The Whale Museum’s “Celebration of the Orca Greeting Ceremony” is this Friday!

Posted May 3, 2012 at 8:55 pm by

It’s not too late to buy tickets – here’s more from Jenny:

The Whale Museum’s upcoming 6th Annual “Celebration of the Orca Greeting Ceremony” fundraising dinner and auction will be held on the evening of Friday, May 4th at the Mullis Center in Friday Harbor. Just as the Orca whales come together in what are called “greeting ceremonies,” so, too, The Whale Museum wants supporters to come together for this fun evening.

The evening will begin with happy hour & a silent auction at 6:00 p.m.; the no-host bar will include beer, wine and Sangria. San Juan Roasters is brewing the coffee. Market Chef is preparing dinner. Continue Reading

On Spring Street in the spring….

Posted May 3, 2012 at 10:10 am by

Feels like spring on the island - Lee Bryant caught this photo yesterday during a sunbreak....thanks, Lee!

All the way around….

Posted May 3, 2012 at 8:31 am by

Killer whales on the westside of the island, over the by Jim Maya (thanks, Jim!)

Has this happened with you, too? A visitor came up to me when I was down at the terminal, waiting for the ferry to come in, and asked if I live here. I said sure, could I help with something (the way you would). She asked, This is an island, right? Does that mean the water goes all the way around?

I assured her it did. I hope she checked by going to Lime Kiln & Roche Harbor & South Beach & Jackson’s Beach & seeing for herself. It’s nice to remember…it does go all the way around. I hope she keeps discovering new things (and helping me see things with new eyes….!)

Let’s see what else is up:

• Doug McCutcheon is helping with that project at the Historical Museum (here’s Collin’s previous report), and reports they got a big hand yesterday as  the Wolverines hit it outa the park:

The pavers stones (left) are unstacked, now....

Ian- just wanted to put out a note about how great the FHHS baseball team and Coach Warin were today. A small group of volunteers is working at installing a paver walkway at the historical museum. It has been a great project with big support from local businesses, but with the busy spring schedules volunteer help has been slimmer than we anticipated.

Enter the Wolverine baseball team.

Coach Warin sent the squad over during their warmups and they helped move 350 lineal feet of pavers off of pallets and placed for easy installation – all in about ten minutes – a task that would have taken the three of us hours.

Many thanks to Coach Warin and the team, and wishing them luck as playoffs begin this weekend!


• Looks like they’re back in action – here’s more from Vivien Burnett:

Friday Harbor Amnesty International Local Group 607 has re-surfaced and will be meeting every second Thursday of the month from 4-5pm at The Bean Coffeehouse. We will provide all the materials for Urgent Action letter writing. For more info call: 298-2241


Open Mic hosted by Steve Dyer this Friday, May 4th 7-10pm at the Rumor Mill. Anyone who plays an instrument or sings or wants to listen is welcome! Photo by Donna Dyer...see you there!


• Cole Hull tells me this is coming up this weekend – drop by! Here’s the scoop:

At St. David's....

Parents and families are invited to the upcoming Open House at Saint David’s Day School from 3:30pm to 5:00pm on Monday, May 7, 2012.

Registration for both their Kindergarten Readiness and Kindergarten Enrichment Program has begun for the 2012-13 school year. Register soon to save your spot! Visit the classroom, meet the staff, see the facility and learn about the exciting education options for your “new students.”

The school is located on the corner of Park and Marguerite Street, beneath Saint David’s Episcopal Church (780 Park Street) in Friday Harbor. The Kindergarten Enrichment Program meets from 11:15-3:00pm Monday-Thursday. and is structured to work in tandem with the public schools’ kindergarten curriculum.

The Kindergarten Readiness Program is designed specifically for Pre-K 4 and 5 year-old children and meets from 8:15-11:00am Monday-Thursday. For more information on Saint David’s Day School and the Open House, contact Margaret Barker at 298-4161.


• It’s coming up, and volunteers are needed! Here’s the deal, from Tammy:

You are cordially invited to
Friday Harbor High School’s 7th Annual Senior Exhibitions
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 from 8:00 am to 10:30 am

Please consider being part of a panel to observe and evaluate the presentations of our seniors as they speak about their high school career, community involvement by way of a service learning project, and what they have planned for their first years out of high school, as well as plans and hopes for their future.

