SJI Chamber of Commerce Featured Member of the Month

Posted September 27, 2017 at 5:45 am by

Cory Stewart and Travis Hurley: Two different stories, two different guys, work their way up similar paths at Friday Harbor Suites

I am Cory Stewart, General Manager of Friday Harbor Suites. Ten years ago, I got my first job in the hotel industry as a housekeeper at this same hotel. Little did I know then how far my journey would take me. After a few years in the housekeeping department, I was offered a front desk position, and after a few more years of hard work at the front desk, I was promoted to Front Desk Manager. I took my first management role seriously, enrolling in training programs to expand my knowledge and work ethics. My diligent work paid off when in 2015 I was promoted to General Manager of the hotel. Continue Reading

From the Mailbag

Posted September 27, 2017 at 5:44 am by

In this morning’s SJ Update mailbag, we find this letter from Mike Hamlette…

Dear SJ Update,

I’d like to inform the community that September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

Both the Town of Friday Harbor, and San Juan County County Council in conjuction with the County Board Of Health (BOH) have made proclamations in support of September as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

BOH video

Town Council Video 09/07/2017

Mike Hamlette
Us TOO Prostate Cancer Support Group – Friday Harbor Chapter

Closing of Life Care Center Stirs Community Discussion

Posted September 26, 2017 at 2:26 pm by

The Life Care Center of San Juan Island at 660 Spring Street – SJ Update photo

Islanders shocked by the impending closing of the Life Care Center filled the Mullis Center on Monday night to talk about what possibilities there might be to fill its vital role in the community.

The program organized by Patty Garcia and chaired by Grisha Krivchenia started with a sharing of factual information and moved into brainstorming of ideas. There may well be a second coming together to form work groups to explore both private and governmental sources of funding.

It seemed to most of those who spoke that it will take a combination of private philanthropy and local tax money, and there appeared to be a strong consensus that more realistic, fairer wages are necessary to attract and keep employees long-term.

Julia Thompson, director of rehabilitation services at LCC, said the center is down to 35 residents in long-term care (3 who pay privately and 32 on Medicaid) and it has not been available for several months now as a true convalescent center for short-term rehabilitation after hospital stays. It is scheduled to close in November and is seeking to find alternative placement for the 35 residents.

Government reimbursement for both Medicaid and Medicare has dropped every October since 2010. It costs the facility about $278 per day per resident, according to Che Blaine, the social services director at LCC, but the Medicaid reimbursement now is just $164 per day plus whatever the person receives in social security.

The facility has beds for 46 people but hasn’t the staff for that many, and recruiting staff at $13.50 to $15 an hour for such “hard, dangerous work” is difficult to impossible, according to Patty Garcia. Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted September 25, 2017 at 5:44 am by

Max is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Holy Cow. I’m Batman.

I also go by the name of “Max”.

You know, in ancient times, big ears were thought of as a sign of royalty and higher intelligence. OK. I made that up. To be honest, I’m really not sure if my ears are big or my head is small… I can’t decide.  

If you like big ears on a fellow, you should stop by the animal shelter and meet me.

My ears would love a good rubbing…

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Votes and Signatures For Local License Due By September 28

Posted September 25, 2017 at 5:35 am by

Sample License – Contributed photo

Which of the 47 designs will be the inaugural San Juan Islands plate? To date over 1,000 individuals have cast a vote for their favorite – have you? If you haven’t – don’t fret – there’s still time! Votes are being accepted through September 28, including online at

But, that’s only step 1 in the process. We still need approximately 2,000 more signatures to meet the 3,500 required for Senator Ranker to submit the license plate bill to the legislature. And now it’s even easier to show your support; the Madrona Institute has uploaded an electronic signature form to their website. Head over to and follow the two easy steps to leave an electronic signature to help us get to 3,500 and license plate production! And stay tuned to upcoming events where signatures will be accepted as well!

The specialty license plate will generate funds for the conservation and stewardship of natural, agricultural, historic and cultural resources in the San Juan Islands.  

September Proclaimed Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Posted September 25, 2017 at 5:30 am by

Mayor Carrie Lacher Proclaims September Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, with Mike Hamlette – Photo Duncan Wilson

Both the Town of Friday Harbor, and San Juan County Council in conjuction with the County Board Of Health (BOH) have made proclamations in support of September as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

Mike Hamlette, the new leader of the local prostate cancer support group, Us TOO, noted that 3 million men in the United States are currently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Sadly, the number is expected to increase.

