Conor in France….

Posted October 6, 2009 at 12:53 am by

Conor with his classmate Delphine in France

Conor with his classmate Delphine in France

Just got a note that FHHS junior Conor Lanphere’s year in France is going well…his mom Teri McPadden sent this photo of him with one of his classmates, Delphine last week.

The phone answering machine….

Posted October 5, 2009 at 6:54 pm by

"If you want us to raise your child, press 6."

"If you want us to raise your child, press 6."

This is a message (allegedly, but sort of convincingly) from a phone answering machine at Pacific Palisades high in California somewhere. Listen to it, then click here if you want the rest of the story.

When the saints go marchin' in…

Posted October 5, 2009 at 5:17 pm by

I was looking for some free stylin’ rap to share with you & this is what I found…I reckon this is where it all began, with Louis Armstrong & Danny Kaye:

When the saints go marchin’ in…

Posted October 5, 2009 at 5:17 pm by

I was looking for some free stylin’ rap to share with you & this is what I found…I reckon this is where it all began, with Louis Armstrong & Danny Kaye:

Foxy, baby….

Posted October 5, 2009 at 5:10 pm by

Out at American Camp....

Out at American Camp....

I heard from photographer Ken Olson the other day, who asked if I knew of folks around here who needed pictures – I wrote him & said sure, & could I post a couple of his…here’s what he says:

Thanks for your response, I really enjoy the pictures you have posted and I would like to contribute in a positive way. I have attached 2 photos that I have taken recently, please look them over and let me know if this is what you are looking for.

I enjoy taking photos of wildlife and never accept $$.  If your policy is for the public to pay something for a copy of the photos posted, I would like to have any $$ collected to be given to the animal shelter on the Island.  Let me know what you think.

Best regards,
Ken Olson
ken.olson (at)

Down at the marina....

Down at the marina....

Falling for you….

Posted October 5, 2009 at 4:56 pm by

The leaves are leaving....

The leaves are leaving....

And autumning as well….

Phonathon's coming – and we need you!

Posted October 5, 2009 at 3:10 pm by

That FHHS seniors Theo & Tommy helping out with the calls - now they're in college, so the Schools Fooundation needs you!

That's FHHS seniors Theo & Tommy helping out with the calls - now they're in college, so the Schools Fooundation needs you!

The great fundraiser for the Schools Foundation is the Phonathon in a couple of weeks – and they could use a little help. Here’s more from Pamela Williams for the SJISF:

This year the San Juan Public Schools Foundation Phonathon is on Monday, October 19th.  The focus is to raise money towards the matching grant of $50,000 that Kings Market has so generously offered.  Volunteer phone callers are needed for two shifts~ 4:30-6:30, 6:00-8:00, or both.

There will be an orientation and delicious food from the Market Chef at the beginning of each session.  If you are interested, please contact Pamela Williams at 378-2826 or pamelaw (at) . Thank you!!!

Phonathon’s coming – and we need you!

Posted October 5, 2009 at 3:10 pm by

That FHHS seniors Theo & Tommy helping out with the calls - now they're in college, so the Schools Fooundation needs you!

That's FHHS seniors Theo & Tommy helping out with the calls - now they're in college, so the Schools Fooundation needs you!

The great fundraiser for the Schools Foundation is the Phonathon in a couple of weeks – and they could use a little help. Here’s more from Pamela Williams for the SJISF:

This year the San Juan Public Schools Foundation Phonathon is on Monday, October 19th.  The focus is to raise money towards the matching grant of $50,000 that Kings Market has so generously offered.  Volunteer phone callers are needed for two shifts~ 4:30-6:30, 6:00-8:00, or both.

There will be an orientation and delicious food from the Market Chef at the beginning of each session.  If you are interested, please contact Pamela Williams at 378-2826 or pamelaw (at) . Thank you!!!

Islands Village Faire photos….

Posted October 5, 2009 at 10:16 am by

James Krall & Nancy Young at the soccer game a week or two ago....

James Krall & Nancy Young at the soccer game a week or two ago....

I ran into James Krall a few weeks ago & asked if he’d mind if I shared with you his cool pictures from the Village Faire in late August.

The Islands Faire, the last week of August. Photos by James Krall.

The Islands Faire, the last week of August. Photos by James Krall.

He says no problem, so here they are (click here!)

James has been a regular on those sunny days the FHHS girls soccer team plays, since his two nieces Alex & Jenny are playing this year, and proud mom Nancy (his sis) is in the crowd, too. He’s got a good eye for framing a shot – check out his portfolio at

By the light of the moon…

Posted October 5, 2009 at 9:59 am by

Over the water.....

