There are a lot of gems on the island that have collected here from different palces, and one of them is Alice Acheson and her experience & knowledge about what it takes to get published.
She should know – she was the publicist for the Clan of the Cave Bear series, and many more. She presents all over the country, but remembers her roots & has a couple of workshops this weekend. I’ve sat in on her workshops & she’s awesome – you’ll come away with the knowledge you need, and fired up to get the process started…here’s more about what she’s offering:
Our Islands abound with talented writers. However, most one-on-one professional advice on how to market their books to agents, publishers, and the public requires expensive trips to the mainland.
“You’re Writing the Manuscript, Now What?” is one such resource and will be presented on San Juan Island, Saturday, February 12 (noon-5:00 p.m.) and Sunday, February 13, 2011 (noon-5:00 p.m.) by Alice B. Acheson, a publishing professional with four decades of experience, half in New York City. Geared for authors, illustrators and/or photographers searching for a publisher, the aim of this workshop is to empower the writers with publishing and marketing knowledge, including:
● strategies for finding — and impressing — an agent/publisher,
● industry procedures — from signing the contract to post-publication,
● what to do — and when — to gain realistic control over the marketing process and publisher support,
● specifics relating to individual project(s),
● abundant handouts covering all stages of publication, and
● “a thorough destroying of illusions, replaced with real tools and great methods to deal with actual situations.”
— Janice Crow, workshop participant
Additionally, on Friday, February 11 (8:45-11:45 a.m.), Acheson will also present “The Greatest Marketing Tool of All,” a three-hour workshop on the verbal pitch. All potential authors need to spread the word about their work early in the process. You never know who is listening. It could be an agent, publisher, bookseller, or future reader. No writer should be unprepared or blow the opportunity with the wrong description. Having “pitched” hundreds of books, including many on the New York Times bestseller list (four simultaneously), Acheson will share what works, what doesn’t — and why?
Both workshops require an assignment to be completed prior to the class, with instructions provided upon registration.
For further information and cost, contact Alice Acheson at 360/378-2815.