Gallery 9…

Posted August 14, 2012 at 4:20 pm by

Nina LeBaron‘s new art gallery has opened downtown, featuring creations from San Juan, Orcas, Lopez, and Whidbey Island. Here’s more from Nina:

The gallery’s outside is just as stylish and tasteful as the inside…

Gallery 9 opened on the 4th of July, showcasing products made by Northwest Island Artists such as nature photography, fiber arts, art wear clothing, furniture, ceramics, painting, stained glass, and jewelry. It has a great location downtown on 60 First Street, where the building has been revitalized and now includes a new side door for access off the street and wood laminate flooring to assist the presentation of the artwork.

Their website will be up by next month with most of the items available for purchase listed at But if you’re already on island, don’t miss the gallery’s great atmosphere!

Hours are Wednesday-Saturday 11am-6pm and Sunday 1-5pm.

Around the island….

Posted August 14, 2012 at 6:53 am by

On Roche Harbor Road, the island’s resident camel Mona smiles for passerby Bob from Skagit Valley College’s Road Scholar program…Bob is part of the Northwest Currents program which began in Seattle, spent time in Victoria, and is on the island till tomorrow.

Let’s take a look…

• Did you see Cricket the cat yet? Mo sasy you can call her at 298-0489 if you do!


• As the Fair gets underway tomorrow, check out the County Fair website to see what’s going on…..see you there!


• Katie Fleming has something at the Fair you’ll want to check out:

Just wanted to give you a heads up that The RE Store is giving an “outdoor furniture building demonstration” at the fair on Saturday from 1:00-4:00 (in the Green Village).  It’s going to be really cool…

Learn how to create a small, modular garden “retreat spot” out of used materials with Eberhard Eichner, lead designer of the REvision Division at The RE Store in Bellingham. Eberhard’s retreat spots are an attractive way to connect with nature and can green-up even the tightest corner on a deck or in a yard.  Utilizing reclaimed materials combined with a simple do-it-yourself approach is positive for both the gardener and the environment.  During the demonstration, Eberhard will demonstrate how to select and build with recycled dimensional lumber, other re-purposed building materials, bleacher board, flooring, metals and random hardware.  With the help of only very basic tools and requiring no special skills, this presentation will empower the “re-purposer” to create a little oasis, including planter boxes, a bench seat and an arbor.

If you’ll be at the fair on Saturday, stop by and check it out.  Please spread the word too.  Eberhard is awesome.  We’ll also have some of his REvision Division furniture creations for sale over the entire 4 days at our booth in the Green Village.


• Do you actively look for ways to stretch your comfort zone? If you do, there’s a whole new & exciting world out there for you – here’s some thoughts from Derek Sivers about this.


The re-construction on the blockhouse at English Camp is coming along, as you can see….next step – putting the new log base in place.

Island sights….

Posted August 13, 2012 at 6:54 am by

Wildlife photographer Monika Wieland reports: “Pretty awesome sunset tonight, complete with whales! K-Pod and half of J-Pod headed south past Lime Kiln right as the sun was going down.”

A quick picture of life on an island, during the summer…

As we all know, we’re going to have to wait for the ferry sometime….so the cool thing to do is wait for it in style. Catching some rays & getting the summer reading done, waiting for the ferry at the Anacortes terminal….photo by John Miller, who calls this one “Waiting for San Juan.”


They took it all: Jordan Nash (right) and Jordyn Taylor came out victorious as great weather and great competition were had at Island Rec’s annual Beach Volleyball Tournament at Jackson Beach yesterday.


Jim Maya saw J pod last night – he reports: “Js headed North in Boundary Pass till they met the Ks and they all headed South…Great evening!” Photo by Jim Maya (click to enlarge!)


Cricket, on the loose…

Have you seen Cricket? He was last seen over near Hillview Terrace – if you spot him, could you write Mo at maureenmcnally37 (at) Thanks!


Are you ready for the Fair? See you there on Wednesday!!!!!


Have you signed up for your fall classes? The class schedules for the San Juan Center of Skagit Valley College just arrived last week….

San Juan Island Community Foundation’s County Fair Match!

Posted August 13, 2012 at 5:54 am by

Charlie Anderson has more:

The San Juan Island Community Foundation invites all fairgoers to its on-line Giving Center with a 50% match on all donations made during the four day event.

