Folks at Skagit Valley College – San Juan Center honored…

Posted May 17, 2012 at 8:38 am by

Skagit Valley College/San Juan Center folks: Emily Reed (left), Angie Atwell, Barbara Fry, and Randy Martin.

The San Juan Center was well represented at the annual Skagit Valley College Spring Celebration held on May 15th in McIntyre Hall at the Mount Vernon Campus.  San Juan Center was pleased to have several prominent staff members recognized for milestone years of service to the College and our local community: Angie Atwell (Road Scholar, 5 years); Emily Reed (Road Scholar, 15 years), and Dr. Barbara Fry (History, 20 years).

Angie Atwell was also given special recognition by receiving the Classified Staff Excellence Award, given in recognition of Angie’s outstanding service to the College and community in her role as Program Administrator for the San Juan Center’s nationally recognized Road Scholar program. Angie was singled out from hundreds of classified staff College-wide in recognition of her integrity, innovative thinking, stewardship ethics, and dedication to hundreds Road Scholar participants, staff, business partners, and the College community as a whole.

Along with the honor came a $500 check from award sponsor Puget Sound Energy. According to Carmela Cavanaugh, Senior Program Manager in Road Scholar’s Boston headquarters, “Angie has “touched” each of the individuals enrolled in a Skagit Valley College Road Scholar program.

From submitting programs to sending out advance materials confirming quality educators and managing a myriad of other details, Angie ensures that Road Scholar programs run flawlessly.” San Juan Center Director Randy Martin, in his nomination of Angie, added, “Angie is devoted to the Road Scholar program that provides essential support to the San Juan Center. Faced with challenging duties and juggling multiple layers of planning, various deadlines internally and externally via our partnership with Road Scholar, Angie never hesitates to consider a new idea, a different way to view something, or nurture a new relationship with a Road Scholar participant.”

One more thing off the list….!

Posted May 17, 2012 at 8:22 am by

Rolling around the island....

It’s cool to try to do something new every day – here’s more from Debbi (Dave’s wife):

Mary Frances McElfresh fulfilled an activity on her Bucket List. Dave Staehlin, State Certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation Instructor, gave her a ride around the island on his Harley. It is the first time that Mary Frances has been on a motorcycle. She said it was the most fun she has had in a long time!

Dave & Mary Frances get ready for the ride....

Planning ahead!

Posted May 17, 2012 at 1:31 am by

San Juan County

Community Wildfire Protection Plan & Wildfire Risk Assessment

Public Meetings!

Shaw Island – May 21st 5:30 pm at the Community Center

Friday Harbor – May 22nd 5:30 pm at 1011 Mullis street

Waldron Island – May 23rd 11:00am at the Post Office

Orcas Island – May 23rd 5:30 pm at 45 Lavender Lane, Eastsound (Meet & Greet 4 pm – 5 pm)

Lopez Island – May 24th 5:30 pm at 2228 Fisherman Bay Road

Getting ready....

These public meetings will address the Community Wildfire Protection Plan and Wildfire Risk Assessment being developed for San Juan County. Public input is being sought to better understand the vulnerability of County residents, businesses, and resources to wildfire.  The purpose of this plan is to promote awareness of the countywide wildland fire hazard and propose workable solutions to reduce the wildfire risk.

The planning committee is working on:

  • Mapping the Wildland Urban Interface in San Juan County.
  • Improving public awareness and educating the public about wildfire risk.
  • Evaluating strategies for landowners to lessen wildfire potential.
  • Addressing areas of inadequate fire protection.
  • Recommending risk mitigation projects.

These meetings are open to the public and will include slideshow presentations by wildfire specialists and local personnel working to develop these plans.

Learn about the assessments of wildfire risk and the wildland urban interface of San Juan County.  Discuss YOUR priorities for how our community can best mitigate these risks.

The planning committee would like to provide the opportunity for meaningful discussions among community members and local, state, and federal government representatives regarding their priorities for local fire protection and land management.

Songs, in the air….

Posted May 16, 2012 at 1:05 am by

You’re going to want to sing along – here’s more from St. David’s:


Angel Michaels is delighted to invite you to Islands’ A Cappella Spring Concert – Songbirds in Season:  Larks, Laughter and Nightingales. The San Juan Island performance will be at Saint David’s Episcopal Church at 4 pm on Saturday, May 19.