We are thankful to those of you who may have done this in the past and look forward to your continued participation. If you have not been part of the process we encourage you to consider this opportunity.

Please RSVP to Tammy Andersen by May 11, 2011  at 360-370-7129 or  [email protected]


Fawn lilies on Mount Young by nature photographer Anna Lisa Lindstrum (thanks for sharing, Anna Lisa!)


Around the island….

Posted May 2, 2012 at 7:22 am by

Yesterday, Gina & Jay Sandwith became the new owners of Roy's Coffee, and they told me they had had a great day when I dropped by later in the afternoon. For the week, they have Deanna Banry, who worked there for ages, helping set them up & get 'em going....great idea! Good luck, you guys!

G’morning to you…have you told someone you love them yet? Just ’cause you’re off to a slow start, you can still work it in before it’s too late in the day. After that, you’ll need stuff to talk about, so here’s things you might share:

You could win!

• Here’s another reason to go to the Children’s Festival on Saturday – here’s more from bicycle enthusiast Tracy Roberson:

Hi Ian,

If you have room to post this photo/info on your page it would be great:

Travel Light Cycles has generously donated this great BMX bike that the Bike Paths group will be raffling off at the Children’s fest.  Make sure to stop by our both and sign up for your chance to win.



Coach Rob Cuomo tells me the lacrosse boys are doing real well – they have a chance to snag the #1 seed in the layoffs in their division this Saturday at the high school field at 2pm – come by to cheer the San Juan Dragons on!


Great to check in with longtime islander Lee Brewer, who told me all about his 1914 Model T Ford Sportster...beautiful car, nicely taken care of....


Dr. Bronwyn Bacon

Tomorrow at Lavendera Massage Center, as part of their ongoing education series…here’s more from Ann Marie at Lavendera:

Thursday, May 3rd from 7-9pm
Reclaim Your Mojo – Men’s Natural Health 101, with Dr. Bronwyn Bacon, ND

Calling all men! This dynamic lecture will focus on how you can keep you health on point with natural medicine. Learn Dr. Bacon’s top tips on how to stay fit, increase your energy and stamina and stay healthy. Dr. Bacon will present the unique challenges men face in their health and how to address these issues with natural medicine.

Dr. Bronwyn Bacon, ND is a board certified physician practicing in Friday Harbor. For more information on Dr. Bacon see her website at


Alex Shapiro took a walk on Sunday morning & saw these two sticking their heads up in the early morning air….she writes about all this on her “Notes from the Kelp” blog.

You can read Alex’s blog here.


• Heard there were folks from the Navy scheduled to present at the County Council meeting yesterday….does anyone know how that turned out?


• Hey – you can “like” the Facebook page for the Scenic Byways (the only byway to include a marine highway)…check it out here. The islands were designated part of the state’s Scenic Byways system last year.

Take care of our honey bees on San Juan Island!

Posted May 2, 2012 at 6:50 am by

If you saw “Vanishing of the Bees” you’re already thinking about the longterm implications of what it means for humans if the bees disappear, but in the meantime, we have a chance to look after the bees here on the island. Here’s a special report from Cyndi Brast, who is doing graduate work in entomology, here on San Juan Island:

One of Cyndi's Italian honey by Cyndi Brast.

Ongoing reliance on pesticides and herbicides has created serious implications for terrestrial and marine habitats.  Many of us are aware of these implications and conscientious of the need to make changes.  Today, the urgency for these changes became personal to me as a beekeeper when I noticed my dying honey bees, possibly exposed to a neighbor’s herbicidal lawn treatment.

Early spring is challenging for bees.  With cool, wet weather and few nectar sources available, they may be competing for the rights to those dandelions blooming in your front yard.  Something as innocuous as a weed may provide the first drops of sustenance for worker bees to bring back for the queen and larvae.  Today, I watched several of my bees return to the hive with difficulty.  Some seemed disoriented and were grooming excessively, as if trying to clean an unseen substance off their bodies.  Although there is no way to know with certainty what caused this, I became concerned it was from a chemical exposure.

