San Juan County Seeks “Con” Committee Members for Voters’ Guide Statements

Posted August 15, 2020 at 5:01 am by

San Juan County is seeking volunteers to create opposing statements to place in the Voters’ Pamphlet for two measures on the ballot in the upcoming November 2020 General Election.

San Juan County Fire Protection District #3 approved sending Resolution 2020-08 to voters. If approved, the measure would authorize the annexation of Henry, Johns, and Stuart Islands, and other smaller islands nearby, to Fire Protection District #3 (San Juan Island Fire & Rescue).

The Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District approved sending Resolution No. 27-2020 to voters. If approved, the measure would authorize a property tax levy of $.08322 per $1000 assessed value for the tax year 2021. The levy would support the District’s operating and capital expenses.

Both measures have “pro” committees and are in need of “con” committees to supply statements against the measures.

Each committee may have up to three members, though members may seek the advice of any number of people to assist in developing the statements. Each committee’s statement must be submitted to San Juan County Elections no later than August 25.

If interested in serving on one of the committees, please contact San Juan County Auditor, Milene Henley at 360-370-7558or [email protected].

Land Bank Seeks Public Input on Agricultural Activities

Posted August 14, 2020 at 10:47 am by

Coffelt Farm Preserve – Contributed photo

The Conservation Agriculture Resource Team (CART-Coffelt) was formed at the request of the San Juan County Land Bank Commission to assess and develop recommendations for future farm operations at Coffelt Farm Preserve. The team consists of thirteen members including representatives from local agricultural agencies, stakeholders, and members of the farming community. 

Currently Coffelt Farm Preserve is being leased and managed by Lum Farm. Their short term lease to December of 2021 is designed as an interim period to facilitate the CART process and to make critical infrastructure and utility improvements. It is anticipated that CART will submit recommendations to the Land Bank in early 2021. This input will then help inform a Request for Proposals (RFP) and ultimately a long-term farm lease.

In order to better understand community priorities for Coffelt Farm, CART is currently seeking county-wide public input on agricultural activities, and has developed the survey linked below to aid in the process. This input will help inform recommendations on future farm operations at Coffelt Farm Preserve within the context of the Land Bank Stewardship Management Plan, the existing San Juan Preservation Trust Conservation Easement and relevant regulations.  

For more information contact Charlie Behnke, San Juan County Land Bank Agriculture Program Coordinator, [email protected].

For English version: CLICK HERE

For Spanish version: CLICK HERE

Please submit your responses by August 17th

Griffin Bay School Virtual Fair Grant Opportunity

Posted August 14, 2020 at 10:28 am by

New Building For Griffin Bay School – Contributed photo

San Juan Island School District would like to thank the San Juan Community Foundation for the annual “Fair matching grant” in support of our community!  We are grateful to be included in this year’s “line up” of worthy causes that help our community stay strong and healthy.

SJISD is asking for support for the K-12 “Reimagined and Relaunched Griffin Bay School” program.  There is currently a high level of interest in remote learning due to the pandemic. Families are asking for opportunities for their children to receive educational support material outside of the daily tele-school schedules. To meet the growing levels of interest, we are reimagining and relaunching a new Griffin Bay School. Startup costs are significant. We are adding curriculum that will serve K-12 either in an online version or through resources provided to families. Staff at Griffin Bay School will monitor and check progress weekly through zoom or email. This program will relieve working families from the daily schedule of the Teleschooling model, allowing for a parent delivered model on the family’s schedule.  We truly believe this opportunity will have far-reaching impacts for educational choice beyond our current situation.

The total goal for startup costs for this new program is $25,000.  We thank you for your consideration.

The SJI Community Foundation 2020 Fair Matching Grant Catalogis accessed through the San Juan County Virtual Fair website under the Vendor Portal, then click on San Juan Community Foundation.   

Link to: Donate site

Summary of Recent Cases in San Juan County

Posted August 13, 2020 at 4:31 pm by

Update from from the County…

There has been one new confirmed positive test result in San Juan County since the last case summary on August 3rd. The case investigation was completed today (Thursday, August 13th). This is the 31st case in San Juan County and the 12th on Orcas Island.

The case occurred in an Orcas Island resident who was tested off-island. Due to timing and nature of recent travel history, it is likely that transmission occurred off-island. This case has resulted in no close contacts requiring quarantine.

San Juan County will continue to provide weekly updates on any new cases on Thursdays, unless the situation requires an immediate update to ensure public health or is an especially notable situation.

