most this amazing day….

Posted April 25, 2011 at 6:43 am by

for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes

years ago, when I went to university
there was this poem, scribbled & sketched & written on a scrap of paper
on the wall
in the first room i ever stayed in away from home
i remembered it so i could read it my eyes closed, and my heart open
here it is, as words for your eyes, and words for your ears, read by e e cummings in 1953:

i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday;this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any–lifted from the no
of allnothing–human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

All in the mix….

Posted April 24, 2011 at 9:58 pm by

This song kinda goes with the kinda week I have ahead, where things that usually make sense are a little mixed up & maybe even confusing, but if you back up a bit & smile while you’re reflecting on things, seems like it all comes out OK.

Sure hope yours does.

Mixed metaphor, you’d think – here’s Arlo telling about singing American folk songs written by Elvis Presley in Germany, and including Pete Seeger in the mix…and it all comes out OK, just like life.

And yes, I hope Pete is nominated for & receives the Nobel Peace Prize one of these days. He’s done so much to bring people together…

Around the isle…

Posted April 22, 2011 at 8:25 am by

In the window at Griffin Bay Bookstore....

Let’s get up-to-date with what’s going on ’round here…people gonna read this today & think all we do is eat around here:

• It’s the 30th, not this weekend (like I said earlier this week)….Remember I told you that on Saturday –  Pablito’s hosts Jesse Berube & Nickie Davis for an evening of ukeleles, fine food, and even better company.  The doors open at 8pm, music starts at 9. Next weekend!

The Baker Boys are getting ready for things at the Community Theatre on Saturday! Seated (L-R) Ted Soares, Howard Schonberger, David Ralston. Standing (L-R) Dave Nichols, Jim Specht, David Bayley, Don Pollard.

• Jan at the Community Theatre says here’s a way you can support the Theatre AND eat some pretty good stuff – here’s more:

Easter Goodies Offered at “Eggsquisite” Bake Sale

CATS annual Elegant Edibles “Eggsquisite” bake sale returns to San Juan Community Theatre on Saturday, April 23 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.

Also returning this year are San Juan Island’s fabulous “Baker Boys,” who are still working their magic in the kitchen, sharing their culinary talents to help raise money for the Theatre’s audio and visual needs.

The Baker Boys include Tom Barrett–whose cheesecakes have sold for as much as $90 each at local auctions and will be available to order for $45 during the event– and The Journal of the San Juan Islands’ Howard Schonberger who will offer a cookie surprise.  Other Baker Boys are John Aberle, Paul Barger, David Bayley, Brad Brown, Jim Corenman, Frank Earle, Ed Greub, Frank Hastings, Chris Nelson, Dave Nichols, Rich Peterson, Don Pollard, David Ralston, Jim Schuman,Ted Soares, Jim Specht, Ron Thurman and Dave Vanderwal.

In addition to the Baker Boys’ treats, a variety of goodies prepared by CATS members and other volunteers will be available, including coffee cakes, breads and condiments (sauces, jams, jellies, etc.) — all just in time for those family holiday brunches on Sunday.

CATS members have also put together a “Company’s Coming” raffle basket to help out a busy host or hostess.  More than 20 items are in the basket, including a spiral cut ham, sparkling wine, fresh island coffee and a recipe box filled with CATS recipes.

This Saturday!

• The weekly Farmers Market moves outside this weekend (I know that’s the, like, tenth time I’ve mentioned it this week. Kind of excited.) See you there at the Courthouse from 10am-1pm!

• I hear Spring Street International School has an Open House on Wednesday – drop by & check out one of the gems of our little island.

• Looks like there’s a candidates’ meeting for folks who want to find out more about what’s involved in running for the school board at the Grange on Tuesday at 7pm next week. Call Laura Jo for details at 370-5915, or Tasha Frey. Three of the five spots are up for election this November.

Nancy Fusare tells me she’s closing up after seven good years – here’s the details, with best wishes to her with her new beginnings:

I am happy to announce that although FIRST ESCROW LLC is closing its doors effective 4/30/2011 after seven years in business. I’ll be joining the Law Office of Stephanie Johnson O’Day as Escrow Administrator effective 5/2/2011.

I look forward to working with all of you or else seeing you around town! Thanks for your support over the past seven years. Here’s to new beginnings! Please note my new e-mail address will be sjoescrow (at)

That's Judy with Susan (right) at Saturday Market last April....

• Last weekend, I was listening to Stuart McLeans’ The Vinyl Cafe on the CBC and the adventures of Dave in the hospital. Reminds me of Garrison Keillor with a Canadian twist…love it!

