Identifying the problem….

Posted October 25, 2009 at 9:56 pm by

Gathering samples to determine the extent of the problem...

Gathering samples to determine the extent of the problem...

It’s called micro-plastics, and it’s a worldwide problem – the plastics can pollute & kill parts of the sea, and ruin a beach. Our Beachwatchers (led by Shann Weston) were collecting samples the other day – here’s more.

The Town’s ban of styrofoam is a good first step (which the County needs to pass as well, and soon), but we have a ways to go to stop this planet-choking activity, and begin a process of cleanup.

Here’s more about the mess we’re in, with the mess we made (and – find out what a nurdle is….)

Doggone Good Dinner raises $6K for the Animal Shelter….

Posted October 25, 2009 at 9:39 pm by

Tanja as Roxy & Daniel as Rex

Tanja as Roxy & Daniel as Rex

I asked Anna Lisa how the fundraiser at Duck Soup Inn last week went – she was pretty pleased with how it all turned out:

Hi Ian, I wanted to send you a few photos from the 20th Annual Doggone Good Dinner at Duck Soup Inn. A great time was had by all, over $6,000 was raised, a record! Therese Finn wowed the crowd as the host and creator of “Rover’s Rescue Revue” starring Tanja Williamson as Roxy, Daniel Finn as Rex, Lorie Narum as the evil Carmella DeMille and Jane Burton Bell as the Faithful Blue Heeler. Great to hear so much laughter from our guests! Amazing that Gretchen and our crew have donated their time and talent to the animal shelter for 20 years now!

Also, we are down to the final days at Duck Soup. We close November 1! Be sure to come for dinner or happy hour! April is a long time to wait if you miss us this year! Cheers, Anna Lisa

Lorie entertains the crowd at Duck Soup Inn

Lorie entertains the crowd at Duck Soup Inn

Daylight saving time…it's November 1st!

Posted October 25, 2009 at 9:00 pm by

Here’s more! -oo-

Daylight saving time…it’s November 1st!

Posted October 25, 2009 at 9:00 pm by

Here’s more! -oo-

Visiting for homecoming…

Posted October 25, 2009 at 5:57 pm by

Amelia Stegman with  her mom, Yolanda

Amelia Stegman with her mom, Yolanda

It was nice to run into Amelia Stegman and her mom Yolanda Sunday afternoon at the Naked Bean (which may be America’s Coffeehouse)…she was on her way back to Pacific Lutheran after a weekend here.

Finding your caretakers….

Posted October 25, 2009 at 5:46 pm by

Here’s a post from Stephanie Walker’s blog that explains how she & her husband decided to move here (their blog is called Love in the Time of Foreclosure….)

Birthday in a beautiful fall….

Posted October 25, 2009 at 3:27 pm by

Jessica & Steve celebrate his birthday....

Jessica & Steve celebrate his birthday....

I love the pictures on Nan Simpson’s blog, which includes the news of Steve’s October birthday, great pictures of autumn on the island, and a cake you’ll wish you had a bite of….here’s more.

Which birthday? Not sure, but she says the song of the day starts like this: “When I get older, losing my hair – many years from now…..”

Another new islander….

Posted October 23, 2009 at 12:47 am by

That's Samish J-14 (the big one) with offspring Se-Yi-Chn (J-45, the little one) by Jeanne Hyde

That's Samish J-14 (the big one, left) with offspring Se-Yi-Chn (J-45, the little one - the Samish Nation's name means "younger one") by Jeanne Hyde

Jenny from the Whale Museum was on hand for the naming, and files this report (click here for photos of the calf, from the Center for Whale Research):

The Samish Indian Nation Names New Calf (J-45)
On Saturday, October 17, 2009, the Samish Indian Nation held a traditional potlatch naming ceremony for J-45, the newest J Pod calf in the Southern Resident Community of orcas.

Witnesses to the Naming...

Witnesses to the Naming...

The Whale Museum participated in the ceremony by providing ceremonial gifts for the attendees as well as a greeting by Executive Director Jenny Atkinson.  The museum was asked to appoint a witness to the ceremony.

Because of her role as the Orca Adoption Program Coordinator and the story keeper of the whales, Jeanne Hyde was chosen. Jeanne noted that, “It was an honor to be asked to witness.”  Being a witness to the ceremony requires one to remember the ceremony and then witness to the gathering what was seen and heard. Witnesses also have the duty to pass on to others what they observed at the ceremony.

Blankets played a significant role in the ceremony. Each witness had a blanket placed over one shoulder. Four blankets were ceremoniously placed on the floor.  A young person was appointed to carry the image of J-45, the orca calf to be named. Continue Reading

Notes around town….

Posted October 23, 2009 at 12:12 am by

Happy birthday to youuuuu....

Happy birthday to youuuuu....

Here are some things you’ll need to know, around town & around the island:

• The Community Theatre’s production of Carmen is this weekend – Saturday’s show is sold out, but Sunday’s matinee still has tickets.

• Yesterday was Angela Bolger’s birthday, as everyone who went through Friday Harbor Espresso’s drive thru knows….

• Are you finding it hard to get used to Bakery San Juan‘s winter hours? I dropped by the last two Mondays when they were closed. The cool part was hearing Chloe & Mark playing violin, though. Neat way to take your break at work….

Emily's maps are cool - do you have your Town Centennial Map yet?

Emily's maps are cool - do you have your Town Centennial Map yet?