Ten critical community projects will be featured at the Foundation’s main hall Fair booth in conjunction with local non-profits:

  • Friday Harbor Food Bank
  • Islands Museum of Arts – Arts in our Schools
  • The Women’s Fund
  • The SJC Arts Council
  • Island Stage Left – “Great Professional Theatre for All”
  • The San Juan Career Training Program
  • The Whale Museum – Soundwatch
  • The SJICF General Scholarship Fund
  • St. David’s Kindergarten Readiness and Enrichment program
  • The Healthy Community Fund – Grants for Critical Needs

Each on-line ( gift will be matched at the rate of fifty cents on the dollar up to a preset cap per project.  The booth will offer computer based giving stations for your use.  Non-profit representatives will be on hand to answer your questions on each project.

On the last day of the Fair a drawing from all Fair donors will allow the winner to designate an additional $500 to be awarded to one of the ten featured projects

The San Juan Island Community Foundation serves as a non-profit philanthropic umbrella organization helping donors, non-profits and public organizations to achieve their goals through direct grants, organizational assistance and philanthropic resource management.  For further information about the Community Foundation, call 378-1001, write to PO Box 1352, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 or, visit the office is located at 640 Mullis St. Suite 104.

Introducing the SJI Conservation Corps!

Posted August 12, 2012 at 4:06 pm by

Sarah Hanson (right) and the kids are getting the program going!

It’s always great to see people getting involved in keeping our island the beautiful place that it is, but it’s even better when you see youth become passionate about our home. Sarah Hanson, the project leader for the San Juan Island Conservation Corps, has all the info about this dedicated and engaged group of young islanders:

The San Juan Island Conservation Corps would like to introduce ourselves to the community. We are Lauren Ayers, Amelia Calverley, Will Christison, Eli-Cooper West, Connor Dederich, Zach Fincher, Jacob Kaden, Max Kessler, Jessie Pachuta, Iella Parker, Eric Sable, Rick Smith, Emma Wickman, Celeste Young, and our crew supervisor is Sarah Hanson.

Our intent is to act as stewards for our public lands, and so far, we have partnered with the National Park Service, the San Juan County Land Bank, and the Bureau of Land Management. We currently attend Spring Street International School, Friday Harbor Middle School or Friday Harbor High School. Since June 20th, we have been meeting two days a week to learn from each other, and perform a service project while we develop our leadership skills. Thus far, we have cleaned up South Beach, removed several patches of Himalayan Blackberry at American Camp, cared for orchard trees at English Camp and built two retaining walls in Lime Kiln Preserve. Our log retaining wall was 16 feet long while our rock retaining was 8 feet long, both of which were created entirely without power tools. We encourage you to enjoy our work.

We’re modeled after the Civilian Conservation Corps, a group initially established by Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930’s, most likely with the strong influence and support of Eleanor Roosevelt. The CCC had a hand in many trail, road and ranger station structures still in use in the National Park system today. We are not alone in our work; several national, regional and state conservation corps exist nation-wide, engaging youth in the outdoors, providing hands-on experience in conservation, environmental ethic and community service. Our sister group, the Lopez Island Conservation Corps has provided a successful, local model for us, and we’re grateful to have their partnership as well.

We aim to continue with a year-round program, and we ask for your support as financial donors, volunteers, and partners for community projects that fit our mission. If you can help, or would like to know more, please contact Sarah Hanson, sarah(at), Ron Zee, ron(at), or visit A big thank you to Friday Harbor Drug and San Juan Island EMS for stocking our first aid kit, the San Juan Island National Historical Park, San Juan County Land Bank, and the Bureau of Land Management for our pilot season projects and guidance, and the Madrona Institute for sponsoring our program.

Calling all history buffs…

Posted August 11, 2012 at 10:41 pm by

Capt. Doug Nelson and Lt. Col. Bob O’Neal

The San Juan Chapter of the D.A.R. is hosting their annual Potluck Picnic & Program! A treat each year, this event makes history accessible to anyone interested in learning about the Revolutionary War and provides a great opportunity to socialize with other historically minded islanders.

Remember to RSVP and bring a dish to share!

A weekend update…

Posted August 10, 2012 at 7:20 am by

Melanie Cope and Sophie Marinkovich from the S-Club of FHHS have continued to volunteer throughout the summer serving lunch at the Senior Center.


Tonight & tomorrow!


