Music trivia!!!!!

Posted March 12, 2012 at 7:23 am by

Morning song: Harry Manx

Posted March 12, 2012 at 7:20 am by

You may remember Harry Manx, ’cause he was awesome when he came to the Community Theatre a couple of years ago….he’s a heckuva guitar (or anything with strings) player, and a really nice guy as well. He’s a neighbour from Salt Spring Island, who is big deal in Canada, and getting to be a big deal here. Great way to start the morning….

Here’s his song “Don’t Forget To Miss Me.”

Wolverine tennis warms up for the spring season…

Posted March 9, 2012 at 7:41 am by

Coach Dick Barnes and senior captain Rebecca Leff are looking forward to a great season. Photo by Collin Williamson.

When you see the sun out, like it has been this week, you know the tennis team is smiling, because they get a full day of practice in…things are looking good for this year’s squad. Here’s more from Update reporter Collin Williamson:

If you’ve been around the island for a while, you know Dick Barnes, the local high school boys and girls tennis coach. But what you might not have known about Mr. Barnes is… he is a part time weather predictor. When I asked what the fans should expect this season, he said “Warmth! Warmer weather! It is too cold out now, and it will get warmer!” A brave statement living in the Pacific Northwest in the spring, but that’s beside the point.

It’s time for girls tennis! And there is a lot to look forward to this year on the court. Senior Rebecca Leff is the captain on the team and part time coach. She’s pumped for the upcoming season: “I’m really excited for this season; I get the opportunity this year to spend more time teaching new players the basics.” Her personal goals are high this season, as well. “I’ve been to quad district all the years I’ve played, I’m really looking to get back this year, and compete.”

Girls tennis is a big sport here at FHHS with a strong turnout; all said and done the team this year should have about 25-30 players. I would encourage you to check out a home match this season; you can find the schedule and updates here. The girls’ first home match is next Thursday, here at Friday Harbor High.

Here & there….

Posted March 8, 2012 at 10:26 pm by

That's Matthew Palmer (left) and Traci Walter getting into the water with their mono-fins - photo by Mer-people photographer Chris Teren (thanks, Chris!)

Let’s look around & see what’s up, ’round our sceptr’d isle:

• I heard that Butch Taylor…long time keyboard player for Dave Matthews Band…sat in with Tom Doenges’ band (the Tom Henry Band) Wednesday night at The Rumor Mill. Cool ’nuff.


• Have you been by the Barking Bird or Friday Harbor Pet Supplies lately? They’re starting to stock up for the coming months – drop by & check ’em out! Your dog or your cat (or the other pets in your life) will appreciate it!


Gail & Randy are in Florida, but you can still swing by Cotton Cotton Cotton – here’s a note from Gail:

Cotton Cotton Cotton is open March 9, 10 and 16 and 17th 10:00am-4:00pm while we are in Florida visiting our family.  Come in and see Dee while we are gone.  We will see you on March 22nd!


• Mike says he can use a hand at Friday Harbor Marine:

Mechanic Position – Friday Harbor Marine
Friday Harbor Marine has an immediate opening for a full time mechanic  to work in our waterfront shop. Applicants must have experience troubleshooting and maintaining gas and/or diesel engines and electrical accessories.  On the Job Training is available to teach marine technologies and procedures. Must have car and cell phone, and be familiar with PC.  Flexible scheduling and health plan available.  Email resume to [email protected]


• As you sit at the computer today & wonder how much all this web stuff represents the real world, consider what Virginia Heffernan says:

“Tim Hwang, a researcher of online movements and memes and the managing director of the Web Ecology Project, says there’s a fact we often overlook: “The Internet is not coterminous with the real world.” He told me by email, “Like in a rearview mirror communities can be smaller than they appear on the Internet: discussion is often subject to parties who are loudest and can rally the most participants to appear online and participate at that specific moment.”

Here’s the whole interesting article, which is a review of Ron Paul’s effective use of the Internet (which she says hasn’t helped him).


