Posted November 10, 2021 at 5:49 am by Tim Dustrude
Nancy Fusare writes that it’s time for the annual nut sales fundraiser from the Mary Martha Circle at Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church. The nuts come pre-packaged in one pound bags.
Anyone interested can call Candy Dossett if they are interested at (360) 472-0686 or Nancy Fusare at (360) 317-6592.
Posted November 10, 2021 at 5:48 am by Tim Dustrude
The following was submitted by SJI Public Hospital District #1…
We want to thank the public for their trust in funding the expansion of long-term care on San Juan Island. The passage of the hospital district’s lid lift opens funding to acquire the Village at the Harbor, expand it to provide 20 – 30 Medicaid beds, invest in staff and facilities, and build home care programs. The public also voted to keep San Juan Island EMS under the hospital district.
The November election continues the District’s role in prehospital care through its operation of San Juan Island EMS, hospital care through its financial support for PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center, and adds long-term care through acquiring and operating the Village at the Harbor.
“It’s intimidating, to be frank,” added Superintendent Nathan Butler. “The Board will need to make some decisions about how to move forward after the election results, especially regarding EMS. Meanwhile, I’ve had a front row seat to the substantial need for long-term care services, and I’m glad we will have the resources to invest in better outcomes for the public.”
“We started getting calls asking for help almost as soon as the ink was dry on our announcement with the hospital district,” said Village at the Harbor Administrator Evan Perrollaz. “Actually, I’ve had to deal with so many desperate situations since Life Care closed, it’s a relief to have solutions on the table.”Continue Reading
Posted November 9, 2021 at 5:50 am by Tim Dustrude
PeaceHealth Peace Island Holding Vaccine Booster Clinics
Friday Harbor, Wash. – PeaceHealth Medical Group Family Medicine at PeaceHealth Peace Island is offering the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for booster shots and primary immunizations by appointment.
All clinics will be held at PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center, 1117 Spring St. To schedule an appointment call 360-378-1756. The clinic schedule is:
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., booster only
Posted November 9, 2021 at 5:45 am by Tim Dustrude
Shopping can always be fun, but it is especially satisfying when you know your purchase is helping others. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Soroptimist International and the Friday Harbor Soroptimist club’s 25th anniversary, a “Celebration Auction” is happening November 14-20 online.
The line-up of items is fantastic. You’ll find local business gift certificates and items that will make terrific gifts, but no one will blame you if you keep them yourself. There is also an amazing assortment of food items you can collect during the holidays or next year.You’ll find a list of donors on our website at and you can get all the details for each auction item on the Auctria website beginning November 12.
We think you’ll enjoy this way to shop from home and we know you’ll love the items that have been donated for this event. With your support, we can continue giving scholarships and awards, supporting women in emergencies, and helping with the food security issues in our community.
Sign up to bid and to see the auction items at Our website and our Facebook page both have a QR code to make this even easier.
Posted November 8, 2021 at 5:48 am by Tim Dustrude
20 years, 41 homes, 61 low-and moderate-income earning families have enjoyed home ownership and living stability on San Juan Island.
Incorporated in 2001 as a Community Land Trust Development Corporation, the San Juan Community Home Trust is celebrating its 20th year of developing permanently affordable housing on San Juan Island. The vision of founders Larry Soll, Lee Sturdivant and Jim Lawrence, with the input of many concerned islanders gave the impetus to a long-standing effort to keep wage earning and retired people on the island, raising families, contributing to the island workforce and arts scene.
Our portfolio of 3 neighborhoods: Salal, Sun Rise I and Sun Rise II will soon have a 4th neighborhood of 8 additional homes, with the development of HolliWalk in 2022.
The need is great, and we will continue to develop homes as long as there is available land and there are generous island supporters for our efforts. As we celebrate our 20 years of operation, the staff, board, and homeowners of the San Juan Community Home Trust wish to thank our community for your support! Cheers!
Posted November 8, 2021 at 5:45 am by Tim Dustrude
Melisa with one of her rescue kittens – Contributed photo
The Animal Protection Society – Friday Harbor is happy to announce Melisa Pinnow as the APS-FH Volunteer of the Month for November 2021. Melisa is known on San Juan Island as a local cat expert and consultant, she also volunteers her time as an APS-FH kitten foster parent.
Fostering underage kittens is a vital aspect in the development of kittens as they often need round the clock care. Melisa helps bottle feed neonates, socialize “scaredy” kittens, and has even helped a semi-feral momma cat raise her litter. Melisa is such a dedicated foster mom, she even built a separate bungalow just for her kittens which she calls a “snuggery”.
So far this year, Melisa has helped raise three different litters of kittens. If you had the pleasure of adopting one of the many kittens that Melisa has fostered, then you can attest to what a great job she does. Fostering is important in so many ways to animal rescue work and having dedicated foster parents, like Melisa make a positive impact on the lives of shelter animals everywhere.