The Friends of Lime Kiln Society (F.O.L.K.S.) celebrated the upcoming end to its first season with a big barbecue for all its members. Ranger Ted made some delicious burgers, the 40-some people all enjoyed socializing, and Erin and Ted got a chance to sincerely thank everyone for the amazing number of volunteer hours people have contributed. (If all the volunteers had been paid, the total would be over $5,000.) Many of the folks (punny, I know) focused on one task, such as working in the Interpretive Center, and others spread themselves out over many. Here are a few shots from the party…

A few hardworking volunteers, including Ranger Ted’s daughter on the left…


Cynthia Hubbard emphasized how much she enjoyed giving the Lighthouse Tours, especially when she saw people’s reactions when she told them they could go all the way to the top!


Mary was feeling a little camera shy, but she wanted to show how she dressed up for the party, going from one set of denim shirt and jeans to another, but changing her shoes to a more festive tone.


Ranger Ted expressed to the group how thankful he is to have their involvement. With 14,000 people in traffic at Lime Kiln this season, the help is both needed and appreciated. Erin Corra, the F.O.L.K.S. founder, stands beside him.


•What’s summer without a car wash?

Vic Woodard says they are having a Car Wash/Bake Sale fundraiser for Bryan Posenjak and his family Saturday, August 11th from 10am-4pm at the Whidbey Island Bank. All proceeds go towards helping the family with medical costs such as ongoing chemo treatments and off island appointments.


“Winged Angels” by Ernest Brooks. This piece is up for silent auction in the IMA Brooks Photographs event, and Earnest will be putting all the proceeds to future exhibits at the museum. Very generous!

• Here’s more about the auction, from Emily Reed:

Place your bids in the SILENT SUMMER AUCTION of Ernest H. Brooks iconic black/white underwater photographs currently featured at the Islands Museum of Art (IMA).

Brooks, often referred to as the Ansel Adams of the Sea, is a world reknowned underwater photographer and a committed steward of the oceans. He has generously donated 100% of all auction proceeds to the exhibition program of the Islands Museum of Art. The Silent Auction ends on September 5 at 5 p.m. Brooks’ photographs can also be viewed on the museum’s website:

Auction/bidding materials are available at the Museum at 232 “A” Street in Friday Harbor (directly above the ferry lanes). Museum Hours: Thursday-Sunday 11-5. For additional information email: [email protected]. The Brooks exhibition continues through September 8.

This Is Our Town: Jenn Rigg & Loea Design

Posted August 10, 2012 at 2:20 am by

Tim Dustrude continues his series with photos & stories about people around the island – here’s more about graphic designer Jenn Rigg:

Loea Design is a local screen printing and graphic design company owned and operated by Jennifer Rigg. A graduate of Friday Harbor High School, Jenn left the island a few times, but always managed to find her way back to Friday Harbor. She’s had a screen printing business since 2000 – Before Loea she had Pacific Design but she sold that to some folks who moved it to Anacortes. Loea was started in 2006 and with it she has been mainly printing her own designs.
(Click here for the rest of the story)

Photographer Tim Dustrude has put together a series of photos & stories called This Is Our Town about folks around the island, and his work is a regular feature here in the San Juan Update. Tim has been a professional photographer for over a decade, and does great work. Check out his website.

Around the island…

Posted August 9, 2012 at 10:40 pm by

One day only! Don’t miss it…


•Want a free 15 minute massage? I know I do.

Lavendera is hosting its Community Health night on Thursday, August 16, from 7-9pm. Enjoy a short free massage and energy work.


• The San Juan Island Library always has something entertaining:

* Park Historian Mike Vouri will be presenting a slide program about the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer Active on the West Coast in the 1850s. It played a critical role in the settlement of the region and conducted hydrographic surveys on coastal and inland waterways.

The event is Saturday the 11th at 7pm and is co-sponsored by the SJI National Parks.

* Spanish Movie Night is a great way to exercise your brain and keep up your Spanish! The documentary being shown is called “Pancho Villa: La Revolución No Ha Terminado” which interviews individuals who knew Pancho Villa personally. Refreshments and popcorn provided by Friends of the San Juan Library.


• If you haven’t seen it already, or just want to see it again, A Midsummer Night’s Dream is going strong!

Island Stage Left: Shakespeare Under the Stars presents everyone’s perennial favorite, full of laughter, flower children, magic and love.

And what more perfect era to set it in than a summer in the late 1960’s? With music of the era and a mood of infectious abandon, this production lights up Island Stage Left’s outdoor setting and celebrates its 13th year of welcoming one and all to “Shakespeare Under the Stars.”

