‘Round the island….

Posted February 7, 2012 at 12:15 am by

Go down the hall at Jeri's Mall (just behind the Hot Shop on Spring Street) and check out the photos of the FHHS classes before the 1940s...here's the Class of 1924 as an example...they were graduating around the time the dining hall was being finished at the Marine Labs, cars were getting more & more plentiful on the island, and Friday Harbor was a town numbering in the low hundreds. The high school was located where the Community Theatre now is situated.....

Hasn’t it felt like spring the last few days? Add in a full moon tonight (should be beautiful, rising over Lopez after sunset this afternoon….) and we have us a great place to live, don’t you think? Here’s more:

This weekend!

• I got a chance to go to the Playwrights Festival over the weekend, and I hope you carve out the time, too. The six little locally written playlets (approximately 12 minutes each) are each distinct from each other, and range all over – in creativity (one works three songs into its 12 minutes), humor (they’re all funny), and easy-to-follow script writing.

When you’re done, you’ll see first love & the kids leaving home & inheritances & getting into heaven & psychotherapy with video games & birthday parties just a little differently.

It was fun – after the show, I asked four different people which of the six shows was their favorite, and got four different answers. Then, fifteen minutes after THAT, someone wandered by, singing the last song kinda under their breath.

That’s the way it was – something different will stick with different people. Catch this great example of local talent – both writing & acting – this weekend & next at the Community Theatre.


FHHS' Ryan Allen puts the pressure on the Vikings'6'7" Mikail VanMaren under the hoop in Friday Harbor's 89-39 regular-season-ending victory over Orcas. The boys host Nooksack Valley Wednesday in their first playoff game.

• The Wolverines roll into the basketball playoffs – the girls (14-6) won the league title with their wins over LaConner & Orcas on Friday & Saturday, so they head to Kings for their first playoff game on Thursday.

Meanwhile, our boys (15-5) nailed down second place in league, and they host Nooksack Valley here tomorrow (Wednesday) at 5pm. The Wolverines blew past Orcas 89-39 on Saturday to put up the most points we’ve seen by FHHS in decades, but will have their hands full with the Pioneers, whom we beat by only one earlier this season.

Go Wolverines!





Every month, The Community Theatre has a different show of art in the lobby - February is always the month for quilts, and it sure was cool to see so much artistry with textiles on display, including Krispi's work, Saturday night. Wahoo!


• Lots of people collected with the Agricultural Guild at Lakedale last night for a celebration of all the hard work & progress with the Brickworks Project…here’s a little slideshow of the evening:


Steve Jobs, kinda. Well, close. Well, maybe. (Hard to look serious, anyway.)

• It was great to run into my friend Devon Schwinge (SSIS ’06) on the ferry the other day – he’s always got something interesting going on, and it was cool to see that he was wrapping up the Steve Jobs biography.

I couldn’t help but notice he looks a little like the your Steve, while I bear an amazing non-resemblance to the older Jobs.



• Tomorrow night at 6:15pm in the middle school commons, it’s Rachel’s Challenge (with dinner an hour before in the FHHS commons).

See you there!

Here are the details about this presentation, which will be also offered to the kids during the day at school.


• Giving a friend a helping hand:


We thought you would want to know that our dear friend and island resident, Andrea Berlatsky, is going through breast cancer treatment.

A benefit account has been set up at Whidbey Island Bank to help offset some of the medical costs.

To learn more, please contact Whidbey Island Bank, and ask about making a donation to the “Andrea Berlatsky Benefit Fund”.

Sincerely, friends of Andrea

Cheering on the Wolverines….!

Posted February 6, 2012 at 11:29 pm by

In case you missed the Friday Harbor High School cheerleaders last Saturday as they gave their halftime show, here’s a vid of their routine – they did great!

The girls are coached by Deanna Banry…this year’s squad: Alyssa Marie Hallock, Kayla Drummond, Sam Pluff, Erin McCauley, Wilsey Brumsickle, Amy Dunaway, Faith Buck, Jessica Erickson, and Lita Gislason

Looking around the island…

Posted February 6, 2012 at 10:04 am by

Jack Gibson says hey to new Lutheran pastor Ann Hall last week - she was officially installed a couple of weekends ago...the Lutherans hold their service at St. David's Episcopal Church each Sunday, in-between the early service & the late-morning services. By the way, did you know Jack has a knife-sharpening business? Garden tools, scissors, knives - call him at 378-3378...you'll be looking sharp!

Let’s take a look around – easier to see stuff when it’s so sunny out!

Tourists from Chicago Hunter & Barbara enjoyed a sunny (if a bit chilly) walk at Roche Harbor a weekend ago....

