New business on the edge of town….

Posted August 8, 2010 at 10:50 pm by

Drop on by!

Looks like there’s a new business right where Site Elements used to be, right as you’re going Cattle Point Road just past Golf Course Road….New owners Skip and Mildred Foss wanted to invite you to drop by:

We just wanted to let you know that there is a new landscape supply business on the island.

Cattle Point Rock and Topsoil will be providing Cedar Grove Composting products (topsoil, mulch & compost) as well as sand, gravel, and wood chips.  We also have natural stone and pavers. Our hours are from 7am to 3pm Monday through Saturday. Please drop by and say hello!

Let there be peace…

Posted August 8, 2010 at 10:40 pm by

If you’ve heard Sweet Honey in the Rock, you’ve heard what angels sound like….here’s a nice song to wake up to:

‘Round the rock…

Posted August 6, 2010 at 9:11 am by

I had to crawl to the top of the Crabhouse to shoot this picture for you (I'll do anything for you, you know) of the excellent paint job that Bob Benz & his crew did on the Cannery Landing building last month.

What’s happening….

• Pam Herber wrote to say that the Writers’ Café is tonight (Friday), at The Bean (behind the Pelindaba Lavender shop on First Street) from 5:00-6:30pm. She says to ring your fiction, nonfiction or poetry to read or join us to listen. Sign-up will be at 5:00 and we will start reading at 5:30. The Bean will offer coffee, tea, sodas and pastries for sale.


• Meanwhile, in Madagascar – it’s been fun to keep up with Rowan Braybrook, who serving in the Peace Corps there.

Her blog has a video of the music, pictures of kids, and an interesting report this morning of dead bodies & the celebration of the openings of three new schools. And she reports about the aye-aye, which she describes as a lemur that looks like a cross between a raccoon and ET and has its own branch on the lemur family tree. You can read her blog for more.

Couple of weeks ago: LeeAnne GrosJacques celebrates Michael's 21st birthday - wahoo!

This Sunday marks the 40th anniversary of the capture of local killer whale Lolita at Penn Cove, down on Whidbey Island. They’re having an even there, but there will be an event here at Lime Kiln from 6-9pm, too…Debbie Fincher tells me Christine Swedell is putting it together:

This gathering will be for those who cannot make it to the Penn Cove event earlier that day. All ideas at this point to mark this event will be welcomed. Please email Christine at: [email protected]. Note: Bring a candle to have lit at dusk.

At the first of next week, you may see a lot of boats in the harbor – Vernadel from the Chamber of Commerce explains:

Friday Harbor is bracing themselves for a modern day pirate invasion August 9. There won’t be any old-fashioned pillaging or plundering, though. These “Brethren of the Sound” pirates are coming to visit Friday Harbor.

Latitudes & Attitudes’ ninth annual NW Cruiser Party and Share the Sail event comes to the San Juans next week and we expect more than 150 boats and upwards of 1,000 people.

“We throw six to seven of these cruisers’ parties around the country, mostly at the big boat shows. And one international party at a place like Antigua, Tonga, New Zealand. But this one is different as local readers started it and put it all together,” said Bob Bitchin, publisher of Latitudes & Attitudes Seafaring magazine. The first party was held in 2002 with about 20 people on Sucia Island. Last year’s event in Poulsbo drew an estimated 750 people.

“We plan on stopping at Spencer Spit, Friday Harbor, Sucia Island, Roche Harbor or Rosario, and Lopez Islander before heading back to Anacortes for the party,” said Friday Harbor resident Darren O’Brien, director of marketing for the magazine and producer/director of Latitudes & Attitudes TV.

On the morning of August 9, the flotilla will start arriving at the Port of Friday Harbor. That night, Florida-based “Endless Summer” and Friday Harbor’s own Ken Bateman will perform at the Rumor Mill. August 10, West Marine will host a “Meet Bob Bitchin” event from 8-10 a.m., then the flotilla will visit other locations in the islands.

Henry V - tonight! Photo by Jon Sinclair,

• Yep, Henry V is on tonight & this weekend at Roche Harbor. See you there.

• Mike’s at the Library tonight at 7pm – “Fishing the salmon banks: a brief history” with Mike Vouri – San Juan Island National Historical Park chief of interpretation Mike Vouri explores the salmon fishery off American’s Camp’s South Beach and along San Juan Island’s southern shore. He’ll cover Indian reef-netting to fish traps and the purse seining that continues to this day. The program is co-sponsored by San Juan Island National Historical Park.

Natural Horsemanship…don’t miss the demo

Posted August 6, 2010 at 8:24 am by

Megan at the Fair last year in the Natural Horsemanship demonstration...

