I dropped by the Chamber of Commerce office to meet new Chamber director Tom Kirschner – I sure enjoyed visiting with him, and I know you will, too – drop by and get to know him. I feel the Chamber has picked someone who really cares about the island, and has a strong sense of direction as we face interesting times in the next year. I asked him some questions:
Over the next year, what areas do you see that need to be addressed in the island business community?
Two main issues: Parking and Shopping Locally. Both are vital to a healthy business climate. Without parking for local and visiting shoppers, they may postpone their shopping or not stop to shop at all.
There are over 300 Chamber of Commerce members on the island, yet they seem pretty disconnected sometimes. What do you have planned to bring people together more?
My goal is to get out and meet all the local chamber members, which will hopefully connect or re-connect them to their chamber, and give me a sense of their level of satisfaction with their chamber membership.
We are also in the process of hiring an Event and Communications Coordinator, who will be responsible for coordinating Chamber of Commerce events and festivals.
What role can the Chamber play in helping make Friday Harbor and the island feel friendlier & more welcoming to visitors?
Tourism is vital to our community, and the responsibility to assure that our Island is friendlier and more welcome to all rests with all of us, not just the chamber. A smile and pleasant greeting is easy, and providing assistance to visitors or newer residents can be fun. You never know who you might run into.