Know Your Island Walk

Posted May 22, 2017 at 8:36 am by

A walk back in time:  Local historian Boyd Pratt and Robin Jacobson of the San Juan Historical Society & Museum will lead a walk along the Airport Trail, up Cattle Point Road and Madden Lane, and then onto the St. Francis and Valley Cemeteries for a trip back in history. (Robin will meet us at St. Francis Cemetery at 1:30 p.m. for those who aren’t walking). 

We will visit the gravesites of notable San Juan Island pioneer families. This will be an easy walk and dogs on a leash are welcome.

Saturday, May 27th from 1:00 to 4:00 pm
Meet at Skagit Valley College Parking lot

Special Three-day Candidate Filing Period

Posted May 22, 2017 at 8:17 am by

Whew! You almost missed your chance to run for office. Fortunately, you’ll get a second chance. During this past week’s filing period, several of the offices open for filing had no candidates file. When no one files for an open office, it’s called a “void in candidacy.” When a void in candidacy occurs after a regular filing week, a special three-day filing period is opened for only those offices for which no candidates filed.

The local races that will be open for filing are all local special purpose districts: school, port, water, cemetery, and sewer districts. According to County Auditor Milene Henley, “These districts are vitally important to local communities, affecting all parts of local life. If you’re looking for a way to make a difference, run for a local elected office. And the first step to running is filing.”

San Juan County Elections Office will hold a special three-day filing period starting next Wednesday, May 24, and ending on Friday, May 26. Persons interested in filing as a candidate for one of the offices below can do so online, by mail, by email, or in person. The Online Candidate Filing Wizard will be opened from 9 a.m. Wednesday through 4:00 p.m. Friday. Paper Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted from 8 a.m. Wednesday through 4:30 p.m. Friday. The Online Candidate Filing Wizard and paper Declaration of Candidacy can both be found at

The following offices will be open during the three-day filing period:

  • Shaw Island School District #10                     School Board Director #1
  • Port of Orcas                                                       Port Commissioner #2
  • San Juan County Cemetery District #3         Cemetery Commissioner #2
  • San Juan County Cemetery District #3         Cemetery Commissioner #3
  • Cape San Juan Water District                        Water Commissioner #2
  • Cape San Juan Water District                        Water Commissioner #3
  • Eastsound Sewer & Water District                 Sewer & Water Commissioner #5

Congratulations to San Juan Safaris

Posted May 22, 2017 at 5:48 am by

San Juan Safaris Whale Watch & Wildlife Tours Awarded Best-Eco Adventure Tour in the Pacific Northwest

For the second year in a row, San Juan Safaris Whale Watch & Wildlife Tours is voted Best Eco-Adventure in the Pacific Northwest by Seattle King 5 and voters in their annual “Best of Pacific Northwest Escapes” viewer polls. San Juan Safaris takes pride in providing high-quality, educational and fun whale watch & wildlife tours by vessel and professionally guided sea kayak tours.

With over 20 years in business, San Juan Safaris is San Juan Island’s premier whale watch & wildlife tour experience. The heart of San Juan Safaris’ mission is to provide a respectful wildlife viewing experience for visitors.

“Our mission is to show people from all over the world the natural beauty of marine ecosystems and why it is important to conserve and protect the environment and the animals that call the Salish Sea home,” says Brian Goodremont, Owner and Lead Captain. “Securing this award for consecutive years confirms that we are meeting and exceeding our mission.”

Why Choose San Juan Safaris? Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted May 22, 2017 at 5:45 am by

Lucy is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

The key to a happy life is taking time to smell the flowers, my friends. At least that’s what I always say. I’m Lucy, and as the great Blanche Dubois once said, “I’ve always relied on the kindness of strangers”. The two who rescued me from the streets of Mexico and brought me here to Friday Harbor are two of my particular favorites! (Thank you, Halley and Michael!)

Allow me to “toot my own horn” …. I’m a beautiful young lady with lovely manners and a heart of gold. I love people of all ages, especially the little ones! I also love playing with other dogs. I’m an excellent cuddler and I snore in seven different languages. I’ve been told I’m the best hugger in the world, not to mention an excellent ballroom dancer. In short, I would make a perfect companion and family member for you!

