Memory Cafe with the iPad

Posted August 6, 2017 at 5:57 am by

Create Art, Play Games, Have Fun with iPads – a Memory Café event

The San Juan Island Library is offering a workshop on using iPad-based applications for people with memory issues. The workshop will take place during Memory Café on Tuesday August 15 at 2:00 pm. Coloring pages, kaleidoscopes games, matching and concentration exercises can be relaxing and enriching entertainment for people with memory issues as well as their caregivers. Participants with no computer experience can experience delight just by swiping a finger to create a beautiful kaleidoscope image.

Those with more experience and dexterous ability may enjoy the opportunity to try drawing with iPad and iPencil; others may wish to try Lumosity games for memory training and fun, or play a digital geometric game. In addition, the Library will have a virtual reality headset with which program participants can experiment. Virtual reality enables the user to feel they are actually on a trip to the sea shore or on a roller coaster while they are safe with caregivers.

The program is open to people with memory issues and their caregivers.

Memory Café events take place each third Tuesday of the month in the library meeting room, featuring slides shows, musical events, arts and literature, and activities that can be enjoyed by all. The library also has a diverse collection of materials about the research into how the brain and memory works, as well as information for caring for people with dementia. A bibliography of library materials is available.

Library cards are free of charge to islanders with proof of residency. In addition to its collections of materials to loan, the library also provides public access computers and WiFi. Library hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

County Celebrates World Breastfeeding Week

Posted August 6, 2017 at 5:47 am by

World Breastfeeding Week 2017: “Sustaining Breastfeeding Together”

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from August 1-7 in a global initiative to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. San Juan County Health & Community Services joins professional health organizations worldwide to promote awareness of the numerous benefits of breastfeeding for infants, mothers, community, and society.

The theme for World Breastfeeding Week is ‘Sustaining Breastfeeding Together,” which highlights the need to work together so mothers can breastfeed. A breastfeeding mother and baby need support from many around them, including family, employer, health professionals, community groups, local businesses, child care and church to breastfeed successfully. One of the leading reasons for stopping breastfeeding is a lack of support. Breastfeeding has numerous short and long term benefits for both children and women. Breastmilk is all a baby needs to eat and drink for the first six months of life.

San Juan County consistently has the highest breastfeeding initiation rate in the state. Our WIC & Newborn Outreach programs offer breastfeeding education and support services in our community from Breastfeeding Peer Counselors, Public Health Nurses, and Lactation Consultants. Breastfeeding assistance is available by phone, home visits and clinic appointments on San Juan, Lopez, and Orcas Islands.

Breastfeeding information and support may be accessed through San Juan County Health & Community Services (360-378-4474).

More info here

SJICF County Fair Match

Posted August 5, 2017 at 8:43 am by

Announcing San Juan Island Community Foundation County Fair Match!

All Fairgoers are invited to visit the San Juan Island Community Foundation’s Fair booth next week in the main hall to learn about and boost support of nine special community projects. The Community Foundation is pleased to match 50 cents on every dollar raised until each project goal has been reached!

The community projects featured are:

  • New Shelter Medical Supplies, Friday Harbor Animal Protection Society
  • Membership Drive, SJICF Women’s Fund
  • Our Island Neighbors, Family Resource Center
  • Let’s Finish the Ballfields, Friday Harbor Athletic Association
  • Help Sustain Hospice, Hospice of San Juan
  • Broadening PADs Training, PADs for Parkinson’s
  • Habitat Repairs & Food Storage, Wolf Hollow
  • House the Stars, Island Stage Left
  • Voc-Tech Education Scholarships, SJICF

You can contribute by cash, check, or credit card or online at Nonprofit representatives and Community Foundation staff and Board members will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

BONUS! Names of all donors will be entered in a drawing that will be held on the last day of the Fair. The winning person will be invited to designate an additional $1,000 to be awarded to any one of the nine featured projects.

Stop by the Community Foundation booth to say hello, make a donation, or learn about the many services they provide.

The San Juan Island Community Foundation serves as a non-profit philanthropic umbrella organization helping donors, non-profits and public organizations to achieve their goals through direct grants, organizational assistance and philanthropic resource management. For further information about the Community Foundation, call 378-1001, write to PO Box 1352, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 or, visit the office located at 640 Mullis St., Suite 104, Friday Harbor, WA.

