San Juan County is seeking volunteers to create opposing statements to place in the Voters’ Pamphlet for two measures on the ballot in the upcoming November 2020 General Election.
San Juan County Fire Protection District #3 approved sending Resolution 2020-08 to voters. If approved, the measure would authorize the annexation of Henry, Johns, and Stuart Islands, and other smaller islands nearby, to Fire Protection District #3 (San Juan Island Fire & Rescue).
The Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District approved sending Resolution No. 27-2020 to voters. If approved, the measure would authorize a property tax levy of $.08322 per $1000 assessed value for the tax year 2021. The levy would support the District’s operating and capital expenses.
Both measures have “pro” committees and are in need of “con” committees to supply statements against the measures.
Each committee may have up to three members, though members may seek the advice of any number of people to assist in developing the statements. Each committee’s statement must be submitted to San Juan County Elections no later than August 25.
If interested in serving on one of the committees, please contact San Juan County Auditor, Milene Henley at 360-370-7558or [email protected].