Kyle Hills gets it back for the Dragons....the San Juan lacrosse team is in playoff action this weekend on Saturday on-island at noon. Come cheer them on! Photo by Ray Sheffer (thanks, Ray!)
Little things you’ll feel better knowing:
Saturday, May 12th 9am-4pm
Just unloaded a TON of great stuff, now its time to get organized and ready for the garage sale brigade! Tools in great and used condition, construction materials, hardware, computer equipment, audio/video, tons of romax/coax/cat5, cat cage and cat door for a glass slider, mountain bikes, housewares and more!
Moving and time to sell some great items to you!
487 Limestone Point (Roche Harbor Rd to Rouleau Rd, then right onto Limestone Point)
• According to the lacrosse website, the Dragons play at home at noon today (Saturday). Here’s a roster of the team.
At Cynthia's, Of Course's booth at the Farmer's Market: Be there and enjoy the fruits of the island - Fresh Summer Rolls with Peanut Sauce, GF Cinnamon Rolls, GF & Vegan cookies, regular good old pastries with gluten and sugar too! Zelenitza, croissants, ham & cheese - plain & chocolate - Oh - just come - there is so much!
• See ya at Farmers Market this weekend!
Bees, on the loose on the by Cyndi Brast.
• Nice photo of the bee…Cyndi has more:
Here’s a pic I took yesterday of a cute little bumble bee. This gal is a Bombus mixtus (mixed bumble bee) and was visiting the plants near my honey bee hive sipping nectar in yesterday’s sunshine! If you see a bumble bee with a pale yellow head and one yellow band on the posterior end, it’s Bombus vosnesenskii or (yellow-faced bumble bee).
They’re both fun to watch…and they can sting more than once, so let them do their nectar sippin’ thing in peace!
Mollie & Shay - getting hitched & graduated & airplay, all in one week.
• Speaking of lacrosse, this national advertisement for Easton Lacrosse (they make gear) features the music of The Amends – a song called “Dance” – with drums by Shay Byington, FHHS ’08 (yep, THAT Shay!)
Also, Shay graduates this weekend from Naropa University, AND he tells me he & his longtime girlfriend Mollie have agreed to get married. That’s all this week….wait till next week!
• Islanders always help folks, including neighbors from around the world – here’s more about the local Rotary Club’s good efforts to help a community in India, from Janice Peterson:
San Juan Island Rotary Improving Water Quality
The San Juan Island Rotary Club is doing its part to make the tragedies of poor sanitation and water quality in India a little less burdensome.
The health consequences of poor water quality world-wide are enormous. In India it is estimated that around 37.7 million people are affected annually, and 1.5 million children die of waterborne diseases.
Local Rotarians established contact with a club in Nitte, India and made arrangements to partner with them in a project to provide clean drinking water to schools lacking safe water quality from the open wells in their villages.
The San Juan Island Rotarians purchased 15 water purifiers for Nitte schools which were delivered to the Nitte site a few weeks ago. Photographs accompanying this article illustrate the Nitte club members with some of the purifiers.
Projects undertaken by Rotary clubs in countries all over the world are making a difference in extending the lives of thousands of people who would otherwise fall victim to illnesses traced to poor sanitation and water quality.
Friends in India with new water purifiers....
• Here’s a fun deal, with the info by Jennifer Allen & Christina Giamalis:
Weds., MAY 16 – SAVE THE DATE –
Dessert Bake-off at San Juan County Park
As part of National Historic Month, San Juan County Parks is holding an “Old Fashioned Dessert Bake-off”, Wednesday, May 16 at San Juan County Park (on the west side). Proceeds will benefit the Brann homestead cabin located on park grounds. This is a turn of the century homestead built by Levi Brann from Somerville, Maine who lived in the house with his daughter Nellie Brann.
All proceeds go to the historic restoration of the Brann Cabin, original homestead of Levi Brann and only original homestead on publicly owned land in San Juan County.
v Enter your prize dessert or just come and taste the entries
v Prizes will be given for each age category
v Be a judge for the People’s Choice Awards
v Enjoy a bonfire and the coastline at Sunset
v Learn about this unique island treasure and see the progress that’s been made so far on the cabin restoration project
Entry, dessert tasting and “voting”: by donation
Dessert Entry: All entries due at the park on May 16th by 6:30 PM. PLEASE LET US KNOW BY MAY 14, 2012 if you’ll be entering a dessert – [email protected]
For more information contact the SJC Parks office: e-mail [email protected] or call 378-8420