“Neverland” AUDITION-TIME!

Posted August 5, 2017 at 8:38 am by

Don’t forget – auditions are coming up this week…

Auditions for San Juan Community Theatre’s fall play—the Tony Award-winning Peter and the Starcatcher—are Monday and Tuesday, August 7-8 at 6:30 pm at the PARC, 70 Saltspring Drive.

Director Joy Van Camp will be looking for several teens and adults, many playing multiple roles with some singing and dancing for this magical adventure that at last reveals the origins of Peter Pan, Wendy, the Lost Boys, and their pirate nemesis Captain Hook.

*Peter and the Orphans
*Molly and the British Subjects
*Captain Hook and the Seafarers (Pirates)
*The Natives (Magical Marine Animals).

Perusal scripts ($10 deposit) and more audition information are available at the SJCT Box Office. You can also call Joy at 360-378-5753.

Rehearsals begin September 4th. Performances are October 13-28, 2017

Water Sales Temporarily Suspended

Posted August 5, 2017 at 8:35 am by

The Town of Friday Harbor has announced that it has temporarily suspended water sales to outside water haulers from the Public Works yard due to a temporary capacity shortage. The Town is currently working on Phase 2 of the water transmission line requiring multiple scheduled shutdowns of the raw water line from Trout Lake to the water treatment plant.

The plant is currently working at maximum capacity around the clock but with the high usage and interruptions, outside sales of water must be temporarily discontinued. Water levels at Trout Lake are excellent and this is anticipated to be a relatively short-term problem.

Residents and businesses are requested to conserve water over the next week in an effort to maintain levels in the two main water reservoirs. Please minimize watering of lawns and gardens and avoid washing of motor vehicles. The request to conserve is currently scheduled to be lifted on August 9th pending further review by the Water Department.

Water tank haulers may contact Roche Harbor Water Company to purchase water during this interim restriction on water sales. Questions may be directed to Town Administrator Duncan Wilson at 360-622-2040.

Renowned Bill Holm to Speak in Friday Harbor

Posted August 4, 2017 at 5:46 am by

The San Juan Islands Museum of Art (SJIMA) presents the iconic Bill Holm – expert, carver, performer, museum curator, teacher, painter, mentor and chief. Holm has enriched our understanding of NW Coast First Nation art and culture and has devoted his life to perpetuating these rich traditions.

The talk will be at 7:00 p.m. on August 8 at Brickworks in Friday Harbor. This very special presentation is one of the Art As A Voice interpretive programs, which accompany SJIMA’s exhibitions.  Holm will discuss NW art, his adventures and the culture of our First Nations. As an example, Holm will describe the carving of the canoe Kwigwatsi, currently on display at SJIMA in the exhibition EMERGENCE Legendary and Emerging First Nation Artists. Holm is personal friends with many of the artists whose work is currently shown at SJIMA

Bill Holm is curator emeritus of Northwest Indian art at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture in Seattle. His lectures at the University of Washington were among the most popular, and brought a number of artists into their own practice of NW Coast art. Continue Reading

Night Music Thursday

Posted August 3, 2017 at 5:56 am by

Debbie Nash Strasser – Contributed photo

SJCT’s summer Night Music series returns this Thursday at 7:30 pm in the intimate Gubelman and Steele Memorial garden.

San Juan Island singer/songwriter/guitarist Debbie Nash Strasser shares her original songs and stories, accompanied by Hanneke Klein-Robbenhaar on the fiddle; with assists from cellist Sasha von Dassow on a piece or two.

Doors open at 7:00 pm with delicious chocolate treats and wine available for sale in the garden.

Tickets are just $12 each and are available at the SJCT Box Office (360-378-3210) or

FHL Tide Bites

Posted August 3, 2017 at 5:43 am by

What Happens to San Juan Sea Urchins in the Absence of Predatory Sea Stars?

– Investigating the Relationships Between Baby Green Urchins, Coralline Algae, and Crabs

by Dara Yiu

Dara is an undergraduate in UW’s School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences. She first joined Friday Harbor Laboratories as a ZooBot student in Spring 2016, and has returned the past two summers to work as a research assistant.