San Juan Historical Museum Joins Virtual Fair Fundraiser

Posted August 13, 2020 at 1:40 pm by

Jessie Firth born 1863 – Contributed photo

Since 2017, the Historical Museum has added nearly 3,000 historical images to our photographic collection, through gifts, acquisitions and found treasures. The number of digitally scanned, researched and catalogued images illustrating the history of San Juan Island, now tallies 5,500. As a result, we have outgrown our existing capacity to safely and securely store the originals.

For this year’s virtual San Juan County Fair, the Historical Museum is joining the San Juan Island Community Foundation’s matching grant program to raise funds towards the purchase of a disaster proof photographic filing cabinet. We need your assistance in helping us reach our fundraising goal of $4,500, which will enable us to procure needed storage capacity.

During the virtual Fair, the Community Foundation will match contributions up to $1,000. Additional bonus grants totaling $2,500 can be earned during the Fair through featured daily games. Details are provided each day of the fair via the Foundation’s Facebook page.

Donations will be accepted only during the four days of the Fair, August 12-15. To donate to our cause, follow this link:

Link to: Donate site
Or, Mail a check written to the SJI Community Foundation, dated between August 12-15, and write SJ Historical Museum in the memo line then mail to:

SJICF-County Fair Fundraiser
PO Box 1352
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

The wee tot clutching the tether of the family dog is Jessie Firth born in 1863. Robert and Janet (Jessie) Firth and their four children — Robert Jr, Lexie, Jessie and Betsy — moved to the island in 1862 from Victoria, where Robert was a Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) employee. He became Belle View Sheep Farm manager in 1862 and worked the farm under lease to HBC until 1873. After the boundary dispute was settled, Robert and family remained at Belle Vue Sheep Farm. By 1884, the family owned 226 acres, including the old U.S. Army camp.

HOT TOPIC #29: Guidelines for Parents Considering Home Based Group Learning

Posted August 13, 2020 at 1:14 pm by

COVID-19 updates from San Juan County around subjects on the minds of islanders
As we head into the second half of August, local public and private schools are pursuing a range of options for the start of the school year.

This article will not be addressing the specifics of school reopening plans-that will come directly from school leadership. The focus here is advice and information for families who are considering ways to enhance or modify the learning options offered by schools-specifically by developing home school options or building small groups of students (or “pods”) to collectively participate in online schooling.

First off, we want to recognize the widespread challenges caused by this crisis and the disruption of traditional learning. The impacts and stress are indescribably widespread. Schools and families are in the very challenging position of balancing educational and social-emotional needs with public health needs, and unfortunately, all solutions come with significant compromise.  Compassion, creativity, and dedication have been front and center throughout this difficult time, but nothing about it is easy.

Continue Reading

Alchemy Art Center Joins Virtual Fair Fundraiser

Posted August 12, 2020 at 1:59 pm by

Kids Make Art at Alchemy Art Center – Contributed photo

This 2020 Fair season, Alchemy Art Center is grateful to be featured in the San Juan Island Community Foundation’s Matching Grant Program! 

We are raising funds for the free kids arts programming we are currently offering in partnership with Island Rec and the Family Resource Center, as well as for the Kid Pod Classes we are planning for this summer and fall.

The Community Foundation is generously matching the first $1,000 raised for each project, AND a very generous anonymous supporter is offering to match all donations for Alchemy beyond the first $1,000, up to $5,000!  This means that we have the potential to raise $10,000 this week, which will go far in helping us sustain our community arts programming this year!

Donations can be made now through Sunday, August 15th, using the link below.  Now is the time to support Alchemy!  Thank you so much for helping us serve our island community through the arts!

Link to: Donate site

San Juan Community Theatre Joins Virtual Fair Fundraiser

Posted August 12, 2020 at 1:41 pm by

AND WE’RE LIVE! We are SO very honored to be featured in the SJICF Matching Grant Program! The catalog is now open, today through Saturday the 15th, which means it’s time to show our support for the 30 amazing local nonprofits that are being featured!
*The catalog will be active during the days of the Virtual San Juan County Fair, August 12-15th.
*100% of your donation goes to the nonprofit you donate to! SJICF will cover the credit card fees.
*SJICF will match the first $1,000 raised for each nonprofit organization!
Link to: Donate site

Island Senior: Step Up to Support Senior Programs at the Mullis Center

Posted August 12, 2020 at 2:02 am by

Foot Care with Randi Dooley Park RN – Peggy Sue McRae photo

It may seem quiet at the Mullis Center these days without our lively community lunches, exciting senior trips, and the wide variety of social gatherings that are all on hold right now. Take a closer look though and you will see that the Mullis Center is still humming along on our seniors’ behalf. With the pandemic Meals on Wheels is delivering more home meals now than ever and the center continues to provide core essential services. I availed myself of one of those services today. I had my first foot care appointment with Randi Dooley Park RN. I say first because I walked out of the Mullis Center on happy feet wondering, why did I wait so long to do this?

