News around the island….

Posted December 11, 2009 at 11:21 am by

That's freshman Pablo Lopez when he was home from Stanford at Thanksgiving a couple of weeks ago, with soccer buddy & FHHS senior Hannah Snow, selling wreaths at the Holiday Marketplace. You can expect to see the trickle of returning students to the island grow this next week....

That's freshman Pablo Lopez when he was home from Stanford at Thanksgiving a couple of weeks ago, with soccer buddy & FHHS senior Hannah Snow, selling wreaths at the Holiday Marketplace. You can expect to see the trickle of returning students to the island grow this next week....

Little things happening here & there:

• Back in action soon: Casey Baisch says his broken foot is pretty close to healed, which is good for a guy who climbs trees for a living.

Pam Herber says husband Mike‘s broken collarbone is getting well & knitting nicely – and glad he was wearing a helmet when he had his bike crash a few weeks ago.

• The Lions Club’s John Bostrom is stuffing toy bags with the LEOS (the Lions’ high school group) today after school (3:15pm) in the FHHS Commons – and they could use a hand. Drop by if you like! This is for the Santa Ship, tomorrow…every extra hand helps!

Linda O’Neill and her husband John found a …message in a bottle.

They were walking along the beach last month on the 20th & there it was. So they contacted the folks – and heard back from bottle thrower Dwain who lives in Canada. She says he’s a retired science teacher and threw the bottle overboard on a cruise on Sept. 18 from North Vancouver Island. She says he sent her a nice detailed note about his life and his family. Cool.

Arnell Haws says the Haws House invites everyone to do a driveby at #10 Scenic Place and enjoy the holiday blowups. She says they’re lit up from 4-8pm each night (unless the wind is too strong.) You can turn up Kirsten Alley across from Stepping Stones, or just park & look.

• Remember I mentioned that Melissa & Frankie had two offices for rent on Mullis Street, at Guard Electric? Well, they filled one already! Looks like John Kurtz Painting is moving in…the other one is still available. Call Melissa at 378-6640 for details.

Gray orca born to transients…

Posted December 11, 2009 at 10:44 am by

Unusual grey orca in our midst....this baby calf is with the transient whales (not one of the three resident pods here), seen over near British Columbia.

Unusual grey orca in our midst....this baby calf is with the transient whales (not one of the three resident pods here), seen over near British Columbia.

First, a very happy birthday to Jim Maya, with my thanks to him for today’s report.

He was out on the water yesterday and saw & photographed a gray killer whale calf hanging around with the transients – here’s more, from yesterday:

We were near the Victoria waterfront…I called Goldwing as we got close, about 5 miles south of Trial Island, (3:15 today) and were told that one of the Orcas had a gray dorsal fin. Gray fin? It was the whole Orca that was gray and white, not just the fin.

It’s a calf and one of the T11s. In over twenty years of viewing Orcas in this area, I’ve never seen a gray Orca. I was flabbergasted! Here is a picture of the calf.  I think Ken Balcomb also got some shots.

Whale Museum fundraiser – this week!

Posted December 11, 2009 at 12:36 am by

Jenny from the Whale Museum says this is gonna be fun, especially for folks who enjoy good food:

The Whale Museum’s “Black & White Night” Dinner Event

On Thursday, December 17, 2009, there will be a Delicious Dinner Event!  The Whale Museum’s “Black and White Night” will be held at Friday Harbor House on San Juan Island. The unique dinner event will feature Chef Greg Atkinson, noted author and culinary instructor as well as former chef of the Friday Harbor House. Also featured is Jason Codding, the Chef behind the new Bluff Restaurant.

The event is a progressive dinner Continue Reading

This week's movie…at the Community Theatre

Posted December 10, 2009 at 1:13 pm by

On the big screen...

On the big screen...

The Community Theatre has put together an evening for families on Friday (tomorrow!) – here’s more from Jan:

New Holiday Family Film Night at Theatre December 11
On Donner…on Blitzen…on PRANCER–the holiday film!

A special night of holiday family fun is scheduled at San Juan Community Theatre on Friday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m., sponsored by CATS (the Community Arts Theatre Society).

“The holidays are special for children and their families.  What better way to enjoy family time than watching a movie and eating popcorn at the Theatre,” said CATS president Pat Nieman.

A big movie screen will be set up inside the Whittier Theatre. The entertainment will start with some good, old fashioned cartoons followed by the main attraction: the 1989 film, Prancer.  The G-rated movie features Sam Elliot, Cloris Leachman and 9-year-old Rebecca Harrell, and centers on the young girl befriending a wounded reindeer that she believes is one of Santa’s team.

As a thank you to the community for the ongoing support of Festival of Trees, CATS is providing free popcorn and soda to all guests.

Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children and are available at the SJCT box office, on-line at and at the door.

This week’s movie…at the Community Theatre

Posted December 10, 2009 at 1:13 pm by

On the big screen...

On the big screen...

The Community Theatre has put together an evening for families on Friday (tomorrow!) – here’s more from Jan:

New Holiday Family Film Night at Theatre December 11
On Donner…on Blitzen…on PRANCER–the holiday film!

A special night of holiday family fun is scheduled at San Juan Community Theatre on Friday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m., sponsored by CATS (the Community Arts Theatre Society).

“The holidays are special for children and their families.  What better way to enjoy family time than watching a movie and eating popcorn at the Theatre,” said CATS president Pat Nieman.

A big movie screen will be set up inside the Whittier Theatre. The entertainment will start with some good, old fashioned cartoons followed by the main attraction: the 1989 film, Prancer.  The G-rated movie features Sam Elliot, Cloris Leachman and 9-year-old Rebecca Harrell, and centers on the young girl befriending a wounded reindeer that she believes is one of Santa’s team.

As a thank you to the community for the ongoing support of Festival of Trees, CATS is providing free popcorn and soda to all guests.

Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children and are available at the SJCT box office, on-line at and at the door.

Jacob's back!

Posted December 10, 2009 at 12:01 am by

Opening this Friday....

Opening this Friday....

The play was a hit last December, so Island Stage Left is bringing Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol back this week. Last year’s show suffered the worst of turns when Dan Mayes had heart troubles near the end of the run, but he’s OK now & back!

The show starts this Friday…don’t wait until late in the run to see it!

And…Helen tells me that Friday Harbor Taxi (298-4434) is giving a special deal on getting to Roche Harbor for the show… $9.50 round trip and he can take 5-6 people at a go.

Jacob’s back!

Posted December 10, 2009 at 12:01 am by

Opening this Friday....

Opening this Friday....

The play was a hit last December, so Island Stage Left is bringing Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol back this week. Last year’s show suffered the worst of turns when Dan Mayes had heart troubles near the end of the run, but he’s OK now & back!

The show starts this Friday…don’t wait until late in the run to see it!

And…Helen tells me that Friday Harbor Taxi (298-4434) is giving a special deal on getting to Roche Harbor for the show… $9.50 round trip and he can take 5-6 people at a go.

Dance of the Elders tonight….

Posted December 9, 2009 at 3:13 pm by

It's tonight!

It's tonight!

Mary Smith sent me a note to remind you about this – coming up tonight!

I’m not sure if the Latino community have contacted you, but perhaps you could put in your online news that the Dance of the Elders – which is also the Vigil of Guadalupe – will take place this Friday, December 11th beginning at 6:30 at the Port Marina.  They will process through town – stopping about 7 times to dance – and then ending at St. Francis Church on Price Street around 7:30.

All are welcome to join in their parade, or cheer them on from the sidelines.  I appreciate your consideration in getting the word out!

Business bits around the island….

Posted December 9, 2009 at 2:40 pm by

I love the way Corey & the folks at Islanders Bank decorate the place - it always feels cheerful to go there....

I love the way Corey & the folks at Islanders Bank decorate the place - it always feels cheerful to go there....

Here’s some things you’ll wanna know:

• Looking for a good stocking stuffer? Kate Schuman at Island Petroleum Services says IPS is offering Gift Cards ($25, $50 or $100) – come by their place on Carter Street & take care of the people in your life (college students love these.) Good at any Shell station anywhere, so they don’t have to use it just on the island!

• It’s been called Warehouse Coffee for years, since the Ware family owned it (makes sense!), but now that Shahn & Clint own it, they’re changing the name to The Solid Grounds Coffee Shop.

Like most islanders, you & I will still call it “Warehouse, you know, the place with the new name,” same as we did with “Be Chic Boutique, that used to be Dominique’s,” and “Friday Harbor Grocery, which used to be Whitey’s, but now it’s burned down,” and “Blue Water, where Front Street Cafe used to be,” and all the others. The Blue Dolphin, the Fat Cat, the Riptide, the Royal Theatre, Mi Piace Coffee, Big Daddy’s, Friday Harbor Realty…they might not be there, but we know where we’re talking about.

But I digress – the other deal is that Solid Grounds delivers! Call 370-5001 & they’ll bring your espresso, breve, latte, cappuccino, hot chocolate or chai to YOU!

Want some coffee?

• Speaking of Be Chic Boutique, Teri is having a special 50% off sale on Thursday (tomorrow!) from 4-7pm, with the sale continuing through the weekend at 25% off. Good time to shop!

• Debbie Pigman just sent me this good idea about keeping local dollars local – I like it:

I was going through my “pile of stuff for future reference” and came upon this quote that David Bentley sent me last year. If this great suggestion for bringing dollars to our local economy is little too late for some of this year’s gift givers, remember there are birthdays and special occasions year round!

“I’m so into shopping locally that I asked all my out-of-town relatives to give me local gift certificates. And you know…. they’re doing it.  I may not have any surprises under the Christmas tree but I surely will have fun shopping!”– David Bentley

Hobbes with Tucker

Hobbes with Tucker

I just heard that Hobbes Buchanan is offering free consulting (and cooking!) for folks learning about whole foods, so I asked him to drop me a line about it – here’s more:

Good morning, Ian,

I just finished the season as Captain on the Western Prince, and It’s time to use my other skills as a Chef, and was wondering if you would do a little blurb on your Update page. I have a free service that does not cost anything, I just feel passionate about helping people who have illnesses, injuries or weight problems.  It’s called Healing with Wholefoods. I changed my diet several years ago and haven’t even had a cold since…

If you get time, check out my blog.  The only thing that I charge for is if I give cooking classes.

Cheers, mate,
370-5734h  298-2665c

At Friday Harbor House, Wendy Meyers says the Bluff Restaurant has new hours AND happy hour:

Good Morning Ian,
Just a note to let you know THE BLUFF Restaurant at the Friday Harbor House is now offering Happy Hour at The Bluff Tuesday – Saturday 3pm – 6pm. Also, we are very excited to tell you that Executive Chef Jason Codding is bringing back his very popular Pulled Pork Sandwich, Halibut Tacos, Crab Cakes and a few other items during this time.

And…starting Tuesday December 8th THE BLUFF Restaurant will be open 3pm – 9pm Tuesday through Saturday.  We will be closed for lunch.

• When you get all that Christmas gadgetry this year, you might need help setting things up…call Molly O’Neil & she’ll help – what does she provide? All this:

Instruction & Assembly for Computers, MS Windows 7, MS Office 2007, MACs, Printers, Blackberries, iPhones/iPods, MP3 Players, Other Cell Phones, Watches, Games, Baby Strollers/Backpacks, Play Sets, Toys, Saddles & Bridles, Radios, TV’s, Tools … If you have a gadget/gift you can’t put together, call COMPUTER TEACHER: 378.9671. Gadgets/Gifts Service is available on all holidays!

Hancock to take over vacant spot…Judge Linde service set for Saturday

Posted December 9, 2009 at 2:05 pm by

The County tells me that Alan R. Hancock has been appointed as the Superior Court judge to cover that spot since John Linde passed away.

Also, it has been announced that the service has been set – here’s more from Torrey at the Presbyterian Church:

A Memorial Service for John Linde will be held at Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church on Saturday December 12 at 11:30 am.  The church will have its expanded seating in place to accommodate those who desire to be present.  There will be a reception at 1pm at the Yacht Club following the service.

Using color & making beautiful pictures….

Posted December 9, 2009 at 1:18 pm by

"Madrona on Turn Island" by Annie Howell-Adams

"Madrona on Turn Island" by Annie Howell-Adams

Annie Howell-Adams is the featured artist at the Community Theatre this month (SJCT hangs folks’ work in the lobby – be sure & check it out next time you’re there!) You can also see what she’s been up to on her blog at…she does great work!

Using color & making beautiful pictures….

Posted December 9, 2009 at 1:18 pm by

"Madrona on Turn Island" by Annie Howell-Adams

"Madrona on Turn Island" by Annie Howell-Adams

Annie Howell-Adams is the featured artist at the Community Theatre this month (SJCT hangs folks’ work in the lobby – be sure & check it out next time you’re there!) You can also see what she’s been up to on her blog at…she does great work!

Sun bean… :)

Posted December 9, 2009 at 1:11 pm by

Sun beams across the floor....

Sun beams across the floor....

That was the way it looked at The Naked Bean this morning with the bright sunshine streaming in on this cold day….

Photo Club this weekend…

Posted December 9, 2009 at 1:07 pm by

That's Sandy (left), Mary Kate, Susan, and Tim shooting practice shots down at the marina at the last Photo Club meeting, last month. Photo by Aaron Shepard.

That's Sandy (left), Mary Kate, Susan, and Tim shooting practice shots down at the marina at the last Photo Club meeting, last month. Photo by Aaron Shepard.

The Photo Club is meeting at 2pm at the Naked Bean on Sunday this weekend…organizer Tim Dustrude says it’s a chance to to bring your camera & compare notes with others. Come on by!

Coming to sing for you….

Posted December 9, 2009 at 11:40 am by

The Carolers are ready to sing for you!

The Carolers are ready to sing for you!

The Island Carolers have been doing it for two decades – all you have to do is call them up & they’ll come sing for your party or get-together for free…it’s part of the holiday cheer.

Here’s the word from Jane Dill, who is in the group:

Holidays with the Island Carolers: Can it really be twenty years of caroling? We’ve done the math, skipped counting grey hairs, and found it’s true – we are celebrating 20 years of bringing carols into Island homes and are excited to have you hear our selections. We represent no organization and we are not collecting donations. we are simply offereing the spirit of the season in song to you, your family and friends.

Our dates this year are December 11, 12, and 13th. We want to start your holidays in an old-fashioned way – so call Judy Bentzen at 378-3139 to reserve time on these days. We would love to sing for you! Happy Holidays!

Festival of Trees goes great…

Posted December 8, 2009 at 12:37 am by

Reagan and her mom Michaele had fun....

Reagan and her mom Michel had fun....

Gallery of islanders dressed up for the Festival of Trees…..

It’s been the Community Theatre’s big fundraiser since the days when SJCT got underway, and it’s always fun. Besides the entertainment, and the auctions, and the food, and the wine, and the fun of all that, it’s fun to see folks from around the island get dressed up.

While I heard a preliminary number of about $58K raised, let’s call that a rumor till I check in tomorrow.

In the meantime, here’s a portfolio of people who were there. Sorry I didn’t get everybody, but sometimes the focus was off, or you made funny faces, or you had spinach in your teeth, which I couldn’t Photoshop away without making you look like a hockey player. Trust me. I’ll getcha next time!

Friday Harbor Marine Labs Director Ken Sebens and his wife Dr. Emily Carrington

Friday Harbor Marine Labs Director Ken Sebens and his wife Dr. Emily Carrington