Works will include The Nightingale and The Lark, as imagined by Mendelssohn as well as choral suites penned by Orcas composer, James Hardman, composer John Rutter, and San Juan Island composer/arranger, Bert Dayton.

The concert selections cover jazz, 20th century Romanticism, 21st century lyricism and spirituals that will share good news beyond “the Troubles of This World.”

Saint David’s Church is located on the corner of Park & Marguerite. Admission is $10, and tickets will be available at the door. For more information, call 378-5360.

Measuring “happy” – a presentation by John de Graaf at Griffin Bay Bookstore

Posted May 15, 2012 at 2:24 am by

John de Graaf's book

Every so often, friends of mine who live off-island ask, What do you have to do on that island anyway? One of the things that I love about living here is the incredible people who pass through here & share their stories, and that we have places for us to collect & them to visit with us. Griffin Bay Books & the Library continue to take care of things, as you can see with this presentation:

What’s the Economy For, Anyway?
Why It’s Time to Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness
By John de Graaf & David K. Batker

Griffin Bay Bookstore and the San Juan Island Library are proud to co-sponsor a special evening at Griffin Bay Bookstore with John de Graaf, author, documentary filmmaker, and director of Seattle’s Happiness Initiative on Saturday, May 19, 7:00 pm.

If you’re wondering if there are better ways to measure American economic well-being than by today’s primary indicator, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), then make sure to hear John de Graaf talk about a more stimulating approach to the economy, one that puts people and their needs ahead of money-based indicators of growth and performance.

In their thought-provoking book, What’s the Economy For, Anyway? John de Graaf and co-author David K. Batker tackle thirteen economic issues, asking the reader to consider the ultimate purpose of our economy. Emphasizing powerful American ideals, including teamwork, pragmatism, and equality, de Graaf and Batker set forth a simple goal for any economic system: the greatest good for the greatest number, over the longest run. Drawing from history and current enterprises, the reader can see how the good life is achieved when people and markets work together with an active government to create an economy that works for everyone.

In his review of What’s the Economy For, Anyway? David E. Spiro, Adjunct Associate Professor of International Political Economy, Columbia University, noted that the book “recalibrated” his impatience with “nonsense” when it comes to reading proposals by economists or environmentalists writing about a sustainable economy. This book, he says, is “well-argued and clearly written,” and will appeal to a wide variety of readers.

Spiro refers to a speech that Robert Kennedy made in 1968 when he said: “The Gross National Product (GNP is similar to GDP but it takes imports and exports into account) does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials . . . It measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.”  Spiro summarizes proposals, arguments, and indicators set forth by de Graaf and Batker that can be used to do just what Kennedy talked about in 1968.  Their book ought to be “required reading,” he concludes.

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet John de Graaf and learn how we might change—and improve—the way we measure our economic well being, how, instead, we could weigh the quality, not just quantity, of our growth, our common good, and the overall well being of Americans.

This book is full of humor, solid evidence, and common sense; never dull, but eminently readable and clear.

About the author

John de Graaf is the co-author of the national bestseller Affluenza: The All-consuming Epidemic. He is also Executive Director of Take Back Your Time, an organization challenging time poverty and overwork in the U.S. and Canada. He is the co-founder and senior partner of the Happiness Initiative. An independent producer of television documentaries, more than 15 of de Graaf’s programs have been broadcast primetime nationally on Public Television.

For information on the Happiness Initiative: Pursuing more of what matters, not merely more, see

Lighthouses – here’s the scoop….

Posted May 15, 2012 at 1:22 am by

Kevin at the Historical Museum has this coming up:

Evergreen Lighthouses, Washington & Oregon
Saturday, May 19, 3:00 PM.
San Juan Historical Museum Resource Center

Join us as lighthouse author & historian Elinor DeWire leads us on a colorful armchair tour of the lighthouses of Washington and Oregon, past and present!

Elinor DeWire

Travel up the coast from Cape Blanco to the Columbia River and Portland, then on to Cape Flattery and into the treacherous Strait of Juan de Fuca. Sail among the San Juans north to the tiny sentinel at nubby Point Roberts, then down the shore to Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Seattle, and Olympia.

