That's San Juan Island's Kevin Ranker in the Fourth of July parade back in 2004...
Our state senator Kevin Ranker says there is $167 million in recovery investments for shoreline and marine habitat restoration by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (here’s more on that), and a chunk is coming our way – here’s more in his statement:
Today US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke announced the distribution of $167 million by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) to help restore coastlines and natural areas across the country, including $16.4 million for projects in Washington – many of which are in our communities here in the 40th district.
“I’m excited about these investments in the health of Puget Sound and the surrounding watersheds. These efforts will restore critical habitat while creating and sustaining green-sector jobs in our jobs in our communities.”
“These investments underscore the importance of the Puget Sound Partnership’s Action Agenda. Having a scientifically vetted plan for Puget Sound recovery has made us a national model. These funds will invest in projects that will be key steps in protecting and restoring the Puget Sound eco-system for years to come.”
“We owe great thanks to Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell, and Rep. Larsen for their efforts to make sure these important investments were made in our area.”
Local area projects include:
· Removing derelict fishing gear from Puget Sound
· Restoring the tidal connection for the Nooksack River at Smuggler’s Slough
· Help salmon and restore the floodplain for Hansen’s Creek
· Restoring freshwater marsh at Fisher Slough
For more information on the projects in our area, or any of the other projects across the country, you can see the full list at the NOAA’s website by clicking here.