• There are reports that the Navy is testing sonar downsound…here’s more from KING5 News. (And here’s more about the Navy’s assertion it’s safe for marine mammals. It isn’t.)



• Must be spring…the restaurants in town are reopening! The BBQ Shack opened last week, and The Backdoor Kitchen is open for both dinner (Thursday-Saturday, now) and Noodle Bowl Monday for lunch.



• Let me know what you think of this – it’s a home video of someone’s cats hanging out with a couple of bald eagles. It doesn’t end like you think it’s going to… check it here.

Debbie's pretty happy with the new shop! Photo by Tamara Weaver




• Let’s see what’s going on around the island…here’s a report from roving Update reporter Tamara Weaver:

Debbie Dardenelli‘s new consignment clothing boutique Girlfriends was a popular place last week as she celebrated her Grand Opening on Nichols Street.

She received lots of support from her friends who brought her armloads of beautiful, gently-, or often never-worn clothing from their closets, and walked out smiling with new things from someone else’s.

Not just for girlfriends, Deb also has a great selection of men’s clothes.   My husband Jon couldn’t resist a nearly-new North Face parka and Teva boots.


Cookies! Photo by Tamara Weaver

Today, I HAD to buy Girl Scout cookies!

How could I say no?  They ran up to us on the sidewalk downtown, dropped to their knees, and asked us to buy their cookies!

So, Jon bought two boxes.

Future Friday Harbor businesswomen pictured are (out of order): Kenzie Norbom, Maddy Flaum, Sidney Herda, and Chelsey Campbell.

Have a cookie!


It's a dog's life on San Juan Island...if they're in a MiniCooper, are they mini-boxers? Photo by Tamara Weaver.

Here’s where the Land Bank properties are on San Juan Island…

Posted March 8, 2012 at 10:08 pm by

Here's where the spots are, including my favorite - the place on the westside where you can look out over the water & have a on the map for a larger version on the Land Bank page...

Hey, have you ever wondered where the Land Bank properties on the island are? There are cool maps on the LB’s site that show you & tell you about each one…here’s the Land Bank site so you can see for yourself!

Friday Harbor High cops 2012 Orca Bowl!

Posted March 8, 2012 at 11:53 am by

The team from Friday Harbor High - going to Baltimore! From the back, that's Marc Vermiere, Aaron Prager, Nick Frazee, Michael Barsaimian & Gavin Guard; Stewart Bell (plaid); Libby Snow, Audrey Olshefsky, with Emily Guard up front. Not sure who the guy with the wetsuit in the back is....way to go, Wolverines!!!

Seems like we win or place each year, and this is no different, as FHHS sends a team to nationals – here’s more from the folks at the school district:

Friday Harbor High School wins 2012 Washington Regional Ocean Sciences Bowl

Friday Harbor High School once again has won the 2012 Washington Regional Ocean Sciences Bowl.

The school’s team of Audrey Olshefsky (team captain), Gavin Guard, Stewart Bell, Michael Barsamian and Libby Snow were victorious in the knowledge competition — a.k.a. The Orca Bowl — at the University of Washington Saturday, March 3.

They advance to the National Ocean Sciences Bowl in Baltimore, next month. Friday Harbor science teacher Nick Frazee was the team’s head coach. Fellow Wolverine teacher Marc Vermeire, an Orca Bowl veteran, assisted.

This is the sixth time in 9 attempts that FHHS has won the competition under coaching from Vermeire and Frazee.  National competition travel in years past has included North Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, California, and Texas.

Dinner tonight!

Posted March 8, 2012 at 6:49 am by

One of the lacrosse moms wanted to remind you & me:

Any chance you can make mention of the annual fundraiser for the Lacrosse team?  It will be on March 8, 2012 starting at 5:00pm and ending in time for everyone to head to the Winter Sports Awards that start at 7:00pm in Turnbull gym.  We will be serving spaghetti dinner at the Masonic Lodge and the cost is $8.00 for children and $12.00 for adults.  The dessert auction will begin at 5:30.


