000  5th Place Michael Gladstein Mercer Island, WA 14.5