The Us TOO support group meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Mullis Center from 6:00 to 7:00 pm, spouses and partners are welcome. The group offers all men with prostate cancer an “opportunity to exchange their personal experiences and discuss the latest and best treatment information available“. All men are encouraged to have a frank discussion regarding prostate cancer with their health care providers.

Compassion Fatigue Roundtable Offers Support

Posted September 25, 2017 at 5:20 am by

It’s time for conversation, support and connection concerning issues surrounding compassion fatigue in the helping professions, and for family and volunteer caregivers.  Together, we will review self-care strategies that aid in building resiliency, diminishing feelings of loss and grief, and move us along on our healing Hero’s Journey.  

​The Compassion Fatigue Roundtable is hosted by Patricia Smith, Compassion Fatigue specialist, and Bonnie Oak Boesky, Ed. D.c.  Dates are, ​Wednesdays, October 4 and 18, November 1 and 29, December 6 and 13, from  6:30 to 8 p.m.  All meetings will be held at the EMS building by Peace Island Hospital, 1079 Spring Street. 

Please contact patricia @​ to sign up or for more information. Drop ins welcome.

Public Art Installation Remembers Islanders During the First World War

Posted September 24, 2017 at 5:45 am by

The Nine – Graphic Art by Chris Minney

If you did not know it was there, you could easily miss Friday Harbor’s new public art installation tucked into the narrow alley between the Palace Theatre and the building next to it owned by Jeffery and Alicia Carnevali. In what is now called Breezeway Park, six photo-collage panels mounted in existing window frames commemorate the 100 year anniversary of World War I and islanders contributions to the war effort. Much of the source material used in the imagery is thanks to our local American Legion’s collection of wartime memorabilia. “I hope the exhibit will help younger generations understand WWI.” said American Legion member Peter DeLorenzi.

The Letter – Graphic Art by Peggy Sue McRae

I am not of the younger generation but I did appreciate learning about San Juan County during the first World War thanks to my involvement in the early stages of this project, the brainchild of Sandy Strehlou, Friday Harbor’s Historic Preservation Coordinator. I created the panel, The Letter. The other five panels were created by artist and graphic designer Chris Minney of tif and gif creative. Said Chris, “Being a part of the project was particularly meaningful to me. My relatives fought in WWI. I thought about them while working on the panels.” My hat is off to Chris who deserves a medal of valor for soldiering on and bringing this project home.

Enlistment September 1917 – Graphic Art by Chris Minney

The installation is temporary so be sure to see it while it is there and expect to see future exhibits in this new outdoor art space. While a considerable amount of text accompanies the imagery of the current exhibit to learn still more about islanders during World War I, link to: World War I: The San Juan County Experience by Lynn Weber/Roochvarg on

League of Women Voters to Host Candidates’ Forums

Posted September 24, 2017 at 5:30 am by

The League of Women Voters of the San Juans will hold candidates’ forums on San Juan Island October 3 and Lopez Island on October 4. Voters can learn about the candidates’ positions and be able to ask questions.

The San Juan Island forum begins at 6:00 pm Tuesday, October 3 at the San Juan Island Grange Building , 152 First Street Friday Harbor. The following contested races will be represented:

  • San Juan Island School Board
    Director #1, Ruth McKenna and Sarah Werling-Sandwith
    Director #2, Barbara Bevins and TJ Heller
  • Port of Friday Harbor
    Port Commissioner# 2, Keith Carver and Barbara Marrett
  • San Juan County Public Hospital District No. 1
    Commissioner #2, Anna Lisa Lindstrom and John T. Manning

Lopez Island forum begins at 5:00 p.m, Wednesday, Oct. 4 at Grace Episcopal Church, 70 Sunset Lane near Lopez Village. The following contested races will be represented:

  • Lopez Island School District 
    School Board Director 2, Don Burt Jr.and Chris Greacen
  • Port of Lopez 
    Port Commissioner #3, Larry Bailey and Paul S. Henriksen

This year, the November 7 general election covers local positions important to our community. If you care about our community, attend the Candidates’ Forum so you can be an informed voter. Ballots will be mailed October 17.

Dodging Iguanas: An Author Event With Denny Kaill

Posted September 24, 2017 at 5:30 am by

Saturday shoppers and visitors have a chance on Saturday, September 30, 2:00—4:00 pm to chat with local author, Denny Kaill as he officially launches his recently published memoir, Dodging Iguanas: Some Motorcycle Stories, Some Not—All True at Griffin Bay Bookstore, 155 Spring Street in Friday Harbor. You’ll get to hear first-hand about his many adventures working and meandering around the world. His book is also peppered with his lively drawings that draw the reader in.