Honey bee workers forage from 28-79 square miles.  Encountering the most risk at this stage of their life, they set out to collect pollen, nectar, and water on their venture outside the hive.  During these flights, they may encounter environmental toxins the beekeeper may never discover.  Some toxins cause direct and immediate mortality, while others accumulate over time in the wax as the bees collect tainted food supplies, storing them in the hive.  Pollen and nectar brought back are fed to the queen and larvae.  Eventually the entire colony may weaken and die.

I’m calling on anyone who cares about protecting our natural resources, including our bees.  Products you use in your yard and garden can “bee” harmful.  Safer alternatives exist to chemicals that contaminate our environment.  Ask the county council to defend the Clean Water Act and its protections for our water. Become involved in the Critical Areas Ordinance and Shoreline Management update because our food and water ecosystems are at risk.

Thanks for the success of the Field of Dreams Fundraiser!

Posted May 2, 2012 at 6:33 am by

It was great! Photo by Ted Strutz

The fundraiser at the Fairgrounds two weekends ago went really well – over 750 people came & over $90K was raised. Here’s a thank you letter to the community from FHAA president Donny Galt:

Hello San Juan Islanders!

On behalf of the Friday Harbor Athletic Association and the 80+ volunteers that helped organize and operate the Fields of Dreams Fundraiser, we would like to say THANK YOU for your overwhelming attendance and support. With your help, we raised over $90,000 that will significantly contribute to our phase one goal of opening the first multi-use field and having the San Juan Island Community Fields facilities open to the public. To achieve this goal, we are focusing on the following:

  1. Closure of the remaining CUP requirements: perimeter fencing, access sidewalks to the complex, and the completion of the main services building which includes restrooms and concessions.
  2. Installation of irrigation systems and the hydro seeding of the multipurpose field
  3. Grand Opening of the park upon completion of the first multipurpose play field.

We invite you to come down and see how far things have come or you can also get progress reports online at Again, thank you for your continued support and we hope to have the first field hydro-seeded within the next couple months.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers that made this fundraiser a success. Our Auctioneer Tom Pasma and MC Brian Brown, Tif and Gif Creative, Chris Minney, Printonix, Valmark, Kings Market, Vern Howard, John McBride, Kris Brown, Stephanie Woods, Shannar Fox, Brenna woods, Tall Paul Iovan, Purple And Gold, Mary Elford, Staci Baker, Sharon Link, Christine Beckert, Debbie Rishel, Sherri Lawson, Penny Dunn, Margie Patrick, Po Powell Carmen Tompkins, Alexis Hauck, Callie Mckay, Cori Shaller,Becky Nash, Mike Erickson, Eric, Diane and Kyle Jangard, San Juan Lions Club, Lloyd Vaughn, Tom Starr, John Towsen, Laurie Wangenheim, Wally Gillette, Kerwin Johnson, Bob Williams, Ariel Greenelsh, Bruce Galton, Jim Cox, Mike Erickson, West Sound Systems, Ben Ross, Shotgun Messengers, Laura Chorba, One more time Band, Good Husbands, Haleys Bar & Grill, San Juan Dragons Lacrosse Team, Sandro Meyer, Rob Cuomo, Friday Harbor Football Team, Donald Galt, Collin Williamson, Conner Smith, Ryan Allen, Nate Steenkolk, CJ Woods, Emily Guard, Allie Galt, Echo Wood, Madison Kincaid, Chelsea Powell, Sarah Galt, Tyla Mckay, Madden Shanks, Alaina Scheffer, Ace Hardware Security Team, Dennis Sutter, Alec Voyles, Jessica Colling, Shannon Plummer, Greg Swinford, Steve Leduc, San Juan Masonic Lodge #175, Brad Smith, Bob Erickson, Craig Starr, Donny Galt, Don Shuff, Frank Hastings, Dan Fleming, Eddie Ashcraft, John Kurtz, Glenn Hargrove, Cliff Swirtz, Kent Meeker, Ron Putz, Josh Trelevin, Dave Shaw, Terry Lush, Jim Cox, Jack the knife guy, Terry Sanders, Sue Erickson, Chris Williams, Ashley Zuckerberg, Tami Ashcraft, Cassie Kurtz, Karen Gentry, Rosalie Howarth, San Juan Island Soroptomists, San Juan County, Rev Shannon, San Juan Island School District, Rick Thompson, Ace Hardware, Vinnie’s Restaurant, Becky Day, Friday Harbor Drug, SJ Community Theatre, Friday Harbor Electric, San Juan Islander, Journal of the San Juans, San Juan Update, FH Thrift Store.

