Topic: Business

Town Proclamation For Chamber Of Commerce Director

Written on February 12, 2021 at 4:30 am, by

Friday Harbor Mayor Farhad Ghatan signed the following proclamation on Feb. 4. WHEREAS, the mission of the SJI Chamber of Commerce is to promote the economic vitality of our community and support its membership through educational programs, networking opportunities, visitor information services and community events which reflect our unique island culture; and WHEREAS, our island  Continue Reading

Griffin Bay To Close For Two Weeks, Online Ordering Remains

Written on February 10, 2021 at 5:00 am, by

Store To Close Feb. 14-March 2 For Vacation By Nancy Larsen, Griffin Bay Bookstore We at Griffin Bay Bookstore have you in our hearts as we turn our uplifted spirits to thoughts of deep appreciation for our customers, to the gratitude we hold for your encouragement and support, and to the joy we feel knowing  Continue Reading

Apply For Fulltime Job At Friday Harbor Labs

Written on February 10, 2021 at 4:30 am, by

From Friday Harbor Labs The University of Washington’s Friday Harbor Laboratories has an opening as a visitor coordinator. This is a fulltime, salaried position, that earns $4,116 per month plus benefits. Staff is seeking an energetic multitasker, detail-oriented and good with numbers, to coordinate the use of facilities at Friday Harbor Labs. The employee will  Continue Reading

San Juan Kayak Expeditions ‘Passes The Paddle’ To Bicycle Adventures

Written on February 8, 2021 at 5:30 am, by

By Louis Dustrude, San Juan Update After 40 years of operating San Juan Kayak Expeditions and 33 years of guiding multi-day trips, Tim Thomsen has sold the business to Todd Starnes, owner of Washington-based adventure companies Bicycle Adventures, Evergreen Escapes and Sacred Rides.  Cole Wilson, a long-time guide with the company, has been hired as  Continue Reading

Free ‘Kitchen Sink’ Meals at Cynthia’s Bistro

Written on February 3, 2021 at 4:30 am, by

From Cynthia’s Bistro Grab a free dinner from 4:30-6 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 4, at Cynthia’s Bistro, 65 Nichols Street in Friday Harbor.  The bistro is offering free takeout meals on the restaurant’s front porch to anyone who needs a meal or wishes to have a home-cooked meal; no questions asked, just free food. The meals  Continue Reading

Spread Valentine’s Love San Juan Islands Style

Written on February 2, 2021 at 5:00 am, by

From San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau This Valentine’s Day, give some love to our island communities and support your favorite shops, restaurants and lodgings. This last year has been tough on business owners keeping up with changing restrictions. A candlelit dinner is a Valentine’s must, and there are so many takeout options to choose from  Continue Reading

Save the Shaw Store Surpasses $10K In Donations

Written on January 27, 2021 at 5:30 am, by

By Jennifer Swanson,; Anne Wysocki,; Learner Limbach,, Save the Shaw Store Board of Directors Save the Shaw Store has gotten off to a terrific start. Within just a few days of the first public announcement, enthusiastic responses have come from across the islands, as well as from the rest of Washington state,  Continue Reading

EDC Launches Survey To Measure COVID Impacts On Business

Written on January 27, 2021 at 5:00 am, by

From San Juan County Economic Development Center The San Juan County Economic Development Council has created a survey to assess existing and potential negative economic impacts from recent events. Responses to the survey are confidential and will be anonymized, aggregated and used to determine programs and resources intended to mitigate economic impacts. Business owners and  Continue Reading

Join Business PPP and EIDL Webinars Online

Written on January 26, 2021 at 5:00 am, by

From San Juan County Economic Development Council The U.S. Small Business Administration and Small Business Development Centers have scheduled upcoming webinars on the new Paycheck Protection Program and Emergency Injury Disaster Loan programs. The PPP provides loans to help businesses keep their workforce employed during the Coronavirus crisis. The EIDL program is designed to provide  Continue Reading

Leadership San Juan Islands Holds Virtual Community Seminars

Written on January 23, 2021 at 5:30 am, by

By Katherine Bryant Ingman, program director, Leadership San Juan Islands The Leadership San Juan Islands 2021 community seminars will begin on Jan. 29. Three informational community seminars will be held virtually for our island community throughout the first half of 2021. The public is welcome to these free community seminars. Visit for more information  Continue Reading

Nonprofit Looks To Buy Shaw General Store

Written on January 19, 2021 at 5:30 am, by

Store Could Be Opened Year-Round From the Save the Shaw Store Board of Directors Imagine the Shaw General Store open seven days a week, year-round, managed by the Orcas Food Co-op. Imagine the store property owned by a community nonprofit organization, self-supporting through the store, the marina and other revenue sources on the property. This  Continue Reading

EDC Explains Farm Grant Opportunity

Written on January 17, 2021 at 4:30 am, by

From the San Juan Island Economic Development Council The Tilth Alliance is now accepting applications for the Washington State Organic and Sustainable Farming Fund. This opportunity is available to farmers seeking financial assistance to support projects that will improve the economic viability, social impacts, or environmental sustainability of their farm businesses or community. The goal  Continue Reading

EDC Hosts Paycheck Protection Program Webinar

Written on January 12, 2021 at 5:00 am, by

From San Juan County Economic Development Council On Thursday, Jan. 14, the San Juan County Economic Development Council will host a Zoom webinar on the upcoming Paycheck Protection Program, or PPP, loan application process. The event will be presented by Janie Sacco and Steve Burke from the Washington Small Business Development Center from 2-3:30 p.m.  Continue Reading

County Council To Review Vacation Rental Moratorium on January 12

Written on January 11, 2021 at 8:44 pm, by

By Hayley Day, San Juan Update At the Tuesday, Jan. 12 San Juan County Council meeting, councilmembers will discuss a moratorium on vacation rental permit applications. The agenda for the meeting also states that the council may take action. Councilmembers will also review the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine; approve a resolution for their state  Continue Reading

Makerspace Event Looks At How To Create Sustainable Products

Written on January 9, 2021 at 4:30 am, by

From San Juan County Economic Development Council Islanders interested in makerspaces and sustainability are invited to join the Economic Development Council of San Juan County to hear about “closing the loop” on Thursday, Jan. 14 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. on Zoom.  Nikyta Palmisani, the training, education and outreach coordinator for Lopez Solid Waste, will  Continue Reading

County Finds Lax COVID Safety On Job Sites

Written on December 26, 2020 at 4:30 am, by

By San Juan County Recent San Juan County COVID-19 case investigations have revealed a trend of lax COVID safety protocols on various construction and building sites across the islands. As in any workplace, consistent masking is a critical tool for preventing disease transmission. Work done alone or outside with greater than six feet of separation  Continue Reading