Denny Kaill begins his memoir with drive to New York City from Berkeley, because after attending a couple of colleges and a design school, “that’s what you do—in my case in an odd little French car.” Kaill landed a job in Caracas a few years after his road trip. “It sounded like an adventure to me, so I went,” he said. His book recounts his many adventures—some foreign, some domestic. His book is chock-full of stories about motorcycle adventures, one from Venezuela to San Francisco. His stories go back and forth in time—from corporate weirdness to his first motorbike at 17, to the avoidance of one war five years later and the proximity of a second war 27 years after that—Kaill arrived in the UAE just as Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. He often abandons one career for another, ensuring many different adventures. His book offers glimpses of the history of the places he’s been; there’s a little humor along the way; he lets you in on the anxiety he felt at times, but he’s clear about the pleasure adventurers and travelers find when strangers become friends. His line drawings are sprinkled throughout the book, giving the reader a first-hand look at what he found enchanting wherever he was.

About the Author: Denny Kaill graduated from High School at 17 when an opportunity to ship out in the Merchant Marine appeared. That’s when he says his real education began. He’s made his way through Central America, Japan, Korea, the Middle East, and Europe. He returned to attend college a few years later; after graduation he worked in Seattle, San Francisco, NYC, Caracas, and Abu Dhabi. Kaill is also adept with tools and has built his own house.

Know Your Island, Mitchell Hill Deep Forest Walk Saturday

Posted September 23, 2017 at 5:30 am by

Mountain Biker, Amrita Ibold, Jenny Rice, Mark Hetrick and Steve Ray – Contributed Photo

San Juan Trails will host a Know Your Island Walk Saturday, September 23. Meet at the Horse Trail Road entrance (on West Valley Road about 3/4 mile north of Mitchell Bay Road) at 1:00 pm. Come on this beautiful deep forest walk led by David Harsh and see what volunteers can do working together. The walk is moderate on hilly trails and dogs on leashes are welcome. Walkers will return at 4:00 pm.

In 2011 not long after the NPS had taken over the former DNR, all the users groups came together for the purpose of saving favorite trails. The NPS sent David Harsh and Steve Ray to help sort it out.  Rik Karon of the Equestrians brought a design, US Forestry approved, supplied by Back Country Horsemen. Mark Hetrick, a local contractor designed the setting. All under the supervision of the NPS and with their help and machinery the task was taken on.

ACE and Brown’s donated building materials. The SJI Trails Committee donated funds and members to help.  Volunteers came out from all groups; mountain bikers,women’s riding groups, hikers, high school volunteers including four Chinese foreign exchange students from Spring Street School.

This was the first of two puncheons, low bridges, needed to protect the seasonal creeks beneath. The second puncheon was built the next spring as a high school community project by high school girls Julia Bevins and Robin Roberts and the same groups under the NPS. They remain beautiful reminders of when all user groups came together to help save our natural heritage.

Steve Ray, Mark Hetrick, Rik Karon, and David Harsh – Contributed Photo

Island Senior: Seahawks Sundays at the Mullis Center

Posted September 23, 2017 at 5:20 am by

“It’s a Really Good Screen” – Photo Peggy Sue McRae

Eugene Cuomo at the Grill – Photo Peggy Sue McRae

Yay! I saw the Seahawks first touchdown of the season last Sunday at the Mullis Center’s Seahawks Sunday. If you are looking for a friendly, relaxed atmosphere and a nice big screen to watch the game… come on down to the Mullis Center on Sunday.

This Sunday doors open at 12:30 to watch the Hawks play the Tennessee Titans. October 1st the doors will open at 5:30 pm to watch them play the Indianapolis Colts then on Sunday, October 29 it will be back to 12:30 pm to see the Seahawks take on the Houston Texans.

Gail Mancarti and Jessica Palmer – Photo Peggy Sue McRae

You can also get a good inexpensive lunch. For $5.oo I had a cheeseburger with chips and a lemonade. I even saw some of those excellent cinnamon buns of Pancake Breakfast fame but they went fast. Eugene Cuomo was outside at the grill cooking up hot dogs and burgers. Some of us sat at cafe tables in chairs provided by the Center but others, like Gail Mancarti and Jessica Palmer, seen here enjoying their hot dogs, brought their own chairs to enjoy the game.