If you seen the Natural Horsemanship demonstrations before, you know what I mean: they show a wonderful & natural & respectful connection between rider & horse which is part show, part dance, and all joy.

Megan Goudi tells me that she and the girls that she rides horses with are doing demonstrations this summer and are trying to get the word out. They’ll be offering two free Natural Horsemanship Demonstrations at the field next to the Roche Harbor Water Plant at 11am on Thursday, August 12, and Saturday, August 14.

Why am I telling you about this a week early? Because now you can make plans to catch the show! See you there!

Questions? You can contact Megan Goudie at [email protected].

Another morning song…

Posted August 6, 2010 at 8:14 am by

Remember the Eagles in 1973?

Siri’s back on the island this week…

Posted August 6, 2010 at 8:09 am by

Featured this month...

Since she left the island, Siri Thorson has been working in New York, and this coming month she’s featured in BUST magazine (again!) as one of four spotlighted bloggers who offer fashion tips & hints. You can check out Siri’s well-written blog (it’s called “Ringo Have A Banana”) here, and here’s more about BUST.

Her proud mom Margaret told me earlier this week she’s on-island for a week, so say hey when you see her!

Morning song for you…

Posted August 5, 2010 at 9:04 am by

This is a song I used to sing to put my kids to sleep…it always sounds so nice with the harmony (and even better with the canticle part). Here’s Simon & Garfunkel in 1980:

News around the rock…

Posted August 5, 2010 at 12:56 am by

Last weekend's booksale was awesome, as the Friends of the Library packed the elementary school gym with books & people who love books.

And then there was more news…. 🙂

The Island Stage Left production of Henry V continues at Roche Harbor this weekend (Thursday through Sunday) at 8:15pm each evening. The show runs through August 22nd….

• Meanwhile, Jan at the Community Theatre says there are only four shots at seeing the play there left:

There are just four performances left of the smugglin’ summer comedy, The Connoisseurs–the first locally written, full length play produced at San Juan Community Theatre.

Written by Cape San Juan’s Ed Strum and directed by Merritt Olsen, the play continues Fridays and Saturdays, August 7 and 8 and August 13 and 14 at 8 p.m. on the Whittier stage.

Winner of  the 2010 Robert J. Pickering Award for Playwriting Excellence, the farce is a rollercoaster of laughs when cases of fine wine float onto a couple’s beach…add some diamonds, a snoopy neighbor, a touch of law enforcement and “Mr. Big,” and you’ve got a fun summer escape ride.

People have told me it's great fun - check out Lisa, Pat & Margaret in The Connoisseurs this weekend...

It’s always good to hear from Justin and Tawm about what’s going on with their biz – here’s more:

Happy Summer to you all!

Justin Blevins and Tawm Perkowski wanted to send you a brief note to update you on some news concerning our company:

In addition to being an ISA Certified Arborist, Justin has completed his certification for PNW Hazard Tree Assessor.

We have also modified our name and dropped the ‘Island’  we are now called ‘Skyline Tree Care‘.

We are approaching 2.5 years of service on San Juan Island and would like to thank all of our clients for their patronage and we look forward to working with you in the future.

Skyline Tree Care still offers free estimates and the highest standard of tree care on the island and we are proud of our 100% safety record.

We would like to offer you our free ‘I (heart) Trees’  bumper sticker.  (see attached image)  Just reply to this email with your SJI mailing address and we’ll send one to you while supplies last!

Thanks again for your support and we ask that you don’t forget to look up at the beautiful trees here on San Juan Island.

Free bumper sticker...

Birds in a box...

• When we were leaving Lopez on Sunday, someone came to the car and asked if Josie & I would carry four mud swallows over to Friday Harbor for someone from Wolf Hollow to pick up & take care of…it was a nest with four babies, who cheeped all the way over.

It’s cool we have have folks taking care of the animals around here….

Steve Keys is hosting Acoustic Night at the Peppermill tomorrow (Friday) from 6-9pm – this week features Steve as well as Ian Cooper.

You can get your own tee shirt from the San Juan Preservation Trust...the proceeds go towards helping with the restoration of the Island Marble Butterfly, as you can see.

Rob Simpson tells me San Juan Island’s own classic rock band, the Sliders, are playing this weekend at the Grill at Roche Harbor this Saturday night. They perform their unique mix of classic rock, singable pop, and contemporary danceable blues starting around 9pm.

Meanwhile, Chinmayo tells me  Sister Wives, an all-women blues band, is playing at the Port’s Fairweather Park on Friday at 5pm.

Janet Thomas’ memoir-writing workshops are among the most popular writing deals here on the island – and there’s still time for you to sign up. Here’s a bit about the Friday and Saturday workshops.