Thank you Everyone! Let’s Play Ball!

Getting creative at FHHS….

Posted May 1, 2012 at 10:52 pm by

FHHS creative writing teacher Amy by Collin Williamson

Every so often Update reporter Collin Williamson lets me know about great things happening at school, and one of them is his creative writing class – here’s more about how it’s going:

If you happen to stop by FHHS’s creative writing class second period, you’ll not only get to meet this handsome writer (he said shyly), but you’ll be able to meet FHHS’s newest addition, Amy Harold (or as she’s known to the students – Mrs. Harold). Mrs. Harold brings enthusiastic teaching and great understanding for literature to the classroom. During an interview with Mrs. Herold I learned more about her inner workings.

I asked: What do you bring to the table for our class? “Well, I have had various pieces published, from short stories to poems, and I have taught literature in the public school system. I consider myself to be a student teacher, as that with literature you can always learn more. But I love these kids, and I love giving those with writing minds a chance to find an outlet for their genius.”

Well said.  I asked Mrs. Herold what she liked/disliked about the change from her previous public school teaching to the classrooms of our Island. She told me that she embraces the close knit community, and it is refreshing to open relationships with her students. She says it helps her individually plan writing for students, and makes teaching more interesting.

Mrs. Harold is happy to be here, and this writer can say he is too. Her classes are mixed with enthusiasm and hard work. Seeing new faces around the high school is refreshing, and we’re glad to have Mrs. Harold around.

On the trail with this spring’s Community Projects….

Posted May 1, 2012 at 7:41 am by

Nearly complete....

As we continue our series about the good things that students at Friday Harbor High are up to, here’s a report from two FHHS girls who are helping in the woods on the westside – here’s their report:

FHHS Girls Find Community Spirit Strong Especially for Improving Multi-Use Trails With NPS!
by Julia Bevens and Robyn Roberts

Juniors at Friday Harbor High School Julia Bevens and Robyn Roberts have recently completed a Community Service Project in conjunction with the National Park Service. Every student at FHHS is required to create and complete a project that will benefit our San Juan Island community.

Julia & Robyn, clearing the area before putting the puncheon in....

As equestrians the girls have enjoyed riding the former DNR, (now National Park Service) multi-use trails for several years and felt that helping to trim and clear the trails as they become overgrown with new life each spring would be a worthy project. This year however, spring did not arrive in a timely manner and the girls were left wondering how to complete the trimming project with nothing yet to trim!

The dilemma was short-lived, as Theresa Simendinger, Robyn and Julia’s mentor extraordinaire, expanded the girls’ project to duplicate a puncheon developed by Mark Hetrick and installed in a different location last fall. A puncheon, in less technical terms is a long, low, removable bridge. Mark, a member of the mountain biking community and Rik Karon, a member of the equestrian community had seen the need for this puncheon in this location for several years and signed on to the project as construction mentors. Julia and Robyn also embraced the project with greater enthusiasm than for the original trimming project.

The placement of this new puncheon on one of the few multi-use trails would alleviate damage to a seasonal water crossing. The new puncheon would replace an old worn out makeshift structure that was beginning to fail and would improve the crossing safety while protecting the natural resources in a sensitive area. The old crossing had created a mud-hole that was altering the natural watercourse. These factors were instrumental in securing the approval and funding necessary for the project.

Julia & Robyn, with the new completed puncheon!

Theresa, as mentor introduced the girls to Sue Husari, Acting Park Superintendent, Jerald Weaver, Chief of Integrated Resources, Ken Arzarian, Head of Park Maintenance and David Harsh of the National Park Service. David served as the liaison for the group. The San Juan Trails Committee was then approached, as was Island Rec who both gave generously to the project. Other outstanding donors were a local bike shop, several horse ranches and individual equestrians and hikers.

Rik Karon and Mark Hetrick were also instrumental in securing the materials graciously discounted by Browne’s Lumber.

The work crew was comprised of the Park Service crew of Harsh, Weaver and Arzarian, Rik Karon, Mark Hetrick, Samuel McMain, Blair Powers, Theresa Simendinger, Robyn Roberts, Julia Bevens and assorted parents. The puncheon was installed on site and functioning well in a matter of hours due to the intense pre-planning and preparation of all those involved.