Juvenile Green Sea Urchins – FHL photo

Sea urchins are an important component of nearshore marine food webs. As grazers, they prevent seaweeds from becoming overabundant. They provide an important energetic link between algae and other organisms by partially digesting kelp into fecal pellets that benthic scavengers and filter feeders can consume. Urchins are also prey for invertebrates, fishes, and marine mammals. However, sea urchins are very powerful herbivores, and in large numbers can reduce subtidal kelp forests into empty landscapes known as urchin barrens. Similar to the effects of clear-cutting a terrestrial forest, this change impacts the species that depend on kelp for habitat and causes declines in species richness and diversity.

Continue reading

Work Party on Cady Mountain Preserve

Posted August 3, 2017 at 5:42 am by

Hello Oakies and welcome August! In the words of Glenn Fry, the heat is on! Be sure to pack plenty of water and a hat – we’ll be up in Morrel and Erratic this Sunday continuing with girdling and small tree removal.

  • When?
    Sunday, August 6 – 10:00am to 2:00pm
  • RSVP required (email [email protected]).
  • Where?
    Base of Cady Mountain Preserve – turn on to Cady Mountain Road off of West Valley Road. We’ll meet at the triangle junction about 100 yards from West Valley.
  • What?
    Girdling Trees
    Small Tree Removal
  • Bring/Wear?
    Pruning Saws and Hand Pruners
    Small Saws
    Weeding Tools
    Weather appropriate clothing

Next Oak Team Work Parties:
August 20; September 3 & 17

Silence Without Echo

Posted August 3, 2017 at 5:41 am by

At WaterWorks gallery from August 4th thru 26th, Catherine Eaton Skinner displays her Encaustic paintings. Catherine’s current body of work created for the show Silence Without Echo is resplendent in its meditation on silence: The silence of the pond at sunrise, the silence of a bird sitting on a branch and the silence of just being, in the shadow or the light.

Using her travel photos for the initial base layer of the paintings, Catherine continues to add additional layers of pigmented bees wax to the surface, layering up the image until the process reveals the painting.

In this collection of paintings, the artist helps us to observe how light affects quiet. How light affects the shadows. And how light is ever changing in our realm of space, wind, water and earth.

Reception for the artist on is on Friday August 4th from 4:00 to 7:00 pm.

Join Catherine on Saturday August 5th from 11:30 to 1:30 for an artist walk & talk, sharing her insights about her work.

Starting its 32nd year, WaterWorks Gallery located in Friday Harbor, San Juan Island is a contemporary light filled gallery space that continues to evolve as a gallery dedicated to showing artists from the Islands, Washington, Oregon and British Columbia. The represented artists, painters, sculptors and jewelers reflect the areas beauty, both conventional and unusual. That is the flavor of the Northwest, making WaterWorks Gallery the unique place it.

Help Wanted

Posted August 3, 2017 at 5:40 am by

San Juan Island Brewing is still looking to hire for this summer.

We are open and we need to fill some kitchen spots: Line cook, prep cook, and we still could use some hostess, bussers and servers!

Email [email protected] or stop by the brewery if you’re interested in working in a new, fun, exciting environment!


Auditor Seeks Writers of Arguments Against Four Local Measures

Posted August 3, 2017 at 5:34 am by

Fast forward to October: You’re flipping through your Voters’ Pamphlet, eager to read about the local measures you see on the ballot. Once you find them, you think, “What! Why are there arguments FOR all the measures, and no arguments AGAINST?”

According to state law, it is the responsibility of every district that puts a measure on the ballot to appoint committees to write arguments both for and against the measure. Surprisingly (yes, I’m saying that tongue-in-cheek), most districts are unable to find anyone willing to write arguments against their measures.

If a district is unable to appoint committees, that responsibility falls to the County Auditor.  So here I am, once again seeking people to write the arguments nobody wants to write: the “con” arguments.

Four local measures will appear on the general election ballot this November. None, so far, have opposing arguments. The Orcas Island School District has placed two measures on the ballot. One is a proposition authorizing the district to issue bonds for a variety of facility improvements; the second is a proposition for a six-year capital projects levy. The Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District is proposing a one-year levy for 2018 in the amount of $105,000. The levy for 2017 was $80,000. Finally, a citizens’ initiative concerning immigration will go to the voters in November – unless adopted by the County Council before then.

If you’re interesting in writing an opposing argument, please contact the Auditor at [email protected], or (360) 370-7558. Up to three people (per measure) may be named as argument writers, though they may seek the assistance of as many people as needed. Statements are limited to 250 words.