Dress warmly and bring a blanket! August 10-12, 17-19 (Fridays-Sundays) 1062 Wold Road 8:15 pm EXTRA SHOW ADDED on Thursday, August 16 at Wold Road.


• Something to keep in mind…

The WA State DSHS (Department of Social and Health Services) Mobile Community Service Office will be at the Family Resource Center at 500 Market Street, Friday Harbor, on August 22nd and 23rd from 11 am to 5pm both days. It will be available to the local community to apply for food, cash, and medical assistance, drug and alcohol treatment services, child care services, replacement EBT cards, dropping off paperwork, completing reviews and making changes to existing cases.


Posted August 9, 2012 at 10:37 pm by

After a serendipitous meeting at her 50 year high school reunion, SJCT volunteer Lori Stokes brought her former classmate, Peter Basquin, a master pianist, to Friday Harbor. His performance last year at the Community Theatre impressed so many islanders he will return for a second concert! Jan Bollwinkel-Smith has more:

Peter Basquin is sure to delight musicians and music enthusiasts at his concert on Saturday…

This Saturday, August 11, at 8 p.m., Peter Basquin will make an encore appearance on the Whittier stage. Moonlight & Serenades will feature Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, as well as keyboard masterpieces that reflect that theme, including recital pieces by Debussy, Rachmaninoff and Liszt.

“Peter is an amazing performer,” said Lori. “Last year, he played his heart out for us …many patrons came up to me in the lobby to thank me for bringing such a wonderful gift to Friday Harbor and others sent me emails or stopped me at the Market to tell me how much they had enjoyed the concert.” One of those audience members, pianist Farhad Ghatan, said it was “easily the most enjoyable piano recital I have ever seen.”  

Basquin has performed in concert throughout the United States — including appearances at Lincoln Center, the Kennedy Center and Carnegie Hall. He has performed as soloist with the Montreal, Quebec and Boston symphonies; and is a past winner of the Montreal International Piano Competition. In addition to his live performances, Basquin has recorded music for several labels and appears on the soundtrack of Ken Burns’ films Baseball, Mark Twain and Brooklyn Bridge.

Ticket are available online; they’ll be going pretty quickly! A special opportunity– watch the performance for $5 if you tell the box office you’re a piano student.

That’s not all!

Everyone is invited to watch Peter teaching a master class on Friday, August 10 at 7 pm in the Whittier. We’ve invited five of the island’s most accomplished pianists to play a short piece for Peter, after which he will work with each pianist, suggesting ways they can enhance their technique and/or their interpretation of the piece. Those participating will be Grisha Krivchenia, Farhad Ghatan, Stella Joh, Robin Lohrey, and Grace Willows.

One island family’s journey through the years…

Posted August 9, 2012 at 10:34 pm by

When I think of long term islanders, I usually think of the last names such as Guard, Sundstrom, or Nash. But now I will definitely remember Boe!

English Camp circa 1960, before the remodeling was done in the early ’70s. Photo courtesy of San Juan Sepia.

Megan Kilpatrick-Boe’s family has been living in the islands since 1885 and has a rich collection of memorabilia in the form of pictures and assorted objects.

Enter the digital age.

Meagan created a blog entitled San Juan Sepia, on which she is posting bits of the memorabilia and telling the story behind each piece. You’ll see how the people, town, lifestyles, and even landscapes (see photo) change over the course of time. It’s easy to draw a connection between favorite island activities from the County Fair to picking blackberries from back in the early years to present day.

Thanks Meagan for sharing your family history with us!

This Is Our Town: Artist Jaime Ellsworth

Posted August 9, 2012 at 2:13 am by

Tim Dustrude continues his series with photos & stories about people around the island – here’s more about Jaime Ellsworth, who just opened a show at WaterWorks Gallery last weekend:

After trying out many careers Jaime Ellsworth stumbled onto art never knowing it would compliment her passion for animals so completely.  Painted dogs, real dogs, little horses and life on an island are just a few of her daily inspirations.  She donates many of her paintings to fundraising events for animal welfare organizations.
(Click here for the rest of the story)

Photographer Tim Dustrude has put together a series of photos & stories called This Is Our Town about folks around the island, and his work is a regular feature here in the San Juan Update. Tim has been a professional photographer for over a decade, and does great work. Check out his website.

The play’s tonight!