• The Christ The King congregation welcomes their new pastor, Dave Dunaway, and his family to the island this weekend.

Jill & Cody got married last weekend - congrats! They were still beaming Monday night when I caught up to them....

Catching up with the sheriff candidates…

Posted August 5, 2010 at 12:01 am by

The ballots have already been mailed, but since folks have till Tuesday the 17th to get ’em in, some people are still sorting out the candidates. As a helpful guide with the County’s Sheriff’s race, I think you’ll find out a lot in these spots:

As a little help for you to get better acquainted with the people running, here are the candidates’ websites:

Rob Nou – click here for his website

Felix Menjivar – click here for his website

Brad Fincher – click here for his website

Brent Johnson – click here for his website

Jeff Asher – click here for his website


Meanwhile, local lawyer Steve Brandli sent questions to each of the candidates, then posted the answers. Here’s the page.


Also – the local papers have posted candidate profiles as well as their endorsements & letters to the editor. Be sure & check them out, too, if you haven’t already.

Around the island, this week….

Posted August 4, 2010 at 1:18 am by

Sunset on Sunday night, coming round Yellow Island....

Let’s see what’s going on around here….

• You’ve heard of a cadborosaurus, right? Richard Rodriguez has a maybe picture of one – here you go. Mythical, my eye – he’s got proof!

Malcolm comes to the island....

Baby updates: Bob & Stephanie Walker welcomed Malcolm James last week, and since Stephanie is a writer (and a good one!) she shares her thoughts & feelings in her blog, Two Years On A Island, talking about how she now has a life measured in two-hour intervals & feedings, and all kind of things. Check it out.

• Somebody sent me an e-mail & signed it “best fishes” with this after it:

><(((*>  Have a great day  ><(((*>

It’s getting near soccer season (next month!), so it’s time to get organized…. here’s a note from Travis about the meeting tonight (Wednesday):

Hi Everyone;

Vida had a great big smile on the ferry on Sunday....

We’ve had an outstanding number of registrations already, so thank you for signing up!  We’re excited for a fun season ahead.  If you know anyone who has not signed up tell them. Registration is still available at

We will be having a very important meeting at the Library on Wednesday, August 4th at 6:30 pm.  I’d like to encourage everyone that has an interest in SJI Soccer to attend so that your voice can be heard about how to shape the Fall 2010 season.

Volunteers are what make this great program tick.  In addition to general input, we’re seeking help in the following areas:
U6 Coordinator
New Board Members
Field Markers
Equipment Coordinator
Web Site Maintenance
Referee Coordinator

After this meeting, we’ll have another one for coaches to decide on the makeup of the various teams.

Any questions, please email me at Travis Ayers <[email protected]>.

That was Arnell Haws eating lunch at Haley's for her 60th birthday on Monday - many happy returns!

Since you gotta plan & practice, I thought I’d tell you about this one, now… here’s more from Rebecca at Island Rec:

Island Rec’s Skateboard and BMX Competition will be taking place on Sunday, August 29th at 12:30 pm.  The competition will be held at the Skateboard Park, which is located on the San Juan County Fairgrounds.

There will be music, an emcee and tons of prizes, so come out and skate, bike or cheer on our participants.   There are three divisions; Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.  Register online at or register the day of the event from 11:00 and noon.  Cost is $10.00 per participant. Parent/Guardian signatures and helmets are required in order to participate.  For more information call 378-4953.

Susan will be reading on Saturday!

There’s a reading with local fave Susan Wingate this weekend – here’s the scoop from Nancy at Griffin Bay Bookstore:

Griffin Bay Bookstore is presenting local author Susan Wingate on Saturday, August 7, 2:00—4:00 pm. Be sure to stop in to get an autographed copy of : Easy As Pie at Bobby’s Diner, the second book in her four-part Bobby’s Diner series. Wingate will read from and discuss Easy As Pie. In addition, she will present excerpts from other novels.

Susan Wingate is a novelist, poet, memoirist, playwright, and screen writer. When not writing she offers workshops, readings, presentations to the San Juan Island community. She is also a co-founder of the San Juan Island Creative Women’s Group.


Posted August 4, 2010 at 12:51 am by

Just heard that Mrs. Hood passed away…there will be a service this Saturday. Here’s more:

Betty J. Hood

Long-time Friday Harbor resident Betty J. Hood, 88, died July 28, 2010, in Orem, Utah, after suffering a stroke.

Services will be held on Saturday, August 7, at 3:00 PM at Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church.