Walkway is Open

Posted August 2, 2017 at 2:37 pm by

This photo is shot from the end of Elsworth Ave. looking toward the Post Office – SJ Update photo

This map shows the area that was just opened up – Click to enlarge

Walking from place to place in town just got a lot easier. The walkway between Spring Street and Blair Avenue via the new parking lot and Elsworth Avenue has just opened. Going from this section of town up to the post office, Islander’s Bank or Tina’s Tacos for example is now a much more direct route.

Some fencing still needs to be finished up but the pathway is there.

Kudos to the Town of Friday Harbor for re-opening this much needed pathway!

Edit: In case you missed the story about this walkway and the new parking lot, it should be mentioned that the town signed a 5 year lease with the new property owner. This lease is for the parking lot and walkway. However after one year, if the property owner decides to develop the land, the Town’s lease can be terminated.

This photo is shot from the end of the new parking lot, looking toward Earthbox Hotel along the back side of Carquest – SJ Update photo

Cape San Juan Prepares For CPR

Posted August 2, 2017 at 12:07 pm by

Francis Smith teaches CPR – Contributed photo

Cape San Juan is a community that is located at the south end of San Juan Island. It is 10.1 miles from the town of Friday Harbor and a 20-minute drive obeying traffic laws. Even then, most residents know that travel time can vary greatly depending on an active summer season. When 911 is paged, the response time can be cut down but 10 miles of curving tourist laden roads can affect the success of the chain of survival for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. (CPR) There is a narrow 5-10 minute window before irreversible brain death and other negative effects can occur to an oxygen starved brain and body.

Francis Smith teaches CPR – Contributed photo

The chain of survival is composed of 4 key points: Early access (calling for help), early CPR (bystanders), early defibrillation (access to an AED) and early advanced life support (emergency medical services).

The Cape is fortunate enough to have living amongst their ranks and surrounding neighborhood 2 volunteer EMTs, 2 retired EMTs, a nurse and a retired nurse. Francis Smith, a senior EMT volunteer for 12 years, and a former firefighter, has taken the initiative to give his friends and neighbors a fighting chance if a cardiac event should occur in his community. This spring he gathered 32 individuals from the Cape and Cattle Point neighborhoods to attend a CPR certification class. “My goal was to get 12 and I was astounded to get 32,” a smiling Francis said. “We call ourselves the ‘SOUTHENDERS’.” Continue Reading

Pies o’ Plenty

Posted August 2, 2017 at 5:50 am by

Who Loves Pie? Calling All Pie Bakers!

Bake your favorite fruit pie! Not a baker? Help serve slices at the Fair!

The BRAND NEW FHES PTO Pie Booth debuts at the County Fair, August 16 – 19, and we need pies o’ plenty to sell and people to sell them!

There are two ways you can help:

Bake pies at home to donate or serve pie in the Pie Booth (or BOTH!)

  1. Baking pies at home:
    Bake your fruit pies at home and bring them to the Fair. Disposable 9” pie tins will be available for pick up at the school district office (285 Blair Avenue, across from Tina’s Tacos) starting August 3 from 9am – 3pm.
    If you want to bake pies at home, please use this link to sign up for a drop off day
  1. Serving pies at the Pie Booth:
    Please use this link to help us serve up slices in the Pie Booth August 16 – 19

Questions? Call or text our cell phones or via email:

Alli Moalli (530) 409-9469 or [email protected]

Tanja Williamson (360) 472-0337 or [email protected]

Thank YOU for helping with the biggest fundraiser for Friday Harbor Elementary School kids!

Eclipse Pinhole Projector

Posted August 2, 2017 at 5:49 am by

Make Pinhole Projectors for Viewing the Solar Eclipse

Create your own pinhole projector for the eclipse – Contributed photo

The San Juan Island Library and the National Park Service are hosting a Solar Eclipse Prep Afternoon this Thursday, August 3 in the Library Meeting Room with drop-in hours from 2-4 PM.

All materials will be provided to make your very own pinhole projector for viewing the Solar Eclipse. The program is appropriate for elementary school-age children. Younger children may attend with adult supervision. Light refreshments will be served courtesy of the Friends of the San Juan Island Library.

For more information, please call the San Juan Island Library at 360-378-2798 or visit