Supporting the Wounded Warriors Project…

Posted March 8, 2012 at 6:01 am by

Around the island….

Posted March 7, 2012 at 3:40 pm by

That's the familiar shape of Turtleback Mountain on Orcas...the reason it looks "backwards" is I shot it yesterday when Josie & I visited the snowy owls at Boundary Bay in British Columbia, pretty much straight north of here. Did you look at anything from a different angle today? Hope so....

Nice to get out in the sun (and the snow yesterday, if you got out fast enough!)….hope you’re out & about today! Let’s see what’s up:

• This is the month to get things from Cakes by Felicitations! Felicity has a special:

Celebrating a birthday or anniversary? Need pastries or snacks for a company meeting? Felicitations is offering a March special of 20% off orders of over $30.
Call Felicity Milne (360) 317-5961


The BID has been getting underway…would you like to be part of it? Here’s a note from the folks pulling it together:

Dear Business Owner,
Are you ready to take control of the downtown core? Do you desire a larger voice with our Town Council? Would you like to see more improvement in beautification and parking in town?

If you answered YES to one or all of the above items then we invite you to join with your fellow business owners and support the formation of Friday Harbor Business Association (FHBA) also known as a Business Improvement District (BID). Please support the formation of the FHBA. For more information contact Ed Williams at San Juan Hotshop & Flavor Emporium, 378-5978.

Opening Thursday!


• Meanwhile, at the Community Theatre, The Owl & Pussycat opens on Thursday-Friday this week, and runs next week as well…

Here’s more about this play featuring Dorian Oliver & Yvonne Buijs-Mancuso, and directed by Ernest Pugh.

Then, on Saturday, March 10, there are two shows for The New Old Time Chautauqua at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

This traveling variety show features juggling, magic, music, trapeze, poets and merriment for the whole family!

Tickets: $16 adults; $8 student reserved; $5 student RUSH. 378-3210 or

The New Old Time Chautauqua Benefit Show


And…the cast is cast for the Sound of Music, led by Jill Urbach as Julie Andrews. Oops, Maria. Here’s the cast list from the Theatre’s blog (and yep, I’m gonna list everybody!):

After more than 85 islanders tried out for The Sound of Music (it plays May 10-20 in the Whittier), Merritt was able to cast more than 40. There’s still a few places left to fill but here’s a list of your friends who you just might hear around town humming…”The hills are alive…”

Maria Rainer

Jill Urbach

Mother Abbess

Maggie Gallivan

Sister Berthe

Trudy Loucks

Sister Margaretta

Judy Holm

Sister Sophia

Joy Van Camp

Captain Georg von Trapp

George Illif

Franz, butler

Floyd Bourne

Frau Schmidt, housekeeper

Marie Hart


Julie Hagn

Understudy: Beatrice Grauman


Matthew Stepita

Understudy: TBD


Courtney Bell

Understudy: Jillian Urbach


Ryan Crawford

Understudy: TBD


Joely Loucks

Understudy: TBD


Else Arendt

Understudy: Chiara Power


Lucy Marinkovich

Understudy: McKenna Clark

Rolf Gruber

Kevin Wilcox

Elsa Schraeder, Baroness

Amanda Smith

Asst. to Herr Zeller & Roles TBD

Joseph Ellis

Ursula, maid


Max Detweiler

Scott Mapstead

Herr Zeller

Denny Holm

Baron Elberfeld


New Postulant


Admiral von Schreiber



Anne Benedict


Amy Hull


Maureen Marinkovich


Debbie Strasser


Susan Weiss

Nun & Yodeler

Shannon Evans

Nun & Yodeler

Deb Langhans

Nun & Yodeler

Roberta Leed

Nun & Yodeler

Sandy Richard


Trinity Althoff


Bridget Booth


Beatrice Grauman


Jillian Urbach


Duvie Dow


Annesa Knowles


Ashley Stone


Melissa Mortenson


Mary-Brooke Barger


Paul Barger


• Wow. Long list. Since all those people have friends & relatives who have already bought their tickets, you might want to think about getting yours soon…


Come check this out, next time you're at the Library...!