Stuart invites folks to submit their little essays & memories, and then reads ’em – this week, he’ll include a bit from islander & friend to us all Susan Grout (right). I don’t mind listening to the whole hour to see when her bit comes around – you can listen to the CBC station you pick up best from your house, or download the podcast here. Be careful…you’ll get hooked! And…way to go, Susan!

• The Second Annual Spring Sprint Triathalon (swimming, biking & running!) was last weekend, and it was cool to hear Brian won the guys’ side & Meghan took the women’s aprt….here are the results, as posted on San Juan Fitness’ website – and I’d say anyone who did it is a winner! See who you know in the list….

Another chance to chow down: Ginny tells me:

4H Bits n Spurs Bake Sale is Saturday, April 23 at Market Place from 9 am to 3 pm.  We will have lots of treats for Easter and Spring!!!  Stop by to  up a dessert or savory for your Easter brunch or dinner. This is our most important fundraiser of the year.  It helps with clinics, education and fun events for the members and their horses!

• Get your picture in print & on the web & make the island look good! Here’s more from Robin:

San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau Announces First Photo Contest

Amateur and professional photographers are invited to enter the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau’s first photo contest.  Deadline for submissions is May 13, with chosen images to be considered for use in the upcoming redesign of our website and other promotional materials.

Photos will be judged on their ability to communicate the subjects of residents and visitors enjoying the many activities and attractions on Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Islands, as well as our “sense of place” and a more relaxed way of life in the Islands and on the water.

Three winners will be announced on May 27.  The grand prize recipient will win a fall/winter/spring getaway including two tickets aboard Kenmore Air from Seattle, two nights at Earthbox Motel & Spa in Friday Harbor, dinner for two at Coho Restaurant, and a gift basket from Pelindaba Lavender.  Second and third prize winners will receive San Juan Islands gift baskets full of items contributed by island businesses.  Photographs selected for the website will be credited on the website and contributing photographers will be eligible for inclusion in a special section of the website.

Contest rules, desired subject categories, specs, tips and prizes can be found at , a special page for the contest on the Visitors Bureau website.

• Are you going Easter Egg hunting this Sunday? There are hunts at Roche Harbor and at Jackson’s Beach…both at one pm. Here’s a little video that Josie & I made last year at the beach, which I’ve been going to since Shay & Cameron were five & three (yep, they graduate from college next year, and missed last year’s hunt because they had midterms….)
Here’s the show:

Happy Earth Day!

Posted April 22, 2011 at 7:43 am by

There may be room for us all, but there isn't enough food, water, and the things that sustain us. We have to look at our numbers.

Time to plan the birthday cake. Then plan how many mouths can we feed. Really.

As the sun rises on our beautiful island, I hope you have good & meaningful things planned for this day celebrating the planet that holds us, that sustains us, that offers us the wonder of the colors of changing seasons, constant re-birth after long winters, and such a good place to write & create & sing our dreams & hopes & plans to make things better.

To me (and this is my offering, this day), the central piece of making a good world to hand off to our kids & grandkids &  great grandkids is paying attention to the numbers of our species.

You wouldn’t plan a birthday cake for ten, and invite twenty people over.

You wouldn’t step onto a ship to Mars with food, water & air for seven, and invite another seven friends.

You wouldn’t hire two people, when you have only money for one.

The way we’re doing things now may take care of us today, but doesn’t set up a hopeful future at all for the grandkids. I’m not sure why people & governments & policies & our manners all leave us quiet about population, but I can’t be.

Here’s a short but clear little essay by John Seager that says this better than I can. See what you think, and let this elbow its way into your activism to leave some for the kids.

I love the bit in Harold & Maude where Harold says, “Maude, you sure love people,” and she says, “Well, yes…they’re my species!”

That’s the way I feel about the nearly 7 billion of us. Let’s take care of each other.

Happy Earth Day!

Kudos for “Trying”

Posted April 22, 2011 at 12:30 am by

There are just two weekends left for Island Stage Left’s production of “Trying,” and people are loving it. Here’s Louis O’Prussack’s take on the show:

Going to the theatre in New York usually requires a large commitment of time and money, with no guarantee of a great performance. Yet, the potential for seeing a play that makes you alternatively laugh and cry, think, ponder, and fall in love with the theatre again as if it was the first time keeps theatre goers returning. The risks are great, but at least some of the time, the potential rewards are greater. Continue Reading

Merrily on the ferry…life is but a dream

Posted April 21, 2011 at 7:40 am by

A friend off-island the other day said something: “When you come here, the ferry ride is just an hour or so, right? It’s not that long.”