What are you waiting for? Don’t be a stranger! Come to the animal shelter to meet me soon.

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Hill of Thrills

Posted May 21, 2017 at 8:43 pm by

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and Grover Street was converted into a racecourse for the 2nd Annual Hill of Thrills, sponsored by Island Rec and Larry’s Autobody.  If you couldn’t be there yourself, you can still see some of the action by clicking on the video above.

Emergence at SJIMA

Posted May 20, 2017 at 5:54 am by

Emerging Frog by Rande Cook

Emergence is the exhibition of First Nation Legendary & Emerging Artists
 that opens in time for Memorial Day Weekend and will run through Labor Day. In this exhibition, voices of First Nation ancestors speak through the work of a new generation of artists and their honored mentors.

Thunderbird Portrait Mask by Art Thompson

SJIMA is honored to present its first exhibition devoted to First Nation art.  The artists are members of tribes in the Pacific Northwest Coast and others are Inuit from the Hudson Bay area.  Over 30 artists are represented from at least five different outstanding collections.  

Included are works from Beau Dick, Simon Charlie, Roger Gray, Tom Hunt, Troy Roberts, Susan Point, Rande Cook, Art Thompson and Kanaginak Pootoogook, to name a few.

All the effort to plan and execute this fantastic exhibition –the research, labeling, staging, lighting, moving and construction has been done by an all-volunteer staff-quite the accomplishment.

Sponsoring this exhibition are 
Dave & Nancy Honeywell Charitable Trust, Kim Miller, Susan and Gary Sterner, Peg Gerlock & Phil Johnson, Anonymous, Law Office of Stephanie Johnson O’Day, Mike’s Wine Bar & Cafe, Printonyx and Harbor Rental.

SJIMA is located at 540 Spring Street in Friday Harbor. The summer hours are Thursday-Monday, 11-6. Admission is $10; 18 years of age and under are free. The third Monday of the month is free to everyone. For details go to

At the heart of the Salish Sea, SJIMA enriches the community, arts and artists as we champion authenticity of our islands’ expression, place and connections.

Parade Applications Available

Posted May 20, 2017 at 5:53 am by

Applications Available For Friday Harbor’s 4th of July Parade-Prize Money Encourages Themed Entries!

The San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce has announced that applications are now available for the 2017 4th of July Parade in downtown Friday Harbor. Participants are encouraged to sign up early due to limited parade space and time considerations. Parade organizers are expecting a full field. Completed applications along with your $35 entry fee are due no later than Tuesday, June 27th. There will be no day-of-parade entries allowed. Application forms are available at the San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce offices located at 165 1st Street S., or may be downloaded from the Chamber’s web site at: – 4th of July Parade Page.

All application fees collected are put toward the following prize awards with an emphasis on themed entries:

  • $600    Best Use of THEME – Float
  • $400    Best Use of THEME – Non-Float
  • $300    Best Use of THEME – Children/Youth
  • $300    Judges Special Choice
  • $200    Best Costumed Group
  • $200    Best Animal/Animal Group
  • $200    Best Off-Island Entry
  • $100    Best Vehicle

The previously announced theme will be “America…All That We Share. Celebrating our community and the common ideals that connect us. While observing America’s independence, the parade will honor OUR island community and the amazing people and organizations that enrich our lives. This year’s Grand Marshal will be Dr. Carolyn Haugen and “Citizens of Honor” will be Dr. John Geyman and Emily Reed Geyman. Each has made significant community contributions and has shared so much of their time and talent with San Juan County making them outstanding choices.

The parade will start at 10:30 a.m. on July 4th and proceed down historic Spring Street through downtown Friday Harbor. For additional information about participating in the 2017 Friday Harbor Independence Day Parade, please email [email protected] or call Traci Wilson, Parade Coordinator at (360) 298-7760 or (206) 595-5104.

6th Grade Transition

Posted May 20, 2017 at 5:51 am by

San Juan Island School District Board of Directors Decision to Transition 6th grade from Friday Harbor Elementary School to Friday Harbor Middle School

At a Special School Board Meeting/Public Hearing on Thursday May 18, 2017, the San Juan Island School District Board of Directors took action to approve the proposed transition of the 6th grade from Friday Harbor Elementary School to Friday Harbor Middle School.

According the Dr. Danna Diaz, Superintendent of Schools, “The sixth grade committee presented to the board in January and provided rationale of why they support the move up. The District postponed the decision until now due to our legislative session and the education funding formula.”

The Board of Directors were pressed to make a decision even though the legislature is still in special session as school districts have a legal deadline to finish the development of a district wide budget for 2017-18. Rationale for the move included Increased access to age appropriate resources, such as science materials, access to STEM, library resources, a school counselor, and an intervention specialist. The move would help the two schools to utilize the space more effectively which directly impacts safety, education, and social/emotional well-being.

Moving the 6th grade is in alignment with the San Juan Island School District’s Mission Statement; “Promote excellence, engaging every student, every day, through superior instruction, high expectations and academic content that is both challenging and individually relevant.”

It’s All the Buzz!

Posted May 19, 2017 at 11:30 am by

2017 San Juan County Fair… It’s All the Buzz!

This year, it’s all about the bees! Come “bee” a part of the fun and mark your calendars for the 2017 Fair, the 16th through 19th of August.

This year’s poster artist, Ryanne Pluff, a senior from Friday Harbor High School came up with the poster concept from start to finish, incorporating the 2017 theme “…It’s All the Buzz” in vibrant watercolor.

Each year, a local artist in San Juan County expresses interest in contributing poster art for the Fair, providing each year with a unique and one-of-a-kind look.

Are you interested in being considered for a future Fair poster? Email the Fair staff at [email protected].

For all other information about the Fair, be sure to “like” the San Juan County Fair and Fairgrounds page on Facebook and follow along on Instagram and Twitter @sjcfair

Island Stage Left Presents Humble Boy

Posted May 19, 2017 at 10:04 am by

The soup at George and Flora’s dinner party “has a lot of zing to it”. (L-R Benjamin McFadden, Megan Becker, Dan Mayes, Ann Cozzalio, Therese Diekhans, Eric Ray Anderson) Photo Credit: John Sinclair

Island Stage Left will open its 19th season on May 25th in the Marie Boe Building at the Fairgrounds with a production of Humble Boy, by award-winning playwright Charlotte Jones.

It’s the story of an ill-adjusted astrophysicist who comes home after his father’s unexpected death, and finds his mother already on the verge of marrying her lover. Echoes of “Hamlet” abound.

Director and theatre co-founder Helen Machin-Smith describes the play as, “Sad but funny; very, very funny.”

Island Stage Left prides itself on offering professional quality theatre to the San Juan Islands and its visitors. This year’s production features six talented actors from San Juan Island, Seattle and Los Angeles: Continue Reading

Spring Cleaning

Posted May 19, 2017 at 10:04 am by

One of two full truck and trailer loads from Tuesday’s clean up day – Contributed photo

Did you see a lot of garbage trucks in town this week? The Town of Friday Harbor offered a free oversize garbage pickup event.

Duncan Wilson summed it up like this – “We offered all the town refuse customers a special free “spring clean up” where they could put out their larger items. We picked up from everyone on their regular garbage day… Monday to Friday. Tuesday we had two full truck and trailer loads. [Wednesday was expected to] be even bigger based on route size. The Council thought that this would be a welcome “thank you” to the customers.”

Garden Club Donates for Hanging Baskets

Posted May 19, 2017 at 10:03 am by

Mayor Carrie Lacher receives the symbolic check from Marguerite Bennett, Garden Club President, Yvonne Harold, Garden Club Treasurer, Fionna Norris, Garden Club Vice President-Elect – Contributed photo

The Town Council of Friday Harbor once again received a check in the amount of $500 from the San Juan Island Garden Club in support of the hanging basket project that beautifies the Town and the Port each year.  

The San Juan Island Garden Club provides many community and educational activities throughout the year.   Their excursions are highly rated among island residents and visitors.

Mayor Lacher gave her heartfelt thanks for the San Juan Island Garden Club’s continuing support of the hanging basket beautification that occurs each year.

Harbor Life Ring Program Raises Funds for Hospice of San Juan

Posted May 19, 2017 at 10:02 am by

(L-R) Mayor Lacher presented the donation to representatives of Hospice San Juan, including Bill Cumming, John Lackey and Dr. Mariluz Villa – Contributed photo

The Town would like to thank all of the residents who donated to the Harbor Life Ring Program for the month of April.

Your generous donations of $1,550 and the Town’s contribution of $1,000 was presented to Hospice San Juan during Thursday’s Town Council meeting.

“We are thrilled to be able to make this donation,” said Mayor Lacher. “Hospice San Juan helps so many people in meaningful ways and it’s such a worthy organization to receive this gift.”

For over 30 years, Hospice of San Juan has been one of a small handful of all-volunteer hospice non-profits in the country. They provide compassionate and professional care including respite, support, therapy, and transportation, as well as use of medical equipment – all at no cost to the family. They collaborate with Hospice of the NW on the mainland, but are able to provide more immediate and on-going local assistance. Without this, many locals in need of hospice care and their families would need to relocate off-island at a time when they should be surrounded by their island neighbors.

“I know that our friends at Hospice SJ are appreciative of the community contributions,” said Town Administrator Wilson. “The donations can go a long way to help them accomplish their goals, and the Town knows that every dollar will be spent to help those in need.”

Hospice of San Juan is a 501(c)(3), non-profit corporation. More information is available at their website:, or by calling (360) 472-0322.

Evaluators Needed For Community Projects

Posted May 18, 2017 at 5:55 am by

The Community Service-Learning Projects class at Friday Harbor High School is a chance for juniors to explore their passions and strengths by designing a project with a community partner that addresses a need in the community. By designing and completing a meaningful project it is hoped that students will leave a lasting legacy for the school, community and themselves.

The semester is soon coming to an end and students have been working diligently all semester to complete their projects. On Wednesday June 7th, 2017 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm, students will be giving presentations demonstrating all that they have accomplished and learned this term. We need community members to come and give valuable feedback to our students about their projects.

It will truly be an exciting evening to learn about so many great projects such as: Continue Reading

Bike Everywhere Day

Posted May 18, 2017 at 5:49 am by

This Friday, May 19, is Bike Everywhere Day. Yes, you read that right; the best biking holiday in the state of Washington is right around the corner. There will be celebrations all across our great state, and the Cascade Bicycle Club wants you to join in.

Bike Everywhere Day is the culmination of all of the bicycling celebrations going on throughout the month of May. From roadside breakfast stops to happy hours to rallies in support of safe streets, Bike Everywhere Day is the time to get on your bike and have fun showing your support of pedal power.

How can you get involved? Ride your bike at some point on Bike Everywhere Day. Bonus props to you if you get others to ride with you.

Help promote Bike Everywhere Day using the downloadable images on this page on the Cascade site. Be sure to use the tag #bikeeverywhere.

Map out your morning ride and visit as many celebration stations that you can – there are over 100 registered (and there’s even one here in Friday Harbor at Meat Machine Cycles)

View the map for Bike Everywhere Day

EDC Offers Free Facebook Marketing Workshop

Posted May 18, 2017 at 5:48 am by

Social media is revolutionizing the way we use the internet, and its low- or no-cost tools can be used by small businesses to achieve remarkable results. Join the EDC to learn more about Facebook marketing at a FREE workshop on Wednesday, May 24th on Orcas Island.

The course will start out with a basic overview of Facebook pages for business, and will cover setting up a Facebook page, optimizing your message for your target audience, creating a business ad, and tracking the results.

Workshop instructor Jeanne Peihl is the Trades and Outreach Coordinator at the EDC. She has over 7 years of social media and marketing experience.

Date: Wednesday, May 24, from 9:15-10:15am. Cost: Free. Class size is limited, advance registration is required. The class will be held at Russell’s Landing adjacent to the Orcas Island ferry dock. For more information and to register: 360-378-2906 or [email protected].

The EDC thanks San Juan Propane, Islanders Bank, and Island Market for sponsoring this workshop.

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County. We believe a strong economy builds a strong community. The EDC works to build an environment that helps business owners create jobs. We serve business: linking organizations and resources, providing valuable information, rendering assistance and advocating for an improved island business environment.