• This is an amazing piece of work – here’s more from Marjorie at the Library, in an open-hearted act that will serve as a wonderful memory of longtime islander Byron Harrell:

San Juan Library: Handbook of the Birds of the World
Thanks to a generous donation from Joyce Harrell and her late husband Byron, the San Juan Island Library now has a complete set of the encyclopedic “Handbook of the Birds of the World.” The 16 volume set sells for about $4,300.

It covers the complete natural history of every living species of bird, grouped by families. Volumes average 600 pages of full-color content and deal with 500 to 800 species, with 60-plus plates, hundreds of photographs and distribution maps, and thousands of references.

The set is available in hundreds of museum, college, and university libraries, but only a handful of public libraries have this resource. Volumes of the *Handbook* may be checked out for home use.



She’s been here since the late 1990s, working at different jobs (including the Whale Museum) before settling into & defining the job at the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau…millions (not kidding) of people around the world know the coolness that is our islands because of Robin Jacobson. SJIVB director Deborah has the sady news (she be missed):

Robin will be officially retiring effective June 1! While we are very happy for her, we will miss her, both personally and professionally. Her shoes will truly be hard to fill! Feel free to wish her well, and know that we’ll be sending her off with some fanfare in May and we will keep you posted.


• I checked with Jim Maya at Maya’s Westside Whale Charters, and yep, he’s still taking trips all year:

We continue to go out all winter long. We are seeing whales about two times a week, plus we see lots of other wildlife like sea lions, seals, eagles, and  are having great winter bird watching on every trip. Our boat is heated and covered. We leave from Snug Harbor Marina…call today! 378-7996


Jordyn’s art – selected to appear in statewide show!

Posted March 7, 2012 at 3:38 pm by

Jordyn's work is amazing....

You’ve seen her incredible drawings at school during the Art Walk and and in other places – Jordyn Williams talented renderings will be the core of of FHHS’ offerings in Olympia – here’s more, in a press release from the school district:

Jordyn by Sara Parsons.

Jordyn Williams selected to represent ESD 189 at the OSPI High School Art Show.

For the first time Friday Harbor High School is represented in the Superintendents High School Art Show in Olympia. This annual competition is co-hosted by OSPI and the Washington Art Education Association. High Schools from all nine of the state’s educational service centers (ESDs) participate in this artistic celebration each year. The finalists from these regional ESD competitions are invited to show their work in the Superintendent’s High School Art Show in Olympia.

Friday Harbor High school senior Jordyn Williams was one of seven students chosen to represent ESD 189 in the state capital. This is a great accomplishment considering she competed against much larger schools from the region.  In addition to a jury’s top choices, others vote for their favorite entry, including the state Superintendent and the Governor. The Superintendent’s Choice winner is added to OSPI’s collection, which hangs in the halls and offices of the Old Capitol Building.

More information can be found here.

Thinking ahead to a summer’s day, and thee….

Posted March 7, 2012 at 9:42 am by

Took this during the spring, actually, but you get the idea....

One of my favorite poems is Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18, which goes like this:

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand’rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow’st.
   So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
   So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


I also like the way Randall (he’s the guy that draws, which we feature from time to time), reviewed the important parts, taking the time to compare & contrast:

All things chocolate…helping the Library & and making friends, too

Posted March 7, 2012 at 9:27 am by

Jackson & Emily show off their prizewinners - way to go!

Last week’s Chocolate Friendzy went great! Here’s the report, from the Friends’ Elena Thoms, as winners were awarded gift certificates to Griffin Bay Book Store.:

The younger generation ruled Chocolate Friendzy, the Friends of the Library’s 5th annual fund raising evening dedicated to our universal love of chocolate.