Meet lightkeepers and their families, animal companions at lighthouses, even lighthouse ghosts. Hear true tales of shipwrecks, storms, fog, and unusual events. Learn about a bygone and cherished chapter of American history when human hands tended the lights along the Oregon and Washington shores.

Local lighthouse preservation groups will provide information about ongoing preservation efforts at Patos Island, Turn Point and Lime Kiln Lighthouses. Seating is limited. Suggested donation $5, museum members no charge.

Please contact the museum for further information at 360.378.3949 or

Open House at the Friday Harbor Marine Labs – this weekend!

Posted May 14, 2012 at 10:01 pm by

It's fun to learn by feeling & touching the marine life at the Labs....

It’s coming this weekend, and you don’t want to miss it….here’s more from Rachel:

On Saturday, May 19, 2012, the University of Washington’s Friday Harbor Laboratories will hold its annual Open House.  This event offers a splendid opportunity to meet scientists and students at the Labs and check out the research and teaching facilities.  From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Labs will be open for self-guided tours.  Scientists and students will showcase their marine science research, answer questions and provide demonstrations.  There will be posters, marine plants and animals, microscopes, plankton sampling and observations, and activities for visitors of all ages.  Families are particularly encouraged to attend.

The public is invited to learn more about the equipment used by scientists to learn more about marine zoology, botany, fisheries and oceanography.  People can step aboard and tour our 58’ research vessel, the R/V Centennial, and check out its remotely operated vehicle (ROV), oceanographic tools, and high-tech sonar systems.

It's great!


1 pm –  Dr. Claudia Mills, “History of Friday Harbor Labs: 1904 to Present”

2 pm –  Dr. Billie Swalla, “How can the DNA of invertebrates inform us about human health and development?”

3 pm – Dr. James W. Murray, “Ocean Acidification (The other CO2 problem): Research at Friday Harbor Laboratories

Sturdy shoes are recommended because the tour route includes rough dock planks, gravel paths and trails.

We will serve free popcorn in the tradition of Friday Harbor Laboratories’ Open Houses, and light refreshments will be available in the Dining Hall for a small fee.

620 Univeristy Road.  Parking is limited so carpools are encouraged.

Liesl meets Liesl last weekend….

Posted May 14, 2012 at 12:02 am by

Left to right: Charmian Carr, Lucy Urbach, Jill Urbach (she plays Maria in this year's show) and Ted Soares.

You already know that the woman who played Liesl in the Sound of Music movie back in the 1960s was in town last week…well, she went to the show, and the Community Theatre’s Jan Bollwinkel-Smith says she really enjoyed the show:

Liesl meets Liesl! Charmian Carr and the island’s Julie Hagn, share stories about playing Liesl in The Sound of Music.

“This was the BEST I’ve ever seen!” proclaimed Charmian Carr.

Charmian, who played Liesl in the 1965 movie, The Sound of Music, was the special guest at San Juan Community Theatre’s opening night of the musical.

After seeing the show featuring more than 45 island actors, Charmian said it was the best stage production of the musical she’d ever seen!  Her longtime friend Ted Soares, who was the property master for the play and has been involved in many SJCT productions, responded with:  “I told you!”

Tickets are still available …but seats are filling up fast!  The Sound of Music continues this Friday and Saturday, May 11 and 12 at 7:30 pm and Sunday at 5:00 pm.  Final shows are next Thursday through Sunday, May 17-20.

Around the islands….

Posted May 14, 2012 at 12:01 am by

Transient orcas seen here in front of the Olympic Mountains down near Dungeness Spit ... photo from Saturday by Jim Maya.

Happy new week to you, with new things:

Ken Clark reports softball was fun this weekend: "Just thought you'd like to know that the Friday Harbor girls minors team, the "Turquoise Tornados" went to Orcas to play the "Blue Thunderbolts" and was able to finish with a 9-9 tie. We were short on players but the Orcas team was gracious enough to lend us a couple players so the game could go on!"