Yeah, kinda.

You know how when you have a planning phase, and an emotional overlay to an experience, it gives an extended life to whatever you do? For example: The prom you went to (or are going to!) might be a 2-3 hours, but you’re remembering it & thinking about it, with all the emotions, memories & feelings about it, even now.

The ferry’s like that. First, there’s the planning. Let’s say you need to go off-island on Friday, so you plan which ferry you’re going to leave on, and start shaping the week around that. You start thinking about the food you’re going to take, the book to read, the knitting, maybe even think about the kids you gotta take.

You think about how early you need to get in line. Maybe you even use the spring schedule instead of the winter schedule, and get there on time, so you have time to visit with people in line as you go back & forth between coffee gathering at The Bean, or The Doctor’s Office, or Churchill, or Roy’s or Cafe Demeter, or the Sweet Retreat or the San Juan Florist.

Then there’s the trip itself, where it works like this: If you really want to read, people will come talk to you; if you really are wanting to visit with folks, everyone leaves you alone because you brought your book, and they think you want to read. Something like that. Either way, as you drive around in America, you find yourself thinking about what you talked about, or what was happening in the book.

See, there are folks who say the ferry defines & limits our lives…I don’t see that at all. I’d say it expands & extends the possibilities. We decided to go for a deeper & better life living on an island – the ferry just adds to that.

Then, as you do your stuff in America, the process begins again, as the ferry is in the background for whatever you do. It really is nice to come home on the ferry, and even nicer to come on the day you planned. It’s not horrible to sleep in the car till the next day because you missed the last boat, but a nice warm ferry has its place.

Then you tell people for the next week what you did & the things you saw & all that on the mainland. Kinda like you went through the mists of Avalon & went to magical place.

So, you see…it’s not just an hour.

Three notes: Food on the island…

Posted April 21, 2011 at 7:11 am by

The guys in action....

Here are three quick things you’ll want to know about (if you’re not thinking about where your food’s coming from, you really are watching too much tv!):

• Remember we talked about how Ryan, Cody, and Parker are putting together a Greenhouse Project as their Community Project, at Friday Harbor High? First, it sounds like a number of folks are saying that Jenny Wilson (the Community Projects teacher) is doing an awesome job helping pull this & all the other projects together – so next time you see her, tell her thanks.

From last year's garden...why we do it!

It’s good for the school, for the kids, and for our island community when programs like this are strong.

Second – the guys are on a roll! They hope to get the spot across from the school (right) for the project, and have backup plans just in case. Here’s the rest of the story on the Land & Sea Blog – I think you’ll be pretty inspired!

• It’s time to sign up for your crop share at Heritage Farms for the year – you get fresh veggies & more each week in the program – here’s the scoop. (You can visit Jim at The Farmers’ Market this Saturday…that’s a good time to check in!)

Rob Simpson tells me there’s going to be a new film series at the Library, and what better day to start it than on Earth Day? Here’s more:

Food is a gift from our amazing earth. This Friday is the 41st celebration of Earth Day. So what better way to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth than with a special screening of The Future of Food.

This is the second in an ongoing series of thought-provoking documentaries being presented at the San Juan County Library in Friday Harbor (Friday, April 22, at 7 PM).  Island resident Rob Simpson, who is sponsoring the monthly screenings is calling this the Conscientious Projector Series.

The The Future of Food. examines the plans being advanced by agri-business as to how our foods are produced.  All who have any daily contact with food will find it worth their while to attend.

The new Conscientious Projector Series presents fascinating films that exploring topics impacting our lives.  Produced independently, they represent the kind of hard hitting investigative inquiries that are no longer provided a place by our commercialized news media.

On Earth Day!

Because they are often consciousness-awakening, it is ideal to watch them in a shared community environment. Having a short, spontaneous discussion afterwards really helps in sorting through the information.

Each month, the Conscientious Projector Series will look at topics where we actually have more influence and power than we are led to believe.  This power is fully realized in community.  So, come on down and share your reflections. FREE organic pop corn will be served as non-GMO food for thought.

Morning song for you, so far away……

Posted April 20, 2011 at 9:41 pm by

Here’s JT around 1988 or so, with “Song for You, So Far Away….”

San Juan Island notes….

Posted April 20, 2011 at 8:23 am by

Through the ferry door window...this couple came from Oregon to visit the island last weekend, via the Sidney ferry....