First place winner was Emily Reynolds with her Chocolate Lava cake.   Emily is 13 and is already an accomplished baker. She learned by watching her mother bake. She is a seventh grader at the Spring Street School and loves playing her guitar.

Our third place winner was Jackson Pieples for his peanut butter Buckeyes. Jackson is 12 years old and in sixth grade at Friday Harbor Elementary School. He first made the Buckeyes at Christmas to give to friends and family. Buckeyes are Ohio’s homemade version of a Reese’s peanut butter cup.  Jackson likes to bake and makes brownies, cookies, and candies.

Second place went to Jenny Atkinson for her own hand designed monkey cupcakes. Yes, there really were little handmade chocolate monkeys that Jenny designed and made, perched on  delicious cupcakes.   Jenny, who represented the adult entries, is Executive Director of the Whale
Museum and an ardent and highly creative baker.

Chocolate Friendzy was a great success. Everyone had a good time tasting the entries that varied from cookies to cakes and candies.  And at Chocolate Friendzy, the slogan for the night is always: ”A Balanced Diet is Chocolate in Both Hands.”

Jenny & her hand-designed chocolate monkeys....

‘Round town…

Posted March 6, 2012 at 9:49 am by

Friday Harbor woke up to a blanket of snow this morning - photo by Erin Ancich (thanks, Erin!)


Tonight at 5pm, the middle school kids from Spring Street International School offer their production of a "Midsummer Night's Dream" directed by SSIS teacher Grace Castle at the 4-H building at the Fairgrounds - come on by!

What’s going on ’round the island…

Posted March 5, 2012 at 12:32 pm by

Kelsey (left) and Jade took a ride on Spruce Sreet yesterday.... 🙂

Hope you get a chance to get out on this sunny day – let’s look around:

Joe, coming to the island on Friday!

• I love his music….

Are you making plans for the weekend already? I know I am…on Friday night, island boy (FHHS ’87) and awesome pianist Joe Bongiorno (with special guest Amy Janelle) is playing at the Rumor Mill. His latest album Into The Wind is selling like gangbusters (you can get a copy at Island Studios or online), and his work is spreading in popularity so much that he’s been able to be a fulltime musician for the past couple of years…come by Friday evening & you’ll see why.


• Speaking of the Rumor Mill, here’s the word from Oren:

Happy Hour Big Deals continue daily through March, 4-6pm. Discounts start with $2 pints, $3 wines, $3 sliders, & Caesar salads (always free anchovies for the asking!), $5 local clams & oysters. Daily featured $10.95 early bird dinners are offered as well. Drop on by after work!

New door at Griffin Bay Bookstore...installed late last week, after someone accidentally drove into the old one last year. Looking good!


• Libbey at Kings tells me:

Just an FYI that Kings Video is selling off all videos. 3/$10 or $5 each, New Releases $9.99. Lots of kids movies still available!


• Call your friends & sign up! Here’s more from Rebecca at Island Rec:

Island Rec’s 3-on-3 adult basketball tournament is on Saturday, March 24th.  Teams can be made up of 3 or 4 players.  The tournament will be held in Turnbull Gym.  Games will start at 11:30 am.  The tournament is open to everyone 16 yrs and older. Cost is $10 per player in advance and $15 per player after March 20th. Register online or stop by the Island Rec office on 580 Guard St.  For more information call 378-4953.


Did you get your Girl Scout cookies yet?

Island businesses create presence in LaConner….

Posted March 5, 2012 at 9:30 am by

Longtime islander Doug welcomed us to his new gallery in LaConner, Blackfish Gallery...

We were on the mainland on Saturday, so Josie & I swung by LaConner to see what was going on…we dropped in on our old friends Doug Bison & Nancy North to see how their new shops were doing.

Drop by & see Doug!