Thank you, all!!!

Friday Harbor High’s spring playoff schedule…

Posted May 1, 2012 at 7:29 am by

It’s that time of year, as th eteams get the last rainouts in & elbow for playoff position this spring – here’s the writeup from FHHS athletic director Rod Turnbull, with the news as of yesterday (when the regularly scheduled baseball & softball games were canceled…):

Our spring teams are quickly approaching the District 1 playoff portion of their seasons.    Continue Reading

As April moves on & May moves in…

Posted April 30, 2012 at 1:18 am by

Western Prince's naturalist Nan Simpson got a quick photo of this bald eagle this weekend, as he flew off....

It’s almost May Day, but there’s still a little going on in this little bit of the month that remains – let’s check:

Charlie Anderson from the Community Foundation tells me the hospital‘s ribbon-cutting is set for November 17th, and the project is on-time & under budget – ready to serve folks come December.


Singing, for you....

• Yep, it’s time for a new month…someone asked me at Saturday’s gig what was my song for this time of year. (You gotta have a song for each day, month, year & moment that comes along – helps keep ’em straight & deepens the roots they set down….)

So this is the one I pulled out – it’s Paul Simon’s April Come She Willclick here to hear it (and thanks, my friend, for listening!)


• What do you mean, you missed the Good Lovelies on Saturday night? You missed a great show! (I got to see the second part of the show, and Caroline & Kerri & Sue were awesome!)

Here’s what they said on Twitter afterwards: “We were introduced to the beautiful community of Friday Harbor tonight – and it was stunning. Now, we just need to figure out how to get back here as often as possible :)”

Here’s a little video to give you an idea of the beautiful sounds they make (and yeah, they’re funny, too):


When I dropped by Isle Be Jammin' to say hey to Kirk this weekend, this all-girl band of eighth graders & sixth graders was rehearsing, and sounding pretty good! Say hey to Bridget Booth (left), Uma Hu, Ella Hu (on the drum set holding up the sticks), Kera Kovats, K. Jade Kovats - watch for them! They're called Aimless Loop.


They're baaaaaaaaaaaack!

• They’re back! Here’s more from Maureen & Matt – the ToothMobile is here the 4th & 5th, while you gotta get your tacos on Saturday! Here’s the whole deal:

FISH FOR TEETH brings ToothMobile back to San Juan Island.

Fish for Teeth, the local organization of commercial fishermen and local dental professionals, is bringing the ToothMobile back to Friday Harbor for the second time, and serving up fish tacos as well (Saturday ONLY).

The first visit of the ToothMobile to Friday Harbor in January completed nearly $13,000 worth of dental services, with similar success when it visted Lopez Island last month.  The ToothMobile, operated by Medical Teams International, serves those who cannot otherwise afford proper dental care.

These ToothMobile visits have been sucessful due to volunteer work by caring individuals of the San Juan County Oral Health Coalition, San Juan County Public Health Department, San Juan and Lopez Island Family Resource Center(s), and many other non-affillitated individuals.  Fish for Teeth, a 501(c)(3) organization, is the fundraising part of the equation, which so far has received funding primarily from individuals.  Donations or volunteer sign up can be made on our website,

The ToothMobile will be in Friday Harbor May 4-5, at the Mullis Center.  Application must be made in advance at the San Juan County Public Health Department at (145 Rhone Street), or the Family Resource Center (476 Market Street), or you may download an application on our website and mail it to San Juan County Public Health Department at P.O. Box 607, Friday Harbor, WA 98250.

FISH TACOS will be served SATURDAY ONLY (May 5) from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Spring Street International School.  The tacos are made with sustainably harvested Alaskan rockfish, donated by Matt’s Fresh Fish, on an extra-large flour tortilla, with cheese, cabbage, and salsa from Pablito’s Taqueria, all for $7.00 each.

As a special attraction, Matt Marinkovich (Matt’s Fresh Fish) will demonstrate how to fillet a whole, fresh halibut, and then immediately cook it up.  This is a rare opportunity to sample halibut this fresh, and we hope your appreciation would be reflected in a thoughtful donation to Fish for Teeth.  The demos will be at 12 noon, and 1 p.m.

Frozen, vacuum-packed rockfish will also be available for $10 per pound.