Sure, there are a few 80 year olds who still do yoga and can put their feet behind their head but for most of us, just as those toes are getting a little harder to reach our eyesight might not be quite as sharp as it used to be either. The contortions we might try in order to give our toenails a trim could result in a cramp or even bloody toes! Yes, I am speaking from experience and I’m guessing there may be a few of you who can relate. Do yourself a favor and call the Mullis Center at 360.378.2677 for a foot care appointment. The aim is healthy feet (no nail polish involved) but trim nails, smoothed callouses and a lovely foot rub to finish.

To keep these great programs going and to keep the lights on at the Mullis Center be sure to pitch in during the Virtual Fair (August 12 – 15). The San Juan Island Community Foundation has set up a program to match funds for the first $1,000 raised during the Virtual Fair plus they are offering other opportunities for bonus grants. With regular fundraising like the Mullis Center’s popular monthly Pancake Breakfast and its rental incomes on hold due to COVID this opportunity is more critical than ever.  Please step up and support our seniors. Donations can be made online. Thanks to the Community Foundation and to all of you for the support.

Link to: Donate site

Help Feed 500 Hungry Mouths! Animal Shelter Joins Virtual Fair Grant Program

Posted August 12, 2020 at 1:01 am by

Hungry Kitty – Contributed photo

The Animal Shelter (AP-FH) is participating in this year’s San Juan Island Community Fair’s “Virtual Fair”  August 12-15.  It is a fund-raiding opportunity for us, one of very few this year, unfortunately.

Your help is needed to feed our 4-legged friends! COVID has hit us hard but homeless dogs and cats continue to need our care.
Think about what you spend on your pet’s food. Now imagine if you had 500 pets – the average number of animals APS-FH feeds in our shelter each year.  Our budget for dog and cat food totals $9,200. Pet food is expensive.  
Thank you for helping feed homeless dogs and cats!
Link to: Donation Site

Zylstra Lake Preserve – Open for Public Comment

Posted August 11, 2020 at 2:45 pm by

Zylstra Lake – Contributed photo

San Juan County Land Bank is seeking public input on its updated Interim Stewardship and Management Plan (SMP) for the Zylstra Lake Preserve on San Juan Island. This updated interim plan details the Preserve’s abundant wildlife and habitat areas; provides a collaborative strategy for engaging with agricultural interests; and proposes opening approximately two miles of trail this winter, with an additional mile added in summer. The updated interim plan is designed to extend the interim period for two years.

You can download a copy of the Zylstra Lake Preserve SMP from the Land Bank’s website by following CLICKING HERE. Comments can be emailed to [email protected] mailed to the office: SJCLB, 350 Court Street No. 6, Friday Harbor, WA 98250.

Please submit your comments by August 21, 2020.

After the comment period closes, Land Bank staff and commissioners will review and address public comments to the draft interim plan and post a final version September 7, 2020.

Note: If you would like a printed copy of the interim SMP mailed to you, please contact Tanja Williamson at 360-378-4402 or [email protected].

Summary of Timeline:
Review and address public comments: September 1-6
Post a final version: September 7
Attach the final version to an amended budget: September 18 (Commission meeting)
Open the Preserve mid-late September (Public Lands Day is September 26th)

SJI Community Foundation to Launch Virtual Fair Matching Grant Program August 12th

Posted August 11, 2020 at 5:45 am by

Community Foundation at the Fair 2017 – Contributed Photo

Excerpted from the SJI Community Foundation website

Each year, the San Juan Island Community Foundation hosts an exciting matching grant program in their booth at the San Juan County Fair. This tradition gives local nonprofits heightened visibility in the community and a chance to raise funds for current projects. More than $65k was awarded to 9 nonprofits following the 2019 county fair!

When it became necessary to move to a virtual county fair in 2020, the SJICF staff was determined to find creative ways to keep the matching grant program alive. A virtual fair matching grant program was designed and will be launched during the 4 days of the fair, August 12-15.  The online grant catalog will feature 30 local nonprofits in a wide variety of interest areas, including education, visual and performing arts, animal welfare and health and human services.

According to Carrie Unpingco, Executive Director of SJICF, “We look forward to the fair every year because it’s a chance for us to visit with donors in a fun setting and to engage the entire community in local philanthropy. There is so much opportunity to support local nonprofits as they continue to provide services during COVID-19 despite having to cancel annual fundraising galas and events. This year, funds are being requested for both program support and operations. Although general operating expenses are not typically within our grant guidelines, we feel strongly that now is the time to provide funding support to programs as well as to sustain nonprofit operations.”

The virtual grant catalog will open on SJICF’s website at during the 4 days of the fair, August 12-15. SJICF will match up to the first $1,000 raised for each project. 