Someone told me that if I put “San Juan Island” in the title of this posting, the Update would shoot to the top of the search engines. Sounds fun (and I’ll do an experiment any time I can – it’s always fun to see how things work), but I told them you don’t use a search engine to check in, anyway. We don’t need to search – we’ve already found each other, dear reader. Otherwise you wouldn’t have read that last line, right?

We are THAT connected…

Meanwhile, let’s see what might have happened around here….

• Lots of music around – it’s the Henry James Band at Blues Night tonight, and the Chameleons on Friday at The Rumor Mill. T:FLO is at Herb’s on Friday night…

Blendin' in - it's the Chameleons on Friday night at the Rumor Mill! That would be Dave (left), Travis, Kira, Dan, Carl & Michael!

Leah Altman has got her business selling her clothes line going – I’ll find out more about it & let you know. Meanwhile, I’ll use the clothes line when the sun is out, but that’s different.

Doug, transformed....still know it's him, 'cause he's always smiling...

• It was cool to see Doug Guard last night, but I nearly didn’t recognize him – he had told his senior softball daughter (and slugger) he’d shave his longtime mustache if she hit a home run. You can tell by the picture Elle parked one last week.

• The Farmers’ Market moves outside this weekend – see you there at 10am, at the Courthouse Parking lot!

• The last week or so, there have been transient killer whales off the west side, over near Canada, and even down near Hein Bank….it’s always good to have friends drop by.

This weekend at the Fairgrounds!

Meanwhile, the Flea Market is at the Fairgrounds – Norris Palmer tells me:

It’s  the Flotsam Sea and Flea Marine and Other Goods
Organized by Friday Harbor Sailing Club
April 23 9:00 A.M.
Buy or Sell
10×10 space is only $30.00
Set-up for Vendors is April 22 1:00pm to 7pm
Call Gloria or Howard 378-4288   378-5855

Great to see Bob (right) and ace guide dog Emilio walking with Jim up Spring Street yesterday...

Thought for today: It’s obvious to you. Amazing to others.

Posted April 20, 2011 at 7:13 am by

What is obvious & ordinary to you may be amazing to other folks....

That great idea – are you like me? When someone else has a great idea (like Derek, with this little video, below), I tell everyone how great an idea it is. When the idea comes from me, I’m less excited….

Derek Sivers explores this, and shares a way for you & me to add to the great things happening in the world. See what you think.

Lions roll to three-peat in Knowledge Bowl….

Posted April 20, 2011 at 12:54 am by

The middleschoolers were well-dressed & well-prepared, led by (from left) Courtney, Sam, Melanie & Carter.

Last night’s Knowledge Bowl was fun, as it has been for 17 years now.

Savannah & Hannah dressed up as atoms for a little skit, which included being asked, "Are you sure you're not an electron?" and they said, "We're positive." And the crowd got it.

The annual event at the Community Theatre features seven teams (three of kids, four of service club-related adults) trying to knock down the answers to questions posed by MC & ace social studies teacher Jim McNairy all evening, while the audience buzzes along with them, with their guesses & knowledge. Great fun, as teams surprised with some answers, came close on others, and had fun with the rest: The Soroptimists answered: “What is the significance of the book’s title Fahrenheit 451?” with “the temperature of hell.”

In the end, the Lions Club won for the third straight year, shaking off challengers and Jim’s comparing them & their swagger to the Yankees, much to Red Sox nut John Bostrom’s chagrin.

Ready to rock: The Kiwanis guys (David, Ron, Barry & Bill) are in the pink of health, or something.

Throughout the evening, a small parade of folks reminded people why we were there – to help raise money for the San Juan Island Public Schools Foundation, who have raised some $57K with the Phone-a-thon & business sponsorships in the past year, to help fill in the gaps left by diminishing state funding. Check the website for the list of stuff they’ve brought from teachers’ wishlists to reality…and you’ll know it’s awesome what they’re doing.

No community can truly come together without music, and it was great to hear the FHHS band both before & during intermission, directed by Janet Olsen.

The all-purple juniors/seniors kept it close with Nick, Mandy, Audrey & Elle.

All gold: The ninth/tenth graders were front & center & kept smiling - that's Aaron, Libby, Emily & Emma ready to show their stuff.

My pictures of the service club teams didn't come out as clear (sorry about that, Lions & Sorops!), but you could tell the Rotary Club's Mike, Bob, Janice, and Tom were having a good time.