Thanks so much, Melisa, your dedication and hard work are deeply appreciated!
Posted November 8, 2021 at 5:44 am by Tim Dustrude
Friends, it’s that time of year, where the “suggestion” of very cold weather is loud and clear! We are hoping to put together a team of volunteers to open the Severe Weather Shelter this year.
Can you come to an Orientation/Training? It’s on Saturday, N0vember 13 from 9am to 11am at Islands Community Church. (that’s at 127 Gilbert Lane – on the south side of San Juan Valley Road, just east of Douglas Road). Coffee and treats will be served.
See what we are about and decide if it’s for you! We honestly have a good time. Trained and committed volunteers get paid to sign up ($10) and to stay overnight ($75)!
The Shelter is 1/2 “Policy and Procedure” and 1/2 “We’re just keeping folks warm”. Sign up with a friend, it’s quite rewarding and you can chat, play cards.
Volunteers also have to have a background check (but not all records will exclude you from volunteering).
Posted November 8, 2021 at 5:43 am by Tim Dustrude
League of Women Voters Membership Meeting
November 8th , 2021 12 pm via Zoom
Speakers this month will be Kathryn Clary and Kaaren Flint of Hospice Northwest, Mariluz Villa from Hospice San Juan and Even Perrollaz representing the Village at the Harbor.
All three will give presentations and there will be time for questions and answers from the membership . The services provided and the access for Islanders will be a focus together with clarifying the interactions between the Hospice organizations and the Village at the Harbor. The levy lift results will be reviewed by Evan and next steps outlined.
Posted November 6, 2021 at 2:04 pm by Tim Dustrude
San Juan Island Library Adds Library Content Streaming Service, hoopla Digital
With hoopla digital, San Juan Island Library Patrons can now Instantly Read, Watch, and Listen to their choice of more than 950,000 titles, For Free with their Library Card.
[Friday Harbor, WA | November 6, 2021] – The popular on-demand film streaming service hoopla digital is now available for free at the San Juan Island Library. Library card holders can access over 950,000 titles (audiobooks, eBooks, comics, music, movies and TV). Content can be streamed from any computer, television, mobile device, or platform by downloading the hoopla digital app for iOS, Android, AppleTV, Chromecast or Roku.
hoopla digital has pioneered a unique model that allows patrons to borrow content immediately, removing artificial availability constraints and maximizing the power of digital content and Internet distribution. Technologically, hoopla digital focuses on the latest browser, phone, tablet, and TV products to deliver the best possible experience to each user – the public library patron.
“We’re thrilled to offer hoopla to our patrons,” remarks Assistant Director, Rowan Buckton. “In addition to welcoming back streaming Acorn TV access, hoopla vastly expands patrons’ access to music, audiobooks, graphic novels, and titles in over 83 languages—and all without waiting or holds!”Continue Reading
Posted November 6, 2021 at 1:38 pm by Tim Dustrude
PADs is looking for volunteers who live on San Juan Island and have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease to participate in a novel research study to determine whether a relationship exists between a proven marker of neurological disease (ND) and the alert responses of the Parkinson’s Alert Dogs.
If you are familiar with PADs, then you know that the dogs sniff T-shirt samples from sample donors to search out an odor associated with Parkinson’s Disease. For this study, volunteer participants will provide a T-shirt sample for canine detection and a secondary sample to be laboratory-tested for the marker of neurological disease.
Ongoing analysis of both the ND marker and T-shirt sample from study participants will help to determine if the associated odor in Parkinson’s varies with relation to progression and stages of the disease. Greater understanding of the disease takes us one step closer to finding the cause. An understanding of the cause brings us to the doorstep of a cure.
This study will begin in January of 2022. To volunteer for this study, please contact Lisa Holt at [email protected] or 360-298-5494.
Posted November 6, 2021 at 9:45 am by Tim Dustrude
Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 7th. Don’t forget to set your clock back tonight when you go to bed (or if you’re like me, do it in the morning when you’d rather roll over and sleep for another hour). This is a good time to change the batteries in your home’s smoke alarms too.
Posted November 6, 2021 at 9:42 am by Tim Dustrude
CORRECTION – This article has been corrected since it was first published…
Since the last update on Friday October 29th, there have been 4 new confirmed or probable cases in San Juan County. Current case count is now 357. This means that approximately 1 of every 48 island residents have become infected with COVID since the start of the pandemic. Note that approximately 1 of every 7 Americans have contracted COVID so far-stark evidence of the remarkable job the islands have done staying relatively safe.
Of these 4 new cases, initial investigations indicate that 0 appear to have occurred in fully vaccinated individuals. There are approximately 22 unvaccinated close contacts of positive cases currently in quarantine in the islands.
LOPEZ ISLAND: There are no new cases on Lopez Island since the last update. There is one positive case under active monitoring on Lopez Island.
ORCAS ISLAND: There are 2 new cases on Orcas Island since the last update. There are four positive cases under active monitoring on Orcas Island.
SAN JUAN ISLAND: There are 2 new cases on San Juan Island since the last update. There are 2 positive cases under active monitoring on San Juan Island.
HOSPITALIZATIONS: 2 of the 4 new cases are or were hospitalized due to their symptoms. In the midst of a politicized landscape that often leaves logic and science behind, it is easy to forget that COVID is a serious illness with dramatic impacts on families and communities. Since the beginning of the pandemic, COVID has killed 1 in every 438 Americans.
MODERNA and J&J BOOSTERS: Nearly 2500 islanders have signed up for their Moderna or J&J boosters. These clinics are happening the week of November 15th, and there is still space available for Lopez and Orcas (register here). Note that other booster clinics will be offered in December in case you are not able to secure an appointment. Many local providers are also offering boosters (details at bottom of this page). As a reminder, here are details on the select groups eligible to receive an additional dose of vaccine.
PEDIATRIC DOSES FOR CHILDREN AGE 5-11: Turn out has been great so far and hundreds of island kids are signed up to receive their Pfizer pediatric doses at upcoming clinics. There is still limited space available, and parents are strongly encouraged to sign their children up now. This will be the easiest opportunity to get your child immunized and will allow for a significant level of protection as we head into the holiday travel season. Register here.
Posted November 5, 2021 at 5:45 am by Tim Dustrude
Wondering how the County Assessor’s Office came up with your new Assessed Value? Is it the same as your property’s Market Value?
Join San Juan County Assessor, John Kulseth, and Windermere Real Estate Consultant, Tamara Weaver, as they answer your questions and demystify those two very different values.
This is a FREE online presentation, November 10th at noon.
Posted November 5, 2021 at 5:42 am by Tim Dustrude
Island rec is searching for some kid loving, capable people to help with our daily STAR- Study Time and Afternoon Recreation – program. If you are 14+ looking for San Juan Service Scholarship Hours for school, or someone that thinks that volunteering for kid programs is right up their alley, we would love to have you on board. This program is typically 2:45-6pm, Monday – Friday, half days are 11:10-6pm. Volunteer for just 1 or multiple days a week.
We are also searching for some part time staff people to fill the role of School’s out program leader. This person would be paid to work Monday-Friday at STAR and during School breaks. This staff person must be 16+, love working with kids, and be comfortable leading games and activities. Island Rec staff members not only get into nightly drop-in programs for free, but also a discount on Island Rec programs. Per Washington state Department of Health guidelines, all Island Rec staff and volunteers must be vaccinated against Covid-19.
Please contact Brian Krembs for more information about these opportunities; [email protected] or 360-378-4953. Island Rec would love for STAR to return to its normal schedule but must be able to fill these roles to make that happen.
Posted November 4, 2021 at 5:54 am by Tim Dustrude
Aging but Not Slowing Down (well not slowing down too much anyway)
Louise and John Dustrude have enjoyed outdoor activities all their lives – boating, (including sailing, rowing and canoeing), hiking, walking and biking to name a few. However, a few years ago, noticing that her sense of balance wasn’t what it used to be, Louise gave up her bicycle.
But then in September of 2020, through a serendipitous chain of events, she was able to test ride and then ultimately purchase a used recumbent tricycle. It’s a TerraTrike Rambler, a “Tadpole” style of trike, with 2 wheels up front that steer and one chain-driven drive wheel at the rear.
“I feel so much safer on this trike than I did trying to balance my two-wheeler” Louise says. “And what’s more is that uphill climbs are easier because I can just stop to rest if I need to – all the while sitting on the seat without having to step off as I would on a bike”. Soon after she got her trike, John saw how much fun she was having and he soon found one for himself.
Now, even though both of them are in their 90s, they continue to get outside for fun and fresh air and some exercise too. “But it’s not about ‘exercise’ ”, John says. “I don’t like to exercise – I just like to go outside and have fun”. John also still has his two-wheeler, a large E-bike that he rides all over the island. But with the new trike, he and Louise can have fun together.
“And one of the best things this past year, especially with Covid” Louise adds, “is that we’ve been able to get some socializing in, while still maintaining social distancing. We see many people when we’re out triking who stop to ask us about our ‘Doodlebugs’. I hope more people see how wonderful these are, and I would love for them to join us out on the sidewalks and low-traffic streets.”
The video above was created just for fun by Tim Dustrude and his wife Shannon Dean. Turn your sound up and go full screen with it for the best experience.