• The Roche Harbor Salmon Classic wrapped up this weekend, with the winner (Bellingham’s Jason King) catching both a 16.6 pound salmon and the $10K prize. Locals David Hodges ($4K) and Jennifer Page ($2K) figured in the prize money, too…here’s a nice writeup in the Seattle Times.

Congrats to Debbie Sandwith & her crew at Roche Harbor – this was her ninth derby, and she continues to put on an awesome show.


• Last night, nearly 100 folks collected at the Library to see a screening of Miss Representation, put on by our friends Stephanie & Julie. Great movie, great discussion after, and the kind of film that goes a long way in helping people treat each other better. Catch it next time it’s around – you’ll see the world in a whole different light.


• Did you know that the governor made February Private School Month? Chris Gregoire issued the proclamation last month – congrats to Spring Street International School, Paideia School, and Stillpoint School here on the island!


Colleen Bennett (left) congratulates Kari Koski last Tuesday as a few hundred islanders gathered at the Whale Museum to thank Kari for her work in developing Soundwatch into the effective educational deal that it is....she announced her resignation from the program last year. Way to go, Kari - good luck with the next adventure ahead!


• Want to be a taste tester? Here’s more from Mike Martin:

Hi everybody! I’m the Sales and Marketing Director for San Juan Pasta Company here in Friday Harbor. We’re very close to having a full-blown line of gluten-free pastas, but we need your help. We’ve successfully taste-tested extremely small batches of the gluten-free pasta and are in the process of scaling up the batches for larger-scaled production.

For our next batches we need taste testers. Regardless if you’re gluten intolerant or just love pasta, we need your opinion on this next step so that we can make a product line of San Juan Islands-indigenous pastas. If you’re interested in helping us with this project you can send contact me at 360-317-4498, or email me at sjpasta (at) gmail.com.



She's such an amazing photographer - Josie (left) and I ran into naturalist & nature photographer Katie Jones at Boundary Bay, just over the line in Canada where she & we had gathered with others to see the snowy owls that are hanging out there. Check out her work at http://spyhoppertravels.blogspot.com/ ...amazing stuff.


Get your ballot in the mail for the school levy by next Tuesday, the 14th....you can tell how Cow & Pig on Roche Harbor Road are leaning. Find out more at http://sjlevy.org/ .

Opera – this weekend!

Posted February 3, 2012 at 6:50 pm by

There’s a Mozart opera this weekend – Saturday at 5 at the Presbyterian Church. Here’s more from Torrey:

Puget Sound Concert Opera: Opera Up Close And Affordable!

Puget Sound Concert Opera’s mission is to foster the appreciation of Opera and Classical Music through performance, education, and community outreach. Continue Reading

Opening tonight at the Community Theatre: The Playwrights’ Festival!

Posted February 3, 2012 at 8:31 am by

It starts its three weekend run tonight – here’s more from Jan Bollwinkel-Smith at the Community Theatre:

This Friday and Saturday, February 3 and 4 at 7:30 pm, we kick off the 2012 Islands Playwrights Festival!

This year’s theme, Celebrations, brings to the intimate Gubelman Theatre six lighthearted 12-minute plays written and performed by the islands’ own.

The Festival is always a great chance to confirm just how this island is brimming with extraordinary talent!  It continues February 9-12 and 17-18.

Six and Counting by Carol Hooper   
Directed by Ed Strum

A birthday celebration becomes a sweet battle of wits and humor set in a happy family environment.

Ella: Lucy Marinkovich
Jennifer: Jordyn McCutcheon
Kevin: John Pachuta
Ed: Greg Hertel
Mother, Nancy: Lisa Hill
Aunt Judy: Kristi Jacoby

Pennies from Heaven by Patricia Hansen
Directed by Julie Laidlaw

Is it a dream or reality? A woman receives a message from her deceased mother that could change the daughter’s life.

Daughter: Lynda Guernsey
Mother: Pam Gillette
Nettie: Marcy Hahn

For Heaven’s Sake by Jim Zurcher
Directed by Ed Wilson

Jake arrives for his entrance into heaven and discovers something much different than what he imagined.

Jake: George Iliff
Sarah: Juliet Flint

the edge of the map by Greg Sutherland
Directed by Doug Schirmer

The video game, Kinect, is a catalyst for life-changing decisions in a relationship.

Jason: Noah Anderson
Scooter: Kevin Wilcox
Miranda: Lisa Hill

The Empty Nest Party by Mike Buettell
Directed by Joy Van Camp

Three friends contemplate and plan an empty nest party to follow the departure of their children for college.