Irish tune in the morning…

Posted April 20, 2011 at 12:45 am by

Haven’t met anyone who’s ever heard the Corrs & not loved ’em…so what do you get when you back ’em up with the Chieftains? Pretty amazing music…here we go:

Around our scepter’d isle…

Posted April 19, 2011 at 2:19 am by

New lights! Here's more from County Fair Director Rev Shannon: "Hey Ian, A really good thing happened at the fairgrounds recently. We have new lights in the Main Building. Yep, gone are those big, old metal halide fixtures that buuzzzzzed. We now have new energy efficient fluorescent with some variable control. It is a wonder to behold. Ok, maybe not a wonder, but it sure makes a difference inside the Main Building. We will be upgrading the outside too. Thanks to the folks at Friday Harbor Electric for the good work on the project." That's Jen Allen with a light up there.

OK, we’re not REALLY scepter’d, but we have fun anyway – here’s more:

Cat with wanderlust....

• Have you seen my cat? Nala (right) wandered off late last week & I’m kinda wondering how she’s doing…she’s about 8-9 pounds with a white bit on the tip of her tail & no teeth in her lower jaw. I live near the back of Browne’s Home Center – if you see her could you give me a call at 378-3597?

• After being presented the evidence that sonar testing (and use) harms whales & killer whale’s auditory systems, the Navy is going ahead with its plans anyway…here’s more on that.

• First notice – get it on your calendar: The Children’s Festival is May 7th this year. See you there!

Lavendera Day Spa will be hosting an art show opening this Friday (4/22) at for local artist Denis O’Keefe. Denis’ work consists largely of beautiful watercolors with worldly, exotic themes. It will take place at Lavendera Day Spa at 440 Spring Street from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Hors d’oeuvres  and non alcoholic beverages will be served and free 15 minute massages will be available. Stop by to support this fantastic local artist!

Lime Kiln Lighthouse at sunset, last week. Click to see a bigger, cooler by John Miller (thanks, John!)

• One of the things that holds the shows together at Island Stage Left is the kindness of folks who put up the actors who come from off-island – and they could use a little help this year. Here’s more from Helen:

We are looking for people willing to donate housing for an actor this summer from June 1st – Aug 20th. It could be a boat, a cabin, an apartment, a clean trailer or any kind of shelter that comprises the basic amenities of a toilet (and preferable a shower) and some cooking facilities. Or maybe someone just needs some animals fed while they are away for the summer.

This would be a tax-deductible donation to Island Stage Left. Three of our housing donors are unavailable this year for a variety of sad and unavoidable reasons.

We should tell you that many of our hosts have thoroughly enjoyed their visitors and still keep in touch with them. One of them is so fond of their actor that they put in a bid to have her stay with them every year! Continue Reading

Pumpin’ it…

Posted April 19, 2011 at 2:17 am by

New pump, later this week....

It looks a little like a construction zone over at IPS on Carter Avenue – because they’re doing construction. Things are going to be better when all is done – here’s why from Island Petroleum Services’ boss Kate Schuman:

Hi Ian!

In response to customers’ requests, the IPS gas station on Carter Ave. is installing a brand new Cash Acceptor fuel dispenser this week.  This will allow our customers to use cash to purchase regular, mid-grade, and premium gas as well as diesel after hours and on weekends.

At the same time we will be replacing all underground transport lines.  Because of all this construction, our pumps will be unavailable Mon-Tues-Wed of next week, possibly longer.  We hope to be up and running by mid-day Thursday.  We regret any inconvenience this brief shutdown may cause for our much-appreciated customers.

Thanks for helping us get the word out, Ian!
Kate Schuman


Fun with marriage…a workshop

Posted April 19, 2011 at 1:41 am by

Monique & Vic

Monique & Vic Woodward have gotten rave reviews for their workshop – you might want to check it out! Here’s more from Vic:

Here is something for the “Update…” and the Community Calendar. Monique and I are presenting Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage at the Earthbox Motel again. We have been presenting this conference around the Puget Sound for two years now and been blessed to see marrieds and singles come away so encouraged and hopeful in their relationships.

Here are the details:

Dates and times: Fri. April 22nd, 6:30 pm – 9:15 pm and Sat. April 23rd, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 pm
Location: The Earthbox Motel, Friday Harbor, Wa. (360) 378-4000
Cost: $35 per couple, $18 single.

You can register online at this link and view a video clip of the seminar. Tell your friends and neighbors, invite them to attend. Call 378-8435 for more information.

Morning song for you….Jason Mraz with “I’m Yours”

Posted April 19, 2011 at 12:44 am by

Yes, it’s OK to swing it when you’re eating your oatmeal, baby…helps the sun come up. Here’s Jason: