Faces from the Whale Museum fundraiser….

Posted June 22, 2010 at 3:32 pm by

Kerry showed off dessert for the dessert auction....

You know, it was fun to go to The Whale Museum‘s annual fundraising dinner (the Greeting Ceremony!) last month & see all the people & watch the auction, with great food by The Market Chef. There was also a dessert auction, with the beautiful desserts also helping the cause. Here is a portfolio of most of the folks who attended, shot by Jane Buck & me – they’re kind of mixed up into one portfolio – she shot the better ones, I think… 🙂

The event was held at the Mullis Center, which was wonderfully decorated by Jane Buck, as you can see in these pictures of the room.

Great decorations....Jane did a super job!

Around the island….

Posted June 22, 2010 at 8:27 am by

Captain Ivan from the Western Prince reported four transient orcas were in San Juan Channel, near enough to have entered Friday Harbor yesterday if they had wanted... (watch out, Popeye!)

Let’s hear from our friends….

Outgoing Town Council member Carrie Brooks, celebrating after church on Sunday at Haley's....

• When she started her service to the Town of Friday Harbor, Clinton was in office, we were all getting used to calling the date 20-something instead of 19-something, and Gary was still mayor. The Town Council’s longest-serving member announced her resignation last week, reading a sometimes tearful, heartfelt statement that echoes the sense of working hard & spirit of commitment that has come to characterize Carrie Brooks‘s term in office.

Often the swing vote in Council decisions, Carrie’s dedication to the Town and long-view approach to her office will be missed.

Her resignation is effective next week, with Thursday her last day on the Council.

Soccer signups – today! Here’s more – get your kids signed up!

Thor got a chance to catch up with first fan Noah after his set with the Jazz Quintet at Saturday's Jazz at the Labs, which played to an overflow sellout crowd.

Elisa Howard has the word on a Relay for Life fundraiser this weekend – here’s the details:

I am hoping you will help us get the word out!! This Saturday, June 26th our Relay Team is doing an island jam for a fundraiser. Lots of local band, food, and fun. It starts at 4:00 at the Tanglewood Amphitheater- 11 Tanglewood Lane- aka Glen Hargrove’s place. Great family event and the money raised goes to the American Cancer Society.
Pre-tickets are $5.00, or $8.00 at the door.  Thanks!

The youngest Chamber of Commerce member slept through most of the last meeting - San Juan TV's Darren & Lisa introduced new arrival Arriana around at the meeting at San Juan Vineyards.

• Meanwhile, Amanda Rennick‘s RFL team has this going on:

This year with Relay for Life, we are doing a couple of different things.  We have set up collection bins around town to collect canned food items to use in luminaria bags to set the candle on (instead of sand).  We are really excited about incorporating this into Relay because all of the canned food will be donated to the food bank after the event on July 25th.  Collection bins are located at Friday Harbor Drug, Islanders Bank and Marketplace.  We are looking for at least one thousand cans, so please help by donating!!

Another exciting feature about this year’s luminaria ceremony will be a photo slide show.  Photos can be emailed to us at [email protected].

Luminarias can be purchased from team captains or any of our committee members. Some forms are available at Islanders Bank and San Juan Healthcare.  Any questions regarding luminaria, please contact Amanda Rennick at [email protected] or 378-7536. Sign up for the event at relayforlifeoffridayharbor.org.  Save the date for July 24 & 25 beginning at 3pm.  See you there!

Saturday's beautiful sunset was reflected in the serenity of Valley Church, built in 1892.

The IIMC's new physician's assistant Patricia Davis is helping the Clinic offer extended hours on the weekend & during the week.

Extended hours at the medical center – wahoo! Good for working folks! Here’s more from Carrie Unpingo:

Hi Ian,
Just wanted to let you know that Inter Island Medical Center is extended their hours for the summer, starting July 1!

Our new Physician Assistant, Patricia Davis, will be seeing patients as early as 7:30am Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays for routine care appointments starting July 1. Patients must call to make an appointment.

Pat will also be available for routine care on Saturdays from 9am-4pm, by appointment only. The Saturday clinic will still be available for urgent care and walk-ins only from 10am-1pm with the on-call doctor.

To schedule an appointment at IIMC, please call 378-2141.

Thanks, Ian!

Thought for the day..... 🙂

• Swimming this summer at the Fitness Club! Here’s more from Amy Wynn:

Kids can swim from 12-1:30pm any Saturday or Sunday this summer for just $5
at San Juan Island Fitness.  Parents or grandparents can join in the fun for just $5.

Hoping to learn to swim or perfect your stroke this summer?  Check out their
one-week intensive swim lessons.  The first session begins June 28, so hurry in and register.  For more details stop by San Juan Fitness, 435 Argyle
Avenue, or go on-line

Nancy from Griffin Bay Books has the book club on Friday – here’s more:

The Griffin Bay Book Club will meet June 25, 7:00 p.m.  to discuss Erica Bauermeister’s acclaimed debut, The School of Essential Ingredients. This is a delightful book to kick off our summer reading. IndieBound describes it this way: “With magical language, first-time novelist Bauermeister weaves the lives of the students in Lillian’s class with the meals prepared and life lessons learned.  Strong, sensuous writing leaves the reader hungry for more.”

All are welcome to attend the Griffin Bay Book Club, which meets the last Friday of the month.

Alex - two of her pieces are featured this weekend at the Community Theatre....

• This weekend, Chamber Music San Juans will include two of Alex’s pieces – here’s more from Jan Bollwinkel-Smith:

We have word from artistic director Patricia Kostek that Chamber Music San JuansAlex Shapiro’s pieces in CMSJ’s June 26 concert.  Alex, who lives on San Juan Island, is one of the Pacific Coast’s more familiar composers of acoustic and electroacoustic chamber music.

The two pieces featured are will perform not just one, but TWO of Intermezzo for clarinet and piano and Elegaic for clarinet, cello and piano (the latter is dedicated to CMSJ and Carolyn Haugen).  The ensemble will also be presenting work by Beethoven, Dahl and Schumann.

Here is Alex’s blog, so you can get to know her a bit….

• Do you look over your e-mail blasts, before you send them? Here’s a little essay from Derek Sivers to remind you to take the extra few seconds it takes to check before you send.

Lee at Arctic Raven Gallery looks over the flowers Rolf brought over from Waldron Island, last week...


Posted June 22, 2010 at 2:35 am by

Marian VanHyning

Torrey at the Presbyterian Church tells me there will be a Memorial for Marian VanHyning (January 7, 1921~June 12, 2010) at noon on Friday, June 25, 2010 at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church.

Back in action…according to The Rumor Mill

Posted June 21, 2010 at 12:18 pm by

The new sign is up!

Just got a note from Oren & Peggy about how the Rumor Mill (formerly Pazzo Vivo, or Bella Luna before that, and the Electric Company before that) hopes to open soon – here’s the scoop:

Yes, the rumors are true. Friday Harbor’s newest restaurant opens in two weeks. 175 1st Street, former home of The Electric Company, will become the spot to be this summer for house smoked ribs, fresh IPA’s, nightly live music & icy Bellinis. Seasonal, Pacific Northwest, and Island featured flavors are the focus on a  “from scratch” oriented comfort food menu.

Peggy & Oren, formerly at the Front Street Ale House, are getting ready to open up at the Rumor Mill

Island Lamb & Beef, seafood always fresh, wild and locally sourced, in season fruit & vegetables, fresh baked bread, even house cured Pancetta will set the tone for our offerings, which will reflect the changing seasons. Our environmental commitments include a micron filtering & ultraviolet water treatment system to eliminate water bottles: the emphasis on fresh brews on tap will reduce our trips to the recycler.

Let’s not forget the tunes. Ian McFeron is booked for July 3rd, Wednesday Blues returns home, the beautiful sounds of live Jazz will be heard through the open rolling door on the sidewalk. The best rumor of all, Teddy Deane will once again be playing for pizza. Stop by for a pint of Stone Ruination. See ya at the Mill.
Peggy & Oren Combs

Join the marching band!

Posted June 21, 2010 at 12:11 pm by

Te band in action, in last year's parade....

The band is getting going – and they need you! Here’s the word from Kris Brown & Janet Olsen:

We need you for the July 4th Parade! JOIN US for practices from 7-8p.m. on June 21, 23, 25, 28, 30 and July 2. If an instrument is a problem, call Janet Olsen, 378-5531. FREE T-Shirt for all participants. Fun for all ages from Middle School age to Senior Citizens!