• Have you seen photographer Chris Teren’s new time-lapse project from this weekend – 2500 shots in a minute & a quarter video of the Western Prince on the water for three & a half hours….check it out!


• Rebecca at the Chamber of Commerce says there is still space at the Summer Arts Festival:

This fun festival, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and in its second decade, is expanding this year! That means we have room for a few more artists.

Booth space is very inexpensive. We expect upwards of 6,000 attendees!  Lots of sales opportunities! Please contact me for an application and guidelines. Hurry! This offer won’t last! (Sorry, I’ve always wanted to say that.) (But it’s true.) Rebecca


• Awesome to hear that Sophie Rice graduated from massage school last weekend! Wahoo!


• It was great to hear from Wolf Hollow’s Jan Murphy (well, the Animal Shelter’s Jan Murphy as well – she works at both places) about a little animal rescue action this past Saturday:

Rescuers in action....

While working at the shelter today, a hummingbird found its way into the outdoor cat enclosure, “Kamp Kitty.”

Fortunately, shelter employee Lonnie Wood was on it, and started trying to distract the many cats who were interested in “sampling” the hummingbird.

Lonnie and I tried to capture the bird for a few minutes and then realized we couldn’t do it without a net…, we called Wolf Hollow, and Jenn Shively and Heather Callin came right over with a net and we were able to save the humming bird!

Thought it was great seeing both our animal organizations joining together for a common cause!


This past weekend it was great to catch up with former islander Teresa Smith & her daughter Emma at her art exhibit at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado...Teresa tells me she's looking forward to their visit to the island in the summer...her new work is amazing!


• Help keep the kids & art happening at the elementary school – here’s more from Wendy Wiegert of the PTA:

Gas, over the weekend in by Rick Galer

Help support our local Friday Harbor Elementary School children’s Art program and keep art education in our elementary school.  Join us for the Works of Heart first time fundraiser Friday May 18th at 6:30 p.m. at the Mullis Center.  Tickets are $45 per person / $80 per couple and may be purchased at:  Friday Harbor Elementary School, Journal of the San Juan Islands or San Juan Fitness Club.

Purchase price includes: Hors d’oeurves for Market Chef and Wine Tastings.  Artwork from dozens of local artists and FHES students will be auctioned off along with a selection of wines.  Proceeds from the ticket sales and auction items will go directly to the FHES PTA Art Fund.

This event is presented by: FHES PTA and sponsored by: The Journal of the San Juan Islands.  Please come and support our local elementary school children’s art program and help make this first time fundraiser a big success.


Melina at the Library says the Tail Tutors are back! Here's more: "The Island Tail Tutors are back at the library Tuesday afternoons in May for reading sessions with children K-6th grades. Call the library for more details. 378-2798. Children read to therapy dogs in 15 minute sessions to practice reading aloud and to learn basic tips on approaching and greeting dogs."

Morning song: Sister Golden Hair

Posted May 13, 2012 at 10:19 pm by

Remember this sweet song by America, back in the 1970’s?

Learn more about the Broadband Initiative this week…

Posted May 13, 2012 at 4:24 pm by

Here’s more from Victoria at the Economic Development Council:

OPALCO and the EDC Invite the Community to Broadband Forums
Join OPALCO and the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) to learn more about the broadband project and to give your input and ideas at five Community Broadband Forums, on Lopez, Orcas, San Juan and Shaw islands, from May 14-16.

OPALCO is participating in the county-wide effort to expand broadband (high-speed internet) access to our members – reaching up to 90% of San Juan County. An OPALCO member survey in the fall of 2011 showed broad support and detailed studies are underway to determine the feasibility and potential business models for expanding service.

Please visit for more information.
ORCAS:  Mon, May 14, 10-11:30 am, Orcas Senior Center
SHAW:  Mon, May 14, 1:30-3 pm, Shaw Community Center
LOPEZ: Tues, May 15, 1:30-3 pm, Lopez Island Woodmen Hall
FRIDAY HARBOR: Wed, May 16, 12-1:30 pm, Grange Hall
ROCHE HARBOR: Wed, May 16, 3-4:30 pm, Roche Pavilion

And did you know…..

