Topic: Education

Cycling’s Benefits For Parkinson’s Disease Patients
Written on April 17, 2018 at 5:48 am, by Tim Dustrude
The following is a guest article written by Rebecca Evans, a Registered Nurse and Health Writer… While there is still a great deal more not known about Parkinson’s than is known, one of the areas of research in which much progress is being made is that of exercise’s effects on Parkinson’s. While this was once Continue Reading

San Juan Island School District Community Budget Workshop
Written on April 17, 2018 at 5:40 am, by Tim Dustrude
A San Juan Island School District community budget workshop was held by the Board of Directors on March 15, 2018 to review the district current budget status and to identify budget parameters for the upcoming year. Implications of the Educational Programs and Operations Levy (formerly the M&O levy) were also discussed. The goal for the workshop was a Continue Reading

Inner Journey Collage Workshop
Written on April 2, 2018 at 5:46 am, by Tim Dustrude
Deb Langhans shares this information on her upcoming workshop… Have you ever pondered how challenging (& sometimes counterproductive) it can be to try formulating new year resolutions during the darkest, most depressing time of year? It seems to me such a worthy goal would be better timed with Mother Nature’s own modeling of regeneration–when Spring Continue Reading

Portrait of Imogen
Written on March 30, 2018 at 5:48 am, by Tim Dustrude
Meg Partridge, cinematographer, director and producer is presenting her Academy Award nominated film Portrait of Imogen on April 7. She will share personal memories of life with her iconic grandmother, photographer Imogen Cunningham. The event, part of the Art As A Voice series will be held at the San Juan Grange on First Street in Continue Reading

From the Mailbag
Written on March 30, 2018 at 5:45 am, by Tim Dustrude
In the SJ Update mailbag this morning we find this letter from Bob & Shannon Wilson… Vote YES for our schools! This year, more than ever it is so important that we vote YES on the school levy. It is NOT a new tax, but a renewal of the one that has existed for many Continue Reading

Letter from Dr. Diaz
Written on March 30, 2018 at 5:43 am, by Tim Dustrude
Greetings Students, Staff, Parents and Community Members: When we hear news of school-related tragedies, we, as a school district, become ever more resolved in our commitment to student safety. San Juan Island School District principals and school staff have been working hard to create a safer environment for our students. One year ago the school Continue Reading

Student Flight Class
Written on March 28, 2018 at 5:48 am, by Tim Dustrude
Loren DeShon shares this update on the recent flight class… Island students completed eight 3-hour introductory classes at Westwind Aviation over the last two months and the last night all in attendance got to take a flying tour of the islands, landing at Orcas, Roche and Friday Harbor. The class covered introduction to aerodynamics, navigation, Continue Reading

Growing a Revolution
Written on March 27, 2018 at 5:49 am, by Tim Dustrude
Griffin Bay Bookstore & The San Juan Island Library present Growing A Revolution – Bringing Our Soil Back To Life by David R. Montgomery, Saturday, April 7th at 7:00 pm at the library. David R. Montgomery returns to San Juan Island just in time for gardeners and farmers who are busy preparing their soil for Continue Reading

Know Your Islanders Talks
Written on March 26, 2018 at 5:48 am, by Tim Dustrude
Two Grandparents and a 13-Year-Old: Self-Driving the Back Roads of Namibia Join Val and Leslie Veirs as they recount their 2-week trip to Namibia with their 13-year-old grandson, Liam Reese. Driving over a thousand kilometers, they encountered the oldest and highest sand dunes in the world, mobs of southern fur seals, ancient petroglyphs of giraffes, Continue Reading

Skagit Valley College Earns National Honors
Written on March 24, 2018 at 5:46 am, by Tim Dustrude
SVC Named among the Top 100 community colleges for Adult Learners Skagit Valley College (SVC) is pleased to announce that it has received national recognition as one of the best community colleges in the nation. Washington Monthly magazine published its ranking of the Top 100 Best Two-Year Colleges for Adult Learners and SVC was named Continue Reading

Upcoming School Board Meetings
Written on March 24, 2018 at 5:08 am, by Tim Dustrude
On Wednesday March 28, 2018, the San Juan Island School District Board of Directors will hold a Special School Board Meeting at 3:00 pm in the School District Office. This is an open public meeting. On Wednesday March 28, 2018, the San Juan Island School District Board of Directors will hold a Regular School Board Continue Reading

EDC presents Mission: Advertising workshop
Written on March 23, 2018 at 5:46 am, by Tim Dustrude
Business owners are invited to join the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) for Mission: Advertising, a free workshop on advertising and marketing for small businesses, on Wednesday, March 28th from 9 a.m. until noon. Participants will learn the effective techniques and media they can use to build their businesses using print media, social Continue Reading

Adam Says Vote “YES”
Written on March 23, 2018 at 5:43 am, by Tim Dustrude
In the SJ Update mailbag this morning we find a letter from Adam Eltinge… On April 24th, join me in voting Yes for the San Juan Island School District’s levy renewal. This levy represents vital funding that the school district needs in order to continue offering the programs and services that we currently have. The Continue Reading

Early Childfind
Written on March 22, 2018 at 5:40 am, by Tim Dustrude
Do you have a child who may need special help in speech, motor skills or other developmental areas? San Juan Island School District is having a free screening clinic for children aged three to five years to screen development in motor, communication, or adaptive skills, where there may be a concern. Date: Wednesday, March 28, Continue Reading

Middle School PTA Fundraiser
Written on March 21, 2018 at 5:47 am, by Tim Dustrude
Friday Harbor Middle School PTA Spring Fundraiser Kick’s Off Thursday Night! The Friday Harbor Middle School PTA is kicking off its Spring Basket Fundraiser at the this week’s FH Middle School Players’ performances of “The Humor Games,” running Thursday, March 22 through Sunday, March 25 at San Juan Community Theatre. Raffle tickets will be sold Continue Reading

Register for SVC
Written on March 20, 2018 at 5:36 am, by Tim Dustrude
It’s not too late to register for Spring Quarter at Skagit Valley College Registration is going on now. Classes begin April 3rd. Trending programs include: Arts Basic Education for Adults Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Conservation Composites Engineering STEM Sustainable Agriculture Also, Business direct transfer (at Whidbey Island Campus) Or, if you would like to Continue Reading