• Those awesome historical maps that Emily Reed made for the town’s centennial are still available – you can pick ’em up at the Chamber’s visitors’ center, Town Hall, and the Historical Museum.

It’s free to get one or two…if you want ’em in bulk, call Emily at 378-2750 & she’ll tell you how affordable they are. You can also get her Emily’s Guide & Maps of the San Juan Islands online...get yours today!

• Madden says Steps Wine Bar & Café is closing for the season on Thursday, October 29th.

Merri Ann Simonson just put out her real estate report for Coldwell Banker, covering the first three quarters of the year – click here to see how it’s going!

Sports update….

Posted October 23, 2009 at 12:01 am by

FHHS QB Tanner Buck (&) and the Wolverines are ready for Meridian Friday night at 7:30pm.

FHHS QB Tanner Buck (7) and the Wolverines are ready for Meridian Friday night at 7:30pm.

• The varsity football guys are warming up for Friday night’s homecoming game at 7:30pm with Meridian; the junior varsity gets going at 5pm. (The homecoming parade through town is at 4:15pm, by the way.)

• The soccer team (who are 11-4 after beating Mount Vernon Christian on Tuesday & losing to Seattle Christian Thursday) takes on La Conner here at 4:30pm on Monday (the game was changed from Tuesday next week).

A new islander…

Posted October 22, 2009 at 10:36 am by

Maren, ready for action....

Maren, ready for action....

Just Tuesday at 9:39pm, Maren Olivia Ellingson (daughter of Matt & Andrea Ellingson!) checked in to the world at 6 pounds 12 ounces & 20.5 inches…and everybody’s doing fine!


Posted October 22, 2009 at 10:07 am by

Wild make my heart sing...

Wild make my heart sing...

Hey, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for reading the Update. Each day is a little celebration of the cool things that make us all glad we live here, and I appreciate that you’re along for the ride.

Without you, I’d be just another San Juan Island islander writing in his journal about his guardian angels. With you, I still am, but with a wider audience. 🙂

Have a great Thursday!

Love ya,

Ian, your itinerant reporter

Emily heads for Peru…

Posted October 22, 2009 at 9:53 am by

That's Emily dancing with her dad John at the Father/Daughter Dance three years ago....

That's Emily dancing with her dad John at the Father/Daughter Dance three years ago....

Local activist & all-around great person Emily Bayuk-Johnson is heading for a four-minth stint in Peru to help build a community center. The folks who live in San Francisco de Asis need a place for child care, education and skills-development training, so the Lake Union Crew Outreach Foundation (Emily rows for ’em, too) is extending a hand in the $150K project.

Here’s the full story, from the Seattle Times.

Emily, San Juan Island is proud of you!

Festival of Trees…gonna be different this year…

Posted October 22, 2009 at 9:45 am by

April Brown is coming to SJCT....

April Brown is coming to SJCT....

It’s in December, but I reckon this is as good a time as any to get started with your planning. The 20th Anniversary has the Community Theatre bringing in a famous auctioneer named April Brown…here’s more, from SJCT’s Jan Bollwinkel-Smith:

Its theme of “20 Magical Years” also means shaking things up for the annual Festival of Trees at the San Juan Community Theatre on Saturday, December 5.

Tickets go on sale this week to the public for the Theatre’s major fundraiser of the year; and the Community Arts Theatre Society (CATS) is hoping some key changes will attract increased participation in the event.

“The celebration of CATS’ and the Theatre’s 20th anniversary seemed a perfect time to make some big changes to this very important fundraiser for the Theatre,” said CATS president Pat Nieman.

That transformation focuses on creating more excitement, theatrics and interaction for guests, Continue Reading

You can help with the Garage Sale!

Posted October 22, 2009 at 9:22 am by

See ya there!

See ya there!

Tanja at the elementary school sent this over (above)…see if you can help out!

Thinking Like An Island… with a gracious rebel

Posted October 21, 2009 at 11:30 pm by

Michael's book....

Michael's book....

Ryan Browne wrote to tell me about this & to invite you to come:

Michael Ableman: Thinking like an Island
October 23 in Friday Harbor

The San Juan Island Agricultural Guild and the San Juan Island Farmers’ Market is sponsoring Salt Spring Island farmer, writer, speaker and photographer Michael Ableman to speak at the upcoming “Celebration of Our Local Harvest.”

Ableman has lectured extensively throughout the U.S. and in Europe. His work has been covered in National Geographic, on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, in the Utne Reader, Gourmet Magazine, and the L.A. Times. An award-winning film about Ableman’s work, Beyond Organic, narrated by Meryl Streep, aired nationally on PBS in 2001.

He has received numerous awards including the 2001 “Sustie” Award for his work in sustainable agriculture, Eating Well magazine’s 1995 Food Hero Award, and the 1997 Environmental Leadership Award from the governor of the state of California.

Those of you who went to “Island on the Edge” last week at the Library might remember him in the film. This is not to be missed! I’ve read his latest book, Fields of Plenty, and very strongly recommend it to anyone. I have one copy if anyone would like to borrow it!

Friday at 6 pm at the Mullis Center. There is a suggested donation of $10, though no one will be denied a ticket. It’s a potluck, so bring some good food! Tickets can be picked up at the Farmer’s Market, Griffin Bay Books and Market Chef.

“Ableman is a gracious rebel who knows that industrialized farming wrings the life
out of both soil and communities. His joy in stewardship and in people celebrates a
psychic sustainability that won’t appear on spreadsheets.”
Sierra, Magazine of the Sierra Club