All proceeds go to fund future visits of the ToothMobile.


Come play at the Children's Festival!

• It’s this weekend! The Children’s Festival is awesome – if you haven’t been, you don’t know what you’re missing & if you have been, bring those folks who say they’re “too busy” (lame!) – it’s too good a deal. The kids love it! Here’s more from Deanna:

The 22nd annual San Juan Island Children’s Festival will be jam-packed with a variety of fun entertainers this year! Beginning at 10:15am through 2pm there will be live entertainment for kids to enjoy on the main stage inside the Fair Building. The Chocolate Moose Puppet Show will kick off the production, followed by ‘Reading Magic’ by Jeff Evans. The Poster Contest Winners will be announced and celebrated, with the Fairyland Improvisational Performance with Penelope Haskew to follow. The Ballet Folklorico dance performers will take the stage then Jeff Evans will return for his final magic show for the day. To wrap up the schedule of events be sure not to miss the return of the Chocolate Moose Puppet Show.

The SJI Children’s Festival will be on May 5th from 10am to 2pm at the San Juan County Fairgrounds. The entire event is free and kids of all ages will enjoy over 30 activity providers centered around this year’s theme “Leap Off the Page” bring your stories to life! For more information visit


• Debbi Fincher has an important announcement for you:

The San Juan County Youth Council is asking for all teens and community members to join in the conversation about drug and alcohol use in our community and the effects these substances have on the teen brain.

We will have Dr. Steve Gresham, Chemical Dependency & Mental Health Professional, Neuro Feedback Practitioner, Anne Gresham, Registered Nurse Practitioner, and Rob Nou, Sheriff as part of the discussion panel.

Please join us for this open candid talk Monday, April 30th, 6pm-8pm at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church. The San Juan Island Prevention Coalition is a sponsor of this event.


On Saturday!

• What are you doing Saturday? I like the part about how this helps the Family Resource Center!

Drop by the Earthbox Inn – here’s more from Morgan Potter:

I am just writing to let you and your readers know that the Earthbox Inn & Spa will be holding its annual Cinco De Mayo party on Saturday, May 5th in the Earthbox Parking lot at 4pm.

The public is welcome to enjoy the music as well as tour our rooms and new spa facilities.  We will even have free chair massages available for people to try. The local Mexican dance troupe will also be performing. As in previous years we will be offering authentic Mexican cuisine free to all who visit. This year, however, we will be using this event to drum up donations for the San Juan Island Family Resource Center. So please, if you are willing, share this information with your online friends.  Thank you very much for your time.

Morgan Potter, Earthbox Inn

Passing: Lynette King Guard

Posted April 30, 2012 at 12:27 am by

Lynette King Guard

Yesterday was the service for a grand lady of the island…here’s more about her life & the impact Lynette Guard had on so many of islanders through the years:

Lynette King Guard (Nammie), 89, passed away peacefully at her home on San Juan Valley Road, San Juan Island, WA, Saturday, April 21, 2012. With her were her two sons, Rex and Frankie Guard, daughter in law Lisa Guard and the thoughts and prayers of those who loved and cared for her.

Lynette King, a descendent of a founding family of San Juan Island, was born on December 28, 1922 to Lyle A and Jeanette (Borchers) King at Providence Hospital, Seattle, WA. She grew up in the San Juan Valley of San Juan Island, WA, where she learned about farming and business from her father Lyle King (founder of King’s Market). She graduated from Roosevelt High School, Seattle in 1940, and went on to study International Business and Marketing at the University of Washington, receiving her Bachelor of Arts degree in 1944.

Lynette spent summers working in Seattle at Sears Roebuck Company and Boeing. Her education, background with the family business and a strong desire for travel and adventure led to her dreams of working overseas as a business woman in Eastern Asia. Unfortunately, during World War II, her best laid plans went astray, as they did for many of that era, particularly those seeking a career in international trade. She did spend time living and working for the Wesson Oil/Snow Drift Company in San Francisco. She and her future husband, Frank Guard, spent many a night enjoying the city where he was stationed. Following the war, she and Frank were married on January 2, 1946. They made their home in between their families, atop San Juan Valley. They owned and operated the first airstrip (King West) on San Juan Island, at their farm. Often, Dr. Heath would have to buzz the strip to clear away the sheep.