Posted May 11, 2012 at 10:29 pm by

Kyle Hills gets it back for the Dragons....the San Juan lacrosse team is in playoff action this weekend on Saturday on-island at noon. Come cheer them on! Photo by Ray Sheffer (thanks, Ray!)

Little things you’ll feel better knowing:

Saturday, May 12th 9am-4pm
Just unloaded a TON of great stuff, now its time to get organized and ready for the garage sale brigade! Tools in great and used condition, construction materials, hardware, computer equipment, audio/video, tons of romax/coax/cat5, cat cage and cat door for a glass slider, mountain bikes, housewares and more!

Moving and time to sell some great items to you!
487 Limestone Point (Roche Harbor Rd to Rouleau Rd, then right onto Limestone Point)


• According to the lacrosse website, the Dragons play at home at noon today (Saturday). Here’s a roster of the team.


At Cynthia's, Of Course's booth at the Farmer's Market: Be there and enjoy the fruits of the island - Fresh Summer Rolls with Peanut Sauce, GF Cinnamon Rolls, GF & Vegan cookies, regular good old pastries with gluten and sugar too! Zelenitza, croissants, ham & cheese - plain & chocolate - Oh - just come - there is so much!

• See ya at Farmers Market this weekend!


Bees, on the loose on the by Cyndi Brast.

• Nice photo of the bee…Cyndi has more:

Here’s a pic I took yesterday of a cute little bumble bee.  This gal is a Bombus mixtus (mixed bumble bee) and was visiting the plants near my honey bee hive sipping nectar in yesterday’s sunshine!  If you see a bumble bee with a pale yellow head and one yellow band on the posterior end, it’s Bombus vosnesenskii or (yellow-faced bumble bee).

They’re both fun to watch…and they can sting more than once, so let them do their nectar sippin’ thing in peace!


Mollie & Shay - getting hitched & graduated & airplay, all in one week.

• Speaking of lacrosse, this national advertisement for Easton Lacrosse (they make gear) features the music of The Amends – a song called “Dance” – with drums by Shay Byington, FHHS ’08 (yep, THAT Shay!)

Also, Shay graduates this weekend from Naropa University, AND he tells me he & his longtime girlfriend Mollie have agreed to get married. That’s all this week….wait till next week!


• Islanders always help folks, including neighbors from around the world – here’s more about the local Rotary Club’s good efforts to help a community in India, from Janice Peterson:

San Juan Island Rotary Improving Water Quality

The San Juan Island Rotary Club is doing its part to make the tragedies of poor sanitation and water quality in India a little less burdensome.

The health consequences of poor water quality world-wide are enormous.  In India it is estimated that around 37.7 million people are affected annually, and 1.5 million children die of waterborne diseases.

Local Rotarians established contact with a club in Nitte, India and made arrangements to partner with them in a project to provide clean drinking water to schools lacking safe water quality from the open wells in their villages.

The San Juan Island Rotarians purchased 15 water purifiers for Nitte schools which were delivered to the Nitte site a few weeks ago.  Photographs accompanying this article illustrate the Nitte club members with some of the purifiers.

Projects undertaken by Rotary clubs in countries all over the world are making a difference in extending the lives of thousands of people who would otherwise fall victim to illnesses traced to poor sanitation and water quality.

Friends in India with new water purifiers....


• Here’s a fun deal, with the info by Jennifer Allen & Christina Giamalis:

Weds., MAY 16 – SAVE THE DATE –
Dessert Bake-off at San Juan County Park

As part of National Historic Month, San Juan County Parks is holding an “Old Fashioned Dessert Bake-off”, Wednesday, May 16 at San Juan County Park (on the west side).  Proceeds will benefit the Brann homestead cabin located on park grounds.  This is a turn of the century homestead built by Levi Brann from Somerville, Maine who lived in the house with his daughter Nellie Brann.