Over the water.....

That’s what the moonrise looked like Saturday night from the deck of the San Juan Island Yacht Club, right after the ferry came in.

That fundraiser rocked…

Posted October 5, 2009 at 9:55 am by

Genevieve & Hannah & Catherine

Genevieve & Hannah & Catherine

It was cool to have us all in one place…I kept hearing over & over that it’s why we live here.

And it is.

Greg Sawyer

Greg Sawyer

Hundreds of well-wishers & parents & students who have been touched by a strong teacher showed up to support his effort to land a kidney transplant. Greg Sawyer is a favorite teacher to so many kids that I know that you couldn’t count ’em, and for all he’s given, it was great to have a chance to give back, to him.

Special thanks to Catherine Bevins & Genevieve Iverson & Hannah Waite for pulling this all together, and to the dozens of volunteers who made it happen. Go, Greg! We’re cheering for ya!

Adoption month is coming…

Posted October 5, 2009 at 12:35 am by

Bringing their lives, into yours...

Bringing their lives, into yours...

Sandy Strelou is making plans…wanna help? Here’s more:

Hey, Ian:

Could you help get the word out that Keri Talbott and I are planning some great community events for National Adoption Month in November–and we are looking for local adoptive or foster parents and families who may want to participate.

One idea we are working on is a community discussion on adoption and fostering with parents who’ve adopted or are fostering children–for people considering adoption or foster placement. Another would be an exhibit of foster/adoption resources and stories to be on display at the Library.

We are also interested in forming a foster/adopt families group to support the wonderful children and parents of our community who have become families through adoption and foster families. Anyone interested in participating or finding out more should contact me via strehlou (at) or by telephone, 360.378.8337.

Thanks for your help, and your great community website!

Taking mom out….

Posted October 5, 2009 at 12:07 am by

Having fun on Saturday night....

Having fun on Saturday night....

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Nancy Vejvoda & her mom Shirley around town when they weren’t smiling.

I caught up with them at Marie Dicristina’s “retirement” party at the Yacht Club on Saturday, which celebrated Marie moving on from her photography biz to the next phase of things (she’s gonna let me know what that is, when she figures it out!)

In town, last weekend…

Posted October 4, 2009 at 5:20 pm by



Saw this bumper sticker on an islander’s car last weekend….

Meanwhile, I also swung by Edith Dickinson’s garden on Argyle Street, across from the Fairgrounds…it’s getting near the end of the season, but it looked great again this summer…

Looking good...

Looking good...

Preservation Trust campaign to save Guemes mountain saves it!

Posted October 2, 2009 at 1:47 pm by

Guemes Mountain (on right) connects to nearly 500 acres of continguous open space and wildlife habitat, much of which is protected by the San Juan Preservation Trust. (photo by Mark Linnemann)

Guemes Mountain (on right) connects to nearly 500 acres of continguous open space and wildlife habitat, much of which is protected by the San Juan Preservation Trust. (photo by Mark Linnemann)

The Campaign to Save Guemes Mountain is a success! Kathleen from the San Juan Preservation Trust reports:

Dear Ian,

“We Did It!” That’s the phrase heard from the San Juan Preservation Trust, Skagit Land Trust, and other Save Guemes Mountain Campaign leaders and supporters who have succeeded in raising $2.2 million to purchase and permanently protect Guemes Mountain, 70 acres of rocky balds and conifer forest rising serenely over picturesque Guemes Island.

An amazing outpouring of support from the Guemes community and beyond (including more than 550 donations from individuals, families, foundations, and businesses), Continue Reading

New hours & new stuff at Bakery San Juan….

Posted October 2, 2009 at 12:24 pm by

Patrick heads for California this weekend....

Patrick heads for California this weekend....

Over at Bakery San Juan, Patrick takes off Saturday (like, tomorrow, dude) – so drop by & say goodbye if you haven’t already!

In other bakery news, Mark tells me he’ll start being open Tuesday-Saturday for the off-season, starting the week of October 5th. He’s also planning on staying open later – from 8am to 7pm (Wednesday-Saturday). The inside skinny: Bakery San Juan’s gonna start making pizzas for those later hours – drop by & get yours!

Finally, Mark says that next Wednesday is the last day that BSJ goods will be in local markets – after that you can only get ’em at the bakery. He extends a HUGE thanks to the markets & restaurants that have carries his bread for the last year.