Happy solstice to you!

Posted June 21, 2010 at 12:05 am by

Setting in the west....

And so the seasons go ’round….that’s the sunset from Lime Kiln Saturday, setting over Canada….

And…because I like you (and I know how you are), click here to get one that’s huge, and you can use for a screensaver.

Dr. Sonke Johnsen, at the Theatre tonight….

Posted June 19, 2010 at 1:21 am by

Hide & seek....

Should be fun, should be informative, should be fascinating…here’s the scoop from Ken Sebens:

The Paul Illg Distinguished Lectureship will present another outstanding speaker in 2010. I am pleased to announce the 12th annual Illg Lecturer will be Dr. Sonke Johnsen who is an associate professor in the Biology Department at Duke University (http://www.biology.duke.edu/johnsenlab/). He received a B.A. in mathematics from Swarthmore College and his Ph.D. in biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Sonke’s research interests are in comparative physiology; focusing on optical adaptations to a pelagic existence, including topics such as transparency, cryptic coloration, bioluminescence, ultraviolet protection and vision, and orientation and navigation. Recent and current projects include the propagation of bioluminescent signals underwater, the visibility of aquatic animals, the relationship between tissue ultrastructure and transparency, the visual ecology of polarization vision, the effect of ultraviolet vision on predation, and optical sampling techniques for zooplankton.

Public Lecture: On Tuesday evening, June 22 at 7:00 p.m. at the San Juan Community Theater, Dr. Johnsen will present a talk entitled, “Hide and Seek in the Open Sea.” Continue Reading

Pillow talk….

Posted June 18, 2010 at 1:26 am by

Brightening things up at the hospital: Sierra Dawson (left), Desi Whalen and Rachael Hay are ready to deliver the goods.

There were some pretty awesome community projects at the high school this year – it’s all part of what makes living here so cool. One of the projects caught my eye…making pillowcases.

Three FHHS juniors got the idea that making colorful, cheerful pillowcases would brighten up things at Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital in Tacoma. Sierra, Rachael, and Desi learned how to sew starting from scratch (with mentors Kay Kohler & Sharon Maya working with them), and set out to make as many pillow covers as they could, with materials paid for the school’s Gates Grant (which they had to apply for). At the end, they had made 72 individual & unique pieces, which they were folding up to deliver to the hospital a couple of days ago.

Cool project, and you can bet the kids at the hospital will dig the colors. Way to go, girls!

‘Round here….

Posted June 18, 2010 at 1:16 am by

The new look for King’s Market is almost done – looking good!

Let’s see what we got going on:

• Starting July first, folks who visit Washington State from British Columbia and buy things will be exempt from paying sales tax. What will this mean – will more Canadians come because their dollar will buy more? Will local tax-fed coffers suffer? There’s probably no one affected more than Bellingham, right next to the border – and they’re not sure either. Here’s the story, from the Bellingham Herald.

This weekend is a great time to swing out to Roche Harbor and see Brandi's new work...looking good!

• They’re going to be parents – Pete and Erin Ancich (they own San Juan Excursions) are expecting their first child come the first part of August, as they adopt a baby whose due due date is the third of August. I can’t think of a couple more ready to be great parents – congrats, you guys!

• Hey, movie nuts – The Twilight Saga: Eclipse opens on Wednesday, June 30th at the Palace Theatre. Get ready!

• A quick note from Sally at Island Rec:

Great photo of Debbie Pigman and the beautiful concrete cast leaf that she made! Did you know she was teaching a class for Island Rec for adults to learn how to make their own pieces?   The class is scheduled from noon to 4pm on Saturday July 10.  Advance registration with Island Rec is necessary.  You save $10 by registering by July 1st.  People can register online at www.islandrec.org or call Island Rec at 378-4953 for more information.

Mo Woodward in the Dominican Republic last year....

• They’re taking off today – here’s more from Vic Woodward:

Hi Ian!

