Tom is FF of the Month!
Hey! Keri from the Town wanted you to know a little more about this month’s Firefighter of the Month – here’s the Friday Harbor Fire Department’s Tom Eades’s responses to her questions:
NAME: Tom Eades
FAMILY/PETS ON ISLAND: Girlfriend/No pets
FAVORITE FOOD: All seafood.
FAVORITE MUSIC: Primarily rock; but I can handle anything other than polkas!
HOBBIES: Flying, Biking, Hiking, Boating, internet surfing
CAREER: 9-1-1 Dispatcher
HOW YOU ENDED UP INFH: I got fired from my job at a Port Angeles radio station, and found out San Juan County was looking for dispatchers…
WHY YOU LIKE IT HERE: Most the time, it’s scenic and peaceful
HARDEST PART ABOUT LIVING IN FH: Any trip anywhere is a minimum full-day experience.
POSITION IN FIRE DEPT: Assistant Chief of Operations
WHY YOU JOINED: I’d always found the fire service intriguing, and thought it would be a good way to stay fit.
WHY YOU LIKE IT: I love the action, the variety, and especially the camaraderie among firefighters.
MOST EXCITING THING ABOUT DEPT: The extreme dynamics involved in firefighting; learning to master situations that scare a “normal” person.
OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: 19 years and counting w/San Juan EMS, 18 years with Fire Dist. 3, and five years on the board of the San Juan Pilots Association.
IDEAL DAY: Wake up at 8, have a huge breakfast, go fly somewhere in gorgeous weather!
FAVORITE SAYING, QUOTE: “Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
–Mark Twain