Mark your calendars to visit August 12-15 so you can support your favorite nonprofits!

HOT TOPIC #28: Summary of Cases to Date

Posted August 10, 2020 at 4:08 pm by

COVID-19 updates from San Juan County around subjects on the minds of islanders

This Hot Topic will provide a broad overview of confirmed positive cases to date in San Juan County. This information is very general in nature to ensure privacy, but hopefully is a useful way to convey the nature of cases in San Juan County over the last five and a half months.

Some things to keep in mind:

-It is virtually impossible to draw any decisive conclusions from a case count of only 30. As they say in the finance industry “past performance is no guarantee of future results”.

-The world of public health surveillance is not a world of certainty. Determinations are often estimates or suppositions based on available information. They may change, they may be wrong.

-For reasons detailed on the San Juan County Case Count page, these numbers may differ from WA DOH or other info sources. Continue Reading

PeaceHealth Medical Group Family Medicine Welcomes Jesse L. Nye, DO

Posted August 10, 2020 at 12:31 pm by

Jesse L. Nye DO – Contributed photo

We are pleased to announce that Jesse Nye, DO, has joined PeaceHealth Medical Group Friday Harbor in the Family Medicine clinic. He is an experienced physician who will provide comprehensive acute, chronic and preventive medical care services for his patients.

Nye grew up in Washington state and graduated from Central Washington University (CWU) in Ellensburg with his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Chemistry. He also taught as an adjunct professor at CWU while completing medical school at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences in Yakima, Washington.

Nye comes to PeaceHealth from Kaiser Permanente in Portland, Oregon, where he’s been practicing as a hospital-based physician since 2018. Prior to that, he completed a Family Medicine residency program at PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center in Vancouver, Washington. He is board-certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.

Nye is passionate about and invested in offering exceptional care to his patients. He enjoys all aspects of medicine and has special interests in sports medicine, public health and infectious diseases. He shared, “The science of medicine has led to great advances in our understanding of disease and health. I enjoy taking care of patients with complex and straightforward conditions, the young and the not so young, the healthy and everything in between.”

When away from the practicing medicine, Nye enjoys spending time with his family and building (and breaking) stuff around the house. He stays active with running, triathlon, kayaking, hiking, skiing and taking in all the Pacific Northwest has to offer. He looks forward to settling into island life. 

Dr. Nye’s practice is accepting new patients. Please call 360-378-2141 to schedule an appointment.

More information about Dr. Nye can be found using the “Find a Doc” tool at

Coming into the Country

Posted August 10, 2020 at 5:05 am by

Eagle, Alaska – Contributed photo

Click to enlarge photo.
FREEZER BURNED: Tales of Interior Alaska is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Steve Ulvi…

During the summers of the 1970s, a trickle of newcomers of disparate backgrounds, wheeled into the timeworn town of Eagle, Alaska.    Less than twenty years prior, a seasonal road had been blasted and scraped to improve an old wagon route thus completing a connection to the Alaska Highway.  The entire 165-mile track was charitably called the Taylor Highway.   About halfway along the washboard judder, the scattered cabins and bulldozed gravel fields of large-scale placer mining welcomed travelers to Chicken, Alaska.  As the story goes, the early miners couldn’t agree on the spelling of Ptarmigan so settled on Chicken instead.  A sign reminded that there was no dependable gas or service in the next ninety miles to Eagle. 

Not well-travelled at the time, the narrow, twisting one-laner got ‘worser and worser’ the farther you went.  Here and there, the upland scenery was nice enough, but choking dust billowed behind vehicles and hung for long minutes.  If you had less than two spare tires and some extra gas, especially in a loaded rig, you worried the whole way.  Old wildfire burns marked huge expanses with standing black sticks and thick underbrush. A moose could be seen, muzzle dripping in a pond or a black bear padding across the road almost anywhere.  Or nowhere.  Skeins of animal trails patterned the scree slopes of all the uplands as a stark reminder of an estimated half million caribou in the 1920s.

Road maintenance borrow pits were pocked with signs of campfires, beer and target shooting. There were no guard rails at all, even with countless soft shoulders, sharp turns and hundreds of feet to tumble in abject terror.  Rusted, balled-up vehicles were wrapped down in the trees, monuments to the day they died there, like cautionary mileage markers. Continue Reading

San Juan County Fair 1954

Posted August 9, 2020 at 3:31 pm by

In those days parking was right there on the Fair Grounds.

Flossie Mullis-McRae at SJCF with daughters Peggy and Sally – McRae/Mullis family photo

 The Ferris Wheel was a main attraction in 1954.

Flossie Mullis-McRae with daughter Sally – McRae-Mullis family photo