All proceeds go to the historic restoration of the Brann Cabin, original homestead of Levi Brann and only original homestead on publicly owned land in San Juan County.

v Enter your prize dessert or just come and taste the entries
v Prizes will be given for each age category
v Be a judge for the People’s Choice Awards
v Enjoy a bonfire and the coastline at Sunset
v Learn about this unique island treasure and see the progress that’s been made so far on the cabin restoration project

Entry, dessert tasting and “voting”: by donation

Dessert Entry:  All entries due at the park on May 16th by 6:30 PM. PLEASE LET US KNOW BY MAY 14, 2012 if you’ll be entering a dessert – [email protected]

For more information contact the SJC Parks office: e-mail [email protected] or call 378-8420

Running for County Council: Bob Jarman

Posted May 11, 2012 at 10:10 pm by

Bob Jarman

A couple of weeks back I mentioned to you that Lovel Pratt has decided to stand for re-election…now she has a challenger. Here’s more about Bob, as he announces his candidacy for Position#1 (South San Juan):

Bob Jarman, owner of Island Communications in Friday Harbor , will seek election to the San Juan County Council, District 1, in November.

Jarman says : “I have decided to run for County Council to represent my fellow Islanders and bring a common sense approach to our county government.  We need to get back to basics.  I think our local government needs to be strong, decisive and practical in finding solutions to problems without unduly burdening its citizens.  As a Fire Commissioner for S.J. Co. Dist. 3, I have committed the last eight years to working with my fellow commissioners, fire fighters, county and town leaders to provide excellent fire protection for our citizens while saving tax payer money and fostering a strong sense of community.  I would like to bring that same commitment to the County Council.”

Jarman has been on San Juan Island for 37 years.  He worked for the local telephone phone company for 30 years, working his way up from lineman to area plant supervisor.  “In my career with the phone company, I have been on every island and on every county road in these islands.  I have gotten to know many of my fellow islanders and think I have a good grasp on what is important to all of us living here.  I believe we are in danger of losing sight of the island life we want for ourselves and our children because of too much regulation and bureaucratic encumbrance, adding cost and uncertainty to the individuals and businesses that make up our County.”

Besides owning and operating Island Communications and serving as Fire Commissioner, Jarman is the president of his homeowners association.  He has been involved in Kiwanis, Dollars For Scholars, Relay For Life, and served on the board for San Juan Seniors helping to finish the Community Center.

Jarman and his wife Susan, who was born and raised on the island, have four grown children and six grandchildren (with a new one on the way).  “Our roots on the island run deep, with strong family and community ties.”

Jarman says, “Working together creatively; addressing problems proactively; saving tax payer money; fostering a strong sense of community; these are my top priorities.”

To contact Bob Jarman :   360-378-2952
[email protected]

FHHS: Ninth in the State

Posted May 11, 2012 at 7:51 pm by

Proof we have a good thing going with our schools on the island – here’s more from Superintendent Rick Thompson:

Friday Harbor High School achieves Gold Medal ranking as 9th highest performing high school in Washington State by US News & World Report

San Juan Island School District is excited to announce that US News & World Report has ranked Friday Harbor High School no. 9 out of 626 high schools in Washington State, and no. 317 in the nation out of nearly 22,000 high schools from 49 states and the District of Columbia (Nebraska was not included).

“This is good news,” said Principal Fred Woods. “Our teachers work hard, as do our students, and we are very proud of the efforts of our school community to provide a strong educational foundation.”

Annually, US News and World Report ranks colleges, graduate schools, online programs and high schools using statistical analyses that includes performance on state assessments (taking into account the test scores of disadvantaged students), and then, nationally, college-readiness by student success in Advanced Placement (AP) programs.

This recognition includes designations of gold, silver or bronze medals to the top ranking high schools.  Friday Harbor High School earned a gold medal, designating achievement in state assessments, college readiness and a ranking in the top 500 schools in the nation.

“I am pleased but not surprised given the quality of our district as a whole,” Principal Woods noted.

Friday Harbor High School has recently been recognized in the areas of marine science, robotics, athletics, drama and art, through awards, competitions and highly acclaimed performances. In addition to recognition for Advanced Placement (AP) student performance, last year Friday Harbor High School was awarded the Washington State Achievement Award for Overall Excellence with a special recognition in language arts.

Watch out this weekend!

Posted May 11, 2012 at 2:17 am by

Lunch by Chris Teren

The weekend has a lot going for it, and for you – let’s see what’s underway:

• You can eat before the treat of seeing the show: Anna Maria says, “Coho Restaurant is offering another pre-dinner theater special with the San Juan Community Theatre – $25 – 3 courses including a few of my favorite things! Come on by! Here’s more.”