Thanks for posting our BBQ fund raiser. Our trip to the Dominican Republic, the island of Hispanola, starts this Friday and we will be gone for six weeks. Our main role will be to serve the various mission teams coming from all over the U.S., that will be staying at Casa Betesada with us and helping them experience life in the Haitian bateys in their specific mission. Each team has a specific vision for their role in serving the Haitian refugees.  We will be communicating with the Children of the Nations national team and helping them prepare for the international short term missionaries who will come all summer long. For more info. on Children of the Nations folks can go to: www.cotni.org

This summer at the Casa we will host the following teams:
– a medical team who will be working in the bateys doing surgeries and some family ministry at COTN’s medical clinic.
– a team of teachers who will be doing seminars for COTN’s school teachers.
– a teaching team who will be doing a series on Environmental Stewardship.
– a Vision team is doing vision work and an Environmental Stewardship project in the batey of Don Bosco
– a Reach/Build team is doing work painting a school and some children’s ministry work.
– a Build team is constructing floors.

San Juan Islanders can stay in touch with us through our blog or on Facebook. “Like” us by becoming a fan of Dominican Republic Mission 2010. We would love to hear from anyone while were on the big island of Hispanola.

Thanks again!

• Celebrating the killer whales – this year’s Orca Sing (A Concert for Whales) is this Saturday from 6pm to dusk (with the concert at 7 pm) at Lime Kiln State Park.

Fred West and the City Cantabile Choir will be joined by a brass ensemble.   Bring your picnic and carpool! San Juan Transit is offering half price round trip fares ($5) to and from Lime Kiln Park. Reservations and information at: http://www.sanjuantransit.com.  This year’s concert is dedicated to the people and wildlife along the Gulf Coast suffering from the oil disaster.

Naptime for this alpaca at Krystal Acres last weekend in the sun....

Still figuring out to use that camera of yours?

John Sinclair and Cameron get ready for the Kids' Run on the morning of the San Juan Island Marathon....

John Sinclair is offering photography workshops for beginners, intermediate folks, and advanced shooters. Here’s the workshops & here’s the calendar – check ’em out!

• Do you know what’s in the water you drink? Find out more in this lecture about toxins in the water – here’s more from Stephanie:

Monday, June 21 from 7-8pm at the San Juan Library: Emerging Problems of Hormone Mimics in Natural Waters.

Presented by Rebecca Jarrell, Ph.D. Candidate, SUNY, College of Environmental Science and Forestry.  Co-sponsored by Friends of the San Juans and Friends of the San Juan Public Library.

This is the weekend of Dance Happy at the Community Theatre – check it out!

•It’s this weekend – the celebration of the trail completion – here’s more from Louise, with a mystery:

Ian — Thanks for printing the news of our trail completion celebration, Barracks to Boats, for this coming Saturday morning at 11 o’clock at English Camp parade ground.

Now we have a mystery that one of your readers may be able to solve.

We’re honoring everyone we can think of who has contributed to creating this long-distance trail, including Roche Harbor Resort, and the National Park Service, and Saltchuk Resources, a private group that owns the Roche Harbor Highlands area around Briggs Lake and generously makes it available to the public — and Island Rec which founded and continues to support the Trails Committee.

But there’s a portion of this route known as the Boy Scout Trail which we believe was built in the early 2000s but we haven’t been able to track down who was the Scout leader for this project — and certainly not any of the boys, now young men, who worked on it.

Perhaps someone reading the Update will know the answers and can tell us.

Or just show up to receive our thanks Saturday morning at 11 o’clock at English Camp.

Louise Dustrude, for the Trails Committee

It starts at 11am on Saturday....

Jazz at the Labs… gotta go, gotta dig them cats….

Posted June 18, 2010 at 12:24 am by

Always a good crowd, and usually sold out - do you have your tickets yet?

My friend Rachel Anderson over at the Labs says this year’s show is gonna be great – I’m sure it is gonna totally rock. (I went the last three years, and I’m pretty sure people who listen to jazz a lot don’t say it “rocks.” They say stuff like “Man, it’s hot!” or “Hey, cool!” or “That’s smooth!” or “Man, these cats are hip.” Pretty sure real jazz nuts call people “cats,” especially in the bigger cities.)

Here’s more about your chance to get in on all this – more from Rachel:

On June 19th, the Labs will hold its 10th annual Jazz at the Labs.  All proceeds from the evening and from sponsors benefit the FHL K-12 Science Outreach Program (FHLSOP).   (This is, of course, the program run by Jenny Roberts and Margo Thorpe.)  They  manage to bring science to each and every grade.  Jenny and Margo have a fantastic website. You can easily peruse their programs there.  Jenny said she’s also very open to chatting by phone!

It’s all at the University of Washington/Friday Harbor Marine Labs this Saturday:
6:00 – 9:30  (Dinner and music – $30 per person)
7:30 – 9:30  (Music only – $15 per person)

The San Juan Island Jazz Quintet (and Jill's gonna sing!)

The Musicians:
There are 2 music events that evening….  The San Juan Jazz Quintet will start things off at 6pm.  Please go to their website for all kinds of info on the band.  Jill Urbach will sing with us that evening also…  and has some great tunes again this year.

The second group is an all-star band from Seattle, organized by Chris Amemiya. They will kick in at 7:30 pm!

We are really fortunate to have Dick Stein from KPLU’s Midday Jazz Program and Food for Thought … as our MC.  He’s very entertaining!

Makin’ it green….

Posted June 17, 2010 at 11:13 pm by

Savin' it....

Helen Venada works pretty hard to make our County just a little greener…here’s the scoop on how the kids are increasingly players in this game:

Thank you to the Friday Harbor businesses that recently donated “green” prizes to Friday Harbor High School and Middle School students.

These special prizes were awarded to students who exceeded expectations for participating in the environmental events, “Pedal for the Planet” and the Earth Day Waste Reduction quiz.

Friday Harbor Ace Hardware, Compost It, San Juan Office Center, Friday Harbor Drugstore, and Browne’s Home Center contributed a 1-gallon can of 100% toxic free paint, a stainless steel beverage container, a manual paper shredder, a Frisbee golf disc made of recycled plastic bottles, a ream of 100% recycled paper, a tote bag made from recycled plastic, and organic vegetable seeds.  This generosity from our businesses not only rewards students for their efforts but also helps to inform them of the availability of environmentally preferred products sold in our local stores.

Big thanks also to all the students who significantly reduced the schools’ trash this school year by recycling more material than ever from the school’s cafeteria.  The waste reduction program would not have succeeded without the work of student teams that implemented it and the cafeteria and custodial staff who stepped up with their support and encouragement.

The future looks bright for continuing to reduce waste next school year!

Helen Venada
Waste Reduction & Hazardous Waste Coordinator
San Juan County Public Works


Posted June 17, 2010 at 10:36 pm by

It was sad to hear about Mrs. Larson passing away. This weekend, grave side services will be held Saturday June 19th, at 1:00pm, at the San Juan Valley Cemetery. Friends and family are welcome to join us for a potluck at the American Legion, which will be immediately following the graveside service.…here’s more, from Elizabeth Schubert:

Lorraine Betty Wills Lowe Larson: Lorraine passed away at her home, with family around her, June 13th, 2010.

Born on San Juan Island November 17th, 1923, she was the oldest daughter of Rod & Hazel Wills. Hazel, her mom, came to town in a horse drawn buckboard to visit the midwife, Ella Dightman.  She lived nearly her entire life on the island.  Her grandfather was stationed at English Camp during the Pig War.  Yes, she was an Islander. Continue Reading

Updates around an island….

Posted June 16, 2010 at 4:43 pm by

Fox on the way to South Beach last weekend - photo by Ken Olson (thanks, Ken!)

Did you know about all this:

Deanna, dressed for Flag Day on Monday. What did YOU wear?

• You know Juan & Heidi Lopez…his background is Chilean, while Heidi has Swiss roots. Wonder what it’s like when they watch the Chile/Switzerland World Cup game next Monday? (Both Chile & the Swiss won Wednesday, with Switzerland jumping the highly-favored Spanish 1-0)

Swim lessons: Here’s more from swimming sorceress Amy –

Hi Ian!  Can you let your readers know that there’s still time to sign up for summer swim lessons at San Juan Island Fitness?  We’re doing one-week intensives so busy families can fit lessons into their summer schedules (and because kids really progress fast when they have lessons five days in a row!)  For more details they can stop by the “Club” – 435 Argyle, call 378-4449  or click on “current swim lessons” at their website.
Thanks, Ian, for spreading the word and helping me with my evil plot to make swimmers out of everyone!  Amy Wynn


Shelly Van Skyhawk offers life coaching, and more – check out her webpage, and get ready for positive change in your life!

Travis reports the news from the soccer association, as they get ready for the kids’ season this fall:

– The San Juan Island Soccer Association announces the following board members for the 2010 season:

Travis Ayers, President and Registrar
Michelle Herko, Vice President
Beth Nicholson, Treasurer
Declan Place, Secretary

Registration for the 2010 Fall Season is open at www.islandsoccer.org.  Sign ups before June 30, 2010 receive a substantial discount.  Registrations between July 1 and 31 are at the normal rate.  After August 1 is more expensive and is on a space-available basis. New this year is a U6 coed group.

– We are actively seeking additional board members, coaches, volunteers, and sponsors.  Please contact Travis Ayers [email protected] for more information.  Let’s play!!

Duck Soup Inn has their last Friday Happy Hour this week, till summer’s over…and they’re open Wednesday through Sunday starting this week!

The S-Club: Pictured are: 1st row left to right: Faculty advisor Sharon Morrissey, Jordyn Williams, Rebecca Leff, Megan Cuomo. Second row from left: Soroptimist Advisor Debbi Staehlin, Mallory Dahlquist, Desi Whalen, Meli Hickenbottom, Sierra Dawson, Lydia Daniels, Amanda Brast, Naomi Boydston, Graham Ellis, Fabi Bell and Rainah Sandstrom.

• This just in from Debbi:

New ‘S Club’ Chartered by Friday Harbor High Schoolers
A first in Friday Harbor history occurred on Sunday, June 6th. The S-Club of Friday Harbor High School was honored at a Chartering Dinner at Vinny’s Restorante. S-Clubs are sponsored by individual Soroptimist clubs and give Soroptimists the opportunity to work with high school students. The goal is to instill the desire to perform volunteer service and further the Soroptimist goal of improving the lives of women and girls.

Friday Harbor’s S-Club is one of only two in the Northwest. They have taken on several projects; Adopt-a Grandparent, Project Beautiful and they help with various Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor projects.  Congratulations to the members of the new S Club!

Beautiful sculpture by Jocelyn Russell at Gallery San Juan....

• Twice as nice – going to Canada: The Washington State Ferries folks wanted to remind you that the schedule changes this coming weekend (that’s the first thing), and that there’s two trips to Canada now (thing two). Here’s more:

Ona sunny Sunday at Roche Harbor, concrete artist Debbie Pigman enjoyed good sales last weekend....

The Anacortes/Sidney BC route will have two daily trips instead of one. Anacortes/San Juan Islands: an additional vessel and increased hours of service. Customers should note a change from the printed schedule: the 5:50am sailing from Friday Harbor will stop at Lopez Island at approximately 6:25am and load Anacortes-bound traffic no inter-island vehicles will be loaded from Friday Harbor. This Lopez stop was added after the schedule went to print, in response to customer feedback.

NOAA cranked up the money for ocean-based research, and the Marine Labs are geeting their share. Here’s more.

• Just saw Gayle Ann Williams‘ book (“Tsunami Blue”) at Island Studios last weekend – here’s the trailer….then go get it!


Posted June 16, 2010 at 8:36 am by

About an hour after is was reported, everyone was accounted for & the fire nearly under control....photo by me.

You know Rhonda & Zeridah’s house, across from Edith Dickinson’s on Argyle Street, just over the Fairgrounds’ fence….

It’s all about a block from my house, so when I heard the siren (a lot of ’em) and saw smoke (a lot of it), I went over to check it out…both the Town & District fire crews were there, controlling what could have been a much worse situation, and the Sheriff and his folks did a good job of making sure no people were in the house, too.

The sheriff told me the roof was burned through & the second floor’s floor was unstable, and that at the point we were talking (mid-afternoon), they hadn’t determined a reason it started.

The family will be set up with emergency housing (Best Western) & provisions, access to free clothes at the Thrift Store, and so on, the way we do when folks are suddenly jumped by circumstance, here on the island.

Tough stuff.

The fire took out the roof and most of the inner structure of the second floor...thanks for the photo, Ron Garner

The quick response of our volunteer firefighters kept the situation from being worse...they're awesome. Photo: Ron Garner.

Moving on….

Posted June 16, 2010 at 8:26 am by

Laura's headed for Colorado...

She’s moving on….

Laura Tretter has been the director of the Library for the past four years (she started the decade as the youth/assistant librarian), and has been pretty awesome. Actually, really awesome. No, awesomely awesome. Majorly so.

She just accepted a job at a library outside of Durango, Colorado and will be here till mid-July before heading over there.

During her time here, she has worked well with the Library board to keep the Library on a strong and sustainable financial footing, as well as connecting with every part of the island community – schools, service clubs, working folks, and most importantly, kids – and will be remembered as one of the most loved and appreciated members of our tribe.

I’ve gotten to know Laura pretty well through the little bit of volunteering I’ve done, and have been impressed that the sunny, positive person so many people know is the real deal – she’s genuinely enthusiastic about the Library & about life, and she has shared it with so many of us.

She’s going to be hard to replace, and much missed. Happy trails, friend!

Scholarships by the Community Foundation – $108K!

Posted June 16, 2010 at 8:17 am by

Wow – Susan Matthews from the SJICF says it’s been an amazing year – here’s more:

Erik '08

San Juan Island Community Foundation Awards Over $100,000 in Scholarships

The San Juan Island Community Foundation is pleased to announce its award of scholarships for the 2010/2011 academic year.  Awards were made to both continuing college students and those newly graduated this year.

The following awards have been made:

IFC Scholarship Fund: (four year awards based upon continuing academic performance)

Katie Chevalier $10,000 University of Idaho

Ben White $15,000 Seattle University

Ben '08

Inskeep Scholarship Fund: (one year awards based upon need and showing strong promise to succeed)

The following students were recipients of Inskeep Scholarships in 2009 and have been awarded another scholarship for the 2010-2011 academic year.

Sonja Anderson $7,000 University of San Francisco

Conner Johns $5,000 Carroll College, Montana

Jordan Nash $5,000 Western Washington University

Austin Scheffer $10,000 Western Washington University

Alaina Schultz $3,000  Seattle University

Albert Strasser $10,000 University of Colorado

Erik Wells $10,000 Seattle University

Inskeep Scholarship Fund: (one year awards based upon need and showing strong promise to succeed)

Alaina '09

The following students graduated this June and were selected to receive awards:

Alexandra Freeman (Spring Street)  $3,500 Colorado College

Parks Barnard (FHHS) $3,500 University of Washington

Emma Harley (FHHS) $5,000 Western Washington U

Kara Lynn Hirschel (FHHS) $5,000 Evergreen State College

Elliot Howard (FHHS) $5,000  Western Washington U

Willa McAllister (FHHS) $5,000 Seattle University

Kira '10

Hannah Waite (FHHS) $5,000  Oregon State University

JohnVolk Memorial Scholarship Fund: (San Juan Pilots Assn)

The following award was made:

Doug Harmon $1,000  Flight Training

Deanna J. Anderson Memorial Donor Advised Fund:

The following awards were made to honor academic excellence for young women in math, science and technology.  The two students are from Friday Harbor Middle School.

Austin '09

Emily Guard $250  Mathematics

Kate Fenely $250  Science

The IFC and Inskeep Scholarship Funds were established by the generous donations made by the late Jerry Inskeep who deeply appreciated the helping hand that he received enabling him to attend college.  Jerry wanted to ‘pay his gift forward’ to the youth of our community.  He left a legacy through the San Juan Island Community Foundation that will provide a permanent source of funds for the education our island’s children.

The John Volk Memorial Scholarship remembers one of our finest citizens who served us all through his tireless volunteer service, both on the ground and in the air.

Elliot '10

The Deanna J. Anderson Memorial Fund remembers a truly unique individual who serves as an inspiration to young women aspiring to positions of leadership and responsibility in technology and the sciences.

The total awards for 2010 from all SJICF scholarship programs is $108,500.

The Community Foundation serves as a nonprofit philanthropic umbrella organization helping donors, nonprofits and public organizations to achieve their goals through direct grants, organizational assistance and philanthropic resource management.  For further information please contact us at PO Box 1352, Friday Harbor, WA 98250.   The office is located in the Technology Center on Mullis Street.  Phone 378-1001