Cathy: Kristie Jacoby
Lewis: Greg Swinford
Jan: Lynda Guernsey
Krista: Emily Schultz

Love (At First Sight) Takes Time by Jan Zurcher (a musical)
Directed by Jim Zurcher

Two actors are in a stage play about love at first sight, which takes place in the 1920s. It is the last day of the show’s run.

Toby: Kevin Wilcox
Tara: Duvie Dow

Stage Manager: Greg Swinford

Around the island….

Posted February 3, 2012 at 8:14 am by

Moonrise...photo by Jennifer Edington

Let’s see what’s up, ’round here:

Larry & RD

• This week it’s the 49th anniversary for RD & Larry Larson – congrats, you guys!

• Last night at the Knowledge Bowl, the winners were the 9th/10th grade team of Emily Guard, Ellery Van Dassow, Dalton Ayers, and Courtney Bell – way to go, you guys! The final question (like Jeopardy, you can bet it all) was “What city is known for hosting the largest Groundhog Day celebration ever?” If you said Punxsutawney (and can spell it!), you got it!


• Speaking of FHHS & competition, the basketball teams head to tough games at LaConner tonight, then finish the season at home tomorrow with the snow-week makeup games with Orcas at 12:30 & 2pm.

The boys know they’re heading for their playoff game here at 5 on Wednesday the 8th; the next two games will tell the girls the direction they’re headed.


Leah - have you seen her?

• Looks like Jennifer Yerkes is missing her pup – can you help? Here’s more:

My puppy Leah has been missing since Sunday p.m. If you see her please call me 360-317-6882 – thanks so much I miss her terribly!


• This time of year, the Farmers’ Market is monthly, so you don’t want to miss it – this month’s is tomorrow at 10am-1pm at the high school…see you there!




The ferry scramble….

Posted February 3, 2012 at 7:44 am by

I hear word the Elwha is down, this morning, and the schedule is going to be pretty scrambled – check the ferry alerts online. And good luck!

Eating right, eating better, eating to live…

Posted February 3, 2012 at 12:15 am by

Sometimes it takes an eleven-year-old to tell the story – here’s Birke Baehr from North Carolina with a lot of wisdom in a little TED talk.

The Knowledge Bowl – tonight!

Posted February 2, 2012 at 8:02 am by

Last year's eighth graders came close....see you at the Community Theatre tonight!

Here’s the word from Rachel Anderson & the San Juan Island Public Schools Foundation – this is their big fundraiser each year, AND it’s fun:

The 18th annual Knowledge Bowl will be held on Thursday, February 2nd, at the Community Theatre. Our fabulous Friday Harbor Jazz Band will begin performing at 6:30 and the FH Middle School PTA will be offering baked treats in the lobby before and during the event.

The competition begins at 7pm. Student teams (8th graders, a team of freshmen/sophomores, and a team of junior/seniors) will go head to head with four local service group teams: Kiwanis, Soroptimists, Lions, and Rotary. Groups will match wits to answer tricky questions on a range of topics. The event is emceed this year by Brent Snow, with entertainment during intermission by the Jazz Band.

The Knowledge Bowl is presented each year by the San Juan Public Schools Foundation. Through its main fundraising events, the Phone-a-Thon and the Business Partnership Program in the school directory, the Foundation this year hopes to gift approximately $70,000 to supplement our local public education needs.

Tickets for this fun family event are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for kids, and are available at the door the night of the event. Come and cheer on your favorite team!!


Dining for DFS – tonight!

Posted February 2, 2012 at 7:49 am by

This is the night (and day!) to eat out, and help DFS add to the fund for this year’s seniors…I remember years ago when this would happen, and I went with my friend Lisa to four different restaurants & couldn’t get a seat at any of them because they were so crowded. Let’s look for that again, tonight!

They’ve been doing this since 1999 – here’s more about Dollars for Scholars.

Showing Sunday: “Miss Representation”

Posted February 2, 2012 at 7:01 am by

I love it that this will be showing on Sunday…I know it’s during the Super Bowl, but it may be useful to watch the first half’s ads, check out Madonna at halftime, and then come watch the movie (that’s what I’m gonna do….)

The award-winning movie Miss Representation will be screening for the first time in the islands on Sunday, February 5th, 6:30 pm at the SJI Public Library. This powerful documentary exposes how mainstream media contribute to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America, and challenges the media’s limited and disparaging portrayals of women and girls.

The collective message today’s youth overwhelmingly receives is that a woman’s value and power lie solely in her youth, beauty, and sexuality – not in her capacity as a leader. In a society where media is the most persuasive force shaping cultural norms, this pervasive negative message makes it difficult for any woman to achieve leadership positions and feel powerful herself.