• At The Rumor Mill, it’s The Tease on Friday & The Henry James Band on Saturday – drop on by!


That's a bullet that Debbie Sandwith found in the South Beach dunes, then took a picture with her new camera....


• They could use a hand out at Wolf Hollow – here’s more:

Animal Care Volunteers Needed – It’s “baby season” and Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation needs volunteers to help with injured and orphaned wildlife. Must be 18 and willing to commit to one 4-hour shift per week. Will train.

You can reach Nikki (the new Volunteer Coordinator at Wolf Hollow) at 378-2387 if you have questions.

Ryan Browne was surprised by his friends at Mi Casita last weekend - happy 25th birthday!


• Rebecca at the Chamber of Commerce wants you in the parade – here’s the deal:

Would you like to join in this year’s 4th of July Parade?  The 2012 theme is Thank You, Friday Harbor Merchants 1872 – 2012.

This is authentic small-town fun, with lots of cash prizes – from $50 to $300!  Floats, musicians, groups, animals, vehicles – all have a place in this patriotic island event.  Sign up today at the San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce office, 135 Spring Street (follow the Visitor’s Information sign near the General Store.)  It only costs $25 to enter!  Printable applications are also available online at

Contact: Rebecca Parks, Events Coordinator
San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce
Phone: 360-378-5240


That's two of the friendliest (and brightest!) ferry workers around - Anne & Kim on a sunny day, making your day sunny, too!

Liesl (the one in the movie) drops by the island….

Posted May 11, 2012 at 12:11 am by

Charmian Carr, “Liesl” in the film The Sound of Music, at Griffin Bay Bookstore
Friday afternoon, May 11, 2:00pm

Charmian Carr (Liesl in the movie Sound of Music)

Griffin Bay Bookstore is hosting a very special event on Friday afternoon, May 11, 2:00 pm with Charmian Carr, who starred as “Liesl” in what is considered the most beloved film musical of all time, The Sound of Music. This special event will be held in conjunction with the opening of The Sound of Music at the San Juan Community Theatre.

Be sure to attend this memorable occasion and meet Ms. Carr and hear her talk about the just-released book and DVD, The Sound of Music Family Scrapbook, by Fred Benson. This book is bound to enthrall the musical’s aficionados. Through personal photographs, memorabilia, and home movies, the actors who starred as the von Trapp children, tell their inside story of making The Sound of Music. Ms. Carr will be available to autograph copies of the book.

In early 2000, Ms. Carr co-authored a book detailing her experiences making the movie and living her life as Forever Liesl, and in 2001, her second book, Letters to Liesl was published. Copies of her first book will also be on hand at the event. As she has often said, “I am honored to have played a part in telling the von Trapp family’s story on screen, and I cherish my memories of those days when we were working on the movie in Salzburg and Los Angeles. Filming in Salzburg, Austria, was like being in a fairy tale.” This is your chance to hear first-hand accounts of an enchanted time.

The Sound of Music Family Scrapbook, by Fred Benson

The Sound of Music has captivated several generations, as over the years, many parents have shared the magic of this wonderful movie with their children. Seven very special children experienced The Sound of Music firsthand: the seven young actors cast as the von Trapp children. Now, for the first time, they tell their stories about making this celebrated film, from their auditions to rehearsals in Los Angeles to an incredible spring and summer in Salzburg, Austria. What was it like to work with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer? How did they learn the songs and dances for the musical numbers? Who almost drowned when the boat tipped over? What was it like to attend the gala Hollywood premiere? What were their lives like after starring in this legendary movie? And how did they become a family in real life, remaining as close as any brothers and sisters for the last 45 years?

The answers are revealed at last and as a bonus, they have collected their never-before-seen own home movie footage on a brand-new DVD. It is included here, along with personal cherished memorabilia, such as letters sent home to their families from Europe, a page from the script with edits written in the margin, and a ticket to the premiere. For anyone who is thrilled by the sight of Julie Andrews spinning around on top of a mountain, or who spontaneously bursts out singing “Do-Re-Mi,” this captivating behind-the-scenes inside story is a must read.