Close family and friends will always remember the annual Christmas Eve celebration at Lynette’s house. It was an event anticipated by many and cherished by all who were able to attend. Children were especially welcomed, given the opportunity to sit on Santa’s lap and share their Christmas dreams (making their best case for the “nice” list). One of her most treasured talents was her ability to play the piano, always on full display for Christmas. The music that filled the air was reminiscent of classics from her childhood such as, The Bunny Hop, Mexican Hat Dance, Ballin’ the Jack, Hokey Pokey, and the 12th Street Rag. The floor of her house was never still, as family and friends danced around the house to the sounds of Lynette’s jubilant piano, played for all as recently as last Christmas.

Many kids from the city experienced farming first hand at Lynette’s, helping at sheep castration and shearing. A real eye opener! Then the kids would be off to net rabbits. Lynette really knew how to entertain. She was a lifelong member of Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church, teaching choir for 14 years. She also served as an elder and deacon with her daughter in law, Melissa Guard. She was also an avid Bridge player and member of the ACBL(American Contract Bridge League), playing in many tournaments. As a member of the American Legion Woman’s Auxiliary, she held the utmost respect for our military’s service men and women.

In retirement, Lynette enjoyed traveling and cruising around the world, including two favorite trips to the Panama Canal and China.

Few will forget the genuine warmth and affection they felt during any interaction with Lynette. Known for her cleverness and quick wit, which never fell short, she had a genuine and bright personality, fondly shared with family and friends.
She left behind a legacy of love of family and agriculture, something that she bestowed upon her entire family. Her friends will always remember the way she made them feel. Lynette will be dearly missed by all that were blessed with the opportunity to know and love her.

Lynette King Guard was preceded in death by her husband of 37 yrs. Frank W. Guard in 1983, her brothers, Blair A. King and Carlton W. King, and sister, Dottie King Miller. She is survived by six children, Callie (Ron) Eriksen of Bellingham WA, Rynnie (John) Wilson of Friday Harbor WA, Cindy (Jeff) Andrus of Lacrosse WA, Phyllis Guard Tappan of Anacortes WA, Rex (Lisa)Guard and Frank (Melissa) Guard both of Friday Harbor WA, 15 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church, PO Box 946, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 or San Juan Emergency Medical Services, PO Box 1243, Friday Harbor, WA 98250.

Making things better….

Posted April 30, 2012 at 12:13 am by

On hand for the fundraiser & celebration: Marcia's daughters Emily Schultz (left) and Alaina Schultz, with her mom Elaine.

At times, islands come together to make things better.

Tom Schultz visits with Amanda Brast & her mom Cyndi - classical guitarist Amanda performed for the evening as a reflection of Marcia's love for classical guitar music (she was an accomplished player, herself)...

Saturday night it was wonderful to see some 150 or so people come together to raise money to make a scholarship in the late Dr. Marcia Zakariason‘s name…there was salmon, and music, and a silent auction & dessert auction, and there was time to remember what a special person Marcia was, for so many people on San Juan Island. Her mom mentioned that she was always trying to make things better, and it was great to see the spirit of that in the efforts of so many on Saturday.

It’ll be fun to see what comes of all this. Charles Anderson from the Community Foundation mentioned that a quiet room at the new hospital will bear her name, while the memories that folks shared show that Marcia’s giving & loving spirit will live on.

Marcia Zakariason

Here’s a little thank you, from the organizing committee:

Great time had by all! Lots of fun, laughs, memories and good times had by all. We want to thank everyone for the donations of items, money, time and laughter. Thank you for making this a wonderful success. Marcia would be so happy to know so many people want to share in her enthusiasm for higher education! A special thank you to the team, Diane Jangard (Brooke, Alex and Kyle’s mom), Terri Brown (Racheal, Megan, Mackenzie and Laura’s mom), Fred Yockers & Linda Cooper (Fei and Jade’s mom and dad), Ginny Beaudoin (Mollie & Chelan’s mom) and Tom Schultz, Emily Schultz and Alaina Schultz. Outstanding Job! We love you Marcia!

Marion helps cut the cake that Homer & Elizabeth Smith's table won at the fundraiser (right), along with Janet Wright....

Come take my class!