Posted August 9, 2012 at 1:37 am by

Show off for a good cause…

Posted August 8, 2012 at 9:47 pm by

The 6th Annual Concours d’Elegance of the San Juan Islands is fast approaching! Here’s some more info from 2012 Concours Chairman, Chris Curtin:

The lineup last year (and way more than just this!)…Photo by Kevin Holmes. Click to see the larger version!

Entries are arriving daily for the 6th Annual Concours d’Elegance of the San Juan Islands. Car owners should submit entry forms by August 13 to allow for proper placement of vehicles on the lawn at the San Juan Vineyards. Forms are available on the Concours website, which can be downloaded and mailed to the address shown on the form.

Tom Kirschner of the Rotary Club of SJI announced that the food vendor this year will be Bakery San Juan. “We are pleased to have Bakery San Juan provide breakfast treats and lunch at this year’s Concours. Breakfast treats will include cinnamon rolls, coffee cake and carrot muffins. Their fresh baked pizza is very popular (1/4 of the pizza per slice) and they will also offer three types of sandwiches: Veggie, Ham & Pepperjack Cheese, and Turkey & Tarragon” said Kirschner, who is the Rotary Club’s contact on the Concours Planning Team.

The Concours is a charitable event; the Beneficiaries are Fish for Teeth, the San Juan Island Family Resource Center, and the Rotary International Polio Eradication Project.

An important source of support is provided by the Sponsors: Barrier Porsche, Palace Theatre, Printonyx and the San Juan Vineyards. The Sixth Annual Concours is organized by The Sports Car Club of the San Juan Islands, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of San Juan Island.

Be the next Shakespeare…

Posted August 8, 2012 at 8:59 am by

Well, maybe not quite Shakespeare; it’s a bit of a challenge to fill his shoes. But get your creativity out there for the world to see by submitting your play for the Playwrights Showcase 2013! Jan at the Theatre has more:

Submissions are being sought for Playwrights Showcase 2013 at San Juan Community Theatre. Formerly titled the Islands Playwrights Festival, the Showcase—held January 24-27, 31 and February 1-3, 2013—will feature 10 minute and 20-40 minute plays as well as monologues all written by residents of San Juan County.

The entry fee per script is $20, matched by the Theatre, to off-set honoraria for three off-island judges.  Submissions—only one script per writer per category—are due on September 17.  In October, the plays will be announced followed by auditions in early November.

Playwrights are encouraged to attend a meeting of the Playwrights Alliance in the Theatre’s upstairs conference room on Monday, August 15 at 7 p.m.

For further questions, contact Susan Williams at 378-3211, ext. 33.

A complete set of instructions for the submission process is available at the SJCT box office or on-line at   Box office hours are Tuesdays through Fridays, from 11 am to 4 pm and Saturdays from 11 am to 2 pm.

Around the island, on a Wednesday morning…

Posted August 8, 2012 at 7:08 am by

Rumble over the island: Last night’s sunset, accompanied by rare lightning & thunder and the not-so-rare colors & light…photo by Kevin Holmes

The San Juans made #3 on Travel + Leisure’s World’s Best Awards of Top Islands in the Continental US and Canada! Even better, the San Juans were inducted into the Travel + Leisure Hall of Fame for being “tops” for 10 years!


Kia (left) and Lisa Johns usually work in Alaska each summer with the family tour business, but came for a quick visit to last Saturday’s Farmers’ Market, and had a chance to catch up with Kathy Korth (right)….Kia’s in school at Montana State, where she’s majoring in graphic design.


The Evergreen State had some ferry troubles and was towed on Sunday…thanks to Capt. Hobbes Buchannan from San Juan Island Whale and Wildlife Tours for the photo!

 “Radiation and our Health” at Lavendera…

This Thursday, August 9th, from 7-9pm at the Lavendera Day Spa brings Nicholas Corrin from San Juan Hollistic Health to speak about protecting your health against environmental nuclear contamination. Corrin has put in significant amounts of time into research of alternative medicines and is happy to share his knowledge.


 Learning starts early…

The Lighthouse Preschool is accepting applications for their 4 year old class.  The class would run from Monday to Thursday, starting on September 4th, at 11:30am and ending at 2:30pm. Teachers Amy Pauls and Autumn Hallock are very excited to meet new students in the fall! Applications can be picked up at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church Office located at 425 Spring Street. For information is available at 378-4544.


 Kayak to save a life! Here’s more from Angie at Crystal Seas:

Each Sunday Crystal Seas Kayaking is raising (yes, you read that right) the price of their sunset kayak tour to $100/person and donating 100% to two young, deserving islanders, Bryan Posenjack and Jessica Oldwyn. Both have expensive medical bills: Bryan is battling leukemia and Jessica is fighting against a brain tumor.  Please call 378-4223 to book your trip and spread the love.