Doug told me back in October he was moving to LaConner after 32 years here on the island…during that time, Bison Gallery has been a steady showplace for Doug’s amazing bronze sculpture (often created in the spirit of his Native American ancestry, partly because he’s descended from The Battle of Wounded Knee’s Chief Big Foot).

Doug reopened as Blackfish Gallery in LaConner in early November, and has been off & running ever since. His new space is two floors of wonderful stuff (I especially like John Miller’s & Katie Jones’ nature photography, and the other sculptures he carries), in a sunny, open & welcoming shop on the main street of LaConner as you come into town. The town’s Chamber of Commerce held a grand opening, with the mayor dropping by this past weekend…pretty cool!

Stephen & Nancy were on hand for Saturday's grand opening...

Meanwhile, Stephen Robins’ Pelindaba Lavender has opened a new spot in LaConner…new owner Nancy North opened the new store (and is managing the island store in Friday Harbor), and she has done a super job of making the new store a light, easy place to visit.

I especially liked how at home it felt to drop in, with the scent of lavender in the place.

She opened on the first & had her Grand Opening on Saturday as well, with the mayor & Chamber dropping by, too. Nancy has friendly folks & the full array of lavender gifts available – be sure & drop by & say hey next time you’re over that way! Looks good, feels good…you’ll like it!

Nancy (left) has the new Pelindaba store off & running in LaConner...


A nice surprise - out front of Blackfoot Gallery, the sculpture "Puddles" by the late & great Tom Pemberton...the same as was commissioned for the elementary school here on the island. It was especially touching, as the kids in the sculpture look up at the sky to see if it's raining, since it was pretty sprinkly on Saturday...

Local GOP caucus-goers choose Romney in weekend state poll….

Posted March 5, 2012 at 9:21 am by

Saturday saw presidential politics come to the island, as the state of Washington’s Republicans held their state caucus. In numbers that continue to be updated, it appears that Gov. Romney sprinted ahead of Dr. Paul & Sen. Santorum, winning 38% to their approximately 25% each, with Rep. Gingrich getting some 10% of the vote. Here on the island, it was Romney out front with 26%, followed closely by Paul with 23%. For your convenience, here’s the link to the Seattle Times with the updated numbers, and here’s the website I’ve followed for the past ten years, describing ways the caucus system could be improved.

So, the nomination process heads from our state into tomorrow’s Super Tuesday vote…but first, here’s a report from County GOP chair Michelle Loftus about her view of how Saturday went for her party:

Fiscal conservatives, family values voters, Constitution supporters, and small government voters showed up in force for the Republican precinct caucuses held on Orcas, Lopez, Shaw and San Juan Islands.  “We had barely enough chairs for everyone, and that’s a good problem to have,” said County Republican Chairman and State Executive Board Member, Michelle Loftus.

Similar crowds attended the Orcas, Lopez and Shaw caucuses. Much enthusiasm  generated from last week’s Lincoln Day Republican events on Orcas and Lopez spilled over to ignite solutions for  county, state and national needs.

The coalition of Republicans, Tea Party Activists, Constitution Party members, Disaffected Democrats, and Libertarians worked well together; suggesting platform resolutions and championing their individual choices for President. Despite the wide variety of opinions represented the discussions were passionate but understanding and accepting of other views.

One woman who described herself as a “recovering Democrat” announced that she was still undecided as to which of the Republican candidates would receive her vote, but she was certain that she would vote Republican this year.

At the end of the caucus, as attendees helped to put away chairs and clean up the room, Helen King, a San Juan Island Bed and Breakfast owner, commented, “This was great to have a voice.  We should get together more often.”

Dave Vandaveer, computed the straw poll results for the county, reporting that Romney received 25.94%, Paul received 23.43%, Santorum 21.76%, and Gingrich 20.08%.   In addition, Vandaveer computed the undecided voters at 7.53%.

For more information of the San Juan County Republicans refer to the website or Facebook page. The San Juan County Convention will be March 24th at the San Juan Grange.