Posted April 30, 2012 at 12:07 am by

You’ve done it – finished that brochure or your website, telling all about what you have to offer. You show it to a few friends who tell you it’s great. Then you see them a few days later and they say, “I forget – what is it that you do?”

There’s a way beyond this. Here’s a two-hour workshop where you & I can visit about ways that work to make your ideas stick. Here’s more from my EDC friends:

“Sticky” Marketing Workshop Presented by the EDC

Why do some marketing messages work and some don’t?   How can business owners improve their company’s “message” to make it stick in the minds of customers?

On May 2, from 9-11, you can learn how to create a cohesive, compelling message in the EDC’s upcoming free workshop entitled Making It Stick: Crafting A Message They’ll Remember.

Join writer, English teacher, and well-known local blogger Ian Byington to learn to craft your words so that people will not only remember what you do, they’ll act when it’s time to buy. This useful workshop will help business owners transform the way that they communicate ideas.

The free workshop will be held from 9-11 on May 2 at Skagit Valley College’s community room, downstairs, at 221 Weber Way, Friday Harbor.  Please call or email to register:  (360) 378-2906, [email protected].

The Catalyst! Celebrating Eighty Years!

Posted April 30, 2012 at 12:01 am by

Turning 80....

Here’s more from Shannon Bailey:

Shannon & Bill Bailey

Please join the crew of the MV Catalyst and Pacific Catalyst II Inc in celebrating the 80th birthday of the grand lady, MV Catalyst, in an Open Boat Party and Tour on May 5, 2012, 1 -5pm.

The Catalyst, once the workhorse of the Chemisty/Oceanography Department of the University of Washington and the Friday Harbor Labs is now used as a small cruise ship in the waters of SE Alaska, British Columbia and the San Juan Islands. She has her original Washington Estep 6 cylinder engine in full working glory, which will be started up and running for those engine enthusiasts.

She can be found at the Friday Harbor Marina, across from Friday Harbor Seafoods. Free to the Public.

Around the island….

Posted April 27, 2012 at 10:02 am by

Evening sunset catches the trees on the other side of Jackson's Beach, last night before the clouds came in after by Aaron Shepard (see more of his photos at

A warm weekend ahead for you & me – let’s take a peek around:

• This is the last weekend for Island Stage Left’s “Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me” (tonight & tomorrow night at 7:30pm, and matinees on Saturday & Sunday at 4pm)…easily one of the best shows they’ve done. Don’t miss it!


The Rat City Brass are here on Saturday.....

• At The Rumor Mill tonight it’s the One More Time Band, with the Rat City Brass on Saturday. Here’s a bit more about the RCB:

Two trumpets, trombone, guitar, keys, bass, percussion, & drums recreate the sound of “Whipped Cream”-era Herb Albert & the Tijuana Brass. The band plays earnest homage to the suave yet playful music of the Tijuana Brass, taking audiences not only to the dance floor of the 1960s, but to Herb Albert’s imaginary border-town cantina where classic American pop gets a stiff shot of tequila,
loosens its collar, and decides that Saturday night starts right now.

Rat City Brass calls their music “mid-century instrumental pop.” Your parents might call it “easy listening.” Those who’ve witnessed RCB in action call it fun.

• Meanwhile, over at Herb’s Tavern, Tony Floreno is playing tonight, starting at 9:30pm.

Barbara Marrett joins the San Juan County Visitors Bureau...


• Great to hear that Barbara Marrett was chosen to work at the Visitors’ Bureau to take Robin Jacobson’s place – I’ve known her for years & she’s a smart hard worker who will be a real asset to the group – way to go, VB!


• Are you going to the Know Your Island walk tomorrow at Lime Kiln? Eileen from the Trails Committee asked that I remind you you have to pay for your parking with cash or check, because they don’t take credit cards there.


• Opening Day is almost here! Are you ready? Here’s more from Dave Aas:

The 2012 San Juan Island Opening Day Boat Parade sponsored by the San Juan Island Yacht Club will be Sunday May 6 at 2:30 PM. The theme for the parade is “Pirates of The Salish Sea.” The parade is open to all human powered, power and sail boats. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Traditional, Classic, Commercial and Pirate Themed. Spectators may watch the the parade from Spring Street Landing. Register for the parade at or email to [email protected].


I've been on Skype a lot lately, so this is what my place looks llike....