The Community Garden across from the high school is an ongoing project of the community projects class & is looking good this mid-summer day! It helps supply food for the school’s Food for Thought lunch program & Community Dinners….


 Need a car?

Bill Ament is selling a 1988 Blue Chevrolet Nova 4 Door Hatchback. It runs beautifully and is in good condition inside and out. Needs some very minor work. Asking $400, call 378- 9628 for more details.


Wags to Wiggles is back and ready to go!

The business took a hiatus while Nancy was out of state, but now she’s back and happy to be here.  Remember, her home pet sitting business will sit with livestock as well as cats and dogs. You can call her at 298-2775 or look at her Facebook page.


(Left to Right) Kay Hodgson R.N., Eileen Cleveland, A.R.N.P., and Trudy Cope, R.N., are newcomers to the island and have started working at San Juan Healthcare!


 Time for the 42nd Shaw Classic!

The Shaw Classic is this Saturday, August 11th. Registration is available online until 2400 Thursday, August 9th or in person from 1500 to 2100 on Friday, August 1oth at the San Juan Island Yacht Club. Don’t miss out!


 Make your Jeep famous…

Your Jeep has the chance at the big league. Eddie Bauer is looking for an older model Jeep Cherokee or Wagoneer (late 70s, early 80s) to be in a photo shoot here in the San Juans during mid to late September. Daily compensation will be offered! Please email specs and a photo to kwilderproductions(at)


Runners of the 8.8 Loop Run last year before gathering at the start…

 The 35th annual 8.8 Kilometer Loop Run is coming up!

Saturday, the 18th of August is the date of feet hitting pavement accompanied by sweat, heavy breathing, and yells of encouragement. You can set your own pace, running all the way like an Olympian or taking the slow and steady turtle approach (my plan). The registration fee, which is $20 for those over age 13 and $15 for those under 13, includes a T-shirt, race registration, and a day pass to the Fair! So get your metabolism started early and have a guilt-free elephant ear later as a reward.

Registration is available online and at Island Rec or the day of for $5 more at the same place as runner check-ins, the Wells Fargo Parking lot open from 7:30-8:45am. The race starts in front of Friday Harbor Drug promptly at 9am and an awards ceremony for the top three winners in 5 different age categories occurs at the end of the loop. Proceeds from the event benefit the Youth Scholarship Program.


•The Mullis Parking Lot Sale is this weekend!

If you have items to sell, please reserve your spot ($25 for one space, $40 for two) by calling Bonnie at 378-2677. Just want to be rid of the stuff? Another option is donating them to the Mullis Center for them to sell. The sale is happening from 9am-3pm on Saturday, August 11, and items will be accepted (please no clothes!) on behalf of the Mullis Center on Thursday after 1pm or Friday from 9am-3pm. Receipts are available for those tax deductible donations!

Food will also be plentiful and delicious on Saturday, with Bonnie’s hot cinnamon rolls and coffee in the morning and Butch’s barbecued hamburgers and giant hot dogs for lunch. Scope out all the goodies and see if you can find the perfect thing for your household collection. Space rentals go towards keeping the Senior Center open.

Young bumper car drivers from last year’s Fair…Photo by Aaron Shephard


 Have a spare gator or utility vehicle?

Rev Shannon from the San Juan County Fair could really use one! Its purpose would be to pick up trash and recycling during the 4 days of Fair. He promises it will be be taken good care of and cleaned prior to its return. Plus, if the lender is a business, he’s happy to mention them as a 2012 Fair Sponsor!

Call 378-4310 to help out!


 Plant Walk at American Camp happening August 12th! Madrona has all the details…

Join the San Juan Islands Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society and park staff in an exploration of the prairie landscape at American Camp on Sunday August 12th from 1 to 3pm.

Meet at the American Camp visitors’ center. Chief of Interpretation/Historian Mike Vouri and Chief of Resource Management Jerald Weaver will join the plant walk to discuss plans for restoring and managing the prairies at American Camp and Young Hill. The National Park Service is currently accepting public comments for their prairie stewardship plan. For more information on the San Juan Islands Chapter of the WNPS, or to coordinate carpooling, contact chapter secretary Madrona Murphy (360-468-2808,


The Roche Harbor Parade… thanks, Kevin, for the picture!