Betty was born on January 4, 1922, in Pryor, Oklahoma, to Clinton R. and Winifred C. Jackson.  She grew up in Adair, Oklahoma, and graduated from high school there in 1939.  Continue Reading

She’s back…

Posted August 4, 2010 at 12:01 am by

Coming to a harbor near you....

If you haven’t been out on the Adventuress, you’ve been missing out…and she’s here for much of August. Here’s the rest of the story:

Schooner Adventuress spends August in the San Juan Islands

There’s still one month of summer left, and what better place to spend it than sailing through the San Juan Islands? Sound Experience operates the schooner Adventuress and is offering day and overnight sailing trips out of San Juan Island’s Friday Harbor until the end of August.

The 133’ historic schooner Adventuress was built in 1913 in East Boothbay, Maine. The ship is a National Historic Landmark and recently won the popular vote in the American Express/Puget Sound Partners in Preservation competition. Adventuress is owned by non-profit Sound Experience, an organization that strives to educate, inspire and empower all to care for Puget Sound.

Remaining summer programs (all departing Friday Harbor Marina, San Juan Island):

Public Day Sail aboard schooner Adventuress, Saturday, Aug. 7, 9 AM – 12 noon

Cost: $40 for adults, $20 for youth (ages 0-17), Free for Sound Experience Members

Overnight Family Sail aboard schooner Adventuress, Friday, Aug. 13 – Sunday, Aug. 15

The trip is open to children ages 8 and up, with a maximum of 2 kids per adult participant. Cost: $415 per adult, $290 per youth, discounts for People for Puget Sound Members, dormitory style accommodations and vegetarian meals provided.

Getaway for Grown-ups aboard schooner Adventuress, Friday, Aug. 27 – Sunday, Aug. 29

This trip is for those participants 18 and over.

Cost: $425 per person, dormitory style accommodations and vegetarian meals provided

Tall Ship Exploration aboard schooner Adventuress with Elderhostel/Road Scholars, Monday, Aug. 30 – Thursday, Sept. 2

Cost: $517 per person, dormitory style accommodations and vegetarian meals provided

Customer service at its best…

Posted August 3, 2010 at 2:49 am by

It was cool to see that San Juan Florist & Sweet Shop was still open last night when Josie & I took our walk – Brandie was open till 9pm. And…she’s really good at prepping coffee! Here’s proof:

Sunday mornings just got better…

Posted August 3, 2010 at 1:35 am by

That's the Quintet in action last weekend, joined on a regular basis by Jill Urbach on vocals. That's Jonathon & Rob (top left), Thor on bass, Rich on sax, and Dennis (drums).

The Rumor Mill has become a center for music on the island as it begins its second month in operation, and one of the cool things they’re doing is offering jazz during brunch on Sundays.

Josie & I dropped in last Sunday to see what the deal was – and it’s awesome. You get a breakfast/lunch that can’t be beat, served up with the sounds of the San Juan Jazz Quintet. Seemed to me the band hit just the right level – people could talk, people could dance, people could eat, and of course, most people listened to this group that islanders have come to know so well.

Give it a try next weekend – you’ll be glad you did.

Around the island…

Posted August 2, 2010 at 12:30 pm by

Let’s see what’s going on around here…

Remember back in 2005 that a golden eagle came and ate Bill & Colleen’s pet goose Gretta (here’s the story & picture in the Update, then)? Well, it looks like they had a close call this morning (Bill & Colleen own San Juan Safaris, by the way). Here’s the story from Colleen:

This morning about 6:15am our two geese were screaming. Bill (my husband and Brunch’s (the male goose) best friend) went to the window to find a great BIG Golden Eagle sitting on the fence post of the goose ‘safe pen.’  There it was, just staring into the pen trying to figure out how to bypass the wire mesh “ceiling” that we had put on since its last visit two years ago. (You remember when it killed and ate Gretta?) Bill stepped outside, waving his hands and making loud ugly sounds.

The Eagle slowly lifted off and flew away.


Close call.

The Victoria Express runs between Friday Harbor & Victoria...great way to go.

• Did you know the Victoria Express leaves here at 3:30pm every day & comes back this way at 9:30am the next morning? They run till September 6th this year, and they take you right into the Inner Harbour (I know, because I ride with ’em every so often.) Try ’em – you’ll be glad you did!

That's Francie between her mom Esther and Jim with Emilio, his service dog, at the Bean last week.

Francie Hansen took her mom Esther down to the Bean for a bit last week – her mom is 94 and full of life & fun…you can see where Francie gets it.

A little bit country….

Posted August 2, 2010 at 8:47 am by

Yeah, Candace (left), Kerry, Lori & Lora dropped in on Keith Urban after the show the other night to say g'day to their favorite country singer...