The event is free, and members of the audience may participate in discussion afterwards.

The presentation and discussion will be facilitated by Stephanie Prima-Sarantopulos and Julie Hagn.

Co-sponsors: San Juan Island Public Library, Spring Street International School, San Juan Island Prevention Coalition, Coho Restaurant, Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor.

*The age advisory for this event is 14 & up.*

Rachel’s Challenge

Posted February 2, 2012 at 6:33 am by

From Debbi Fincher & Angie Atwell at The San Juan Island Prevention Coalition – this will be something to plan towards:

Please join us for a complimentary presentation of the powerful story of Rachel Scott on February 8 at the Friday Harbor Middle School Commons at 6:15 pm following a family-friendly dinner prepared by the Food for Thought folks at 5:15 pm at the High School Commons. Donation for dinner suggested.

Rachel Scott

Rachel Scott was the first person killed at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Her father, Darrell Scott, founded Rachel’s Challenge – a school program designed to curtail bullying and violence based on her dairies and acts of kindness and compassion.

The program will include a one-hour audio/video presentation motivating students to positively change the way they treat others, followed by a 90-minute training session involving both adults and students on how to sustain these goals.

Rachel’s Challenge is based on achieving five elements: eliminating prejudice, daring to dream, choosing influences, words of kindness, and starting a chain reaction in our community. Schools and communities who have experienced Rachel’s Challenge report positive, long-lasting changes for the better.

Thanks to generous donations from San Juan Island Prevention Coalition, San Juan Island Community Foundation, Minor Reinforcement, FHES PTA, FHMS PTA, and FHHS PTSA, there will be two daytime assemblies for students and one evening presentation for the community.  Students in grades K-5 will have an assembly presentation at 9:45am at FHES and the assembly for students in grades 6-8 will be at noon at FHMS.

A community-wide presentation of Rachel’s Challenge will be given at 6:15pm at the FHMS Commons.  The evening presentation is geared towards teens and adults and is not appropriate for children under the age of seven.

Recent studies support and advocate regular “family meals,” linking family meals to increases in positive behaviors (better grades in school; higher self-esteem) and lowered rates of substance abuse, teen pregnancy, eating disorders and depression.   We encourage you to enjoy a family dinner on February 8th as we kick off our community effort towards understanding through building kindness and compassion.  The Food for Thought Program will be providing a “family friendly” dinner prior to the evening event, beginning at 5:15pm in the FHHS Commons.  Suggested donation for dinner is $10.

Through an in kind donation from the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church, free child care will be provided for the evening presentation of Rachel’s Challenge. Please note:  child care is for children 3 years and older and will be available at the San Juan Island Community Presbyterian Church.  Drop off time for childcare begins at 5:30pm and children should be picked up by 7:30pm.  Light snacks will be offered on location.   Island Rec’s STAR Afterschool Program Director, Alice Hibberd, will be organizing the free childcare. Please call 378-9722 to preregister your young child ages 3-7. Space is limited and we want to offer parents with young children the opportunity to attend this powerful presentation.

The mission of the San Juan Island Prevention Coalition is to reduce substance abuse in youth and to create a community culture supporting healthy choices and responsible behaviors in youth and adults. Rachel’s Challenge promotes treating others with kindness and compassion; you just may change the world you live in!

Changing the words can change the way things go….

Posted January 31, 2012 at 7:05 pm by

See what a difference a little attention to the words we use can make….

Around the island….

Posted January 31, 2012 at 8:04 am by

Renovations around town continued this month, as the drug store gets a new facelift with a new awning (that was yesterday), the Sandpebble will re-open after their re-model, and Lavendera Day Spa plans to open mid-month, in their new location next to the Little Store in the former BeChic Boutique spot.

Let’s take a look at what’s up around here:

• What are people talking about? They have to change their Facebook page! Here are three tips from a news report, as Facebook will switch your profile to the new timeline format after today. (Let me know if you need a “cover” picture…I have a ton, as you already know…happy to share.)

If you don’t know what I’m taking about, no big. Not THAT big of a deal….

• She did awesome things for the island for the past 18 years, so swing by & say hey at Kari Koski‘s retirement (from Soundwatch) party at the Whale Museum at 4 today…see you there! Here’s more from Jenny at the Whale Museum:

Kari, in action

For nearly 20 years, Kari Koski has been a significant member of The Whale Museum staff.  She began in September of 1992, immediately becoming a valued team member.  With her quick wit, intelligence and engaging, charismatic manner, Kari has held various roles from educator to research director and, most notably, director of the Soundwatch on-the-water boater education program.