When my friend Janet Thomas arrived she exclaimed, “It’s a really good screen.” Every seat in the room was a good one as we watched both teams fail to catch the ball and make field goals until finally… a touchdown! 

Dani and Callie Daniel McKay – Photo Peggy Sue McRae

From the Update Mailbag…

Posted September 23, 2017 at 5:02 am by

Today we received a letter from Ruth McKenna about the school board meeting next Wednesday. Ruth is a candidate for San Juan Island School District Director No. 1

September 22, 2017

Dear Editor,

At the San Juan Island School District Board Meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 27, the Board will receive a report from the Center for Education Effectiveness that summarizes the results of student, parent, and staff surveys as well as student performance on state assessments. These results are evidence of progress in specific areas identified by the district. The Board is prudent to have an annual review to monitor the progress of students and staff in meeting the Board Goals. Unfortunately, there are several areas of concern related to the survey results. In addition, although the student performance is presented as positive when compared to the state, the actual results are mixed and indicate a need for most students to learn, understand, and apply the state standards at a deeper level.

There are many factors that affect the staff, student, and parent perceptions of the district as well as affect the daily learning environment for students and staff. Since the current agreements are only for the current school year, an ongoing concern about salaries and working conditions cannot help but be felt throughout the school community.    

A critical challenge for the Board is to work constructively to move forward with enduring agreements that span multiple years and remove these concerns from our classrooms.

During the negotiations, the teachers cited Coupeville as a comparable district for the purpose of matching expectations for salaries.  Coupeville may also be a suitable comparison district to match expectations for student performance progress.  This may be a more relevant comparison than a comparison to state performance. Looking at student performance in Coupeville may lead to a deeper analysis of what might be possible next year in the SJID student performance report. 

Let’s try to achieve Coupeville’s graduation rate of 93.5%!

Ruth McKenna, Candidate for Director 1, San Juan Island School District

RMcKennaforSchoolBoard @ gmail . com

Navy Search and Rescue Team Honored For Service to Islanders

Posted September 22, 2017 at 5:35 am by

Search and Rescue team from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island – Contributed Photo

Mayor Carrie Lacher of the Town of Friday Harbor presented a plaque thanking and honoring the air and ground crews of the Search and Rescue team from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island at the Friday Harbor Airport during an evening ceremony on Tuesday September 19, 2017. Over the last several years Whidbey SAR has flown many heroic missions to San Juan Island to aid those in life threatening condition and deliver them to hospitals on the mainland.

Those attending the presentation included members of Peace Island Medical Center, the Port of Friday Harbor, the Town of Friday Harbor and Island Air Ambulance. Mayor Lacher thanked the team members assembled at the special gathering for saving many lives while operating in the most dangerous of conditions. The SAR representatives included members of the flight crew, medical personnel and the ground crew that keep their helicopter in top condition. Dr. Michael Sullivan of Peace Island spoke of the special relationship with the SAR team and related his personal appreciation for knowing that they had his back in the worst situations.

The text of the plaque read: The Town of Friday Harbor honors the men and women of the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station Search and Rescue Unit for their selfless dedication and unparalleled professionalism in serving our residents in times of trial and trouble. The Navy is our dependable friend. Thank you from Friday Harbor and San Juan County.

While San Juan Island is ably served by both fixed wing and helicopter medical evacuation services through Island Air Ambulance and Airlift Northwest, there are times when inclement weather conditions do not allow for safe flight and transport of patients. “San Juan Island has been very fortunate to be able to call upon the brave and reliable members of Search and Rescue to provide service in our time of need” said Mayor Lacher. She asked for the community to express its thanks for all of the lives they have saved when we needed them most. Special thanks go to Stuart Hansen from the Port of Friday Harbor Airport for making arrangements for the ceremony.

A Concert in Victoria With Merri Ann Simonson

Posted September 22, 2017 at 5:32 am by

Once again this year we piled into our neighbor’s boat and went to Splash for the concert.  We had a great time and I highly recommend it as yet another way, of enjoying our San Juan Island lifestyle.” ~ Merri Ann Simonson

Autumn Equinox Today

Posted September 22, 2017 at 5:30 am by

Apple Harvest – Photo Peggy Sue McRae

Autumn equinox arrives at 1:02 pm today. In the Northern Hemisphere the equinox is considered the first day of fall. The equinox occurs when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are of equal length. Around the world people celebrate the harvest and prepare for darker, colder weather.