Kari has worked passionately and tirelessly to provide a better, safer environment for the Southern Resident orcas and other marine mammals.  Her leadership and involvement with developing the Be Whale Wise guidelines, the Kayakers Code of Conduct as well as the county, state and federal regulations were invaluable.  Kari has been instrumental in so many of our local and regional marine issues and projects – and we thank her!  Kari cannot help but get involved because she cares so deeply.  As Kari retires from the Museum, we are all saddened and will miss her tremendously. It does come as a great relief that Kari is choosing to remain here. With San Juan being a small island and Friday Harbor a close-knit community, we look forward to seeing Kari somewhere on-island or on-the-water every day. We will always consider her a part of our Whale Museum family.

Please join us on Tuesday, January 31 (4 p.m. until 6 p.m.) at The Whale Museum as we celebrate Kari and wish her well on her “retirement.”  (Sharing of “Kari” memories, gifts and good wishes are welcome!)


Coy at Windjammer Barber Shop (at the end of Jeri's Mall, down from the Hot Shop & Vinnie's Pizza) gives 19-month-old Jason his first haircut yesterday.


Next week there’s going to be special presentation called Rachel’s Challenge…and a chance for parents to get childcare – here’s more from Debbi Fincher:

We have more details now on the free childcare offered to parents of young children, ages 3-7, for the evening presentation of Rachel’s Challenge on Wed. Feb. 8th.

Please preregister your child by calling Alice Hibberd (Island Rec’s STAR Afterschool Program Director) at 378-9722 or sacredchildren (at) rockisland.com by Feb. 6th. We want to make sure all adults have a chance to see this powerful, live presentation! The program is not suitable for young children. Thank you!

Dirt: proof you left the house.

Posted January 31, 2012 at 7:17 am by

by Jessica Hagy, Indexed

Passing: Gary Pugh

Posted January 31, 2012 at 7:08 am by

Gary Pugh

A couple of weeks ago, the island was saddened to hear that Gary Pugh passed away in Bellingham…here’s more, from his family:

With family and friends present, Gary passed away January 14, 2012 in Whatcom Hospice House, Bellingham.

He was born June 26, 1960 in Coshocton, Ohio and raised in Big Sur, California, until the age of 13, when he and his family moved to Friday Harbor in 1973.

He spent most of the rest of his life here. Commercial fishing and building construction workers were his working endeavors.

He often spent partial winters in Mexico and partial summers fishing in Alaska. In years when salmon was plentiful, he smoked much of the fish he caught locally and gifted or traded it.

Without any formal training, Gary became a skilled master of many art forms. He had an innate sense of aesthetics and design. Combined with his fertile imagination and boundless energy, he was a very inspired artist.

He sculpted, carved, forged and assembled objects, working with an array of found materials, including stone, wood, metals, glass, ceramics, animal skins, fibers, shells, beads, ivory and bone.

He delighted all with art that ranged from jewelry to large totems and mosaic pieces. He liked to collect art of indigenous cultures, especially weavings.

Starting at a young age, Gary also became skilled at building small homes and shelters. Usually using quality recycled materials, new forms and functions would come to life. He was a visionary when it came to the relationship between matter and space it occupied.

Loving the outdoors, Gary spent most of his time in fresh air, be it on water, or relaxing by an open fire at night, often in the company of one or more friends. He most often cooked his food outside all year round. Fire was an important part of Gary’s life.

No doubt when we remember Gary, a perfectly timed, unrehearsed, entertaining moment will come to mind and duly reminded of his quick wit and “jest” for life and smile.

Gary is preceded in death by his mother Pat, and sisters Anita and Branwen.

He is survived by his father Ernest (Anne), sisters Roberta, Angie, Gina, Canice, and stepsister Maggie; brothers Kevin (Kathi), Buck (Doreen), Nathan & Owen, and by his former wife Jen, 16 nieces & nephews, six great nieces & nephews, his very special Aunt Joan, and all of her clan.

Being the magnetic personality he was, Gary leaves behind a lifetime of wonderful friends.

Gary’s family would like to thank his good friends Penny, Kelly, Boo Boo, Celia, Lynne, Chuck, Craig, Rhonda, Lisa & Steve for “being there,” especially during this last year, with very much gratitude for the San Juan Island EMTs and Whatcom Hospice House.

A celebration of Gary’s life will be planned for this summer. As Gary would say, “All is good.”

“For many blessings fate fleetingly engenders, with which eternity, child of time, gives final completeness.”

– from the family of Gary Pugh